Che 5- VOL. XXVIII. RALEIGH, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1G. 1893. NO. 97 IVY IN B II IFF. Springtime in the distance. "Mr. W. L. Holt of Burlington, ia in the city. The robins are getting here in con siderable numbers. Judge Foykin . ontinaes qnite ill at his residence in Clinton. The song of the ploughman will soon be heard in the laud. Miss Janet Andrews who has been quite sick, is much Improved. Mr. Geo. H Snow has gone to New Berne on legal business. Let there be no lagging in the mat ter of the Confederate monument Brookside Park will soon be pat In proper trim for the coming seasou. Many of the meuiberB'of the Logis say they are going to attend the in augural. There are now 210 students at the normal school in Greensboro, and 4 JO application are now on tile. We regret to iearn that our friend, Mr. Miles Goodwin, is quite ill at his residence cn West Jonos street. The sheriff of New Hanover set tied his stale taxes with the treasurer yes terday afternoon. Miss Mary M. RufHn, of Wilson, is In the city visltfng Mrs.R B Ptebles, on Hillsboro street. Mrs 0. H. Beine is very sick at her residence on the Tarboro road just east of the city liirits. Now your blood should be purified. Take Hood's Sarsararilla, the best spring medicine and blood purifier. It is understood that the finance committee have agreed to a tax of 20 cents on the $100 valuation of land in the revenue biil. North Carolina state bonds are still up in the figures. , Sizes are qu' ted at 123, and the 4 per cent consols are in good demand at par. New bills are daily being intro duced in both houses, notwithstand ing only a short time remains for the legislature to be in session. We very much expect that it will be a difficult undertaking to get more new county bills through the legisla ture. The tendency seem to be against it. . The skating carnival at 8tronach'8 warehouse, has been postponed until tomorrow night on account of the weather. The Figaro cigars announced by our friend Mr. J Hal Bobbitt are not to be excelled in this city. All lovers of the weed should give them a trial. They are "Dandies" and no mistake The different committees have agreed upon the appropriations for the several charitable and penal in stitutions This will, no doubt, much facilitate business. Here's success to the noble lad ies who have worked so zealously in behalf of the Confederate monument. Let every true man aid them to all the extent possible. There "ill be an adjourned meet ing of the chamber of commerce to night at the mayor's pfflce, at which very important business will be trans acted. A prompt attendance is de sired. . We now have a right to expect that Pollen Park will receive due atten tion in the matter of improvements It can be made a $kst delightful summer resort for our people at a small cost with a good road to reach It. .; . vV' There is much speculation in our city as U-who will succeed the late Mr. Robiason as president of the Sea " fcord Air Line. We have heard our fellow citizen, Maj. R. 8. Tucker sug gested and we hope that if he can be indncod to serve it may be conferred upon him. No better one could be selected. - There is a proposition in the gen eral assembly to give clerks of the Superior Court and register of deeds annual salaries. Such a law is to tally impracticible. How could it be arranged with anything like justice. Of course, for intsance, no one wonld say that the clerk of the Superioi Court of Wake should not receive a higher salary than that of Cherokee or Clay. ' he law, it as.stando, in our opinion cannot be improved upon, I O. O. F. attention members of Seaton Gales Lodge, No. 64. Meeting tonight at 7 o'closk, sharp. You are earnestly requested to be on hand as business of great importance demands your presence. Every Odd Fellow invited. Thikm, Bee. Important Meeting. There will be a meeting of the drug clerks of the state at Greensboro on Thursday night, March 2d, for the purpose of organizing an "association for social and business relations, to see I he Dharniacentical laws enforced and to advance tbe interests of drug j clerks in North Carolina generally. It is desired that a large attendance be on hand. The Weather. For North Carolina: "Local rains, colder." Local forecast made at station for thU vlcliiitv: On Friday : Continued warm, threatening weather with occasional rain. Local data for 24 hours ending a 8 m today: Maximum temperature, 61; mini mnm temperature 68; rainfall. 