News of a most horrible murder b been recelred It was com mit td last Friday night nar Slier Cit lo Chatham county. The Gra ht'n Cleaner siya: The rlfltlma of GFOOEBS Mm and Candj Manufacturers th fool deed were Mr Adam 8'ler. ' immm a v, vy nged about 80 yarn, and his wife, taw years younger. They were home alone and the first to discover them was thi ir Hitle grandson, aired 8 or 10 years, ou his retarn from school. Both had been sht, Mr. 811-r ntviu-r been shot three times iiu 1 Mr Siler t wise. It is sapposed they were murdered for their money, bat it is believed the robber murder, ers secured very little money, as Mr. Slier, though quite well to do, had ery little money on hand. Mr and Mrs. Slier were buried Sunday in the same grave. At the coroner's Inquest no clae was found as to who com mitted the foul deed. What the Matter Was With An thony. The Roanoke (Weldnu) Nev sav Mondav m rninsr Oapf P-trmr ' the Coast Line passenger train "" ning from Plymouth to Hockv Mon- t shot and wounded Anthony, the u ored railway postal clerk on duty on bis train Athony was haMMiallv impudeDt and meddlesome av' fre quently tried the patience of 'otidu tors. He was very impudent Mnn day morning and so exasperate.' C.apt. Farmer, who is a q'liet. ioonVn sive man. that the latter shot him, the ball striking his forehead obli quely and glancing ictlictlntr on'v h scalp wound Capt Prroer then got Anthony's head under is arm ard was about to shoot him iu ih head agaiD. when the expres rushed in and prevented hiiu. u- doubtedly saving the negroV li 'the wounds are not cusi 'ered dun gerous State School ripriiiteiidiit The meeting of th Mate superiu tendents of the common schools his recently been in s stion at Greens boro Tile Cb.arlot.t- uews says: The meeting was a most interesting one, and was largely attend ed. Prof. Graham was chairman, and Prof. E. L" Hughes secretary. Superinten dent J. T. Alderman, of Rei Isville made an address on "Experienc of a New Superintendents." Other ad dresses were made as follows : Sup' Logan Howell, Tarboro, "Libraries"; J. A. Joyner, Goldsboro, ;"Educa tion a Growth"; E W. Kennedy, Durham, "Morality in Free Schools"; G. A. Grimsley, Greensboro, 'The Recitations"; Et L. Hughes, Green ville, "Some Devices"; P. P Claxton, Asheville, Course of Study"; E. P Moses, Raleigh, "Necessity of the Study of Philosophy"; M. C S. No ble, Wilmington. ' Va'ue of Pnmor in the School Room." Addres-es were also made by Dr. 8hearer and Prof. Mclver. ; " i ATA mi)u n Tliree Beautiful Pie en. "Air Ship Waltz," "Ok'-ihom i Waltz'' and "Odd Fe'lows' -read March," are late compositions of Isaac Doles, and are musical gems They comprise five pages each; il lustrated title pages, not difficult in execution, but.the beautitul in com position. The regalar price is 50 cents each, bat by way of introduc tion they will be mailed any address for 20 cents per copy or in three for 50 cents when ordered direct from Isaac Dole", nublislier Indianapo lis, Ind. : Married. ' Fann Hamilton Last night at 7:39 o'clock, at the residence of Mrs Elizabeth Gooch, on South West street, Mr. Edward Faun to Miss Sal lie Hamilton Death of E. 11. Drake. This gentleman died at his home in Statesville last Tuesday. He was at one time owner and editor of the Statesville American, and at the time of his death was 84 years old He was widely known throughout Norh Carolina. There will be a regular meetiug of " Phalanx Lodge, K of P. tonight, and it U desired that there should be a large attendance. This is the last meeting of the calendar year, 18l2, and officers will be elected for the en suing term. ri MffH Wt fk lift!!! fill moses n. amis. S RALEIGH, N. C. Successor to Evans & Martin. MANUFACTURER OF Carriages, 5, DfliTer) Wagons, Ate. special attention given to repairing of all kinds raa t . I . 