Rlcbcumd fc Dmllls RR Co. V HUtDlXOria'ASB SnjISJI fOBTU, ,icaiYiBs. Cndene4 brbedale la effect flov. 87, 1892 Southbound. No Noll 1r Richmond, . 1 45pm Barkevllle, S 51pm Keysville, k 8Jpm Ar Danville. 6 Wpm 7 !1m Ar Ureeasooro. 9 OJpm 9 80an Lv .Golds boro, S85pm f7 ipm Ax kalelgo. .2 Mpm lllJpm Le Raleigh 4 40pm 0 15pm Le Durham, 687pt 7 lSaou Ar (ireensboro, 7 tipin 9 I5s Lr tialem, & 40pai 00m iiweasDoro, tJ 10pm 9 8)uu Ar (ieiishary, 9 oOpn 11 04a u Ar Btateaviile, U Obpn Ar Aehaville, 4 apm AJ Hot tiprings, 6 07 Lt flalisbary, 9 65pm 11 14am Ar Oliarlotte, 11 10pm IS 40pT gpartanborg, 160aiu 8 86pm lireenville, 8 07am 4 42pm 9 65pm 11 10pm 160a in 8 07am 9 0Jam 11 30am Atlanta, UJam 11 wpui L Charlotte, A Oolumbi Augusta, Northbound 0 00am, 10 00am Daily, NolO 6 jOpm 10 60pm OOuam 9 20pm 6 40am 6 65am No u Lv Augusta, Columbia, Ar Charlotte, Lr Atlanta, Ar Charlotte, Lr Charlotte, daliflbory. Lt Hot Bprlog. Asheville, Btateaville, Ar Salisbury, Lr Salisbury,,, 8 03a 7 00pn 7 45pm 0 1 u 12 B9,-o) J 45pm 7 47pm .b 87pui 9 62pm 11 20pm UOOAUi 11 85pjt tf 00am td 46am 12 l6pm 11 a P 1 16am 405 4 61am 7 OOaui B 17a 8 27au? 10 10am 11 80am 10 20am 12 llpni 1 OUpn 12pm Ar Greensboro, Salem, Lr (Greensboro, Ar Dor ham, Raleigh, Lv Raleigh Ar (4oldatxro..i 8(M.pin T.w (Greensboro. 10 80a Ar Danvii'. - 1 01pm eysTiJle, Borfceville, DUhninad. . 2 45pm 8 26pm bUpui, tDally exoept Sunday. BXWJtM WfiST POINT A& t AIUAKOxU'. 7 60 am Lv West Point,Lr 8 o jam t ftf o5 am 1 Ar Richmond Ar 10 40 au L 810 pm Lv Richmond Lv 4 46pm 15 oopin Ar West i'oint Ar tt iwpui BaU.' WifiBW JllCiliklONli AiMJ ttAi KKiH via KevHVllie, 4 40om Lr Raleiga Ar 0 00 pan K. BatCKLBY, W. A. rCttli, Saperiutenaent, ien'l Pass. Agt , tfreensb'o.Jtf.U. Washiugcou, 1. O. J. a. B. THOMPSON, Supt. Rieli.Va. B. H. ilAKU HVia., abb 6 weu. jrno Agent, Atlanta, tfa. W ff. RiifiiN. - SOiiHAAS, (ien'l Manager, Traffic Manager, Waehlngcon.U-O- WaBnlngton.UC To cae effect Trains mov ing Sooth. No 41, Pass and Mail. Daily ex fion. 9 am, Sunday, 26. W?. Aug Trains mor lng North. 40 88, pass and'Mail. Daily ex Son L ave. 4 20pm 84 41 ' Arrive. Ralein, Gary, Apex, Monoure, Sanford, Oamerou,! Southern Pines, 1117 am 10 67 am 10 45 am .10,11 am l4 64 15 81 " t6 00 " B6 24 " To 54 M S7 50 " ia 9 47 am 912 am 8,41 am 7 40 am Hamlet, aibson, Lv 00 ai Northbound Southbound IITrains. Tnro Frt and Trains . Thro Frt and i, Fas 8-23, D illy exet 2unday p Lv .Pass 22, - Stations Dailexct jSonnay Ar fit Raleigh Gary Apex Mononre Sanford Cameron 7 21 7 43am 8 48am 9 27pm 10 10pm 11 00pm 12 45pm 46 80 20 40 45 Southern Pines 55 Ar Hamlet Lv 12 80 PITT8BORO R R, Imm Pittsboro. 910 am Arrive Monoure, 65 Leave Moneure 610pm Arrive Pittsboro, 6 65 ; OAKTHaea R R. Leave Carthage, 8 00 a m Arrive Cameron, 845 Leave Cameron, 9 45 Arrive Carthage, 10 80 Leave Carthage, - 4 00 p m Arrive Cameron, 4 45pm Leave Cameron, , 5 50 v Arrive Carthage, 6 85 . . Wit SMITH, Supt, N OASQLA A.8D CAROL (MA H.U 0ONO8SSBD SGHBDUIiB. Dated Aurost ;r.n, 1891. South No'Ah Bound Train. No. 101. Hound Train. No. 100 , P. M. STATIONS. K. H. I9 60 10 15 10 27 1102 1120 1137 11 62 12 81 1253 120 L've Pinner's Point Arrive : 6 25 2 01 -4 47 414 3 54 3 36 3 21 2 39 2 17 15q L've L've Drivers, Arrive Suffolk . jQatea, . Tunis, Ahoskey, Aulander, - Hobgood, . Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive L've L'e L've L'v L've L've XatDoro. Ar .Kooky Mount, r. m. 11 No 101 makes oonneotion at Rooay Mount with W W Train No 23 lor points Soata, and No 78 train for all points North' aMSBRPBC, . JRaK, (Jeh'l Manage Sapt Train $ tf B;aox, eaa'l Pa9Qg9 Ag JALJIQHi QABTOII SJL To take effect 8onday,Aag. 7th, 189) Trains moving North. NoftS, Voti, BUtioa. Hell train. FaaftMalL Le Raleigh. 