fitter III a VOL. XXVIII. RALEIGH, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5. 1893. NO. Gl IL) city in u ni Br. Very little eottoa saining In. The mow it fast getting away. Larg namber of strangers iu the elty. This looks like legislature weather are eooagh. Pork Is selling high. It was held at 9to in market today. There will be a large attendance at the Governor's reception tomorrow night. . . . Treasurer Tate is in favor of ex tending the compromise debt act for a reasonable time. The Grand Lodge' of Masons witl meet in annual communication in this oity next Tuesday. There are now one hundred stu dents in attendance at the Agricul tural and Mechanical College. Many of the candidates for office have left for their homes pondering over the ingratitude of repuolics. It is estimated that 25 cents on ea".h $101 value of land in the state, l-e the sheriff's commissions, will yield $575,819. The Governor has appointed W W. Baker, of Wilkes county, as solicitor of tho 9 ch, district to succeed Hon. ThoB Settle resigned. There were the sams number o deaths ia December !89J as iu L'ecdoi ber 1891, and the same number in the 1st, and 3d, wards of Raleigh State Lilraian Birdsong nays there are 21,000 volumes in the library. The increase in number by purehe or gift, in 1893 was 1,500 volu.ues. It in estimated that the governor's message contains between 28,000 and 29,000 words. It is an admirable doc nment coving all poiuts of state iu' terest. Quite a number of specimens for the Worlds Fair are in course of prep aration at the Agricultural building. The fish and game of the state are well represented. The Governor today pardoned Willis H. Brogden who was convict victed and sentenced to six years im prisonment in the penitentiary for killing F. O. Sasser, in Wayne county Lit there be a full representation of all the counties in the state at Road Congress on the 19th inst. It will e one of the most important assemblages, in many respects, that hav ever taken place in North Caro lira. It is understood that tbo leiaiia ture will be asked to appropriate $49,000 a year for two years toward the completion of the deif an dnmb asylum at Morganton. The mout aDDtopriated two years ago was hard ly .sufficient to build tha basement and ground floor. In this connection, we would suggest the enlargement of the institution in Raleigh, so that deaf mates from the central and cust om nart, of t.hfl state imv he rptftinai Ralalorh ThnrA ia n.innln nnni for two institutions in the stateone east and the other west. Elected. The order of Railway Coniactors has elected the following officers which have been installed: D B Jones, Chief Conductor. E F. Wilson, A C. C. T F Klrkland, 8.0 F O. Smith, J.C. W. P. Clements, J. 8. W. B Williams, V. 8. C. R Guthrie, Seo'y and Trea W 8. Witherspoon delegate to the grand division of the order which meets in Toledo, Ohio, in May next The next meeting of the order wil be held on Sunday evening, tho 8th in Btnt. . There will be a union meeting of railway employees held in Charlotte some time in April, consisting of em ployees in North and Sooth Caro Una. There will be some Important hilla nrAHnrA(l to thn lArrlslntripa t.a year concerning the railways, their owners and employees. Qualified. The following constables for Wake county have given their bonds and qualified: Panther Branch, J T. Stephenson ; Little River, David B Brantley ; 8wift Creed, R L Powell ; Oak Grove, M O Jones ; Marks Creek, W Honevcutt ; Ne Light, Duncan Q Mangum ; White Oak, W O John-son. The Weather Today. For North Carolina: Fair weather, colder. Local forecast made at station for this vicinity: On Friday: Light snow early in morning, folio ed by fair, colder L)cal d-ita for 21 ho'irs ending 8 a m today: Maximum temperature, 28; mini mnm temperature 29; rainfall, 1.2 6 Xolice. The regular raeetiug of Ruth lodge, D. of R , I O O F. will be held on Friday night, January 6th, 1833 Every member is requested to be present, as a election of officers for the eusning term will be held. (Vl.