1 it. l a. A 1 'l m . a i n nest worn is aiwuys me cuotufss ana inis can oe.ioana at tne nortwst, corner of Morgan and Blount streets. CP I7PB f o.f Shnfto In nnilr '-.fiii-'ntber the 'adies of the Worn an'si Mission are much in need of 'r' in'?? for chari'y Clothing of everv -.1 icription comes in all right this hard wither. Every hod y can help out a little, and all should do so. The hAlqnarters are at the corner of Wilmington and Morgan streets. SATISFACTION Is guaranteed to every consumer of HOOD'S Sarsaparilla. One hundred doses in every bottle. No other does this. The next, term of the Superior Oourfc of Wake ouuty, for the trial of crim ina! cause will commence on Monday Jauuary 9r!i J'idge Brown will pre side, but h'' has written to the clerk of the conrfc that, he will not be here until T-iPsday 10th. The docket Is not 'arae and the cases generally are of small importance. The announcement that the Urn bria had been signalled yesterday seems to have been premature Tiin utmost confidence, however, is ej pressed by the officers of the 'Junard line as to her safety, it being expect ed that her delay is caused from broken machinery. The merry sleigh bells rang out in the eltar, cold atmosphere until a late hour last night. These, mingled with th j IIy laugh of the lads and lasses, gav- a lively turn to the surround in s UVV ADVERTISEMENTS BUY YOUR Watches, Clocks, JEWELRY AND SPECTACLES at prices that dnfy competition, at home. The undersigned, an old reliable watch maker end ,eweler, is better prepared now than ever before to do your watch, clock and jewelry work, or furnish you with any troops usually feept iu his line. '8 size American Made Movements from in Gold Cases, 115 00 up 18 size in Gold Filled Cases, 8 50 up 18 s'Z in Silver Cases, 7 .'0 up 18 s:ze in Nickel Cases, 5 0Drp 16 size American Made Movements . in G Id Cases, 17 50 up 16 size in Gold Filled Cases, AO 00 up J6 size in Silver Oases,- MOO up 16 s'ze in Nickel Cases, 7 59 up 6 & 0, Indies' s'ze, American Move ments in Gold ''flses, If. 00 up 6 & 0 size in Gold Filled Cases, 10 00 up 6 & 0 size in 8ilver Cases, 1 00 up Swiss Go'd watches, 10 00 up awiss Silverwatches, 600 up Swiss Nickel watches, 1 00 up Swiss Nickel watches, (not recom mended) 92 to t3 up A god line of Watches, Clocks, Jewlry and Spectac'es constmtly on hand for sale. The Bryant Gold and Combination; Rings a specialty. The workmanship and quality of no other ring are better. - Call on .the olu reliable undersigned for whut you want either goods or work, in his line, and you will be well treated, and goods or work honestly represented and warranted good or not good. del? 2w J. W. COLE. HtVe vou iLre. Or should be. Where? At the well known and popular emporium of luxury presided over by W. R NEWSOM, 2U Pouth Wilminton street, Where can be found the most tempti'gar- ray of all the good thiners of life ever brought to Kal- eigh in in t h n fancy and heavy grocery line. Xnas is near at hand and the notes of prepara tion can heard on all sides These cannot be complete however without a well filled larder. .Everything to please the epi cure, such ns the best Family Fit ur and Buckwheat, FerriV Hars, Breakfast 8trips, Salt fish, of all kinds mullets. Mackerel, cut