The Ballg Eooalng Visitor. TOBUBHSD IYSBT iniOOI, lEicept banday, 1US VISITOR is erred by carriers la jh city At -3 cents per month, pa able to the earriers in advance. rico for mailing fit per year, or J float per month. sommuui:ttious appearing in there olaiuus are bu the expression of ttt opinion of the correspondent i itlnjr the same, aud they alone are r insi'ilt. A ("oa i' irk X after yonr name n f us ytA that your time Is oat. A. i ire all ordort and eommanlea Uaa to IV. n. BKOiV.Y, Sr., Kaieigh, N 0 Local notices in this paper will be Five v'enf.H pr line each insertion f T );f O?0ULATI0t. RALEIGH, JAN. 10, 1803. iir in usni t. The docket in the Superior Co.i'-t is not la go. The mails are sad'? out; of joot in all direction. The telephone which wf i destroy ed by fire at tne capita club, bus been replaced. Bills are baia introduced very freely in the two ho does of the gen eral assembly. It has beea decided by the r.vll.-oid commission tht th Che -a ajd Salisbury road is liable to tai . The new Clunibiaa hilf d-illaj are beginning to mike ther appear ance. The list of state senators does not go below the letter "T" which is unm ua'. Tbe Governor his been ofliiia'ly notified that Auiruxf. 18th, 1893 baa ben set apart as North Car iiaa day at the world's fair. All the presidential electors met yesterday and cast their votes, and Cleveland is now eicted president sure enough. The additiocal tases from railroads should operate to lessen the state taxes, the present year. Legislators should 0ake a note of this. The warm wive seems to hav hurjg fire on the route somewhere. It fs badly needed in tb I reality just now. "I was deaf for a year, caused by c&tarrh in the head, but was perfect ly cured by Hood's Parsaparilla-." a. niuK.s, Kocnester, jx, x. TT ' YT-. w i - Prof. 0. D. Mclver delivered an in teresting address before the educa tional committee of both houses of the General Assembly this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Col. Al Fairbroiher of the Durham Globe is in the city. The Colonel is preparing for a biographical sketch of the members of the General As sembly. It goes without saying that the work will be well and faithfully done. There was a short session of the board of connty commissioners ' yes terday at which the matter of settling the state taxes with the sheriff was gme into. License to sell liquor was refused Al Upchurch, at his place near the fair grounds. On the north side of Hillsboro St., Just as yon leave the railroad bridge going west beta is a steep declivity in the side 'walk, which was left in that condition when the street was recently worked. Of late this place has become quite dangerous, owing w ine suppery condition of the side walk. We hear that ther have been several severe fills at that place Surely the walk might be properlv graded, and, it should be done at once. .: If Yonr noose Is on Fire Ton put water on the burning timbers, not on the smoke. And if you have catarrh you should attack the disease In the blood, not v v Jn your nose. Eemoys the impure cause, and the local effect subsides. To do this, take v Rood's Barsaparilla, the great blood purifier, which permanently cures catarrh. Hood's Pill cure liver ills, biliousnessi. Jaundice, sick headache, constipation. 25o Begin to think about the issue of bonds for city improvements and the extension of thev corporate limits of ' Raleigh.' Both are. important meas '!, cost and consequences on both sides '.tbould be considered calmly. ' N. 0. GOVERNORS. FROM 1719 TO D ITS a LIST WORTH PRKSZRVIS0. Greensboro Record. Mr J H McElwee, of Statesvtlle, w s recently in th 4own of Eden ton, Ohowau couutr, and while there he copied from the records the fol lowing list of Governors of North Carolina : 1719. Cbsrles Eden. V 1729. Sir Richard Everaf J, Bart. 171L Gabriel Johnson. 1754. Matthew Rowan. 17 I. Arthur Dobbs. 17C6. William Tryon. i 1773. Josiah Martin. 