t ; mm 1 VOL. XXVIII. RALEIGH, SATURDAY, JANUARY 28. 1893. NO. 81 i: I- ; CITY IN Bit IE'. , No eold ware for Raleigh. Good. sir. Julius Lewis Is somewhat im proved. ' Attention U directed to the notices of J S Brassfield mortgagee. Some much needed improTements are being male In the rooms of tbe court bouse. Rer. Dr. Hall wl'l occupy his pulpit and preach at the Tabernacle tomor row at 11 o'clock a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Look oat for the grand skating car (:'.. nival next Monday night. It is ex t TtAntJtrt to be a Brand occasion. Colonel John Robinson, President of the Seaboard Air Line, who has been very ill, in reported much better. Scrofula, whether hereditary or ae quired, is thoroughly expelled from the blood b , Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier. We invite attention to the adver tisement of Messrs. J M. Brougton 6 Co, who make some solid an nouncements in the real estate butl ness. There was a very large attendance of the members of the general assem bly, state officers &e, at Peace In stitute last night. It was a delight ful occasion. Several members of the Legislature will enter the ' Spelling Bee" at Met ropolitan Hall next Tuesday night. Mr. Allen, of Franklin county is ex pected also; lots of fun ahead, don't miss it. We are in receipt of the biennial report of the State Librarian, Mr. James O. Birdaong for 1801-92 Du ring the two years just ended, 1,508 additions have been made to the Li brary as follows: Books and pain phlets purchased 284, books and pam phlets donate J, 83, books and pam phlets received from other States, 835, books and pamphlets received from the United States 803. Total from all sources, 1.C03. Xle Weather. Local forecast made at station for this vicinity; On Sunday: Threatening weather, with rain. Colder Sunday night and Monday. Local data for 24 hours ending 8 a m. today: Maximum temperature, 66; mini mom temperature 86; rainfall, 0.0. The Spelling Bee ." On '1 uesday night next, the 81t, inst. there will be a Spelling Bee at Metropolitan hall which will be one . of the most amusing entertainments ever gotten np in Raleigh. Mr Allen, of Franklin county, has been sent for and may be expected, ihe Pythian band has been secured for the oc e&eion. Admission 25 and 85 cents, .'and the proceeds will be for the ben ) efl$ of the Y. M. 0. Association. Died, - V a hAi home at the Institution of j)Af Dumb and Blind yesterday eve itig at 4:30 o'elock, Mrs.Nellie Young, Wile of W. J. xoung, Esq Principal i!th Institution. She had been VI sick only a? few days, and was not 1 mink onlv k few days, and wss arlnnalv 111 nnril until two if or three days agp. Mrs. Young 11 on of the most accomplished was and .,rni in.rita in the city, ana will ht ': twa&tiv missed bv the children ot . W - - - . it. vfnn rtt.rftflt Methodist oharoh A - UO ikuwwvw P f Sunday school, she having been for S .'w .... In ahum of t.ha lnfa.nl many yvtu "ow - - - department of that school, she was an accomplished musician, and a wo- man of gentle and lovely disposition. 1 Altogether, she was one of the noblest 'and b-jst women of this sity, and she ' will be mourned among us. : The funeral will take place at Eden ton Street churoh tomorrow evening ) at 8 o'olock p. m. How let the general assembly g.ve ;'. . the ttuiltord Battle d round Associa f joa ao apprppmioa 01 f o,w. v Hoard of Aldermen. There was a special meeting of the. Board last night to ratify their action relative to the extension of tbe city limits and to formulate a bill for the issue of $30,003 of bonds for street ln provenience and other purposes. The Confederate Manument. A bill was introduced in the Gen eral Assembly asking for an appropri ation for the Confederate monument. We most thin that such a cause would need no special urgency, as it ought to be take u for grsnted that every patriotic heart will beat In re sponse to the call. We most earnest ly hope that the request of our noble ladles will be responded to in the heartiest manner. Let the ladies turn out in force when the bill eomes up. Their presence will add.much to the success of the occasion. Tomrorow at the Churches. FIRST BAPTIST BIV. OB. J. W. CABTIB, PA8TOB. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Prayer met.ng Wednesday night 7:30. All eats free. Polita ushers at church services. Sunday school 0:30. Thos. H.Briggs, Supt. Sunday school at West End Mission at 8:30 p in. All are cordially invited to these services. TABIBNACLI BAPTIST BIV. DR. J. J. HAIL, PA8TOB. Sunday school 9:15. N.B.Broughton, Supt. Preaching at 11 a. m. and at 8:00 p. m. Public invited. Fats iivui Street Baptist. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. Suniiay tichool at 3:30 p. m., John I. Pul len, Superintendent. CHRIST CHURCH KEV. DR. MARSHALL, BSCTOB. Sept a tiesiina bunday. Early celebiat on at 8 a m. 1 )i vin service and sermon at 11 a m. Sunday school at 3.30 p. m. hora evensong 4.30 p. m. Servicei curing the week: Wednesday 4:30 p tn. Thursday (Furihcation B. V. M.J Friday 10 a m Free seats. All invited. CHORCH OP TUB UOOD BHXPHIBO. Bev. I McK. Pittinqeb, Rector. Septuagesina Sunday. Holy Com nunion at 8 a. m. Morning Prayer and Sermon at 11 a m. Sunday school at 3.30 p. m. Evening Prayer and sermon at 7.3') p m. Week day services : Wednesday 10 a. m. Thursday (Purihcation of the Blessed Vlx g'n) Friday, holy communion at 10 a m. and evening prayer t o p. m. Seats free. All cordially invited. CHRISTIAN BBV. J. L. POSTIB, PA8T0B Sunday school 9:30 a. m Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7.S0 p. m. All cordially invited. FIRST FBKSBYTE .UN BKV EOQENE DAHIBL, D D, PA8TOB Sunday school at 9:30 a m. P.enchinar at it a. m. and 7:3C d. m. Polite usuers. beats free. All cordially Invited. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night 7 :30. EDENTON ST. M. K O. REV. J. N. COII, PABTOB. Sunday school :30.a.m. V .J.Young.aupt, Preachin? at 11 a.m. and 7 30 p. m. CENTRAL M. K. BEV. 3. . HURLEY, PASTOR. Sunday school9:30a.m.W.N.Snelling,Supt. Preaching at tl a. m and 7:15 p.m BROOKLYN If. K. BEV. KCNNKTU I. UOLHIS PABTOB. Sunday school 3 p. m. J. B. Young Sup- Preachnigat v:iop. m. Oar Annual Inventory. We take an inventory once a year, onr time for this is February 1st. We are Just ending up our winter's work and about to Dem new Dusiness ior spring. Before we show the new Spring Goods we wish to close out much of the past season's stock. We had rather sell certain kinds of goods than to carry them through tbe sum mer. Intending purchasers should take advantage of this week, for in everv deuartment will tie iouna cer ' t&in lines of goi ds that will be sold for less than value. W. H. & R. 8 TUCKER St CO. James G. itluine Dead X The Southern Publidhing Company Raleigh, wants ten live men to can j vass the city and county for the life . and works (memorial volume) of the ' great Mtatesman The greatest of all ; written b Dr. John O. Ridpatch, Ex Gov. Connor and others. The only authentic history Ten thou sand books will be Jold in North Car Una. Strike now ? Call at office. Yes, With Pleasure. The people lay down their money with pleasure after hearing the price we make on all kinds of shoes; ask to see Burt & Packard prices $5 00 Sherwood's soiid service, 8 00 Little Trojan Hohool Shoe, 175 Tough ana Strong, 1 60 Ladies "Maple Leaf," 1 50 Oar Daisy, 1 85 "Just for Fun," 1 0'J Special Bargain, bO IT you va ue money, it will pay you to see these shoes before vou buy 0. A, ttiw wood & 9o. Did Yea Ever Rid After. An Ox Team ? If you hate It is unnecessary for me to say you didn't "get along" very fast or satisfactory. I venture you would not accept a fret ticket for New York in a car drawn by them Ton lsely prefer the more modern method of travel a Pulman car at taohed to an express train. Tet are you aware there are peop'e who act ually prefer the ox tem. They have been brought up to it, and fail to gasp the fact that there is t newer and better way. Gentle reader do you know that half tht people in Ral eigh are riding after ox teams t No. Well, it is a fact, I don't mean they have started cd a trip behind a yoke of oxen, holding a 'gad" In one hand and yelling "gee, haw Bock, go along now.'J What I do mean is this: Many Raleigh people fail to appreci ate the advantages and understand the difference between trading, at a modern Cash Store and ooe clinging to methods in force in the days when mules and oxen were in general use for means of travel. As the present railroad system is an improvement over ox teams, so is business conduc ted on spot cash basis (as Swindell's) an improvement over the elastic priced credit system. T simply pay cash for what you buy is unt enough, you must secure the full-at advanfa ges, buy of ao establishment tht sells for cash only, and has the cour age to refuse credit to aDy one. Will a Bank lend you money withoutHji terestl Will an Insurance Compf&hy insure your house without you pay1 a premiaml No indeed, neither will a merchant extend you credit without making you pay for it, and many of them are modern Shylocks, hence de mand a rate well nigh impossible to pay and live. . -Tours Truly, D. T. 6wiNDKLii' j ; Notice to Tax Payers. " I. hereby give notice to all delin quent tax'payers th .t they may pay their taxes to the Sheriff for the next ten days without additional cost. I now give instructions to my Deputies to proceed at once to levy and collect taxes as the law directs. M. W. Paok, Sheriff of WakoCo. Jan. 88th, 1893. For Sale. ; Six pounds of Sour Krout for 25 ots. or four quarts for 25 cents at R. M. Utzman'a. Just Arrived. A new line of checked muslins and nainsooks, Hamburg edgings, torch one and other laces. 