0.50. Exhibition. The exhibition at the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind last right was 'arately attended by members of tuo legislature and citi zans. Tbe prognin -vas good and rendered iu an excellent manner, re fleeting great credit upon uperin tendent Young ani the others in charge of the asylum Appropriations. As a matter of interest we give the following appropriations which have been agreed upon by the different committees: Morganton asylum for annual support of patients $88,000 $8,000 this year and $6,5(0 next year for dining rooms with wards above. Raleigh asylum $51,000 annually for maintenance $5,332 to pay out- standing debts, $3,000 for repairs, $8,000 this year and $6,500 for dining rooms for feuale patients, &c. Golds boro 'asylum $32 000 annually for maintenance $6,500 this year and next for dining room with wards for male patients, $2 000 for 109 acres of land and $2,000 for laundry purposes. Strange Spiritual Manifesta tions. Dr. Eddy, the celebrated medium, who gained such a notoriety in Eng land, will give one of those seances in spiritualism that have made him fa ous throughout the English speaking world, at Metropolitan Fall on Fri dav night, February 17. The follow ing are among the "manifestations that will be produced in broad light upon the open stage Materialism of spirit forms and faces; Eddy's Lon don open light seance blood writing on the arms; spirit slate writing; su- fernatural vision; a table suspended n mid air without human agency,eto. At the theater Friday night the skep tical may be represented on the stage with the liberty to subject the gen tleman to any reasonable test, and free to detect what they can. A small admission to defray' expenses. A large delegation is here from Wilkes county, to protest against the formation of the new county of Elkin. They will be given a fair and patient hearing. Although there is considerable pork coming to market, there seems to be no tumble in prices. It is still held at about ten cents. Taking up the carpets and brush ing up for spring will soon be the or der of the day with housewives. They Have no Equal. They stand alone. Our ladies gen uine dongola kid button boots at $1 50 has no equal in ladies footwear. For and durability they rival those at $2 50 to $3. Every pair war ranted. Try them. Ask for our J children's school shoes. Fine dress shoes for gents, ladies, boys, misses ; and children at the lowest cash prices. ' Our goods all warranted to wear just as represented. Norris' Drv Goods Store. i- 213 Fayetteville street. The sidewalk on tbe north side of Hillsboro street just above tbe rail road bridge is in a very bad condi tion. The red clay soil in that vi cinity is equal to a genuine sticking plaster. Iron and Steel Worker. R. H. Horton, Jr., offers hisser vices to the public as au iron and steel worker. Having had seven years experience he is competent to do first class work. He baa also secured a good, practical bossoshoer and goar antees all work at reasonable prices. We bespeak for him a liberal share of patronage. His place is next to Capital hose reel kpuse, West Mor an , v leieetp Figaro Cigars. 41,500 have een retailed by Raiser jf Smith, of Asheviile, N. C, sti-lce Julv 10, 1899. For sale in Kaleijfch bv J. Hal Bobbitt exclusively. I1 discounts to any one all fare alike. oeentseaab. 5 dollars per 100. 50 dollars rjer 1090. Try them and get the beet t'u monev can buv. fel6 You can save movov by purchasing vour shoes of us. We carry one q thelartrest stocks in the city au1 01 nrices are alwavs right. Woollcott & Sons,! We can show you one of the mo complete stocks of dress goods, wal fabrics. Isces, embroideries and ed ings and ribbons to be found in RaU ciffh It will pay you to examine them netore you puTcnase eisewutyre. Woollcott Hon .. A ... r..l Wall When the great dosing out sale i8 over what, an awful! wail will go fcp from those who did 6t take advfn, tageof it. Those win do not biy now will then see what they nave missed. Now, why will you be onjof these mourners? Why not come npW and take advantage of this great 66 and save yourself money. y Swindell. Ton Won't Be Urged. Come in our store and see what we are doing. You will not be urged to buy. We are selling all goods at cost and ycu can see the values at D.T.Swindell's. White Goods. If you buy white goods and check muslin now you will save about one third the price even if you paid full price asked last year. All kind of cotton goods will be much higher this spring as cotton is up. Now we we have seve' al cases white goods and ginghams left over from last sea son and we are selling these goods at cost price, at D. T. Swindell's. Just About 40 More. Our sale at cost will last 40 days more. Goods this spring will be high er than you have seen them and if you buy now while Swindell is sell ing at cost, you will congratulate yourself later. D T. Swindell. Boarders Wanted. Two or three quiet rooms and