-1 Yh Baity ;-Boiiog i (HtUsr. rOIUIIlD BTBKT ATTiaiOOI, Kxeept Bond?, f KM VISITOR 1 -erred by carriers la the eity at 29 cnts per month, f arable to the Mrrien In advance. Prtoee for mailing t per year, or II eenta per month. Commaaltlooa Appearing in these lama are bat the expressions of I opinion, of . the correspondents writing the same, and they alone are rpoosible. ' A iroti mark X after your name lu us i ui that your time is out. AHreea all orders and oommuni ca llous to IV. ft. BltOWWt Sr., ; Raleigh, N 0 Local notioes in this paper will be frlYe Cents per line eaeb insertion. ' ' L-WE8T OlTT OlROULATIOB. RALEIUEI, JAN. 19, 189a CITY IN.BBIFr. Gen W R Cox is here. ST Judge Phillips is in the otty. Now, write it Governor 0rr. Jadge and Mrs. Avery are here. Here's health, prosperity and long Ufa to Thomas M. Holt. The visiting military companies left for their homes today. Hon 0 M Cooke, of Lonisburg, at tended the inauguration. Col. R If Douglas, of Greensboro is In the city, Cat. P B Means, of Oaharros county. Is in the eity. The students of the Agrfcultnral And Mechanical College attended the Inauguration yesterday. Governor Carr's inaugural address Is highly commended on all sides. It is an admirable state paper. Chief Marshal Rtrotiaoh and bis assistants filled the bill to perfection yesterday. " Prank" knows how Mtc get there." To the memory of Robert E. Lbr, the patriot, hero and statesman. May it ever linger in the hearts of his countrymen. Catarrh in the head is ajcopstlta tional disease, and requires a consti tutional remedy like Hood's Sarsapa riila, to effect a cure. The record is beaten now, sure. No use for the " oldest" inhabitant to talk. This is the roughest weather we have had in the aentury. We had the pleasure of seeing Ex Benator Ardrey of Mecklenburg on the floor Of the 8enate yesterday. He Is looking remarkably well. The bill which passed the Senate yesterday allowing clerks of Register of Deeds to cancel mortgages, &e , ia a good one and will remove frequent difficulties. A citizens relief meeting is sag gested. There is great . suffering among the poor in this vicinity, and we hope the idea may be carried ont. In the meantime, remember that Mr. J T Pollen at the Saving's Bank will receive contributions. Also the Mis sion at the eorner of Wilmingten and Morgan streets. I Can't Eat," -Is often heard. People who hare taken Hood's Sarsaparllla highly recommend It for loss of appetite, Indigestion, tick headache, and similar troubles. This medicine gently tones the stomach, assists digestion, and makes you "real hungry." Castipadm, and all troubles with the digestive organs and the liver are cured by Be4 Pills Price 25c. per box. Fire. y.y. ..-: The alarm of Are this morning was caused from the bnrning of the kitchen on the premises af Mr. W 0 Stronach In the northern part of the aity. The house which as a two room; one was entirely consumed. The , department responded aa prowptly as possible. We learn that the fire originated from some sloth" log ,- which had been washed and bnng np to dry, taking fire. The lota will be several hundred dellars. Democratic Banner. In the ball of the house of repre seotatives this evening ot 7:ft0 o'eloek the democratin banner will be form arly turned over to the representa tives of th eounty having the largest democratic maiorltv. Several im. promptu speeches a 111 be made. All j are Invited. Representative Kitchen j fund others will speak, j . DEATH OT EX PRE81DT ; HAYES. Baltimore Herald. The entire country will be shocked to learn that Kx-Presldent Hayes died at his residence In Fremont, O-i at 11 o'clock last night. Although the dispatch of the previous day eon tained the information that he had been attacked by a neuralgia affeo tlon of the heart, necessarily ereat Ing apprehension