200 dozen napkins and a complete line of towels, table linen and white quilts at Woollcott & Sons, ' U East Martin street. Sweeping Reduction on Wheels. Having made an exchange of ad vertising for wheels we offer, for the next few days only, a bargain in bi cycles, either cushion tires or the best made pneumatic. These wheels are high quality in every respect and fully equal to any on the market, and cue pnoes can't oe a upuoatea. Apply to Tbe Eclectic, 117 Fayette ville street, Raleigh, N. 0. jan21 For NoTo-Bac, wholesale or retail, apply to the sole agents, Nicholson & Co., Raleigh, N.o. ; TobaccoUaers Smile Sometimes when told that tobacco hurts them; ineir wives never ao, oeoause snat- tavarl navvni inaa tr nnna AritAnU i. , ivtvw mvi ivbi vv vnn j vg - vmvuiv us tarrh and lost manhood, tells the . story. If your husband uses tobacco. you want him to quit, post yourself about Noto-bao,the wonderf ul,harm less, guaranteed tobacco habit cure, by sending for our little book titled: "Don't Tooacoo Spit and Smoke Your Life away," mailed free. Drug stores generally sellNo-to bae. THE STIRLING REMEDY. CO., Indiana iMUwrai Springs, Indiana, jal? Iftp Hoses and Ollmr IIandome Cut Flowers Bqn.-f. Btefktaud Floral Desltrns lt-lnhoD .'3 Ja4 tf to . Stkikm - tz. KlorM. A full set l th Sucyc!oudla BrIU anlca, nintb Kdinbnrg fdiMnn. jlao life of Jeff rsotj DrU by Mrs. DhvU, at half price, f-vr sal-t by ti J Dow- ell, 128 ."outh Wiliuiiiirtoo street. $1.50. tK FOR OT)R LADIEri' GSSIJINK DON GO LA KID NHOES Tlse best WEId tor TTlieiiiaoniiey DRY GOODS STORE Ane Wow Interested lu LO'V PRICES, If so exam in onr utock of Winter oodl at prices th lowest yet named for strictly fi-bt cluss goods. mRUE MERIT I to evtry article, a H everywhere, FUL STOCK to select from. Comp-irfl quality and prices, Act ou your own judgment, The reult will be a victory for us. D A- Sherwood ' Co New Ars-ivals. We liave just reef ived a nice line of Men's unoes ana wiu save you dj per ceut on every pair you buy. Brocansfrow $i to147. Dress Shoes $i 24 to 2 93. Rubbers from 38o to 4!)c Men's Crush Hats 47c to $1 38. Stiff Hats 811c to S 2. Silk Hats 1 98, Meu's Scarfs 10 lo 44c, TTndershirfa38cto' 2i, Working Shirts 2 lc to 1 44, Dress Shirts 44 J to $1, Bet Blunket If to to 47, Horse lilar keta $1 24 to 82, Hair Buggy Robes to $7, worth 10 any where. Ladies Shoes from 97c to 2 48. Misses Shoes from 6 'o to ) 97. J.adiea Rnb- bers 20c to 39c. Chenille Curtains $4 78, worth $8. 129 THE LlOil 16 Fayetteville st Rnket Stores Martin st WE ARE A.nd this tvw wi aTe Tnakiug an nouncemcnte of a paalvzing ch-.r-ecter. The Chnstmsis hoI'das haw passed and during that period we catered to the khes of the public in all respects We are now offer ing to the public some of the btst bargains ever seen in this city. In fact, there never has been a chance to secure -EVERYTHING- in the furniture line at lower prices. v are working off immense bar gains. All the newvst designs such as Bureaus, French Reveled Look ing Glasses, Lounges, Willow and Rattan Chairs, Wardrobes, Mattress es, feo, together with a splendid se lection of Chinaware of all descrip tions. You can Sve at Least $25 on a set of furniture and a corres ponding saving ou everything else by calling on Thomas & Maxwell )2i Exchange Place, goath side Market. Uardwnre, &c A BISCUIT MILL or a set of BRFAD, -AKE& FRUiTKNIYES will make an acceptable present to soy housekeeper. A BOX OF TOOLS or one of tur Kicking 3uleSanks forjvnnr boy. A POCKET KNIFE for v our hutbi'd or son. roriPlSsiis N. C. EW&IILLIKERY. The - Latest 'lues. Ue inos1 M abler Crtirfl'! r-.ml C'li(inn uaivi i!iu oua)u3 BOY'S CAPS, CHILDREN'S 'SCHOOL AND DRESS HATS' ziDfaats' Silk Caps aad:::::: Sbirred Hats. .We have Millinery to suitevery . bo.ly in style and price. Orders from a distance will re- onive prompt at- tention. sVIISS :::: MAGGIE SOtt .FaybttbvillkSt Dry ttonda, KottoKtJr &e. THIS WEEK. THIS WEEK IS THE TIME of our annual "STOCK TAKING," and all over the house, in every de partment, are goods that we had rather sell than to carry ove ' We : urge our patrons to take advantage of the opportunities offered this week. W.ll.lBJ.T0CifC0, .... '. tX ft 18 and 135 FayetUYills 'V