T33 GEHERAli ASSSUBLT. SENATE. January 19,1893. Thileuate wssealled to order at -10 o'c'oek by Lieut. Governor DoagV ton prayer ty Rev. Dr. Newell of the Senate. The readies of the journals wai dispensed with. Mr MaeRae, of Robeson, moved that the Senate adjourn until tomor r-r at 'O o'clock, in honor of General LVs birthday. the motion was seconded by Mr Day, and opposed by Mr. McDowell. The Senate adjourn ed until tomorrow morning at iu o'clock. Death In our Midst. List night at 6 10 o'clock Mr. Jos. Watson's spirit passed quickly oat cf this world, after much sufferln jr. Mr Wai son came to RaMgh some thirty years ago and waa recognized in oar midst as a gentleman of the highest integrity As a mechanic h had uo superior He iepresnted the citv s an Alderman for several terms and was al ways admired for his clear cot ception of matters effecting the city government. For several years he served as foreman of the shoe shop ia connecia with the Deaf and Porob and the Blind lost, t'utton and bis pro flelency and fail hf diners to every duty won, not only the utmost con fideDce and respect of the officials, but cloeely attached l.im to the pu pils A faithful, honest and highly esteemed citizen has passed away. What we know not now, we shall know hereafter. The funeral pervices will be held at the residence tomorrow, Friday ev ning at 3 o'clocfc, conducted by Dr. M. M. Marshall. Morning papers will please give no tice of the funeral The Road Congress. This body was called to order at 11, o'clock by Gove ncr Carr, after open ing prayer by Rev. Dr. J J Hall. The delegates were welcomed to the city by Mayor Badger After the full i augaratlon the following matters were presented for discussion. 1. The benefit of good roads, and the values saved by their use. 2. Is there any need at this time for the improvement of our public roads? The special reasons therefor. 8. The kind of rail ways needed in various parts of North Carolina, and the best manner of keeping them in repair. 4. Ways and means for building good permanent public roads and maintaining them. 6. Suggestions for future organi zation and miscellaneous subjects. The congress will have afternoon and night sessions and v ill adj -urn on Friday. The members of the legisla ture are cordially invited to be pres ent, together with all citizens of the State who are interested in the con dition of our public roads. All who attend will be considered delegates. THINNING WtIpARTRIDGES Charlotte News. The big freeze has been severe on the partridges, and these birds will be scarce next season. Between the pot hunters who shoot them on the ground and the netters and trappers who get whole covies at a time, and the freeze, the minks and the hawks, the partridges are almost extermina ted. The last leg'slature passed a law protecting 'possums, but the 'pos sum is a bird that cold weather never kills. Unless some protection is given the partridges from pot hrncers, net ters and trappers, the bird dogs in this country will soon find their oc cupation gone. The reception of the governor and the inaugural ball last night was an immense success notwithstanding the inclement weather. - There was a large attendance including manyli dies. The ceremonies in the Hall of the House of Representatives tonUht on the occasion of the presentation of the democratic banner will be very interesting . If the weather Mho uld permit there.: will be a, large atten dance. ,. . : Mr, J. w. ouuit, wi urreeuauurv, in jin the elty. Compliment. Last evening at 6:80 o'clock the Edgecombe Guard I proceeded to the residence of kr. A. W. Haywood, on Nw Brae avenue, 'and . erevted Got. Holt to the reception "tendered to the new state, offlslals at tbi man sion. They were aooompaniid by a body guard of the Governor's Guard. This Is a merited honer.to oar distin guished ex -governor. , '" . . . -. 'v Commercial Asaoclatlan.7 The commercial and industrial as sociation met at the mayor's office yesterday afternoon at 8:30 o'clock. ... A committee of five was a'DDolnted to present the matter of Ja repeal of the merchants1 purchase tax to the present session of the general assem bly. A committee of five was appointed to look after the interests of tobacco warehouse men in regard to taxa tijn The committee appointed to look after the proper methods of banking in this state, suggested the appoint tn-nt of a committee to confer with the legislative committee on banking t formulate a bill on the subjeet of state buiks. Adopted. A motion was adopted to appoint a committee to investigate insurance matters and suggest o tbe legislature the appointment of insurance com missioner. President Alf A Thompson was re elected for the