among his friends and family, it was not anticipated that the and would come so soon, nor, indeed, was his affliction soppos ad to be necessarily fatal. It bad been scarcely a month since the Ei'President was ia Baltimore rffloistlug as the presiding officer of the Prison Reform Congress, and those who saw him at that time, in th flnsh of seemingly perfect health, will be painfully supprised to hear of his sudden demise. During his eventful career Genera) Hayes had many critics, especially at the time of and since his occupancy of th- Presidential chair, but even his severt censors never went so far s to impugn the purity of his moral charaeW nor the sense of broad and liberal patriotism. As a command ing officer during the war, as Gover nor of Ohio and as President of the United States he was always the eon servn'ive. humane and enlightened nuerlcHU Mt'xen As a high and re spopslbl official, his first care was al ways for the welfare of the people and the peace of the country. 0 OTHER Sarsaparilla has the merit to secure the. confidence oi entire communities and hold it year after year, like HOOD'S Sarsaparilla. IN LOVE WITH HIS WIPE. Wilk SBA.RRK. Pa. Jan 14. Charles Miles and Miss Katie Wlck inger wf re married in 1884 They quarreled in 181 and the husband came to - Wllkesharre to live. He wooed another Ibsb Miss Rennard, hut on the evening he was to have married the second woman wife No. 1 came on the scene and amidst great excitement in the church put a stop to the wedding. Borne creeks ago Miles and his wife met at a masquerade ball. Neither knew the other. Miles while danc ing -ith hl wife said he would like to rprre.pond with her. She asked him hip object, and he replied matri mony.' ''And you love me enough to marry mcf she asked. "I do, I do," was the answer. Mrs. Miles then threw off her mask. The former husband was astonnded, but ha was as good as his word Rev. 0 H Hayes united them the ' second time in marriage yrsieraay. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she Cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. SOARED, BUT UNREPENTANT. Chester, Pa.j Jan, 17 Thomas Bodgers, the young ruffian who shot bis father, mother and "sister, was eomnitted to the county jail by May or Coatee today to await the action of the coroner,! who will hold an In quest tomorrow. . 5 ' 1 ' The body of the murdered man lies at the Chester hospital, and in the same building the mother and sister are dying. Both are shot in the left , J nng and cannot recover, sur. geons say . The- ante mortem state ment of the daughter, who was a bride on. Neaj fipat's; day, was taken this morning."' She corroborates the statements made by her parents, and claims that after shooting down his fatter and mother - the miscreant chased her into the street and shot her from the doorsteps. ; ' -v- jrhe boyish looking murderer was unmoved when Informed of the death of his father; and expressed no pity or sympathy for . his other ; victims. Brfoia being taken to the 4o'4nty jal he'eent for and engaged a lawyer to defend him at the next term of jsoortj JEls defense Will be-"tempor ary fnaan Ity, but public sentiment is against sush ac proposition, and;threaU; pf l7chln feavelwet openly madei-1 Ths WUoDLpttoB.etax .says, in tasj Korthwest water power .are being taken up to be utilised In generating electricity for lighting towns, run ning factories, &e Borne of these dsys the towns in the uplands of North C2ro!iia will be lighted and maonfaatorlef fill be run1 h t-irtH " eity generated! by th .r iera whieh so numeroosly abound Mr, Warren D. Wents of Geneva, N. Y., Tells of His Fearful Sufferings After Gastric Fever and His Cure by Hood's Sarsaparilla All who know Mr. W. D. Wentz Ive him the best of recommendations or honesty and Integrity. For many years he has