us - I . v VOL. XXVIU. RALEIGH, FRIDAY, JANUARY 20. 1803. NO. 74 i! pljltti ' ' ' s ' i - ... mm f: CITY IN BRIEF. Rev. Dr. Hall U link.' Now for a lash and a plenty of it. Several senators went home today. I It looks like a general thsw has sat ' In. Beautlf ul weather overhead, bat, oh, the walking. The jingle of the sleigh, bells Is hesrd far 'n the night. Loaded wagons are erosslog the Yadkin Hirer on the lee. ' OoL J. 3. Oarr, of Durham, was In the clt yesterday afternoon. The FrankUnton cotton prod net eompany has been chartered. Let 1857 take the back seat. The v. oldest Inhabitant has given It up. Market wagons are still scarce, and provisions consequently "continue high. - : ."V . The graded schools of Durham sus- ' pended on account of the rough . westker. , Remember, brethren, the disap point ees always oat number the ap- pointees. , . . , r-', -. The railroad authorities are doing all In their power to keep ap the sup- ply of wood. . . Remember that the sunshine of to day may give way to clouds tomor row, 'Remember the poor, ' Meet the soliciting com; ittees with open hearts, open hands and open purses especially the latter. ' , The motherin law joke should take1 a back seat, now that an Ohio ma has "loped with his, and $800 The Ralelfth committee is hard at work and some suffering from cold and hanger will be at an end soon In oar midst. ..; . .-, vv; ';,"'V'' The great Value of Hoods Sarsap arilla as a remedy for catarrh is TOdched for by thousands of people whom it has oared. The bursting of a water main on ' Fayetteville street caused a consider able flood around the market house and vicinity this- nr orning. . Owing to the bad weather the, pre sentation of the banner to the county giving the largest democratic major ity was postponed indefinitely. There are too many ', lobbyists in Washington this winter for the 'good of the country, to say nothing of the good names of some Congressmen. The senate cleaned up its calendar today.: The committees are hard at work and the session may now be aid to have commenced in dead ear- .nest, .:,:.-;V:-' , ' , .; 'r- ; Mr. Joseph A. Parker, an old rail - roader, died in Laurenburg recently He was formerly master of transpor tation on the Wilmington and Wei don Railroad. ' Hon. J. R. .Mendenhall, mayor of Greensboro, and chairman of the chamber of commerce in that' plaoei is in the city, the guest of Mr. H. H. , Crocker, on East Hargett street. Mr. 8. Otho Wilson was arrested vesterday afternoon on a true bli , found against him by the grand' jury on account of his alleged connection wlt.h-a secret political organization. -' He ' was - recognized to appear ;at court on his own recognizance. - A notable story, "Reiteration," from the pen of Miss Dolly Higbee, author of "In God's country." and other well known writings, appears in the January number of Fetter's y Southern Magazine (Louisville, Ky.'. Fetter tt Shober) ' This is a study of exceptional Interest and is pro nounoed by oiltics to be decidedly ' her best work -- Tha ra.ltmtn.f1a urn ' TU.OOITKD.' hilt Dughl gets the finest Norfolk oysters AILTHBTIMB He never fails and . his restaurant Istheiefore the; great resort of the ci'.y for stranger, and citizens. Don't fail to call . fou w'.ll - not be disappointed. Remember that Dugbl UEVBR fails to have the best the market afford", not ouly la bys ten bat : ali, the delioacies of . the , sewQuv - ' Appointments. Gov. Crr has made the following appointments : Private . Secretary, S. F.Telfair. Exeeatlve clerk, O L. HInton. These are most excellent appoint menu in all respects. We eongrata ate both young gentlemen as well as Gov. Carr He could not have made better selections. The Weather. -For North Carolina: Fair, warmer Saturday. . . Local forecast made at station for this vicinity:- : .. . . On Saturday : fair weatner, siignt y warmer. . v Local data for 24 hours ending 8 a m today: . -. Maximum temperature, 80; mini mum temperature 10; rainfall, 1.07. Died, At his residence, in St. Matthews' Township yesterday afternoon, at 8:80 o'clock Mr. L. E. Reagan. He leaves a widow to monrn his loss. The burial will take place tomorrow at It, o'clock in Oak wood Cemetery. Cspt. Reagan was a most estimable gentleman and was well known in our city aud vicinity. For many years be was conductor on the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad where he gained uiaoy triends. At itest. The remains of the late Miss Lena o Donald were laid at rest last Wed nesday afternoon. Ths funeral ser vifvs took place from the Church of the Good dhepherd, Rev. or , Pittin ger