ensuing year and Mr H W Ayer secretary. A vice presK dent was selected from each congress ional district 8NOW PROVERBS. i y ( v f i j Under water dearth, under snow bread. Tuscan proverbs. For seven days snow is a mother, then it becomes a stepmother, and a scab, uufsanie) Italian. Coru (whtat) ia as comfortable ur der the snow as an old man in' a fur coat. Russian. If the sun f ills n the enow, there will be snow and snow, and yet snow again Russian With good wine, good bread, and peac at home, if snow does come, let it come Italian. An exchange remarks that " a dry corn cob will bold about kerosene enough to start a fire well if properly managed." And it will not blow the i ervant girl into kingdom come half p quick as the oil can. . Every Month many women suffer from Excessive or Scant Menstruation; they don't know who to confide in to get proper advice. Don't confide in anybody but try Bradfield's Female Regulator a Speclflt for PAINFUL, PROFUSE. SCANTY, SUPPRESSED and IRREGULAR MENSTRUATION. Book to "WOMAN" mailed free, BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, 6a. eld r all DrucfUU. i Quotations ot the Inter-State Trust and Brokerage Co. Baleigh, N. C, Jan. 19, 1893. Bid Asked 122 97 80 - 100 101 118 70 72 99 102 106 1081 60 :.; 374 121 , 111 120 145 99 102 71 81 82J J05 61 77 '84 rrtfc.i28 North Carolina C's WNCRR6V Nf Railroad, RSGRR,8's R&GRR, Bffi K K K, City of Raleigh 6's, 1897, City of Raligh6's, 1907, Raleigh Street Railway 6's N 0 Agricultural Society Q Citizens' National Bank. Commercial and Farmers' Bank, national cans. jaieign, Raleigh Savings Bank, Raleigh Cotton Mills (ex div), Raleigh Cotton Mills 6's, araleigh Phosphate Works, Caialeigb Cotton Mills, V O Car Company, Peace Inetitute, ' 1 " Raleigh Gas light Co, ( Raleigh Land and Imp Co," 'J' "NJBW A t) VEBTlSiMETI TS. Scrip DiyidQiid Cer tificate of the BUflGBillWILlS :., ww. J. a yjt ,.-..v...- Bought aridsSolcl'; , Shares pf stock given -Ifd elchange ior script ' unierences settled in casnri o INTER-9TATE TRTJStf &B&$Xtf&rjH js!3 lid w.ot; avuia 'RaleWfc?' uia papers jor saie cneap ,at tins omce. J i - !i 5 i j.'. . a .) RAI.EIGH, N. C. flncoeasor to Evans A Martin. MANUFACTURER OP Carriages, Buggies, : Rpacial attention elven to repairing of all kinde : The best work is always the cheapest. An1 this can be'foand at the northwest corner of Mortran and Bloant streets. FRAIZER Cart Shafts in stock Coal & Wood. We have in stock and constantly coming HARDA A T of all sizes. , SOFT LA J r. of the most I POPULAR AND ECONOMICAL i kinds, including RU88BLL CREEK 1 GAYTON - 2,: lump I J EGG - '"'.Tae best coal for domestic nse for the pric to be hand in ihe country. i Pocahontas Steam Coal is universally acknowledged to be the j best ever produced in r"aih of this section. Car loads to any depot direct from nines. , Having been in the toal business for the past fifteen yeara and studying the subject ; ana trie wants or tne customers, wt nave se cured the bt and cheapest. OAK AND PINE WOOD, ' 'ong and cut, at bottom prices. JONES&POWELL Telephones 41 and 71, RALEIGH, N. O. FALL IN PRICES. k jWe bare reduced prices on all heavy weight Broods to mako room for spring stock. we lave received onr FIRST invoice of '.sprinc- clothing. We have the "ran" of the trade, and if reliable goods, low prices and fair dealing are appreciated, we will hold it - ' I Notice; Notice is herebv given that an application will be made to the General Assembly of North Carolina at t' e Session of 1893, to amend te charter of the Roanoke, Norfolk & Baltimore Steamboat Company. . j. u aiimoi rrestaent, etc Jan2 30d . , . :" Notice. App'ication will be made to the present session of tne Getieral Assembly of Nortn Carolina to amend the charter of the South eastern North Carolina Railway Co, jaia 30d Land-Sale. WAkB TJNiryinthe'Saperioi Court! 0 T Horton and wife and others vs M T Jovner and wife w-; rl:iJV'-s p'r:.-. -vj-. . Bv "virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Wake county, in the above entitled spe cial proceeding, : I witf, on Wednesday, the Cih of Febrnary neti at 12 6'clork m, offer for sale for oash at .Wakefield, Wake coun ty, N C the following described tract of land bounded on the n6rth' bv Berrr Carrolh on the east by Mike Whitler: On the south and west by Mrs Martha Horton.' containing 846 acres, on the arpsboro,-RQad, and known B8 the "Gaston Earp tract V o, . ; and two years with interest from day of sale. nmeoi saie. weanesiar. 'reDruary etn. 1893, at 12 o'clock m Place of saie. Wake-J (Joiwiuaiioner' ' I Geo H Show, Att. juwiuBi V i Al m RJI !.'