-o other It p. riant ouniness to be transacted. Ella. Barber, Secretary. Right. Alluding to Dr Wool's report of t be condition & of the Ins tne Asy lum the tVilmi.'igtO'i Messenger very properly says ISf irth Ciroliua cannot .ffonl to b less huuihu and consider ate in 1893 th n she w in the lonp p-st when she h tr 1 ti appe il of is- Dix, and th feril ani moving e-oquenoe of a Dobbin, and took the initial movement of caring for the ffl cted and helplsd part of the peo pie ami the Raleigh aylum as built. A. Gross Canard A dtpatch whs received here this morning announcing that the terri ble riot in Mitchell county turns out to be a canard We had an interview with the Senator from Mitchell to day, and he informed us that he was we1! acquainted with nearly all the citizens of that county and that he knew of no such persons as those re ported to have been k'i'led He said h thinks the whole affair is an out', rageous fabrication. A, Fraud. A press dispatc last night gave. the following acoomt'of a fraud practic al upon Rev Dr L L Nash, of Wil mington, former pis tor of the Cen tral M. E v'bureh of this city : A stranger representing himself as Dr W. H Ellison, of Washington oity, and executor of the estate of Mrs Eliza Ward la w, ' called on the Rev Dr. Nash, pastor of the Fifth Street Methodist church, last Mon day and informed him that Mrs. Wardlaw had in her will left that church $500, and he wished to draw a sight draft on Drexel & Qo. of Phila delphia, in faver of Dr. Nash for that amount, which was done. He added that the costs in court when the will is probated would amount to $6,15, in connection .with the draft which amount Dr Nash gave him The stranger so captivated the pastor by his pleasant address and oily tongue that he was invited to supper at the parsonage where he entertained the family with stirring incidents ' of the late war, It has just transpired that the seductive Btranger is a fraud and that he has been playing the same game at other po'nts There is no trace of him thus far. Ia his annual report the inspector general recommends that the four regiments of the state guard be con solidated into three, and that en- I campments be hereafter by regiments at a uinereni noinr eaou i nis re commendation Is concurred in by the quartermaster general, During the session of the letis'a tare the state library will be kept open at night fioin 7 until 6 o'clock. W-'k ot Prayer. At a meeting of the city pastors Monday at 10 80 a. in the following programme was arranged for the week of prayer : By appointment of the Evangelical Alliance of the Christian World, union ;rayer mee'ingf w,l be held this week at 3 "0 p m in the 8unday school ro m of the First Baptist church, thN city, conducted as fol lows : Friday January 6th, by Rev. J. L. Foster; subject: Pome Missions." Saturday January 7th, by Rev. J. B H u rlev ; subject : "Families and Schools." Jambs L. D'obtbr, Secretary pro. tern. Reception. Gov Holt will entertain the uiem bers of the general assembly at the executive mansion on tomorrow (Fri day) niht Knights Templar. RaleighCommandery.KnightsTem' plar. No , will hold its regal i con clave this evening at 7:30 o'clock In stallation of officers. Visiting friends cordially invited Treasurer Tate has recommended to the governor that he be allowed to invest such money as remains iu the treasury from time to time, not ne cessary to pay appropriations, in 1 par cent state bonds to be held in the treasury. This 1 a capital idea, and shows Treasurer Tate to be a splen did financier If you want a nice fry of oysters; .to take a'ong with vou, call at Jordan's diuing hall, 115 Fayette ville street., Norfolk oysters by measure at Jor. dan's dining hall. You can get oysters or anything to tat at Jordan's dining hall. mom ' ;'. Red as Rod Is. All our goods are offered at cost Bit: lots bleaching, bed linen, com forts, blankets, counterpanes, table linea, damask, chenille cantons. All and everything at cost. D T Swindell. Red Redder, Reddest Nice in errain carpet 19c a yard; nice wool carpets 41c, and all other car- ppts ia like proportion All goods at ; cost at D T. Swindell's. Special Red. Next Monday we will have a spe. cM sale of ladies fashionable felt hats, and misses felt sailor trimmed at 15c each. One day only. This is ,: the best special sale we have had. jj x. Hwmeii. Rubber Shoes at 13 P. J' We have lots of children's rubber shoesat 13c a pair during the red let ter sale at D. T. Swindell's. Hoses and Other Handsome j Cut Flowers Bouquets, Baskets and Floral Designs. Telephone 113 ja4 tf JH. Stbinmbtz, Florist. Thursday, Friday and Saturday we