1777. Richard Caswell. '' 178 Abner Nash. 1782. Thomas Burke. 178. A!eauder Martin. 1785. Kichard Caswell. H'S. Samuel Johnsou 179rt. Alexander Martin. 179 Ri-hard D. apai-rht. 176. HruiupI Ashe. 17.J". 'Viliiam R. Davie. 7'9 B'jmin Williams. l$i). Junes Turner. 18 5. Nathaniel Alexander. 1817. Bigimin Williams. ' 1 ). David Ston. 18b. K'lij&niin mitb. 1811 William Hvkins. 1814. William Ihiller. 1817 John Branch. J8!0. .'e-se Franklin. 1831 rtAb iel Hlines. 18J1. llutchinG. Burton. Junes Iredell. 182 John Owens. 1830 Moutford Stokes. 1813. Duvid L. 8wain. 1835. Richard D. Spaight. W7. Kiward B. Dad'ey. 18M. John M Morehead. 1841. Win A Graham. 1849 Ch.vs Manly. 180. David S Reid. 1855. Thomas Br iicg 1839. John W EM if. 1801. Warren Wiulwl 1862 Hnry T 01 irk. 1862 Z-bulon B Vancel' 1865. William W Holden. 1866. Jonathan Worth. 1863. William W Holden. 1871. Tod R Caldwell. -187. Curtis H Brogden. 1876. Z-bulon B Vance. 18. T J Jar vis. 1881. Alfred It Scales. 1838 Dauil G Fowle. 1S90. Thcs. M Holt. 1893. E lias Car-. HH DAY FOR FIGHTING WA8 ABOUT DUE. " Ray," be began, as he buttonhol ed me in the corridor, " you don'' be. lieve in filibustering, do you ?" "NO." ; - - " Wouldn't be led into a riot and fight it out on th it line, because a wotran insinuated that you was a coward ?" '" That depeads!" " Wouldn't strike a -woman iither?" "1 should say noti" " But suppose she hit you a clip on the ear with a stove lifter ?" . "I should keep out of her way." 44 And if she folldwed you out with a rolling pin and made you see stars in the middle of the day, you would not Jay a finger on her ?" . ' 44 But you have no right to 1" 44 That's what she says. No ritrhts at all, not even to breathe the same air she does. See that bump on my head?" ' 44 Yes " ; ' : Does that look like a coward's bnmp? No, sir; it 's the principle of my life to do the square thing. I've lived up to my motto. Here it He who fights and runs away, May live to fight another day. Tomorrow' my day. I've stood aU orave man CHn to defend 1 his honor, but term'vrow I shall sweep vf rv' bine before me with n. n less baud Ouch 1 t' at bump hurts." Detroit Free Press. ,. On Wednesday next Gov. Holt will vucate the executive mansion nlace it at the displjaal of GoV.' Qarr; From then until, hei leaves Raleigh Gov. Holt will be at the house of-Mr A W Haywood, corner of Newberne Avenue and Person strceta, where he will be pleased to sehis frfends and others wishing to transact busioesa. " EHIappy Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Rejolco Bocauso Hood's SarsaparlUa Rescued Their Child from Scrofula. For Scrofula, Salt Rheum, and all other foul humors in the blood of children or adults, Hood's SarsaparilU is. an unequalled remedy. Read this: "We are so thankful to Hood's Sareapa rllla for what It did for our little giii that we make this statement for the benefit of other anxious parents and Suffering Children Our girl was a beautiful baby, fair and plump and healtliy. Uut when she was two years old, Botes broke out behind her ears and spread rapidly over her head and forehead down to her eyes, and into her neck. We consulted one of the best physicians lu Brook lyn, but nothing did her any good. The doc tors said it was caused by a scrofula humor In the blood. Ilor head became One Complete Sore offensive to the smell and dreadful to look at, Her general health waned and she would lay in a large chair all day without any life or en ergy. The sores caused great itching and burning, so that at times we bad to restrain her hands to prevent scratching. For 3 years Sho Suffered Fearfully with this terrible humor. Being urged to try.. Hood's Sarsaparilla we did so. We soon noticed that she had more life aud appetite. The medicine seemed to drive out moro of the humor for a short time, but it soon began to subside, the itching and burning cea.ed, and in a few months her head became entirely clear of the sore. She is now perfectly well, has no evidence