o VOL. XXVIII. RALEIGH, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11. 1803. NO. 66 V ft Id '7' CITY IN BUIFF. The iee harvest is now abundant. Ihere are 815 students at the Unl . versity. j Mr. A. j. Williams is confined at! his home with sickness. Mrs. John W. Walker and children of Durham, are in the city visiting relatives. The reelection of Major Wilson as a railroad commissioner is a just trib ute to a most faithful officer. The citizens inaugural committee held a meeting in the mayor's office this afternoon at 4 o'clock. The justices of Mecklenburg Co., have released the merchants from the payment of county taxes. Ool. Thomas S. Kenan has been appointed chief manager of the in augural ball, and W. P. McGhehee, assistant. The Governor has issued a reward of $200 for the apprehension of Ned Parker the colored murderer of War ren county. The Seaboard Air Line will put on a train to be called the " Wild Irish' man." It will be a bummer saye the Charlotte News. The directors of the North Carli na 8teel and Iron Company of Greens boro are making arrangements to pu. the plant in operation. The London Sports Burlesque Co., which appears at Metropolitan Hall next Monday night is ono of the beRt, troupes of the kind that hae visited Raleigh in many years, ft consist of thirty persons, of whom twenty are ladies. The Weather Today. For North Carolina: Rain or snow Thursday, warmer Thursday a m. Local forecast made at station for this vicinity: On Thursday : Threatening weaih er with snow, by Thursday evening warmer. v'"' '.''"'' - Local data for 24 hours ending 8 a m today: Maximum temperature, 26; mim mam temperature 8; rainfall, 0 0. Masonic. Last nisrht the Grand Lodge of North Carolina Ancient Free and Ac cepted Masons met in annual com munWtion in this city. One hun dred, and sixty lodges are represented and the total number now working under this jurisdiction is reported as 273. The following committees were announced by the Grand Master. Charters and Dispensations No. 1. Charles F Bahnson, Jao W Thomp son, HJ Clark. No 2-H T Oaho, S W Blalock, J Q Jackson. Grand Secretary's Books and Re port-0 B Edwards, J Williams, J W Utley. Unfinished Business W S Prim rose, E R Hampton, Dr P L Murphy, Accounts and Claims. W L Lon don, E MoK Pittinger, L A Potter. The Grand Master then delivered his address The reports of the Grand Secre tary and Grand Treasurer were read and referred to appropriate . commit -tees. The Grand Treasurer especially recommended that the ancient War rant from England for the establish ment of Masonry in North Carolina be carefully preserved as it. was per-, baps the oldest charter in this coun try.-. On motion of P M Pearsall it was decided that the election of officers should take place at 8:30 o'clock Wed nesday evening. - The report of the Superintendent of the Oxford Orphan Asylum was read. "This admirable report of Dr. Black will b3 noticed at length here-1 after. ' :' "-v . Reports of the Directors and Treas urer of the asylum were sub; initted and referred to committees, v The Grand Lodge was called from labor to refreshment until this morn Jug at 13:15 o'clock - . n t cl Pent hs. ihe noon dispatches today an nounce the death of Gen. Benjamin F Hutler, of Massaehupetts. which took place s ddenly thisT morning at 1:V o'clock. ! St nutor Knn. of Wont Vlrclnli- 1 - - - - D 1 di! at 3 o"c!ok this morning. He hJ been ill tor a lou? time. I O. O. F. Herulfr meeting of Beaton Gales Lodge No H, I O. O. F., tomorrow ni lit at 7 o'clock sharp. ork in th degrees and other im por ant mwers wul coire Delore tne lot lire whic'i requires the presence of everr member of the lodge. A cor' di-.l. invitation to al! Old Fellows. Capital LodiXo 147 1 O.O.F. R-guUr meeting of this lodge this evening at 7:0 o'clock. Business of imp W'inc. Bvery raoniber is re quited to bo present. '- W VlLLSO!r, P.ecording Secretary. Matiteo Lodg No. 8, 1. O O. F. Will py 8sUiou Gales Lodge, No. f4 a fraternal visit oi Thursday eve uiag. Ery utMui?r earnestly re quested to bi oo hmd Geo. L. Tonnofski, Recording Secretary. Wake Superior Uort. The foil lwit'jg ease were disposed of yesterday afternoon : Walfier Mitchell, larceny and re ceiving stolen goods, plea of guilty, four months ou the county roads; Jaius Dfunis and Cornelia Barnes, adultery, verdict of j iry guilty, as to Dennis, two months on the county roads; Cornelia Barnes, dismissed; Seedhim Rogers ao1 Nancy Womble, aduitery, not guilty; Easter Nelson, disorderly house not guilty; R M Parham, assault with a deadly weapon, plea of guilty, fined $10; W 0 Cooper, embezzlement nol pros. TODAY'S PROCEEDINGS. State vs John Bethel; I & r; guilty; 13 months on roads and costs. State