r. fi- r Cltttti VOL. XXVIII. RALEIGH, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14. 1892 NO. 45 loteitff Mil Social Entertainment. i Examination. Lust night at the rectory of the Th Committee appointed by the Chorch of the Good Shepherd a most Qenerai Assembly to Investigate the enjoyable eocial entertain Tent took acc0ant8 in the treasury department nlane the Dro seeds devoted to Bt. , Mary's Oaild. The attendance was qalte large and a snug earn was real Jzed for the purpose. All enjoyed themselves. I. O. O. F. Attention members of Beaton Qa'es Lodge, No. 64, 1 0. O. P. Yoar lodge meets tomorrow night at 71 o'olock.'sharp, in regular comma nieatlon. Much Important business is to be transacted and yoar presence Is required. Visiting brethren cor d ially invited. P. Thikm, Sec. The Baptist University By general consent it was decided at the recent Baptist State Convert tion, that the Female University o' the denomination ought to be locat ed In Raleigh. This, is from every standpoint right and proper, because oar city offers such inducements as can hardly be found in any other portion of North Carolina. We hope, therefore, thsfc a new impetus will be given to the matter, and that before long the institution may be in a fair way to commence. erso -al. Willie, the little son of Mr. W. C Richardson, is sick. Col. A. B. Auirews returned yis terday afternoon from the scuta where he has been on important rail road business. Mrs Alfred Upchurch has return -d to the city froit Durh itu where sue has been to visit her daughter, Mrs Walker. Mr. Fab H. Basbee, is ia Greens boro, attending the Superior Uourt. Miss Hester McOruder, who has been quite sick, is much better Chamber of Commerce. There was a fair attendance at the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce last night, and an interchange of views took place relative to the mat ters presented for consideration. The subject of an extension of the corpo rate limits of Raleigh underwent much discussion resulting in a decision that the movement was inexpedient at this time. The question of making application to the legislature for power to issue bond to the amount of $50 001 was widely discussed and defacted by a but all vote. The Board urged the t-xtunsion of Morgan street. Death of Capt. London. The death of this g utWuan, who is so well known in Rtleigh, and throughout N. Carolina, took place recently at Birmingham Ala. of pneumonia. The following from the Wilmington Messenger will be of in terest to his many friends. He en tered the United States Military Academy at West Point in 1869, and in 1873 he graduated with distinction, being commissioned as second lien tenant of the Fifth Cavalry. He was assigned with that command to ser vice at the West, and was an active participant in several wars on the frontier. For gallant and merito riaus conduct he was breveted first lieutenant. Soon afterwards he was promoted to captain and served with his command up to a couple of years ago, when he was detailed on recruit log service in Philadelphia and New York. Capt. London aboat two months ago was assigned to the com mand o' a company in the Fifth Cavalry and was granted leave of absence until February. About six weeks ago, some time in November, he was here on a visit to his father, and from here he went to Birming ham cn a v'.sit to his brothers, Messrs A T. and John London. , The session of tha Methodist Con ference commenced todiy at Golds -boro', Vith Bishop Duncan presiding There is a great demand by the are now at work. W. P. Turner, of Iredell Is chairman of the committee. The following are the members. Z. V. Walser. of Davidson, J. J- Long, of Columbus, W. H. McClure, of Clay, J. Q. A. Bryan, of Wilkes. Election Of Officers. On Monday night the 12th, Inst. Win. G. Hill Lodge, No. 218 A. F. and A. M elected the following officers tor the year 189) : Worshipful Master J. O. Drewry. Senior Warden R. C. Redford. Junior Warden J. R. Harris. Treasurer J. A. Briggs. Secretary Nat L.Brown. The Weather Today. For North Carolina : Fair, except local rains in east portion tonight. Cooler. Local forecast made at station for this vicinity: Ou Tuesday: Rain early in the morning followed by fair weather, slightly cooler. Local data for 34 hours ending 8 a in today: Maiimum temperatur 47; mini" ai um temperature 4U; rainfall 0 00. Dr L G. Broughton of Winhton will preach at the Tabernacle tonight at 7:30 A cordial invitation is ex tended to oar citizens to attend Cards are oat for the marriage of Mr Thos. B. Johnson to Miss Virgin la N. Smith, both of this city, on the 21st lost. A Pennsylvania woman wants a divorce from her husband because he snores