MS flS&aiti ASSElflLY. SENATE. January 10, IMS. Calls 1 to order at 11 o'clock by PreMdent Kiog. Prayer by Rev Mr Boone. The following petition! were offer d. For repeal merchant! purchase tax. For appointment sundry Justices of Peace. The following were among the moot important bill Introduced : To resnre to the tax list all lands o Ute1 and collect tax on lome. In prevent treating at elections. A resolution requeuing; oar mem bers of congress in use their efforts to sec a re passage of a law to graduate income tax free coinage of silver extending jurisdiction of state courts to that rarties out of state can be sued for amounts not exceedirg $10 COO, or less than $1,000. Resolution to adjourn February 18th, was tabled. A message was received from the governor asking that new furniture be provided for executive roatibio At the hour of 18, the senate, upon invitation of that body, proceeded to the house of representatives for the purpose of participating in the Joint session for counting the votes for governor and other state officers. HOUSR. Rev J H Cole offered prayer. Mr W J 8haw, of Bladen, sent op notice of contest of the seat now held by S M King. Among the bills introduced the chief were a follow: To protect, purchasers rf commer cial fertilizers. (Mr Merrltt) to provide for the Issue the banks of circulating notes and fully protect the same. To amend the law in regard to the disposition cf mortgaged property. To authorize owners of 'and sor. rounded by a lawful fence to impoui d stock. To repeal the act authorizing the collection of agricultural statistics To provide for the support of the soldiers' home by imposing a tax on manufacturers and dealers in com pound lard. To amend the law relative to fore closures by personal representatives of deeds of trust. To prohibit the pronouncing of judgments in cases of suspended judg ments in criminal cases after two years. To establish banks of the state and increase the circulating medium of the state. To incorporate the bank of Madi On. ' To require discharged convicts to be furnished with transportation to their homes. To regulate assignments by pre venting preferences. The first, bill to pass the house was the following: To render more con venient the release and discharge of deeds and trusts. A bill also passed to extend the time of registering land grants to two years from January 1, 1894. At noon the senate entered and a joint session was held to canvass the ote for the state officers. There whs 47 senators and 177 members of the houBe present. President King of the s mate presided. The following was the result of the canvass, Senators Means and James and Representatives Holt and Axley being tellers: Governor : Carr 131,519; Farches 81,681; Exam 47,810; Templeton 2457 Lt. Governor: Doughton 135,801; Moody 94,820; Oobb 46,981; Candler 2U0.J Secretary of State: Coke 131,973; Amis 94,781; Durham 47,450; Long 356 Treasurer ; Bain 134,887; Dockery . 93,424; Worth 47,904; Bonner 8365. Auditor : Furman 134 698; Grant 94.CC9; Butler 47.631; Nelson 2"ttO.S Superintendent of Public Instruct Ion: Scarborough 1P4.940; Perisho I 94.627; Woody 46 69'; Root 2,368. ; Attorney General: Osborne 138,447; ' pprnell 94,405; Lyon 46,45?; J H Sontbgate Tbese are In the following order: Democrat, republican, third party, 4 prohibition. , , , . The author of the BakersHlle Canard will have a hard time if he trer visits that teetioH, Correspondence of the Visitor. Although the Visitor has frequent y called attention to the disgraceful condition of the sidewalk on East Hargett, between Wilmington and "louot streets the same old state of things exist, to the serious dttri ment of pedestrians. Would it not be well for a committee of our city fathers to examine the locality so that their visions may be opened to the true condition of affilrs? If some thing It not done, this, too may De- come an issue in the election next spring. Walker. Funeral The funeral of the late Nathan Gulley was held yesterday morning at V o'clock from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. N. W. Smith, on Hlllsboro street. The services vere conducted by Rev. Dr. Carter of the First Baptist church, and the inter ment was made in the old city cema tery. AGAS'VELL BEYOND CONTROL. '"hicago InterOcean. What, is undoubtedly the strongest natornl gas well ever found in the Indiana belt is a roaring monster north of Muncie, Ind., which