of the humor, and her skin is clear and healthy. She seems like an en tirely dilTerent child, in health and general appearance, from what she was before taking a ood's Sarsaparilla I.W.Frederick, 311 Glenmore Ave., East New York, Brooklyn, N. Y. This Testimonial Is an illustration of what Hood's Sarsaparilla is doing for the sick and suffering every day, from Maine to California. In the light of these facts who can say that the work of an immense concern like ours is not beneficent? HOOD'8 PlLL8 cure liver Ills, constipation, biliousness, Jaundice, sick headache, indigestion. fiAI BI1I POSTOFFlDi; MAILSOEDHHLK. DSPABTTTB1" Olose at Closb at P.O Perot OUTGOING MAiLS 9 00pm 6 15 am ExFtTrll For Greens boro, N., 8. and West, 815 " I 8 45 Ex Ft 20 For Short Out North AGoldaboro; . 10 55a m 1 11 25 am R P O Tr 3 For Wel- don, Norfolk N and K 0 50 pm I 1 28 p m R P O Tr 10 For Short Cut S and Goldsboro 3 45 " I 420 " RPO Tr 41-For At lanta (R & A A L) 4 i'O " 500 " Ex Ft Tr34-Fcr Wei- don, Norfolk, N and 8 4 05 " I 440 " RPOTr9-ForGreens- boro, N, 8 and W At Depot I At P. O INCOMING MAILS. 6 00 am I 6 15 a m Ex Ft Tr 12 F' m Ur' ts- boro, N, S and W 9 45 a:u 1 10 O'J a m Ex Fr Tr 45 From Wel- don, North and East . 11 17 am 11 32 am R P O Tr 38 From At lanta (R & A A L 109 pm I 1 25 pm IW O Tr 10 F'mUr'ns- boro, N, 8 and west 4 05 pm 1 4 20 pm R P O Tr 41 From VVl- do i, N and 8 4 30 pm I 4 45 pn R P O Tr 9-F'mGolds, and Short Cut.N and 8 11 30 pir-11 45 pm Ex FtTr 21 B'rr G'ds- boro Trains marked thus, do not move on Sun day. Mails for train 9 going west close at 3 p ui o"8ni!d7. STAR ROUTES, v Ou-raoTHo Mail Departs Raleigh via 8uotwell. Bele Rock and Wakefield to Unionhope, Monday and Fridav 7 a m Raleiph vii Myatt's Mills to Dunn, Tres (iv and Friday 6 a m. Raleigh via Kelvyn Grove and Dayton tr Fir Dam, Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8 am. ) Raleigh via Six Forks and Bargor to Rogers' store, Tuesday and Friday 1 pro Rale gh to Massev, Tuesday and FrVay 10 am. tncomtng Mails Abbivb Unionhope v Wssefield. Eagle Rock and Shot well to Pal uh, Tuesdav and Saturday 6 pm. Dunn via Myatt's Mills to Raleigh, Mon day and Thursday 6:15 p m. Ish Dam via Dayton and Kelvyn Groe and Flint, Tues, Thurs and Sat at 4 p m. Rogers' store via Bangor and Six Forks to Raleigh, Tuesday and Friday 12 m Massey to RaWgh Tuesday and Friday t 12 m. "Close at 9 p m ante. Fkrk Dklivkbx System. Free delivwiet at 8:30 a m. and "2:30 and 4:45 p m, eT ,"t Sundays..-. OoMections made at eemt hnn-8. Sunday. 6:30 to 7:30 am. Free de lirir windows open on Rnndavs from 8:0C a S-30 o'clock p m. A. W. 8HAFFER. Postmasfe' The two men who' are- said to be the most difficult of access by inter viewers are Colonel Ineersoll and Archbishop Corriscan. While there is a great divergence of opinion npon certain religion. questions, both agiee in keeping from within the pencil reach of reporters. A WOMAN FOOTPAD. Cor. Memphis Appeal. A mysterious female highway rob. her Is raain ranch eicltemct around Howlieg Qren That far a'ie has iM-gnli )irelf in mc1) a iU'D-ierto Kt-ji li-r fdfu'xyun kuowu, ni,l Yt- eitid'd captor Some deliirt Mint ihe is a npo, whili oiI'ts tiHii hat : her km in is hite. bhe quietly ppritcl'ea a per son ani nr'niiK'n a f remarks with her iuten !e I victim. Suddenly enearn" a iHre revolver and Ue luands valiiMlles. She has leeu uccefful iu obtaiuibg much iuodpv un l jewelry Whi trvlrg to holdup a railroad luan a ulgut or so ao sh? Mfolld Hi d w lieu mskintr h"r es eape m struck 011 the head with a Move. JVjO GT'AEii lix:U posses-. scs the CombLiaticn, Popotioa.,',, ind Process which makes HOOD'S' Sarsaparilla Peculiar to Itself. The H'ouih f uc-ober w8"the most pro iie-ou in th history of the Brookl u hridg-i There were,-30, 920 Drso! s carried on th trains aod the receipts were U8,b2i WOUWUTA, CITY ! In the haurt of the Iron and Coal Dis rictof Ten nessee. Si f'lhuate salabriuUi), never hot and Lever coltt. Laud unequalled for agricultural puri oses, aud niiuerai lesources unlimited. 