will offer all our remnants. .Every , remnant is marked in plain figures and sold at nan the retail rice ' These remnants are all perfect and just the thing to make up for your children. wooucoit s sons. ! For Sale. ' A large lot of men's.ladies'.boy's and children's shoes, bought at an assign I ee's sale, will be sold at less than fac I tor y cost. Also one six foot metal frame show case for sale cheap. H H Crocker, ja4 6t No 9 R Hargett St, ! Wanted. : ' A situation by a young man who has recently taken a course at Bryant & Stratum's Business College in Bal timore. Address "B" No. 11, West I South street. ja3 lw. Evening Fabrics. During the week beginning Mon day, January 2d, we will make a special display of Evening Dress Tex tures In this collection of dress ma tenalB will be found a liberal assort ment of inexpensive qualities. These will be shown upon tables near our elevator, and may be seen in the eve ning, as well as during the day. This exhibition is worthy of careful con sideration. W. H. ft R. 8. TUOKKR & Co. WINE Pure Native WiDe fr ile by the gallon or barrel, cheap Apply to del7 2w J WUOLK. Today we can fit you with a pair of Gum Shoes, Ladle' Gossamers, or a good heavy pairof ohoes for very small money. C. A Sherwood & Co. ora stock OF FINE SHOES FOR GENTLEMEN, LADIES, BttSaES ant) CHILDREN, 18 THE BE3T IN THE CITY. Every Pair Warranted to Wear u Repre sented. DRY GOODS STORE 213 Payetteville Street. Old Time Xmas. Big Snow. Sleigh Rides Etc GOSSAMERS, CLOTH SURFACE, ELEC TRIC AND HINDOO STRIPES IN FE4.S NT CIRCUL ARS and LANGTRY DOLMANS. j : j i :: i J:?::::: !: : : Mpii's Rubber 50 ts. : : Ladle' Sandals JJ5 ct. Storm Itubhertt 50 t-ts. i ' :::::::?:::: i : : ! I Burts & Pnckards' DOUBLE SOLE "KORR EOT SHAPE" FINE SHOES WILL KEEP YOUR FEKT DRY. C- A- Sherwood Go New Arrivals We have just received a nice line of Men's anoes ana wni save yon 35 per cent on every pair you buy. Brogans from fl to $1 47. Yt III A . n i t . .-. .uress onws z-t to nut. Rubbers from 38c to 49c Men's Onmh Hrs Hp. in SI -AS. Stiff Hats 83c to $2. Silk Hats $1 98, Men's Scarfs 10 to 49c. uiiaersmris ;ssc to ' zi, Workiner Hhirtji .lp tn 1 IA Dress 8hirts 44c to $t, Bed Blankets $1 to to a, uorse iiiankets ?1 24 to $2 Hair Buggy Robes 6 to 7, worth $10 an v where. Ladies Shoes from 97c to $2 48 Misses Shoes 'rom 6o to f I 97. Ladies Rnb dws zuc to aac. unemiie Curtains 94 78 worth IS, 129 THE LION 16 Fayetteville st Racket Stores Martin st THE A GRAND disDlav of nmt' kmntin HOLI DAYS ARE COM ING. novelties can be found at Thomas MbtwaII's , There is no house in the city of Raleigh or in the state of North Carolina where better furniture can be found at more remark able rates than at the Gr RE AT EMPORIUM. NOW in thtt pliaTinA tsi plenlsh your panors and chambers and obtain some thing new and beautiful for Chiistmas pr-sents. Don't forget the ust. Here yeu can obtain all the newest designs in suits at all prices Bureaus. French Beveled Looking Glosses Lounges, Willow and Rattan Chairs, Wardrobes, Mattresses, &. JOOK AT THE SPLEN- ?id selection of China-ware, embracing.' all qualities and descriptions. Save at least 2fi on a set of furniture by calling on BE OH THE Thomas & Maxwell, LOOK Exchange Plaee. OUT. Hardware, Ac. A BISCUIT MILL or s set of BREAD, CAKE 4 FRD1T KNIVES will make an acceptable prasent . to any housekeeper. A BOX OF TOOLS or one of car Kicking Mule Banks for your boy. A POCKET KNIFE for your hnsbiud or son. . EBriggs&Sons RALEI9H.N. C. 8 EW MILLINERY. ! The - Latest Novelties. ::::::::::::The mos Desiiabler::.:: ::::::::::::Shades and Shapes;.;;;:;;;;: BOY'S CAPS, CHILDREN'S- 'SCHOOL AND DRESS HATS' ( ""infants' Silk Caps add::;:: :::: Shirred Hals. ......We have Millinery to suit every-..,... ...... body in style and price. D. ' ...... , Orders from a . distance will re-. wive prompt at- . tention. MISS MAGGIE ; REESE 30tt FatetthvillkSt Dry Goods, Notions, &c. r.IIJR STUCKERfCO. GENTLEMEN'S WATEBPB00F Over Garments. Attention is called to our Bstensive Lines of Gentlemen's Waterproof Over Gar ments. "D'rnbaum's English Odorless 8torm Coat Xj Macintoshes in Cass' mere Effects, Light Weipht Storm Coats in Grev, Black and Blue oerge. neavy ana medium weight ATTRACTIVE PRICES THROUGHOUT. Ifi. B. R. S. Tocker f Co hs RUBBER COATS 123 sd V& Fayetteville