and r "e herring, &v In the line of lancy gr csries the list is too long for enumeration. Canned fruif, fresh fruit, pickles, orackrs of all kinds, splendid cheese, sauces, nuts, apples, of the mot anproved brands, and in fact such a tempting array us must plfasethe tastes of all. ard, bacon, sugar, tea, coffee and heavv groceries in the greatest rrofu ion. Don't forg t. the pi ee 214 South Wil mington street. Call early and make selec tions, at NEWSOM'S. Christmis Week is here and we will give this week the OS est Bargains of the year. All of the departments are in splendid as sortment and shoppers will find our stock the best selected, and prices lower than the lowest. As a Christmas treat we offer greit reduc tions AMi'n'ssuitsredueedfromd'M "r r r 0J $25 00 to epllZO A AMen'3sutis leducedirom (i D 15uto ,KOO 8.75 )C A Mon's Overcfti reduc- ed from $'5 to C A Bo? s Overcna's reduced 1 (k, 0J from 12 10 to A OH nhildreo's Muits re OP -bJJ luc-d from 2 s" t I 0 Large variety in 8carfs, Silk Handkerchiefs and Underwear, f (Ki Uunlaundrei rihirts, reinforced front and back pure lin"n bosom, reduc ed from 75c to f8c. Such prices will never be quoted ogain. This is your opportunity,- loursior oargains, KiKRnthnl Clntnmo Cn 305 Fayetteville st, o?p Post Office. Mortgage Sale. By virtue of a mortgage, executed ti V7m Watts, on the 27t4 day of February, 1891 hy Marcus Hill and wife, Milley Hill, and An drew Hill, recorded in the office of the Reg ister of D"ds of ake county, N C, in book Hi, page 519, 1 will sell at public auction, for csl, at the court ho'ise door in the city of Rile-gh, N C. on Monday, the 2d day of January, 1892, at 12 o'clock m, a certain tract of land . situated in 8t Mary's town ship, said county and state, adjoining the lands of Dr J H Bjbbitt, Mrs Jmes Creech and others, containing one hundred acres. ARMI8TBAD JONES, 4 ttv for Mortgagee and Assignee. Dec 9th, 1892 td Mortgage Sale. By v'rtue of mortgage executed to J T Broughton, on the 5th da; of January, 1891, by Thomax Hall and wife, Jane Hall re corded in the office of Register cf Deeds of Wake county, N 0, in book 112. page 223, more fully described in the mortgage, I will sell at publ c auction, for cash, at the court no jse d.jor in the city of Rakigh, N 0, on Saturday, January 28 18 3. at 12 o'cIock m, for cash, a lot sit la ted in Garner, St Mary's township, adjoining the land of Thomas Jones deceased, and others containing 1-321 part of an acre. ARMI8TBAD JONES. Attorney for Mortgagee. Dec 24, i892pd No. 4 Eat Davib 8-rket, v Fraps Budding. t ' Author of the North Carolina Criminal Code and Digest and Law of Noles ana Drafta. no21 tf EXTRAORDlAlABY I K T R A 0 D A R AVD The centennial and annual fair is now the great talk of th times, and so is the GRAND EXHIBITION of everything in t' e Furniture llpe to te seen at the Mammoth Empo rium of Johrsor &Barb 3r on East Martin street, where cac be found one of the mostsuivrb stocks of furniture of every description ever brought to Raleigh. Just Think of It. I Here can be seen splendid. Parlor Suits, Lounws, Rocking Chai-s. Mattresses, War.'