nice board furnished if desired. Two blocks of capitol and Union depot. Apply at 116 McDowell street or di rect to box 463. Terms reasonable. Accommodations good. y ' Bedsteads,bureaus,mattre8ses,safes, washstands, cots, clocks and a thou sand other useful articles can be found at the Bee Hive store. Slate pencils 5c per doz, tops, marbles.dolls, &c. (A specialty old books of all kinds 10c each). Call and see 128 South Wilmington street, next door to W. H, & R. S. Tucker, fell 6t H. J. Do well, Mgr. A folding seat for veranda. or park service, sold by W. H. Hughes, is very unique, handy and inexpensive. See Here. All humbugery laid aside.' Call and see our $26, all wool suits a fit guar anteed. J. R. Taylor ft Son. Merchant Tailors;, No. 810, Bp. Wilmington St. Roses and Other Handsome Out Flowers Bouquets, Baskets and Floral Designs. Telephone 113. jai tf H. Steinmbtz, Florist. Counterpauea ttnd 'I 'Able Linen 1 Our sale of oounterunnea ami i tbla ' linens will be continued for oat eek I longer. upon tue coauter aue counter, they are shown. ramrlt la price from 75c to $6 50 each Tie towel table h . a a general line, from 10c each and up. Another table with Irish and German rtamask price1 from 45c np, Still another table with napkins and tray cloths Table cloths and napkins to match buffet scarfs, odd pieces in fanov linens for alnmg tables etc a stock rf t liege goods as large as wn show canuot fail to be interesting to house keepers W. 11. & K. H TUCKER & CO Wood Woo. Send your orders to B F Cheat ham's store for dry Pine Wood, 225 Wilmington street. ja 31 lm Confederate Belies. Persons having relics of the late war can dispose of them by addressing 117 South Fayetteville st., Raleigh, N. O. Arthur A. Spitzer, Late Adj't Gen. Grand Camp Confed erate Veterans. fe9 tf For No-To-Bac, wholesale or retail, apply to the Bole agents, Nicholson & Co., Raleigh, N.O. A full set of the Encvclonadia Brit- anica, ninth Bdinburg edition. Also life of Jefferson Davis, by Mrs. Davis, at half price, fr sale by H J Dow ell, 128 South Wilmington street. $1.50. 8K FOR OUR LADIES' $1.50 GENUINE DON GOLA -KID SHOES. TTfoe best Inn tike World for TTIiemnoiniey HOBBIS' DRY GOODS STORE SPECIALTIES. The "Little Trojan" line of School Shoes gives perfect satisfastion. Try a pair, you will want, tbem again. C. A. Sherwood & Co. ' Try "ISherwood's Solid 8ervice" Shoe for Bovs, $2 00, for Men, S0. C. A Sherwood & Co. Burt & Packard's "Korrect Shapes" Shoes for gentlemen, any size or style. Price $5.00. C. A. Sherwood & Oo. Palica's Wall Trunks. "Oommon Sense" is the trade mark. C. A. Sherwood & Co. The "Maple Leaf? is a genuine Dongola Button Boot for ladies, Kid Top, Overlap seam, Button holes worked, Smooth Insole. The best $1.50 Shoe we have seen. C. A. Sherwood & Co. New line of "Gloria Silk" Umbrel las, Gossamers and Rubbers. C A. Sherwood & Co. MOT AT COST. 0 T AU goods at reduced price until Mfjrch 1, then we will remove this store to No. 16 A T C 0 s T Martin street, and , in order to move aslTfthTas possible everything is now offered at a bargain. Don't miss the chance. THE LYON RACKET STORE. 129 Fayetteville Street. Uur)nre,'&. AMSCUJTJIILL-- - . . or a set of BREAD, CAKE 4 FRUIT KNIVES will make an acceptable present to any housekeeper. A BOX OF TOOLS or one of cur KickingMuleBanks forjyour boy. A POCKET KNIFE for your husband or son. SsJlis&Sons, RALEIGH. N. C. Now oia Mave lilt. In t.hp llp.t hnrorniiu J ;x 1. ""'ft""" "i iuc luruiiureiin ever broils ;j t ttiis city, and the race to va mem ' t mc Kr"u emporium of Item 1 12X1811. They :re the leaders and it is because Uipv offer such inducements and cannot be well overlooked. All the rovelties hi the furniture business in profmion, such as bureaus, French bev eled looking glasses, willow and rattan chairs, wardrobns, mattresses, and last, but not least, the first of the new spring style BABY CARRIAGES. which are beauties in style and comfort. Fine line of desks, office furniture, &c. investments at the establishment. Remem- Deritison Jixcnance .flace, south side of the market. Notice. Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the present legislature to in corporate the North fltnfo Ri-nnrn gtnm. ' rwwwvv Company. ja24 Dry Goods, Notion, &c. 17.11.; B S.TUCRER , CO, -AND mumm. Our lin js. of White ' GCLaoea and Embroideries for the spring sea son '93 are now complete and is the most attractive exhibit of these goods we have ever made. Our patrons will find it best to make their selections now while the assort ments are fresh and complete. W. H. & R. S. TUCKER & CO., 123 and 125 Fayetteville Street. WHITE GOODS ! r ; t -tt'. i , ft . 4 Kt ' . ' r '...: 15 ,;'.'-;;rv"i,v5)i .? i '-. 1DTD TIVTIP