vs Mid McLean; forgery 18 months on roads and costs State vs Tom Penny and Will Mitchell; Mitchell 12 months ou roads and one-half costs Penny judgment suspended upon payment on- -half cos' a. State against Mid McLeau; forgerv; judgment suspend ed upon payment costs. Chamber of Commerce. his bxiy met last night at the mayor's offl'. A report was made 'i. the couimi tee on the tobacco ex nhtoge. If. urates that the present s of the trade in Raleigh was sat Vt-.'a-tory 'in 1 more encouraging than i- nv tiui - iuce '88?. , he folio -mi' committee were se lee.ed to go ffore the board of al ieruisn and oupose the extension of thf city limits: From the corporate limits R H Battle. Alf A Thompson, Dr P E Hi PS, C 9 L btta, B F Montague. Prom th9 suburbs Geo H:Snow,W E A shley, Chts Root. It would pobably have been well enough-to havj amended the propo- si'.iou so that the committee could appear before the general assembly and lay the case before them in the event application for extension is madf , , It was reported that the water of Wninut creek had baen analyzed and found to be the p mst water in Amer ica Good for Walnut creek 1 Dr. T. D. lo.-g delivered a most admirable address on the matter of the Nicaragua canal. . . This needy. is terrible weather on the All who can spare of their means should give something:. Ke- member tha misdon at the corner of TTT., . , ... . . ... Wilmington and Morgan streets will ; receive and distribute cottributiens. Call or send something. Mr. Hl K Overton, general agent of the "London HportH" was in the ciy yesterday me king arrangements 1 I ' , - . for the appearaucj of tbo troupe here 4 next Monday. Fln Enterlalnment. Last night the members of Raleigh Council Royal Arcanum installed their newly, elected of&oers After the insulation a topper was given at the Central Hotel, attended by the members of the order and a few invited guests. The spread . was most sumptuous on and auple justice was done to the "good throes of life" by all present.' Durio the erening. shore and pointed speeches were made and all enjoyed themselves to the utmost. We are pleased to learn that tbe or der is rapidly inoreacing, ne mem bers being admitted at almost every meeting. Attention is called to the adver tisement of Messrs Whiting Bros who have received tbeir first invoice of spring clothing. They have reduced their prices on all heavy weight goods. Call and make selections. This is a splendid opportunity. Mr. H R. Redfleld of St Louis, is in the city. Mr. Redfleld is general 1 1 manager of the St Louts TradeARe- view and is accompanied by his wife He is writing up the eommerciat.and industrial interests of Raleigh The issue of the Review containing the write up" will be issued about f-ur weeks hence It will be devote I en tirely to Raleigh. The right way to settle the matter of i he extension of the corporate lim its of Raleigh, is to make it an issue at the next mun icipal election. If the people want it let them say so; if not, then that should end it hen the present Board of Aldermenwere chosen the matter of the extension of tbe corporate limits was not consid ered Vox populi is the idea, srentle men of tbe present board, and be cure that you consult it. , Do you want a coat a pair of pants. a cloak for the wife or child or any notions; then attend the unction sale on Thursday evening tne 12tb inst., at the Everyday Auction and' Com mission House, 207 Wilmington St. Fresh Norfolk oysters at Jordan's dining hall this evening. Are You Taking " advantage of Swin lell's closing out sale? If not, why arn't you? Yon must gain by it and you certainly can lose nothing by it. All goods at cost. D. T. Swindell, Want to Sell Cheap. JL Two big millinery show clues ten counter show cases two horses, a carriage, two wagons, one set mohair parlor furniture. ,v 1 DT. 8windell. ' t If a Man Offered vou a ten dollar bill for seven dollars you wou'd buy at once. Yes, sou would. Well, that is just what Swin dell is doing. All goods atco8t, and that means ten dollars f u seven. . D. T. Swindell. If you want fine Norfolk oysters send to Jordan's dining hall, 114 Pay etteville street. This is the time of the year that in ducements are held out on all winter crnndR. and anv unreasonable state ments are sometimes made injtiifder to sell tnem. we maxe pnces-inai insure sales on all materials of a winter character, and while our stock is small, yet it is entirely too large to be ignored, if you are in pursuit of clean, fresh goods and good values We do not bnv the highest priced nor the lowest, but that medium ' for which there is always a healthy de maod and in sumcieni quantity to please the majority. - C. A. Sherwood & Co. .;.v A Rare Uhance