1125 6 00 psa wake, Franklin ton, Klttrell, Henderson Littleton, 12 04 ISM 'S 48 14 69 SOT 2 45 5 88 868 614 680 785 pm 8 16 a m Ar.weiaon, Tralr moving South. No 41, No 45, Station. Kail train. PattftMa Le Weldon, 18 15 p m 6 80 a m Littleton, 12 68 7 09 Henderson, S 10 8 14 Klttrell, 2 43 8 29 Franklioton, 8 00 8 45 Wake, 8 21 9 06 Ar Raleigh. ' 405pm 9 45a m Loolsborg Ra'lroad. Trains moving North. No 88, Pass. No 8, dtatious. Mail ft Express. Le Franklint'n, 810 pm 9 20am Ar Loolsborg, 8 45 p m 9 55 Trains moving South. No 41, Pass. Ne9, Stations. Mail Express. Le. Loaisbnrg, 12 06 a m 6 85pm Ar Franllnt'n, 11 80 p m 6 00pm M SMITH. Bopt uuungton dranonei. Veidou Kailroad and Ooudenseu tteaeduie. TRAINS tiOINd Jwa Jan. 4. No 24 SOOTH. No 27 No 41 f'tm'l d'y.ex 182. Daily. Dally. Sund'y tieWeldon, 12 8vpm oattpm tf.40am ArttooayMt, 140pm Otftfpm Ar Tarooro, 4 lepm Le Tarboro, 12 60pm 6 OOpot Ar Wilson, 2 18pm 7 Oopm Lie Wilson, 12 Mpm ArSelma, tfttopm A ax D'ay'tvllle 680pm Lie far'dsboro, 1 16pm 7 40pm ue Warsaw, 414pm 747am .817am vuuam 10 00am idagnolia, i 7pm 840pm 1014am it 66pm 11 4oam crOlWrt NORTH. JNo78, dally. No 40, d'y, ex Sund'y 4 00pm a 40pm 656pm 00pm dully WU'gbou, loam y 16am uv iiiagnolla, 6 ti, 10 67am IjO Warsaw, 1111am Ar (G'dsboro, 4 tfJam 1206am LeFay'tvlile, U10am Lv Seima, 11 Ot'pm As WUson, 1210pm fav Wilson, 5 liun 12 68pm 7 48pm Ar RookyMt, 5 87 1 80pm 821pm aj larDoro, To oam"2 18pm Lv Tarboro, 12 58pm Ar Weld ju, - 6 85am 2 b6pra 9 85pm -Mauy except ounaay. JoHir if DxTura, (General Superintendent. j R Kmshi, Bup't Trans, f H ttMaaoH. General Pass Agt. AXJLANriO 4e N. G. Bit, . Time Table No 15. In effect December 19th, 1888. Zm (Going east. Schedule. doing west No 61 Pass trains JN06O Ar m 417 4 49 618 9 26 Lve Stations (Goldsboro La Orange Kins ton New Berne MoreheadOity Ar Lve 8 80 4 20 464 64 pm 1128 a in 10 46 10 48 10 09 1014 8 27 8 44 a a 6 88 THE WASHINGTON WEEKLY POST A Paper from the Nations. Capital should - 9to into every Family in ib? .. j . ' .Country 1 THERE is no other paper in the Unitet' States that is growing so rapidly in circuj lation as the Washington Weekly Post. : This is because neither abor noretpenw isspved to make it the best, as well as the eneaixnt paper published. It is A National Papor I Being printed at the seat of government, Th Weekly Post contains aneo.ial featnres not found in any othur pablioation. 'Every mac should nrat subscribe for his home paper To it you owe your nrat allegiance. After that is done, if able to take another paper, the best one printed ai the Capital of the coun try is the one that will prove most prontab.v and entertaining. The Weekly Post will contain: - '. '.,;(!;!;. A full resume of the nrooeedinra of Oonarres- An epitome of all the nerrsfrom the Nation' ; al Capital, ''4.-..if Political news ana gossip impartially told, Serials and short stories by the best Writers, cema of literature, art and selected miscellany The latest telegrap"? new from every section oitnegiooe, Interesting Capita' chat Interviews with leading me a from L ruts . of the country Other features not contained in anrofiei -.' paper, : .; . ... .. . ; The Post is an absolutely inaependnt pspsi t 8 pages, 56 columns. - The prioeot The Weekly Post is75oenta per annum in advance. Sample oopieswal freei Addrtat. ;. ....... ' TUB WfiEKLI POST, i - ' Washington Post. GRANDMA'S BOT. "BerlUUsboy rrowsopsofait," Bald (randma, thatsome sunat? dav. sTr He'll wake and be a man at last, V and wander from ber far awav.