offlcUting. The pallbearers were: diessrs Henry Litchford, Edpar Hay wood, Geo. Bergen, James Anderson, Henry Kins and John Stronach. The floral offerings f romloving friends were beautlf ul. - Wake Superior Court The following oases were tried to day: .." ; : .' .. ,: . ; State vs Burwell Perry; bigamy; continued for defendant. State vs Burwell Perry; r. w. 1.; de fendant in j ill until April 8, 1893, and costs with leave to commissioners to work on rou?s. ' v;;.1 State vs S Otho Wilson; secret po litioal sociel y; set for Tuesday first week March term 1893; bond filed. State vs J. M. Yarborough et als; conspiracy; defendant Yarborough 8 months on roade; Debnam and Rich ardson 6 months on rads, and R Car penter, Ed Carpenter, Will Carpen ter, Sam Jones and Spenoe Carpen ter 4 months on roads and each to Day costs. . State vs J no Price; 1. and r ; mort gage discharged upon payment ol costs. ' ew Conntieg. -'- The Raleigh correspondent of .the Wilmington Messenger says : There are said to be plans on foot before the Legislature for some lm portant changes In counties. For .in stance, it is proposed to carve a new county oat of Richmond with Lau rlnburg as the county seat; one out of Chatham with Siler City as the county seat, and one out of Guilford with Pigh Point as the county, seat It should be borne in mind however, that It Is extremely difficult to pass a bill creating a new county, r Few things are more difficult, as the pro moters of such - schemes have found any time these ten years past There are also some plans under oonsidera tfon ' for changes of county seats. These are to change the county seat of Surry from Dobson to Mt. Airy; of StokeB ' from iDanbury to Madison of Rockingham from Went worth to Reidsville. These plans will lead to a fight no doubt. ' - We received today by express sev eral cases ladies and men's rubbers, Price 85o and 50o. ' ' Wool!cott& Eon's. 117- III -t ..kl ;' b-ot8 and arctic overshoes this p m by express (Jan iO), i . . . J , A , .' ' Woolicott B9n, FROZEN UP. Correspondence of tbe Visitor. ' MaCKBT's Fbkbt, Jan. 18 . We are undergoing the wont weather known In this section for years. The boat rrom here to Kd en- ton has been froze in on week; from today. The Albemarle . sound -fs a solid sheet of ice, filled in some places six feet high. Four gentlemen" walk ed from Edenton to Mackey'4 Ferry yesterday evening, leaving Edenton at ll a. jtn. and arriving here at 6:80 m bringing a sleigh with all. their baggage on it. The, distance In VI miles. Their name are Dr B R Phil- ps, Capt Henry Morse, Capt Benry Morse, Penn Tan, N Y, and F Grls wold, Hammondsport, N Y The keeper, at Lanr. 1 Point light house left his house Sunday night it having Deen rendered unsafe by Ice. TobaccoUsers Smile Sometlmog when told thai tobacco hurts them: their wives never do, because shat tered nerves, weak eyes, chronic c' tarrh and lost manhood, tells the story. If your hus'iand uses tobac. you want him to quit, post younclf about No'to.bac,thewonderful,hfirm less, guaranteed tobacco habit rnre by sending for our 'little book tlld: "Don't Tobacco Bpt and 8mok Your Life away," mailed free Drug stores generally sell No to bae 'fl E ST E KLIN REMEDY GO . Indiana Mineral Springs, Indiana. Jalfl 13. p Gent FtQe-;Foot,wear.i-:. The Burt Packard "K(Jr)fct 8hape" for gentlemen Is accorded a high place in the estimation of con sumers. For sale at " O. Ai Shorwood & Co.f Terr Special. The m6st' sacrifice we are making in our stock is in . dress goodstind men'B stiff hats. All the stiff hats are marked down greatly below cost, and several lines of dress goods are .below cost. Most prominently is outline of pattern lengths in all wool suitings, 86 inches. These goods cost 88c- we are now selling this line at 81c, regu lar price was 60o in every stor but purs; this reduction you see is 10 per cent less than cost. All goods at cost at D. T. Swindell's mammouth store. Yon Need Not, and You Do Not Care whether Swindell will or will not leava Raleigh; what you care for is the price of goods. If Swindell sells goods at and below cost, you can bet he has an object in view and that he Is selling goods at cost, any one with two grains of sense can tell If they try. " '; :n "Hi Bee Hive Store. (No Racket) V' :r For this week only I will sell at one half cost: Slate pencils at 6c dozen, slatesSxdat 8o, 7x0 5c, lead pencils So dozen, sardines' two boxes 5s, bak ing powders any kind 15c lb, sauce n all kinds So per bottle, solid oil 5c per bottle, salmon, blue black mackerel at 56 pier can, green turtle lOe.per box, one half pint