for a Ltrjary. A new set complete of the Emyc1o pedia Britanica. A reprint ofithe 9th Edinburg edition at low figures This is an opportunity that comes once in a life time. The Britanica comes nearer Handling ana treating ezbaustivelv everv suoiecc within the range of information-snd of i thought than any other publication , and yoay can get it at a low figure at the Bee Hive, H J Dowell, j Manager, No 128 South Wilmington street. Also the life of Hon Jefferson Davis ;'by Mrs Dais, complete in two voK P"oe 5: 7 f"6' e $2 Other tare books for sale at the Be HIve) H j Doweli, Manager, No 1 123 South Wilmington street- I wish board for iue f o'l wif, where there ri no other boarders. Home oorr form Must bain a good and quiet loeUlty. Address Hn. R Yon.vo, Oare o' Dr. Morgan. jaulO&t 101 Booth Fayettevllle St. For HhIs Five room bouse on Dawson street, in few st. of new union depot; house good he new; lot froo p Dwn street Wty ft. runs buck about -50 ft. Price f 1 600. . Tenua asy; 17 cash, balance one and i ear, if wanted by purchaser Apply to j7 6t J A Rfbjcb. To the members of the legislature: We have evr-ry:hing o he fount in a first clans tlr Kxds and clothing store. All our goo-l ttrw marked in plain figure n1 on- price only ViHHfiot & 3oriS. Cold Vt her -Warm f nrB, This is the kind of weather for furs, and we hav got the kind of urs you want If you wib to buy a fur cape, fur mnff, or fur collar, come now and we will make the price right W. H. R. 8 TlTKKR & Co. For Rent One four room house, kitchen and wood house attached Also good g rden and well water con venlm; on East Bargett street, opposite rel dence W. I WomM For terom ap ply to Mm. Susan Wouble, 638 East Hargett street. jaO tf For sale. A large lot of men's.ladles' bov'snd children's shoes, bought at an assign ee's sale, will bt sold at less than fac tory cost Also on six foot metal frame show case for sale hap. H H Crockkh. ja4 6t No 9 E Hargett St. For Rent. 8 room i storv dwe. Harrington st. near N O depot, 8 room dwg. on Elm treet. 4 room dwe. on cor Blood worth and Oakwood avenue. 7 room dwg, near A and M Collece. Apply to Wynne & Ellington. St 800 pairs all wool pnts $160 and 12 a pair, reduced from SI and $3 60 Women's and men's rubbers, all prices and sizes. Don't forget our remnant sale. Woollcott St Sons. Roses and Other Handsome Cut Flowers Bouquets, Boskets and Floral Designs. Telephone 113 ja4tf B. 8TBINMHTZ Florist. WE'LL NOT oltd AFIRE tff Nor mislead by "bankrupt ty sales," "best on earth," "clos t" ing out at less than coBt." or tW promines to give you something ty for nothinsr, but on all winter Bg" stuff's we'll make prices that 1ST you will at once recognize as a jy hargain. ty The entire stock of Ladies' fry Coats, Misses and Children's ty Long Cloaks and Short Jackets ty have all been ty MARKED DOWN. ty Close prices are made on all ty Winter Dress Goods and Heavy ty For t wear for ladies, misses and ty children. ty A large lot of Rubber Shoes ty just received. Heels and spring ty heels for every bod v. C- A- Sbrwocd Co New Arrivals. We have just received a alee line of Men's Shoes and will save you 35 per cent on every pair you buy. Brogans from $1 to tl 47. I Drees Sboes SI 240 298. Rubbers from 38c to 49c i Men's Crush Hate 47c to $t "8. ! Stiff Hats 83c to 12. ; Silk Hate tl 98, Men's 8carfs 10 to 49c, ! Undershirts 38c to $' 21. I Working Shirts 21c to 11 44, ureas acirts 440 to i, j Bed Blankets II to 5 47. Horse Blankets 1 24 to 2 Hair Buggy Robes 6 te 17, worth f 10 anv where. Ladies 8hoes from 07c to 12 48. Misses Shoes from 69o to tl 97. Ladies Rn b bers 20c to 39c. Chenille Curtains $4 78, .V; worth 18. 129 THE LION 16 Fayetteville st Racket Stores Martin Hardware, &c A BISCUIT MILL or a set of BREAD, CAKE 4 FRDIT KNIVES willmtkean aeeeptable present to any honge keeper. A BOX OF TOOLS or one of our Kicking MuleBanko for your boy. A POCKET KNIFE for ) our husbaud cr son. AM 'eta RALEIGH. N. C MEW MILLINERY. - . sa The - Latest M tea . Novelties. :The mos Desii abler:: 'Shades and Shapes;;;:;:; BOY'S CAPS, CHILDREN'S 'SCHOOL ND DRESS HATS' ::::::iDfants' Silk Caps and::;:;: Shirred Hats. We have Millinery to suit every- , ...... body in style and price. Orders from a distance will re- ceive prompt at- tenuon. miss MAGGIE v- ...FATTTBVILLBST Dry Ooodi, Notion, &c. Ooakgflille We are selling out our Ln Hes, Misses and Call dren s Winter Wraps. You make the selection, we will make tbe prise. n is & Son (SPECIAL. In tbe lot are '. , 50 Newmarkets for ehil dren 10 12 and 14 years, which we are offering at about half price. 17. II. B. S. TUCKER g CO, 123 and 125 Fayetteville Street j-

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