- -' Ob, then, what shall bis poor old srrandma dor" "Don't worry." said he, "I li Uke ear or your ava uvi aw ui swu ivi lvv Sighed grandma, "those who loved him here. V And leave them with one serce re gret. May be without one slrh or tear." A tender look beamed in bis eyes of blue: He whispered, 'Grandma, I'll take ears of your' ,'But grandma will be very old; Ana only in tbe way, she rears;" w His ehnbby arms her peck enfold, , His earnest eyes are fall of tears "And oft we give tbe old love for the newj" "But, grandma." said he. "I'll take care of you I" "I'll baild for yoa a house so floe; , And yoa shall have eii easy chairs; Dozens ot servants when yoa dine, And lots of comforts evtrywberee!'' While grandma , smiled her knitting through, iv "Don't fret," said he. "for I'll take care of you!" HI' Dear grandma softly shades her eyAs . The sunlight maybe makes tbm weep; ; " Close to her heart her darling lie, Rookfd in a calm and gentleUep. And kisses fall upon the lips, so true, That said, "Don't worry; I'JJtake eareofyoul" ,"y - . - A missionary from Africa arrived in Omahp the other day, fell Ipfcp the hands of tbe heathen and, was sand bagged and robbed. . In all his etpe rienee in Africa he had never enooqn tered the sandbag. He thinks Qiaha is a good field for missionaries,, bat they should have their heads-st. el- armored, i LOCATION OF ALARM BOX No. 12. Folk and East Streets -18. Johnson and Halifax Streets, 'A 14, .North and rersou Streets. 15. E lenton and East.Streets. , ), 21. Morgan and Blount Streets: 23. WilminKton and Martin Streets 24. Davie and Blood worth Streets. 25. Wilmington and. Booth Streets. 26. Hargett and Bwain Streets - 27. Blount and Cabarrus Streets. -812. Fayetteville and Hargett Sts.; 214. Hargett and Blood worth Sts. '; 81. Davie and Dawson Streets. 82. Hillsboro and West Streets. 84. Lenoir and McDowell Streets. 85. Hargett and Dawson Streets. 86. Sooth and Harrington Streets. 87. Hargett and West Streets. 4. Water Tower. 41. Dawson Street, between : 7onei and Lane Streets. 42. Halifax and Edenton Streets. 42. Jones and Saandem Streets.' , v 45. Firwood Avenue opposite' Cot ton Mill. . 47. North Street, West of Salisbury. Cvets. and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for modem atc Vccfc. V Oun orncc i -Opposite U. S. patcmt Orre and we can secure patent ia less time than tbost remote from Wasbineton. -i.t.v Send models drawing or photOk, with desoripwf don. We advise, if patentable or not.lredof charge. Our lee not due till patent is secur&- j ' A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patent'li cost of same in the u. S. and foteicn couawias sent free. Address. ' " ... t Jr',4 Op. Patckt Omcc, Was"-- II You - Monev,- r - A cotk, ' A partner, A situation, A servant orirl. . To sell a farm, LV To sell a. house, V'AV, To buy or sell stock; ,sW.t Good boarding house, To sell plants or grain, . ". S jII groceries or dugs, ' Sell household furuitore. A? , : To make any farm loans, .. . Sell or trade for. anything. 1! Find customer for anything, , , R( ad and advertise in the Raleiac Advertising obtains new customers, Advertising keeps old oustomers, Advertising liberallyi will pay, r Advertising makes i suocesfj ; ! Advertising exhibits pluck; . Advertising means "blx." Advertise . immediate! V Advertise constantly, 4 ' Advertise regularly, f ' Advertise alwava. Advertise well, ADVERTISE, ' AtonOeT ," . NOWlt A Mi EVENina mmm ilEYeniiig;, Visitor . 