cannot he gotten under control. A few days sincr Walley & Spellacy, contractors, drilled in a well on the Sptlker farm. Neitd'.ylt was discovered that the pressure had raised to an enormous degree, and it has since increased un til it has become impossible to an chor the well or do anything with it. It is ImpoR'ible to force a sledge ham ner, crowbar or anything into the hole and the gas roars until a man's voice cannot be heard within several hnndred yards of the well. The earth trembles in a frightful manner. A great deal of fright is entertained as to what the result will 1 e. The well Is estimated at over 10,000,000 feet, and the apparatus used to anchor the monster Jumbo well at Fairmount is useless Great caution is being used to prevent the gas from becoming ig nited. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When uhe aad Children, she gave them Castoria. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Land Sale. WAKE fX)UNTY-In the Superior Court. G T Horton and wife and others vs M T Jovner and wife By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Wake county, in the above entitled spe cial proceeding, I will, on Wednesday, the h of February next, at 12 o'clock m, offer ior saie ior casti, at waxenem, wake coun ty, N C. the following described tract of land in Little River township, Wake county bounded on the north hy Berry Carroll; on the east by Mike Whitlev; on the south and west by Mrs Martha Horton, containing 84$ acres, on me r arpsooro Koaa, ana Known as the "Gaston Earn tract " Terms of sale $100 cash, balance in one and two years with interest from day of sale, lime of sale Wednesday, February 8th, 1893, at. 12 o'clock m Place of sale. Wake- held, HU. CHARLES T HORTON. Commissioner. Geo H Snow, Atty. - ia9 tds YANCEY & M AN. 1 30 MORGAN ST. 1 3Q Harp's Old Stand, RALEIGH, N. C. Manufacturers and Repairers of (Darirnagesj Buggies, .., .. . We have employed a practical Horse sbo. r an 1 will give this line of business oar especial attention. With beat stock and skilled workmen we solicit share of your patronage. - Ja4 P : m ry n smb J;i- M7N. fclVilAIIWIISIU' ) RALEIGH, N. C. flucjessir to Evans A Martin. MANUFACTURER OF Carriages, Baggies, wri i twill n i Special attention given to repairing of all kinds The best work is always the cheapest An 1 this northwest corner of Morgan and Blount FRAIZER Cart Shafts In stock. BUY Y 'DR Watches, Clocks J JEWELRY AND SPECTACLES ! i at prices that difv competition, at hornet.-! The undersiene. an old reliable watch-. maker end ;ewelar, is better prepared ow than ever before to do your watch, clock and jewelry work, or furmh you with any gooes usually kept in his line. . IS size American Made Movements from in Gold Cases. - fl5 00uD, 18 size in Gold Filled Cases, 8 60 up 18 size in Bilyer Cases, 7 to up 18 size in Nickel Cases, 5 0'J pp 16 size American Made Movements in Old Cases, 17 60 up 16 size in Gold Filled Caws. 10 00 up 16 size in Silver Oases, l'JOOup 16 s'ze in Nickel Cases, ' 7 60 up 6 & 0, Ladies' S'ze, American Move ments in Gold Cases, - 15 00np 6 & 0 size in Gold Filled Cases, 10 00 up 6 & 0 size in Silver Cases, 1 00 up Swiss Go'd watches, 10 00 up Bwiss Silver watches, . . 6 00 up Swiss Nickel watches, 4 00 up Swiss Mckel watches, (not recom mended) C2 to 3 up A good line of Watches Clocks. Jewelry and Spectacles constnntly on hand for sale. The Bryant Gold and Combination Rings a specialty. The workmanship and quality of no other ring are better. Call on the oiu reliable undersigned ior what you want, either goods or work, in his line, and you will be well treated, and goods or work honestly represented and warranted good or not good. de!7 2w J. W. COLE. Notice, Notice is hereby given that an application will be made to the General Assembly of North Carolina at t e Session of 1W, to amend tie charter of the Roanoke, Norfolk & Baltimore 8teamboat Company. ' - M. Ii. M1JN is, president, etc.. . Jan 2 30d Yffl n WW want a GUI yUicrYcnrFriends. CHRISTMAS IS ALMOST HERE AND THE ; BEST of all GIFTS IS A GOOD AND BEAUTIFUL A Book will last longer, "1 4r Give more pleasure, . " r More instruction, : u More satisfaction , ' Than anything else you can gi ve to a child orrown person. , & At our store you can expend from 5 center to , io ior a giio ana is wm give youuu light when presented. Make your selections early while the stock is , rew and -fresh.rsat;.i)a are