worked for Mr.' D. P. Wil son, the harness maker and member of the Geneva Board of Health. He says ; M I was taken sick last October with gastric fever and my chance tor recovery was cod . sldered almost hopeless. Alter 7 weeks the fever slowly left me, but I could not eat the simplest food without terrible distress. It seemed that I had recovered from the fever to Die of Starvation I took pepsin compounds, bismuth, charcoal, cod liver oil and malt until my physician confessed that his skill was about ex hausted and he did not know what else to try.) Everything I took seemed like l-C tea aeaa into my aiomacn. I nap ned to think I had Dart c of a bottle of Hood's rsaDarilla thai had been in the house for two or three years, that I found had benefited me previously for dyspepsia. I began taking tt .and soon began to feel better. I have now ; taken a little over two bottles and can truth fully say I feel well again and can eat any thug without distressing me, even to , Pie and Cheese which I have been unable to touch for years, The English language does not contain words i. Wextz, : , A Good Voucher "JI have known Mr. Warren D. Wentz for , many years and' can vouch for him as a man -ti veracity and one welt known about here. I have sold him several bottles of . ' Hood's Sarsaparilla during the past few months." MTH, Pakx judge, Druggist,' Geneva, N. Hood's Pills cure Liver Ills RAIEIGH POST-OFFICE MAIL SOKDHULk. UsrABTUB" Close at Close at -P.0 Depot OUTGOING MAILS. 9 00pm -For Greens- knw. M O a A 1X7 as. 816 " I 845 " SzFt ao-rFor Short Out North ft Golds! ro: 1055am 1 1125am EPOTr 3-: WeK - ) i uon,Borroik a and is 0 60pm 128pm BP O TrlO For Short Cut 8 and Goldsboro 8 45 " 420 " EPO XrFer At lanta (Rs A A L) 40) " 500 " ExFt Tt34-Z.Fct Wel ,f - don, Norfolk; N and 6 405 " 440 " EPOTr O-ForGreensK ' ' . boro, N, 8 and W AJtaiVAXS. " At j A Depot P. Q. ' 'INCOMING MAILS.; . ' ' boro, N, S and W 9 45 am 1 10 OOam Ez Fr Tr4S-From Wei , . don, North nd East ?w 11 17 am 11 S2 am R P O Tr 38-From At- ' lanta(R A AL'- 1 109 pm 125 pm BP OTr lB"mGr'rjs-. i boro, N, 8 snd west 4 05 pin 4 20 phi B P O Tr 41-From Wel- : m;;' don, N and S , .a ;! 4 30 pm 4.45 pn fiP.OTT. O-F'mfioJds. 7 '-and Short CutNand 8 11 30 pn?-U 45 pm Kx Ft Tr 21-J "or G?ds- o " Trftlna msiwlravl hna Hr Virrf. nnrwra An tJrivi nay.' Mails for train going west close at8p m axi Bnndav. y " awu n wn t r v v vaa avua ., OTAlt RrtTTTKR. 'J r!T - Omeonra MAH-DiTAMft Raldfh ' via7 8otwelL Eattle Eock;' and Wakefield cifc Unionhope, Monday and Friday 7a mi 'u is JRaleigh via Myatt's Mills to Puns; Tutt- a and Irridav A mm: - ,., - -. . . iUMuagn via wivyn Urove and JPayton .to. FirH Dam, Monday, Wednesday and JW0sjjJ; --vi. st-.Al leigliJvla Bli: Forks' and Bargorr to Rocerinrtw,Tu'esday and Friday t wn Raleh to Maaw, Tae-day 'mid FVay u Dunn via Myatt's .Mills JoJaaleigh, Iff on OST and Thursdav G:15 n m. rsh Daro via JDayton; aofl f-KsIvyn GrA-a aBdFUnWTtTnnrs and.Sat j 4 pm,. , . Rogers' store via Bangor and Six Forks to XUVeigif,jraeday -and Friday 12 m nMaaBejr to llaglt-IIeBdayand Friday at BBClose a 9 n m ante. -Fui' UsxiviiT i STBTMTree IdeliveaseJ mi ano KOU. bonis, i Sunday, 6-. to i7:90 la net VttoBS'iF fa . . -TT r..uppsta&.;h .IntUfeartof the- Iron andCoal Di?- TlimaU salubrious,' never ho and Lever ol4.r-.Xand uueqaa'tai to- sncultorsl pari oses, end mineral resources unlimited. 1,000 Lots at I M per Lot 8,0 ,, 4 00 .". . 