I is ; v c'L- VOL. XXVIII. raleighvthtjrsday, January, id. i8!3. NO: 73 I 1 No Bfeettng. There jwllWba uo meeting ef, the Bath Ledge, Daughters ot Rebskab, toDiorroT( sight oa accoant of the weather. 'The next meeting will be oa the flnt Friday night in February. Miss Ella Birbcr, j . Secretary. Wake Superior Court The following eases were tried to day: ' State vt Willie Clark; a. d. w.; eon- tlnue from September term '92fer costs; sent to' roads to work out costs. State ts J. M. Yarboroagh et als; conspiracy; trial progressing. T. O. O. F. Beg alar meeting of Beaton Gales Lodge. No. 61 IOOB at 7:80 o'clock sharp. Work in the degree and other Important business to be transacted. Membersof the lodge earnestly re quested to attend. Members of Man teo and Capital Lodges and visiting brethren cordially invited. "Gandir dates will present themselves" promptly at 7:15 o'clock. .Wake Forest College, , :-. This time honored Institution has jnst commenced its spring session with a good attendance Two hun dred students have matriculated and more are expected. The chair of English, which was made vacant by the death of Dr.- Wm. Bovalt will be supplied by Profs; W,B..RoyaU and Bledd ud til Jane when his successor will be elected. Railroad Troubles. The Charlotte KTews Bays:' ; ' '. Pushing through snow banks is not the least of the difficulties encounter ed by railroad trains these days, and when one realizes the many obstacles that the engineers and trainnen have to overcome, it is no surprise that the trains are out of .time, ice and snow elogupthe trucks and brake appa rat us, the hot water pipes freeze, the rails are brittle and iron couplings are liable to snap at any moment. In spite of all these drawbacks, the trains would be able to make much better time, except for one circum stance, more trifling in its nature, yet one that causes more delay than any, thing else. The water tanks all along the line are frozen When an engine slows up to get a supply ot water, the firemen and train hands hare to go to work thawing out the tank hose, and then 'digging ice away "from around it. j The superintendent of the Eastern asylum at Goldsboro states that for the last two years the institution has been, so crowded that no patient could , be received except when a vacancy occurred by dfscharge.'and that there is imperative need f or en largement, v . . ol. , The people cf Raleigh part With AttorneyjGeaeral Davidson and Maj . Finger with deep regret, .and all wish them the choicest 'blessings in their future course through life. The plaudit of "well done, good and faith' ful servants," will follow them, : Let there be an organized effort to relieve the poor and suffering four community, and let it be done quick, A public meeting is the "proper' idea, and no time should be lost in 'calling1 it. !vViY ' -,qBr.5 !"--. ! Tn triA Vimi aa ft vanraaanf af vAm naeJ 1 terdaythebill to amentheharter j: Hr" gW ofthe Rabigh and wfitern railroad Jal of the merchatit. purchsse tax, special ordeVfor f ,nei Tuesday 12 o'clock. . :-- - , We most deeply regret to announce that Mr D. H. Barch, of the Western Union Telegraph office, is quite ill at his resideiietPer4itret. The mauirjliihat was hate been held' on Friday night has been postponed indefinitely on account of weatherXaX XOT3TCT . The visiting soldiers enjoyed them "Selves hugely - yesterday. They had the freedom oi..t olty. and ItookJt RUIu. I Designed. -. ttenenal J D Gleno, Adjatant Gen eral; CoL A L Smith, Inspector Gen eral and Col. E G Harrell, Quarter Master General; of the North . Caro Una State Guard, have tendered their resignations to Governor Carr, to take affect as soon as agreeable to ap poict their successors. The Weather. For North Carolina: Clearing toi day except rain or snow on the coast tonight. Colder Friday morn ing. Local foreoast made at station for this vicinity: Heavy snow today and tonight, clearing on Friday with eold aad brisk northwest winds. . "; ' ' Local data for 24 hours ending 8 a m. today: Maximum temperature, 24; mini mnm temperature 18; rainfall, 1.08 inches. . ... , Election of Officers. At the meeting ef the Commercial and Industrial Association held yes terday the following , vice presidents were elected. E L Jones, W B Cox, L H Cutler, WHS Burgwyn, J W Scott, F -W Eerchner. J G Hall, G W Hiushaw, 0 B Blanton. The chair announced the members of the committee as follows : Committee on Banks A A Thomp son, chairman; W H 8 Burgwyn, Thos H Battle, E B Borden, J 0 Box ton. Committee on Merchants1 Purchase Tax 0 G Latta, chairman; J A Tur rentine, G W Hinshaw, J W 8oott, W