corai-'s'-slly fftited'tir66ni'e and look around whether you want to buy or not. A BOOK Mams & Go A M . . i - , . . wm eesisnssj U ! ft' can befound at the r streets. Hpre vou Are. Or should be. Where? At the well known and popular emporium cf luxury presided over by W. R. NeWsom, 214 South Wilminton street, V Where can Iw found the most tempting ar- ray of all the good thWs of life ever brought toRal- eighin in tbn fancy and heavy, grocery line. Xmas is near at hand and' the notes of prepara- . tion can heard on , allsides. These C cannot be complete however without a Will filled larder. Everything to please the epi cure, such as tbe best Family Fkur an1 BacKwhear, FerriV Harps, Breakfast Strips, Salt fish, of all kinds mullfts. Mackerel, cut and re herrit.?. &v In tbe line of Jancy gr ceries the list is too long for enumeration. fann l fruif, frpsh fruit, pickles, crackers of a I. kinds, splendid cheese, sances, nuts, apples, of the moot armrov! brands, and in fact such a temptinK amy es must phase the tastes of all. Lard, bacon, sugar, tea, coffee. rroru th Wil- larlv and mijfe selec tions, at NRWvSOM'l Ladies Gentlemen Why wear dingy, wrinkled and Limber gHIRTS. Q0LLAR8, CUFF3 and Other J INEN8, When you can have them done tip at the OAK CITY Steam Laundry At a very small aiditional coat oerwhat you are paying The satisfaction and . your general aDreirance considera bly overbalances cost. JICE -JAUNDRIED JINE CATCH THE EYE OF EVTERYBODV WITH ADMIRATION,.' ' ' I. . WYATT, Telephone 87. PROPRIETOR NEW YEAR'S GBEETIKO We greet you at the incoming New Year witn sucn a variety or bargains you never head or dreamed ' of before. Now is your chance to get good, honest and raoie GLOT AND AT KNOCK EDDOWN PRICE? Members of the Leg'slaturt are cordially tUr vited to give us a call and examine our V .large stock before purchasing. Jf. Stock must be closed out and price is no con sequence. , -; v . , ' Our tomer- 6 00 Boys' Overcoats at fl 98 10 uu Mens uvercoets at f 7 7 16 ( 0 Fine Men's Suits at 15 60c Boys' Knee Pants ', '24c 75o Unlaundried Shirts . 28c it li The same leduction in Hats, Underwear, Gloves, Eto. There are. a -few- items of clothing' Jeft Which got damaind 6y wster'ddruig th'ttre of last week, which will De closed oht re gardless of cost. :. lr,,.-5 ana neavr groceries in tne great)t ion. Don't forgt the pi ce 214 8iii mington street Call e one niMlGo 805 Fayetteville it, opp Post Offloif , hoses n. ahis, Atorne? aad Cnuqv.Iar-at-Law. Fo. 4 East Davis 8miir, Fraps Bu'lding. Author of tbe North Carolina Criminal Code and Digest and Law of Notps and Drafts. no21 tf EXTRAORDINARY ! m m m T T R A 0 R AD Grand Annoancf-ment. The centennial and annual fair is now the great talk of the times, and so is the GRAND EXHIBITION of everything in t' e Furniture line to be seen at the Mammoth Empo rium of Johrsor& Barber on East Martin street, where can be foun-1 on of the most superb stocks of furniture of every description ever brought to Raleigh Just Thik of It. N A R I Here can be seen splendid Parlor Suits. Loun-fes, Rocking Chai-s. Mattresses, Wardrobes Coupes, Setters, Bureaus, Look ing Glasses, and in fact thousands of artio les two numerous to mention In addition to this there can be found at this champion warehouse C rriages and Buergies to suit all tastes. Call and see the great exhibts at Johnson & Barber's oclP 110 and I VI Esst Martin Street. BEAR IN MIND that in addition to our large line of -rSHOFSr- For ladies. m;sse and children, we carry a full line of HOS"E- Especially for children. SEE OUR8T0CK 0F BOOTS RUBBER COATS & FOOTHOLDS, LEGGINGS, SJESf Lowest prices guaranteed WHiriNG B30S. A Fine Chance!! A New Business. IVew Goods. Reduced Prices AT THE RALEIGH STATIONERY SMB, No 309 FAYETTE 7ILLE 8TREET. i Spndid line of gTATIONERY, pAPETERIES, JVA- DIBS' Jyj-OTE pAPER, "y'I8ITlNa JARDS, QOLD pENS and pEN- OlLS, "p Q " QOPY1NG JgOOKS, jy-EMO -tANDUM ND JJLANi JJOOK9 of aU sizes and designs, Q A RD QA3ES, pURSES JND pOCKET JQOKSLUMINUM p UR8E8JNK3 of all descriptions, Ac 'Besides thia here can be found a line of novelties suitable for Christmas presents not equalled in this city, such as Vork Boxes, Ink Stands, Souvenirs of all kinds, &a too numerns to mention. Don't foivet the place 309 FavettnvtllA t.. bpposttrtte-TJcsroffloe Call atd make se ybtions, d6 W, G. 8EPAKK, Man'g'r. Old Papers. v Old papers for sale cheap at this oflloe. I