of ink 6o blueing 2o per box, candles lo each, knives and folks 25o per sett, ' soap lo to 3c per cake, starch 5o per pound, clothes pins 2e per dozen, marbles 2c toJIOo per dozen. mouth harps lo to 5c each, pipes, Powhatan 2 for 6c, clay and cob 2 for lo, fine toilet soap 8o per cake, six quart jars 6c each, jeilltine 10c per DOX, spieeiuo per pouuu, pepper no per pound, thread ?o spool, twine 10c per pound, tops to spin on ice lo to 8o each, tin dippers 2 for 6o, wood pipes 2ie to So each. 2 large 10c boxes black ing for 5c, 200 box matches ler eewjlng thread lo skeine, black tea 15c - per pound, green tea 80C per pound aud thoaeands of other things In same DroDortion for the cash. ot more than $1.00 worth sold to any one per son. 128 south wumington street next door to Tuckers Co. i. f m fl. J. DOWKETK , Oa Car Cam Caroe-Caroe petsw You would really feel surprised If you could see and know the low prices . . at, asked . for good carpets per. yard at Swindell's. You can do well at B win Cell's closing out sale; all goods a wet, ; . y - V TnSell Real EtUst. Some very desirable ren attk for salMby D T. Swindell. A Rare Uhance. for a Library. A new -t eouiuVt of tbe Eoevclo pedla Brltauica renriot nt tbe 8th Edlnbarg edition ar low figure. bU Is an opportunity that comes once lu lif time. Th Brltanlca eomes nearer handltog ami treating exhaustively everv subject wthln the range or Inronuation o1 of thought than aoy n'her publication Known, and you can get It at a low figure at the B-e Hive. H J Dowell, Manager, No 18 Sou'h WilDUneton street. Also the life of Bon Teff -mon Davis by Mrs Da', eont! te n two vol' nmes. Pric We offer the set at $3. Other mr- nka for te at the Bee Hive. B J !V-e;l. Manager, No 128 South WMraion d'wt Rofteaaul Other Handsome Cut Flowers Booqnfis, Btskets aud norai Ueslgon Telephone .13 ai tf H htrinmbtz. Florist. Special 8al L1lMC8nd nitgaeg L)i'K Wraps. As cold wathrtras this one's thought') naturtlly turus to comfort able clothing We have a number of ladies and ini?gp lone wraos to be sold at about, half price. Tf a etito mr will get suited In a wrap we will promise to suit th onstomer In price Thiq is a clearini: sale for a certain portion of onr wrap stock and we are not gong to let tbe price keep nem irotn t etagr sold W. H & R. 8 TU0KBR & Co. We have reduced the price on sev eral lines of our children's school shofs. Woolhott 4 Sons $150. A8K FOR 1 OUR LADIES' $11.50 GENUINE DON- 0OLA KID SHOES. TTIiie hest Inn the DRY GOO DS STORE We Are Making READY ; FOR A- Bie Sprlne: Trade. The fluttering success ofjthe past sa : son encourages us to enlarge our stock. The people demand It. In order to make .room we shall of fpr some indn5cmH;,ts von cannot afford to miss. Prices will be made on WINTF1 FABRICS HEAVY SHOES PLEASINQ. GRATIFYING, SATISFACTORY C-A- Shsrwood Co New Arrivals We have lust received a nice line of Men's . " -ii . n r . AM - oaoes ana wiu save you k we ;t . every pair you buy. Brogans from fl to tl 47. Urees Hboea i z-t o Rubbers from 38c to 49o Men's Crush Hat 47c to $1 88. ' aJVJI'Si ajlllM FKJ W Silk Hats tl 8, Men's Scarfs 10 to 49c, Undershirts ao w s, Working Hhirts aio W H , ... . Dress SMrts 44o to f l,i Bed Blankets tl to - 10 47, uorsn iJiapjteis uaw Hair Buggy Robes $6 to t7, worth $10 1 anv iMAita HhnM from 97c to t2 48 uiu. Ck w.n, Qn tn SI 07. 1 JtrlifM Rnb- bers 20c to 39o. Chenille Curtains 14 78, worm 98. ( "129 1 THE LION 16 rayttvill at Racket Stwrea Martin Hardware, &c. A BISCUIT MILL or a set of BREAD, CAKES FRD1T KNIVES will make an acceptable present to any housr keeper. A BOX OF TOOLS or ona of our CickinsrMuleBanks for your boy. A. POCKET KNIFE for ymr husbiud or son. RALEI iH. V. C 8 EW MILLINERY. The - Latest . (loyalties. ::::::;:::The mosDesiiaMer shes and stapes BOY'S CAPS, CHILDREN'S- SCHOOL aND DRESS HATS ziofaats' Silk Caps aad;::::: - stirred Hats. ..We have Millinery to suit every- body in style and price. t.a Orders from a distance will re-...... .. Cfiive prompt at- -, tention. , MISS MAGGIE .... ;"".'"!;""" zz"" ""209 """ 'zz FaxbttevillkSt ..... Dry Oood. Notions), jfte. 8PK0IAL Carpet : Sale. A carpet bniiess a large as ours aturally requires a great, number of patterns, a portion of which must be on hand at tbe close of the season. New. patterns and colorings are brought out each succeeding season. The residue stock must be sold to make room for new goods. ,We soon "take stock'! an( Immedi ately thereafter begins new carpet work for spring and we wish these carpets ol y 1 time. ; V.II.B S.TUCKERf CO, 123 and 125 Fayetteville Street V