1 00 Lois at $i 00 per Lot 3,100 " 3 00 3,0. 0 " ...l 410 4,000 " 6 00 1 4,000 ' '.. 10 00' 4,0. 0 ' " lfi.00 4,000 ao.uo 601 " . 600 8C0 " 100.00 WOOD WOK . a v. j r 1 lies about 30 miles, rortri oi (Jna(taux)f;a, witbiu a tew uu'ei. 01 altamon', tne county seat of tjru.idy coUu ty, aid between Tracey C'it ami tue celt i.'riited Btersheba tip iug, the Saratov;.! 01 tne tjou'h It is iu tne centre of tne rapidi deveiopiug coal and irou didtnet of Teuces see, aud veithiu its borders are found coal iron, zinc, marble and asbestos with various liard Wtods, such as oas, chestnut, maple, r-each, locubt, hickory, ash, piue, cberry an, btack walnut in abuuua,jce. , The village 0' uruetli, with several hundred inhabitants, contains Ul.uruhts, chool8, Stores, i-ost otnee and telegraph station, and u numbej 0; manufacturing industres, nil ot wliiei. are located on tne property and form part 01 W ood worth (Jity. The proceeds of the sale of these lots wiL be used to developtne mineral resources ol tlie property and build up a large and thriv ing city Quuk application lor these loit should be made, as the right is reserved to advance the price withont notice. 1 'or further particulars appiy to R.C. LIVINGSTON, Agent, 712 DeKalb Avenue, ' Brooklyn, N. Y. Parties desirous of visiting and Inspecting this property can obtain spatial rata." on tut new and most cdmfoitable vessel afloat, bl the Ocean Steamship Company. Thes steamers leave A e.w iork, Mondays, Wed Lesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, making a delightful sea trip Of FIFTY HOURS TO SAVANNAS Where immediate connections are made t' Chattanooga and WOOD WO UTHCi i Y LIVINGSTON' & t) Vfiits Ocean Steamship Co. of Savannah, Ho. 712 DeKilb Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Coal & Wood. We have iu stock and constantly conii HARD M A T of all sizes. SOFT JJt.ljot themoat POPULAR AND ECONOMICAL kinds, including -: RU8SKLLCKKEK 0 GAYTON 0 - LUMP 0 -ma - . 0 StTne best coal for domestic use for; the pric as to be hand in the country. Pocahontas Steam Coal is universally acknowledged to be the best ever produced in r"aoh of this section Car loads to any depot direct from -nines. Having been in the oal business for the past fifteen yeirs and studying the subject and the wants of the customers, w have se cured the best and cheapest. ' OK A N D PI Si K WOOD, SvV Vjng and cut, at bottom prices, r, ; JONES POWELL Telephones 41 and 71, RALifilb'H, H. O. , . ,t miRY TO LOAN ON LIFE IN- iUllil 1 surance, Tontine. AND ENDOWMENT POLICIES. ' No delays! Correspondence invited 1 mier-Stte Trust Brokerage Cd oc24 8m RALEIGH, N. O. CLEAN I "Cleanliness is akin to godliness' and in order to show to the World that you enjoy this Bless ing, rely upon Nature to furnish The WATER AND BUY Toilet Soaps OF ALBOBBITT. A stock of the following brands of Soaps ALWAYS on hand: Lnbin's Soap, Eaa de Cologne Soap, Pinand's Soap, Violet Soap, tOo 85c 25o 25c uoco uuu uiycenne Soap, 25o Cold Cream Soap, i5o BeDzoin and Glycerine Soap, 25o New Mown Hay Soap, o5o Cashmere Bouquet Soap, S5o Cape May Bouquet Soap, 2S0 4711 White Rose Glycerine Soap, 25o Rose Geranium Soap, 25o Tooth 8oaps, 25o Outicura Soap, 5c Oarbolic Soap, 26c and 10c Tar Soap, 25c and 10c Sulphur Soap, 25c and 10c Ichthyol 8oap, 25e Borax Soap, 26e Boracie Acid Soap, 25o I'hymoline Soap, 25o Germicide Soap, 2Eo Viola Skin Soap, S5o Pears' Soap, r-. 20o Rosadora 8oap,.n ' 2f) Bay Leaf Soap, 15o transparent Soap, lOo and 15o Buttermilk Soup, 10e Oatmeal Soaps, 10o Pnakti a n A XI J. ' . au uuuey ooap, IQ0 Handworkr'B 8oap, 1Cc Cotton Seed Oil 8oap, 10o Shaving Soap, 10b and 25o rurkUh Bath Soap, 05o Palm Oil Soap, 05o " u"B va"ll,e ooap, OSo and lOo Red C-tsti'e Soap, fl6o Blue Castile Soap, O80 A reduced price on any of theabov; by the box or dozer. rT - j J.HIL B01TT, J.B RALEIGH.