.......' m WagoDstc. Hre von Are. Or should be. Where? At the well known ana popular emporium or luxury presided over bv W; R - NEWSQM, ; 214 South Wilminton street, Where found the can be most rjay of nines brought in thn heavy ! L- tempting ar ! all the good of life ever to Ral- eigh in fancy and grocery line, near " at A.mas is hand and the notes of prepara tion caa heard on all sides. Thew -. cannot be complete however without a well tilled larder. Everything to please the epi cure, s ich as the best . Family Ficnr and Buckwheat, Ferrip' Harg, Breakfast 8trip, Salt fisb, of all kinds mullets. Mackerel, cut and roe herring, &n- In tbe line of lancy groceries the list is too long for enumeration. ffannd fruit, fresh fruit, pickles, crackers- of all kinds, splendid cheese, sauces, nuts Apples, of the mot approved brands, and in fact such a tempting array as must plrase the tastes of all. Tjard. bacon, sugar, tea,, coffee and heavy groceries in the greatest rrofuf ion. Don't forget the plce 214 South Wil mington street. Call early and make selec tions, at NKWSOM" IIPPCE. i have this day sold my entire in. teres in the " fl. J. Brown Coffin Bonse" tp Mr John W. Brown, for whom I ask the continued patronage of the pnblic. All claims against me will be paid by him Accounts doe me are in the hands of Mr Henry J Toung, at the Citizens' ' Wational Bank, and prompt, pavmenM expeo ted . LYDIA J BROWN. '. Referring to the above noUs, I respectfully announce that I con tinue the business of Undertaking in all ins branches, at the same stand, and will hold myself in readiness to sere the public at all hours of th day or night. Orders by mail or wir will receive prompt and carfql attei tloo JOHN W. BROWN " .Tp 1 189 1" - - - LOWEST PRICES. .. . Suits and Overcoat Will bd loW Lowar ThanKver hav yf plenty of goods- en band & Th liaM watithir ia afill An rt a you reel warm ano comiortaDie. , . We are determined to close out vll our Winter. Garments paying, no atjaajti jr' to their cost. i. All our am bit on is that thev shall go We will sell a pice Boy's Overcoat cost 5.)0 for II 98 r i- -''' inelegant f 15 00 Overcoat for f.95. ; Our U6.Q Vine Wen's Suitsa9.5. ; :-vr Our 10O0 Suits at 5 9fi ' Our 75o TJnlaundned Shirts at 33c; and Hats, " Underwear, Gloyes, &c , in proowtion. We ask you to call and you will Bid that : . -.-..wearetbe only leaders of 4 ql-i;'ljow:: Pr ices&?!:E 805 Fayeteville st, opp Post)fflce. . OR: JS. 17. LIcGEE, JR., Offers his prof 'sslonal service? to,tae Citizens of Raleigh and vicinity. OFFiCvfar Morgan's drag stpVe Kjsiujt!JriUJ!i, iau w. JUftrtin sviii EosiilHilCo ( HOSES V. AHIS, At'oinei tid Coawfillor-il-Liff vo. 4 East Davii 8-Rirr, Fraps Building. Author of the North Carolina Oriml . r. Cod; and Digest and Law of Notes n Drafts. no.j:;. EKTRAORDINAnY T AM) n tod AQDOQocemeof. The centennial and annual fair li so is the gr6Rt Ulk f U timea- ui m aa 0 t GRAND EX8IBITI0N 1.93 -v. - .k vuc aiammotn JEmoo num or r Johrsor &Barber on East Martin street, where car iv round one of the most superb sto- ki eStoVah.da -JystTMihkjaf It, Hf re can be hmti nlan;i da.ia R Y. "f-vuuiu a iu Suits, Lounws, Rocking Chains. Mattresi Wardrobes. CourJies, Setter, Bureaus. Lo .i.6 uinoora, ohm m mci. tnousands of ari i les two numerous to mention Inaddiciri to this there cau be found at this champi i warehouse CirriagM and Buugies to fuit all tastes. Call and fee tbe great erhibts t Johnson & Barber's oolF 110 and 1 2i East Martin Street. YANCEY & MARHN, 1 3 O MORGAN ST. 1 3 O Harp's Old Stand, . RALEIGH, N. C. Manufactuiers and Repairers of Buggies, WAC3rONS,&c Vf hnr employed a practical Hors. sho - i- -ri" t ye thia line of business oaf With I i d s'tillnd workmen we solicit 8 shuiv of your pat onse. (at WYATT'S : SPECIAL CQ7 FEED ' That makes a splendid flow nf milk dnrin? the coldest weather besides rich in cream and butter. A trial convinces everybody ihat is is the cheapest and beet Cow Feed on the market, besides keep: the now in th of health and condition. Give it a trial W be convinced, besides we will refer you to any customer that has used it on application . Wheat nd Corn Chops' That I grind myself from pure and clean - wain at I1.5J per cwt. , OAT CHOPS,, WYATTM SPKOIAL HORR FEPiD cheap, that will be sure to make your home fat and lively quicker than anything else. Give it a trial. . HAY. CORN, OAT3, PEA8, Straight alt , ways on hand. - . v . pSroend in your orders. h. R. WiATT, Telephone 87. " . PROPRIETOR. Notice. . - Notice. Is hereby elven that I have mis placed or lost certificate No. 127 for one share of stock in the Raleigh Cotton Mills, the same having been issued to L. Wood'eif and by nun transterrea to Tie, anal will apply for another certificate in lien thereof. Janl7 lia "CO, LATTA , wmmmm