terrifically. She stood It for thirty years bat that nose finally be came intolerable, and as the man ab solutely refused to pat a muzzle on bis nose or part with it she concluded the only way to rest and happiness was to part from him. Our Insaurt. In thj report of the Attorney Gen era' it is stated that in th.e state, there were eleven prisoners that be ca i' insane after being sent to conn ty jails. The report does not of course, ttat whether these persons become ks-iue from being incarcera ted in jail, or whether each insanity was the result of crimes committed. In either event, it is a rather bad showing, especially as it is knowu ttat our Insane Asylun-s aro already crowded to excess. We now have on hand a nice line of second band clothing and furniture to be sold at a bargain. Also auction Thursday night. Saturday afternoon and at night at 7:30 p. m. All persons having any kind of goods to be sold on commission will dowell to see us before selling. Rock Bottom Store, East Martin street, next door to J. A. Spence & Bro. Norfolk oysters fresh and excellent, every day at A. Pughi's. Junalusfca olaret $1 a gallon, 25c a quart at A. Daghi's. Lemons 25c a doz. 13 6 Telephone 128. A. Dughl. Would it not be well enough to hold a special meeting of the board of Aldermea to settle the matter of the jurisdiction of the Park commit tee, so that comments on the matter may cease. They have either done right or wrong in their action at Appropriate Chilatmas Gifts. Why waste your money In trifles when dispensing gifts In this the sea son of giving and receiving? Tailor made coats. Burt & Packard's "Kor rect Shape" shoes. Lice dresses, kid gloves, felt slippers. "Common Sense" trunks, initial silk baudkerchiefs, apron ginghams, stockings, overgait ers, rubber shoes, fireside slippers and thousands of other useful gifts we can suggest that will give com forts and pleasure, y C. A. Sherwood & Co Raisins, figs and dates, ell fresh and nice at A. Duhl's. I pay the highest prices for Confed erate Money and Postage stamps Ad dress, Chas D. Barker, Atlanta, Ga. Toys Nothing bat new stock at Riggan's Toy Store, 180 Fayetteville street. All new goods and sold cheap. de8 j We keep open at night -now for the accommodation or our customers. Woollcott & Sous Please do not wait till the last 2 or Nash fimmr. nrt the, honrrt of AM. I 3 days to select your presents. Come men' should . decide. This course ! early- Woollcotff & Sons. would relieve the committee, and J Lj.1 J- x . . ..- uouuuess put. n etop no criticism. j Cards are out for the marriage of ( Mr. W. V. Williams, of he drug lirm j Two Opportunities. of vvii'ianis & King to Miss Nellie One, is an opportunity tobuy a Xmas Qtley, daugliter of Mr. W. M. Utley, chair at about half pftee. These ,h. r ruy to). P,omu by jsyaSt .Tc&r, Rev. Mr. Hurley, of the Central M. E. . the c-rpet man must hav' the room Church at 6:60 p. m. on the 21st, Inst, j the chairs occupy. The$?ther is an , , ' f opportunity to buv a $10.fl0 drees pat- R imors of a general exodus move-Jtern for $5.00 and $6 00;? This of ineut amoog the colored people from 1 fering of dress patterns iato" put the this city, are floating arouud. The I dr.e88 Soods department along in line fate of many vhc have gone before would seem to be a warning against the prosecution of the "craze." It seems to come by spells. Buy your Christmas fruits, nuts, &c , from (tc) Mann & Co. People We've Met. A woman's enters Swindell's store, Stepj to a clerk who stands near the door, Asks him to show her the latest style, And she pulls over the goods meanwhile. Says she: "I want a dress for my niece; Will you please show me that under piece? Oh! 1 d dn't fee it was a polka spot; That is too iear the one she's got. That piece with stripe would just suit me, It's just as pretty as it can be; But she wants so lethlng better to be sure, With a sort of vein running through. She don't want too daric nor yet too light, Not a striped piece, nor yet very bright. I think she'd like what you showed me last. But do you think the colors are fast? Cut off a sample before 1 decide, I'll take houce a piece and have it tried. I han a dress like this last fall, And the coloi s did not wash at all I like those patterns there on the end, I'll take a few samples for a friend. Sow one off this if you'll be so kind, And one off i his if vou do not mind. They're the nicest styles f've seen this year. I most always do my trading here; I've got a piece that came from here. I ve forgot the price 'twas pretty dear It's sort of d rk, plain gray. Do you think you hay? it along this way. The dress is spoiled if I can't get more. Label these samples with a bill, I'll know