1 1111 in 11 1 n mii in viy.j 1 l ' . , for Infants Caatoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it id superior to any pTMcrlpUoa knows tone." . H. A. AScsxa, K. D., Ill Ba Oxford SU, Brooklyn, N. Y. "The as of 'Castoria is so universal and It merit so well known that It seems a work of eupsrerogatktq (o eodorse.lt. Few are the intelligent farnfflee who do not keep Castoria within easy teach." ' ' Cikum UasTSM, D. r New York Qty. Thi CanTAua The Y3..in.cr Visitor 19 prBLTHHHD EVFflY EVENING Exoepr UNDVY -AT- S3 BER ANNUM. -OR - Tptejttyflve CenU Per, HQntb J BY W M. Brawn, !Sr-, RALBIH,r. C. MministrcOor.'s Notice. TTfirWiWTTirvwshrlw8tirrimistrator ot the estate of Wesley Jones, deceased, this is. to notify all persons hiving claims against MMivarv ..AiF nelsons. indebted to thee tate wiQ please sett le 4 without iurtl er d 4minatrat(r e( yesleyones, defd. i i Notice. HavOas- been appointed exeoatnx of the will arih late "James" B Todd. I hereby give notioe to all holdinclairns against the estate to present tbem within .the time pre scribed by law or this notice will be plead in bar ef recovery. ' All indebted td the estate are notitjed to setfe them at once. Deo 21. 1802 : Kxecatnx. tne estate raprssem ine same to mew pay ment ofi or fcefpMthe tat da of ' eoemtw, lflPJI. nrthia notie Will be dead in. bar "f and Children. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Ellis Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, Without Injurious medication. "For several years I .have recommended your 'Castoria,1 and shall always continue to do so as It has Invariably produced hencCci-1 results." Eowcc F. Pardee, M. P., 156th Etreet and 7th Ave., Hew York City. Company, 77 Mckbat Btrfit, New Yor.a Crrr. J.I. ..iLLL.m.i.-u mm.i m Favirg made all the money neewsary to reducfl price for the benefit of our customers, we will sell a lot of nice pine wood for tl per cord on yard, or 1 1 50 delivered any where in the city. LIMB 1 10 per barrel. LA.THS :perl,0'.i!a Best on market. Lum Serin plank, pro miscuous width 4 N). Frumini? from f 9 to UperJ,r00. Flooring and ceilin 12 50t $14, 15 per 100. Sash,- Doors,- Blinds, and Moulding reduced in same proportion. Best Heart Shingles al vays on hand 'Ve manufacture our own material which enables us to sell at bottom prices. Our motto is quick sales and small profits. jyis (f Kiliatton Royster $ Co, The best t.Mna; iu the nit. .ts i.e fc J ONE CENT s the PhilalphiJ , : 1 RECORD $1 per year, d'.1- . $8 pr year, omitting Panda .For the Farmers f ,Drl honlxiess mat; the Reuord ba t o anl A n.'..wr m . sw i r CURE i Hi YniiRcn piX IWW.- your Druggist for aY& Dottle of Big . The only Sf. . .-w. umiihim iucuy ior an wlj private diueoses of men and the debilitating weakness peculiar to women. It cures in a few iucvb wiinodi tne aid or 1 F"w.JVijr vh a uucwr. The Vnivtrtal American Curt. fliainuaciurea D7 Ivans Chemical I CINCINNATI, O u. a. a. CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS, COP YRICHT8. etcJ ror inrormation ana Tree Handbook write to MUNN CO., 861 Bboadwat, New York. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. Hvrtv oatent taken out bv no is hrnuirtitTufnra tbe puolie by a notioe given free of charge In tha rwutifif ii(M Largest circulation of any scientific paper In the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man should be without It. Weekly. $3.00 a yeorT 81.60 six months. Address MUNN & CO PUBr.iSHBBa, 361 Broadway, New York City. Mortgage Sale. By virtue ot a mortgage executed to J T Broughton, on the 5th day of January, 1891, by Thomas Hall and wife, Jane Hall.;re torded in the office of Register cf Deeds of Wake county, N 0, in book 112. page 223. more fully described in the mortgage, I will sell at public auction, for cash, at the court honsa door in the city of Raleigh, N 0, on' Saturday, January 23. 1893. at 12 o'clock m, for cash, a lot situated in Garner, St Mary's township, adjoining the land of Thomas Jones, deceased, and others containing l-32d part of an acre. V o AEMI8TEAD JONES, Attorney for Mortgagee, SDec2i, 1892pd iriBat mwm

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