00' V' 10 00 16,00 V 60 fH) " aaaaaaaae B.fJOM M 8,0)0 4,000 4,000 4,at) 4V0OO 601 aaaseaawsj aaaaaaaa aaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaa SCO mm? 100.00 v WOOD WORTH CITY" lies about Sf milrt rorth of Chattan-TOfra, within a Xsw mteS 9f aitamont, the county seat of. Orqndy oofin ty, and between Tracey Cit auVt the Cele brated Beersheba'8priiig, the SaratowM of tne boa' a . it 19 in the centre or the developing coal and iron district of see. nnd within ita boeders - are-found ooal. trou, ciuc. 4 Vble and asbestos, with various hard woods, such as' oak;'- chestnut, msple; beach, locust, hickory, ash, pine, chervgnd black wataut In .abuudance. The village of Uruetli, with several hundred inhabiUiitev coutaiiw Cl-urches, Schools, Stores rosti omce and-eleKraph. station, and a nam be of manufacturing Induotr'es, Mi' or wnkhi are locatea on tne property ana lorm parvoi Woodworth City. The proceeds, of the sale of these lotewlll be used) to develop 4hV mineral .reour-. oi the property and build up a large and ttriv. Ing qity Quirk application for these lots should bflWidey' aVttrtrright is reserved to advance the price, without notice, . For further particulars apply to & C. UYINCsSTOIsVAfieH 7WDeKaJb Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.- Parties desirons of visiting and; Inspecting this property can obtain special ratee on 'tot new ana -most eamfaitablr "ressel aoet,- of the Pee in 8teamship Company. Tbesf sp rxH leave New. York,. MondayV wed- " Fridays and Saturday i making, s ellghtfo'sea.Wpoi v t hnrflODR8;TO'8ftVANJIia Where Tijamediate, oonneciions ara made to Chattanooga and WOODWORTH C m Y, 0ceali Steamship Cb.wfavannah;r , . No. 712 DeKalb Avenue: i - . Propklvn. N"V JEWELRY ATD fll?iicTACLE8's ' ' at prices thai dof r eopetHn, at wmr , ,Xhe undersigned, an pld reliable- watch maker snd jeweler, is better' prepared' hw than ever be tore to .do youj 'Watch! elonk and jewelry, work, or furni-h ypu with any gpoCsMsiiallf kept lb his line. " .?. ' v 18 mi AineriosAMstki Moremsnts Boif, i ' in Gold Cases, $15 00 np 18 size in Gold Filled Cases, 4' 8 50 up 18 tfze.ia SiWer-Cases, n .7anp 18 size In Nickel C sses,' 6 00 ftp 16 size Amenoan, Made JMovementsw -a n vL lnvitwases,..,., , !., ;J7 60.up, ie gize in uold FiUed Oatea, 10 sizfritt'8ileefise, 16 ef se in Nickel Cases. -10 00 if & r.r. Uatcks. Clock mm flOOO- 7 60O 6 fc0, Indies' rce. American Move- 6ftO,aiMmGoMFUle4(3a8es, , , KlOOnpJ 0 & o'slze' ih BiRr CaSesr ' ' V 00 uM Swiss -Gold wstcfaes,(i 10 OOoi Msrlfla-fliliu.. woaKaa ewiss "icKei watcnes, (not reconv .ccjs J3 . n - o I .Airwaiineor watcnes uioKs.ewirya- ni BMctsneseonsttmUx m hand Jpr,sala, ' ;The Bryant Gout and Combination Rings e spet&iltyi TeworWtMristupn4oliy or uo ower ring are Deiter. y ,, y r qQallon the olu reliable urderiened for wbiasaon Want-ieitHernoodrffiF wostMrtihis nhe and jsonUj.be, weH,tMtedr and spoils or jworkhonfestlytetireseliiea aticf witranted1 or not good.c to ;i n " -; f el7 vm. P 7rTOLbAIbiSLitBlif flBBAKCE,iTOHirjftB, ENDOWMENT POLICIES. 'it: , ISrfdelaFsiPflwapojJeca lil When Baby was slckTwesvewOaacSjia: sttCTiW,,ts erieaforOsafec. OWWi AFT vsr sravT I IIH! v-(V,;;;.- ., , . ., .-Mi, : . , .... m j -P... r .... fifS ESS ACleanJihe8 akintogddlihei3s and in order -to show to the world ' 'that -you ertjpy, this Bless in, rely upon r,i4turo.tp furhinh AND Buy OF Aatock of the fallowfog bnd i of Soaps ALWAYS a baad: LnWsSoap.. 80c fraud's Soap, yioletaqap. . , Roses and 0IieerJi.e Soap, bolsJOreawSoap,. ?oln and 6lycerlne Soap. Mo 0u'e3onJuBoap,.i Otifto May. Bauquat Soap, ; jtk, 7h Wblte fiosa Jlyeerm"e Soap, 1 85c , 85o duMaara Moupt (0ibolle-Bdapf lotthyol Soap, Toe 85c and lOo island JOo j pofax aap. J6a tie dermioidt Saa. 26o psadora Soap, gayJLefflap, :15e 10c and 15o ' ' .i : . r 0c 10c ice . :-0o , ido aiidtSSa : Mc' OCcand ICo T"F"Juxr ounp, " Bttttermllfc ; Sftarj, Peaeh:Ad. HoixerJlP, . andworkar'a'Soap,- - pptton Sead OD Saap, ;8hi-tdnKBbap;'T ' PaJ.QlLJIaap.,, , bite Castile Soap. Ra4 OastUa'Soapf r. , , ; ; JaaeastrleBoap, ! ' .06e by the box or doaaa ; V J; mm X)3RJGK3HST -ifl The WATER Toilet Sioapg mum. I If