C Stronaoh, J 0 Stevenson, W L London, V Committee on Insurance R M Douglass, chairman; J E Gilmer, W 8 Parker, Judge Phillips, Theo. F Kluttz, Oapt J J Thomas. Committee onjTobacoo Warehouses A B Gorrell, chairman; W J Black burn, D Y Cooper, E J Parish, Wil kinson. ,' . , Mr T L Emery moved that all com Lmittees be requested to meet in this city oa the 81st Inet. Adopted ' : The association then adjorned to meet at the call of the chairman. There can be no mistake that this Legislature will posh business for all it is worth; There is a general deter miration to adjourn as soon as pos possible,1 consistent with the publio interests. ' . ; y Lieut. Governor Doughton presides with much ease and dignity over the Senate. He has ample experience as speaker of the House of Representa tlvjps. .. - .' i v We would suggest to all who can weil do so, to have the snow shoved from the roofs of their houses before thd thaw sets in. It might save much trouble. ; Gov. Carr suggests the formation of a commission for the proper ad justment of tho Inequality of assess ment of property. A bulletin on the publio road con struction la, North Carolina will soon be ready for distribution by the Geo- lgic845aryey.O w , ' . V- - : - X ' Notwithstanding the snow, terrors of Jast night all went as happy; as a marriage bell at Stronach's Additol The Henderson Herald i the title oi a new semi weeaiy just usaea. xi is Democratic in politics. . Both Houses of the General As- sembly adjourned today in honor of Gen. Lee's birthday. It IS about time the weather proph ets were calling for - the usual Janu ar thaw, .- .jj,,.. The present snow is beyond all pre cedent for the last thirty years. Miss' Cornelia Boykin, Of Baltimdre.swfDdeirs. : ibu can ad well atSwta. U here visiting Miss Mary Snow. The mails are badly oat of joint. The street ears are complete' y blocked np. 8ome say that winter has spent its force. It, can earnestly be hoped that this is true. Ladies are furnished with skates free of charge in the afternoon, "at Stronaeh's warehouse. V iTobaccoUaers Smile Sometimes when told thet tobacco harts them; their wives never do, because shat tered nerves, weak eyes, chronic ea tarrh and lost maobood. telle the story. -If your husband ones tobacco. I you want him to quit, post yourself about i?oTtobae,the woD1rful, harm- ess, guaranteed tooaceo Habit core. Bsentiinr for oar little book titled: on't Tobacoo Spit and Smoke our Life A way,' mailed free. Drue stores generally sell No to ban . THE 8TERLING REMEDY CO , Indiana Mineral 8prlngs, Indiana jal9 lttp Lost. At the inaugural ball at Htrorach's auditorium, last night, a slate color, ed overcoat was taken by mistake It had a pair of kid gloves in the pock et. Please leave at W. H. K.ing& Go's drug store and get the one ex changed. ' " Gent' Fine Footwear. TheVBurt ' Pickard "Korect Shape1! for gentlemen is acrTed a high place In the estimation of turners.' For sale at en r ', . C. A. Sherwood Sr Co " Very Special. f,-, : The most sacrifice we are making inour stook is in dress goods and men's. stiff hats. All the stiff hats are marked down greatly below cost, and several lines of dress goods are below cost. Most prominently is on'line of pattern lengths in all wool eujins, 86 inches. These goods cost . 38a, we are now selling this line at 8lp( rego lar price was 60o in every store but ours; this reduction you see s (6 pr cent. less than cost. All good It cost at D. T. Swindell's mammoufiLStOW. im m' ;V.,J Blankets, Comforts, &o., at, ,1' ' ' r " i ' Woollcott&fioo's.. . . :: . - You Need Not, and You Do Not vCare whether Swindell, will Vr will not leaVvi Baleigh; what you w for is the price of goods. If 8windkl sells goods at and below cost, you can bet he basan object In view and that.be is Belling goods at cost, any one with two grains of sense can'tell if they try. lit. ' All kind of rubber shoes very cheap at Woolleott & Son's. I . Bee Hive Store. ! ! 1 (No Backet) . 