where I got them if vou will. I'll take them home; if she thinks they'll do ! You'llseeme backinaday ortwo." with other holiday goods. W. H. dP R. 8. Tuokbr & Co. If you want an Xmas-present call and see what we have. ?y. Woollcott Sc Sons. Nice bananas 25 cts a dozen at A. Daghi's. All kinds nuts received today fresh and fine at A. Daghi's. We are now showing oar fall line of holiday goods and yod will do well to call early to make yoar selections. Woollcott & Sons. Watch this Column. CRAM Fresh, sweet cream constantly on hand at No 11 Atest South St. 10 6 HIGH GRADE ii RATON WORK. I have taken the agency of a Northern house of enlarging pictures, both crayon and pastel. All' work guaran teed. No money collected Until pictures are delivered. I have samples of work at my undertaker's establishment, corner Blount and Martin streets. Also canvassers out canvassing the city. Prices to suit the times. Any one wishing to see samples of our work can drop me a postal and I will gladly call on them. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. Respectfully, L C BAGWELL, hol5 Imp Raleigh, NO. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. The en tire stock of goods of C H Anderson, lately doing business in this city at No 5 Hargett street, is now offered for sale bv i the undersigned. The stock consists of dry f goods,, shoes, (especially children's school shoes) notions, nat3, sc, ana can be bought The store will be annroiriatelv dranad dn ring th clerk's funeral. Poor fellow! he . rhn f, nh n1i little ones for stockings of large size, to Swindell's store. died dead. "Aad she never came t ack"- i bargains. nl0tf aw haywood: Assignee of Q H, Anderson. QO TO FOR THE Best Men's. Ladies and Children's IN THE CITY. RTEvery pBir warranted tJTTo wear as represented. ChUdren'sSchuolShoes A 8PECIALTY. H0BRIS' DRY GOODS STORE, 213 Favettevillestmet. Ladies' Coats Filth Stock Tills Season ! ! BEST FITTING TAILOR HADE GARMENTS. Styles the Latest, Prices the Lowest. $12.50 $10.00 Nothing more suitable for presents. Call early and make your selection. Anything for Misses and Children you may want. C. 1 StofQcJ 4 Co. anta - (Dlaus has arrived, and where do you think he left his cargo of nice thiugs? Why at the RACKET STORES They are t ! e cheapest s'ores in the city. Have you seen thit Mammoth Doll in their window It is the biggest doll in Ral eigh, and is only (Jb QQ Ask them to show vou the tpt0 best doll in Raleieh for (JJ - A A They have it and they cos t ?pI"T" $350 any where else. They have the prettiest doll ever saw for only fa-i AA Also a doll for A ( cents tiPl.VV. beats theworld.lt that DON'T tell THEM I told you, but they have the nicest doll there for or cents I ever saw. In fact, theyhaveZtl TOl T C TO SUIT everybody in XJKJlj lOstyle, qual ity and price. They nave a beautiful line of Plush Goods such as Shaving Sets, Toilet biases. Cuff and Collar Boxes, Manacure Sets, Smoking Sets. . Mechanical Tovh. Ranks nf aibu rruga, Snakes. Doll C arnages, &c scrintinn Express Wagons, The Lyon Racket Strres, 129 Fayetteville St. 16 Martin St iHE A GRAND display of most temptirg novelties can be found at Thomas & Maxwell's There is no house in the city of Raleigh or in the state of North 1 rolina where better furniture can be found at. more rtmark able rates than at the Q.REAT EMPORIUM. Now is the chance to re plenish your parors and chambers and obtaij some thing Dew and beautiful for Chiistmas presents. Don't forget the list. Here you can obtain all the newest designs in suits at all prices Bureaus, French Beveled Looking Glasses, Lounges, Willow and Rattan Chairs, Wardrobes, Mattresses, &o. HOLI DAYS ARE COM IHG, BE OH THE LOOKOUT. JOOK AT THE SPLEN- did selection of China-ware, embracing all qualities and descriptions.. Save at least 1 2ft on a set of furniture by calling on 1 Thomas & Maxwell, Exchange Place. I Hardware, &c. TACKS-- A C K S. TWELVE KEGS 5 CTS PER KEG, AND THE KEG 18 WORTH THE MONEY AFTER TACKS ARE USED. T THOMAS A H. K 'BRIGGS : b- & C RALEIGH, NC. SONS. 11 EW MILLINERY. The - Latest Novelties. : . :Tle mos' Desiiable. iShades and Shapes; BOY'S CAPS, CHILDREN'S 'SCHOOL AND DRESS HATS" ziflfants' Silk Caps and:::::: ;: Stirred Hats, ...We have Millinery to suitevery- body in style and price. Orders from a . distance will re-. ceive prompt at- . tention. MISS MAGGIE A JSW - FatettkvhiLbSt Dry Qoodi, Notion, &e, TUCKER'S OUR STORE A PLACE FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS, BEAUTY ND UTILITY COMBINED. SHOP BEFORE THE HOLIDAY RUSH. I. B. ' R. Under Co ' 123 and 116 Fayetteville Street f' t I-;- v Mr . , '' 4 J t , ft "

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