.robes Cou'ihea. Setters, Bureau", Look ing Glasses, and m fact thousand of artic les two numerous to mention fn nddi i m to this there can be foand at this champion warehouse C rriages and Buj-girs to suit all tastes. Call and see the great exbibts t Johnson & Barba's ocif 110 and '2 East Martin Street. A RB OH iRSAT ! can be seen at the well k own esta blislim n oi Mr has Bretsch. Everything has ber i placed in fine shape for the Christ nas ho i diys and constitute a Splendid Exhibition In the win lows "can be seen so ne of the most beautiful and ar istic dm oratiors fo f ncv cakes ever witnessed in Raleigh, em bracing all designs of the most novel kind The cake and candy department areure elled, with shares, carious devices, Ac, it-ver beforu afemp'ed In re. Every kind o; Cike, pi s, &o, ar shown in profusion to temp' the palate Don't forget tbetoys, n 'li'.ch t ere is a good selection. The fan candies are a specialty. They art frmi. v ry kind of fan'astic m.iuld. Don't 1 .r ei the oyt"" i-.oii. wtiioh at all 'ime up l l -nh fie best tne market attord e fp'ione 0' 'eme(nher th i.i ov A Fine Chance !! A New Busineso Wew Goods. Reduced Prices AT THE RALE 61 f-TAtilliSiKSTOi , No 309 KAYETTE 7ILLK STREET. Splendid line of gTATlONERY, pAPSTERIES, JA- Dl&S' ' -r0TE UA.PER, T7"I8iriNG Q &.RDS, Q.OLD pETO and pEN- ,1L8, '-J " QOPYlNG JgOOKS, jyJEMO tt Aft D u M ND JLANK JOOKi of ail sizes and designs, Q A Rl) JASES, pURSES ND puCKET jOOKS LCMINUM p U aaK8 JNKev of all descriptions, Ac. Besides this, here can b( found a line of novelties suitable for hristmas presents not equalled in thi city, sucu as ; ork Boxes, Ink Stands, Souvenirs of all kinds, &c, too numerous to inotioi; Don't forget the place. 304 Fayetteville St.; opposite the pest office Call a d make se lections d6 W. G. SEfAttK, Vlan'g'r.y , Old Papers.' Old papers for sale cheap at this office. Hprchl Hoo's rt Special Prices at H'roDKch a Forth? to JidaysOnlv at 5c, In Faney Boxes and Packages. .Chocol.t Bans, Opera Creams, Caramels, Vanilla 8 west Chocolate, Vermont Maple Bntrar, Koek Candy Crystals In Faney Boxes Finest MarshmalUrs, Caramels, lib bis 3c. Jib bx.90o Finest Chocolate Cream Drops, lib bxs 85c. 15clb. 1.030 lbs 15clb. Onr Prpminm Mixtnrn Pore Sugar Bon Boos, flora Drops so , in n ancy bxs, lOclb. 35c 500lbs. 35c Finest French Candles, Regular '0c Qoodo. lib Fancy Bx. firfolb. Broken Candies Pare 8ogar Goods, t accy btxt lOo Oar Own Make Boston Chips, -0'lb Fine French Candies, 51b bxs 75c and $1 a box. New Mixed Nuts. No. 2 Grade, 15ctb. Niw Mixed Nuts, No 1 Grade, 20c lb. . New Crop Rainns, 10c l?io to 20clb. Fine Florida Oranges, 80c, 40c, 50c dozen. New Dates, 10c lb. Best Gelatine, 10c pekge. $1 per dozen. Prepared Currants and Raisins, Read Washed and Pirked. Our T O. K Brand Fancy Northern Apples. Stronach's Bakery, Fruit, -Telly. Wine, Pound, Chocolat", 8ponge, Binana Cakes, llinond and Coooanut Maocaroons, Rpon-ie Ftnjrers, Jelly Squares, Plain an ' F mcy Cakes, ail kinds. Hot. Buns Every Afternoon. B. st Breid in the State. BEAR IN MIND that in addition to our large line of -rSUOFSr- '"or ladies, nr'sse? and children, we carry a full line of --1IOS E-- 'specially for ch'l lren SFE O1TRf?T00K 0F RUBBER COATS b$t FOOTHOLDS, LEGaiNUS, i&FS- ," Lowest prices guaranteed. WHiriNQ BROS, Vtf1.ll II WiU wanri Gift VyyiltrTcnia Friends. CHRISTMAS 18 ALMOST HERE AND THJfi ' BEST of all GIFTS jo A- uvw n.riu BEAUTIFUL BOOK. v-jjpA Book will last longer, p 've more pleasure, m More instruction, . '" Jti ' M-re satistVtion L3P Than anything else you n g;'ve to a child or Jarown person. . t onr store you can expend from 5 crnts to $15 for a Rift and it will give you de . light when presented. Make your selections early while the stock is rew and fresh. But vou are conii ally in vited to come and look -round ( whether you want to buy or not. A. Williams & Co. 0 MrlVAinf iIti-

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