'VA r,'. ;. For this week only I will sell at one half cost: Slate peucils at Be dozen, slates 5x8 at 8c, 7x'0 5c, lead pencils 5c dozen, sardines two boxes 53,' ing powders any kind 15o lb, sauce in all kinds 5c per bottle, solid oil 5c per bottle, salmon, blue black mackerel at 5c per can, groen turtle 10c pet box, one half pint of ink 5o. blueing 2o per box, candles lo each, knives and folks 25o per sett, soap lo to 3c per ake, starch 5c per pound, clothes pins 6lo per dozen, marbles 2c to.lOc per dozen, mouth harps lc to 5c each,' pipes, Powhatan 2 for 6c,' clay and cob 2 for lc, fine toilet soap 8o per oake, six quart jars 5c eacb,,jelllttne 10c per box, spice lOo per pound, pepper ICo per pound, thread ?o spool, twine lOo per pound, tops to spin on ice lo to 8o each, tin dippers 2 for 5o, wood pipes 2c to 5c each, 2 large 10c boxes black ing fdt 5c, 200 box matches le, sewing thread lo skeine, black tea 15c' per pound, green tea 20c per pound,-and thousands of .other things ingeame proportion for -the cash, .ovffaore than $1.00 worth sold to any one per son:' 18 South Wilmington' Street, next door to Tuckers A Co. t, ? ' h. j. Powii,. -A 1 J ust received a new line of Qrossetts' $8.0Q shoes.' Best made, for the money. Woolleott & Sons. 1 V ' Ca-Car-Carp -Carp e-Car pets. ' You would really feel xsurprja if yourcould see and know the lowastfces asked' for srood fearnets Der vard at dell closing. 'out' sale; all g'ods at To N1 1 Real Estate. I Some very deeirabU rtl e-te for sal by D T. 8wlndell. A Rare Ulianc- for a l.tbrary. An B't complete of th E- vclo pedia Prltnnlc renriot f the 0th EdinburK edition at hr flarure. This is an oppor'uolty that comes onceina llf time. Tbe Britinica comes nearer hnodlis unii fretting exhaustively vrv uSj-'ct within the raoif xf iformtion nl of thought tliNn any oher publication known, and yon cm get it at a low figure at th R Hive. H J Dowell, Manager, No 1 8 8ouh Wilmington street. Also th life of Hon Teff-Mon Davis by Mrs Da. vmih .t, two vol umes. Pricf. We offer the set at $2. Other ir- h oks for sa'e at tbe Bee Hive. H J IV, v,.u Maoser. No 128 South W'ltul ifton street Roses and OMmr Ilandnoine Cut Flowers Bouqnets. Husk ets and Floral Designs Telephone 113 ja4tf M. Btkinmktz, Florist. Sped at 8ai LlieKcsUd Migotes Lok Wraps. . As cold w-ather this one's tbooprhts naturally turus to comfort able clothiog We have a number of ladies and iulses long wraps to be sojd at about hal' price. If a misto mer will get suited in a wrap we will promis to suit th- customer ih price Tb's is a clearing sale for a certtin portion of our wrip stock and we are not eofng t l-t tbe price keep Ihein from t-eiae-sold W. H 4r R. 8 TC0KBR & Co. We have rnnced the price oa sev eral lines of our children's school shoes Woolleott & Sons 11.50. ,SK FOR 1 OUR LADIES' , 150 GENDINR DON GOLa KID SHOES. The best Urn th& Tli e iiBiiniiey NORTHS' DRY GOODS STORE We Are Mug READY -FOR A Bis: Spring Trade. The nattering success of the past s a son Dcouraprf s us tn enlarge our 1 . ' stock. The people demand it.; ;; ' In order to muke 'room we shall of fer some inducfmi'ts von .cannot afford to miss. Prices will be made on WWTEB FABRICS V ' AND HEAVY SHOES PLEASING, . ' GRATIFYING, ' : ; (tt SATISFACTORY. G- :lvSfcrwood Go New Arrivals W have just received a nice ' line of Men's " Shoes and will save you 35 per cent on i . . . every ysir you buy. Brogans from 11 to tl 47. 1 1 -Dress Shoes $ I 24 to 1293. , - Rubbers from ,38c to 49c Men's Crush Hate 47c to f 1 38. Stiff Hats 83q to f2.j: -:r- Bilk Hats f 1 98, Men's Scarfs 10 to 49c, TTndenhiru'38o to I' 21, y Working HhirUriVs to $1 44, , : . Dress 8hirts 44a to Bed Blankets, tl Jo IS 47, Hotsd Blarkets $124 to 12. Hair Baggy Robes 6 U.f 7, worth $10 anv- where. Ladies Shoes from. 97c to $2,48. Misses Shoes from (Ho to $1 97. Ladies Rn b- bers 20c to 39c. QhenijUe Quitafeu $4 78, worth$8. .f ... i 129 , vTHE LIOH;: 16t J Fayetteville st Basket Stores Martin st Hardware, &c A BISCUIT MILL or a set of BREAD, CAKES FRUIT KNIVES will make an acceptable present to any house ke per. A BOX OF TOOLS o on of cur Kicking MuIeBanks for yoor boy. A POCKET KNIFE for yoarhnsbtud rr eon. RALEIGH jf C H EW MILLINERY. ' Mi The - Latest ' wove! ties. :::::::::::Tlie mosf Desiiable :::;::;;:;;Siii(ls and Shapes;;;:;;::;. a. boy's caps, children's :school and dress hats ;:;;";: ::::::lDfants' Silk Caps add::::; ; Shirred Hats, ......We have Millinery to suit every-...... boly iu style and price, Orders from a distant will re- . ceive prompt at- tention. . MISS ittACGIE - m K M m. m u u , kiiKsj aim - - . REESE "7 ',"" """ "" " ....... iwOO ...... FaybttbyiuiB84 riM . ..." ...,.;.... ! Dry Goods, Nfotlonsj, &c7 SPECTAL Ca "Sale. PI A carpet bnsiness a.t large as oars ' htarally reqoires a reat nnmber of patterns, a portion 'of which most be 1 ' n hand at the close of the season. ' New' patterrisvand' colorings ''Am i brought out each sacoelptJlng'season. ' The residue stock linast :be sold to ' make room for new goods1 il f ' ' ' ' ; We soon "take stock" and immedf-' ' ately theresftebegjrns ?ew carpet work for spring.' and. jwe wUh.the88 carpet y Jims. &t t.r- , J '"' l ' . j-n -n .1.'.. t, 123 and 135 Fayettevilla Street