Tha Hailg Eoening Visitor. rOBUBHID BYKBY AVTKA500B, I Except Dauday, lfTiT VISITOR U terred by carriers in the city at 25 cents per month, payable to the carriers in advance. Prices for mailing - per year, or t5 cents per. month. Communications appearing In these olomna are bu the expressions of the opinion of the correspondents writing the same, and they alone art responsible. A at- XJ after your nam nio s y vii iaat yonr time Is out. Ai Mi orders and eommonica ttouo to W. 91. BItOIY.Y. Sr.. Kalelgh, N U Local notices in this paper will b Fire Cents per line each insertion. - L.RiiT JlT ClKCI'll.aTIO" IIALRIUU. FER. 20, 18J)3. Senators Vance ani Ransom are both opposed to the Hawaiian annex ation job. It may seem somewhat paradoxical that it takes the heat of one ton of coal to make cold enough to proJu. e fire tons of artificial ice. Both Houses of the Wyoming Ler lalatare adjourned Saturday SINK SIB The Governor will appoint the U. S. Senator. The largest diamond in the world Is said to be an uncut one among the Crown jewels of Portugal, valued at $28 000,000. Mr. Kenedy, of Blount county, Term., thinks Tennessee is good enough for him He is now living in the house in which he was born 92 years ago, and has no idea of going West to grow up with the country. 4s A Topeka dispatch says: In the District court this morning Judg Hazen rendered a decision in favor of the hepublican House on motion for an injunction to restrain the State Treasurer from paying Legislature salary warrants. The Raleigh correspondent of the Wilmington Messenger says : Four weeks ago a man was brought to the insane asylum here from Johnston ounty. He lost both feet during the late cold snap, having attempted to make his way from his father's house, to his home during the late heavy snow and bitter weather. His mind was weak, and he lost his way, re mainingout two days and nights. He became entirely insane. Las 8aturday his wife, who lost her mind entirely last week, was also brought to the asylam. There is a mourners' corner in one f the cloak rooms of the National House of Representatives, and anoth er in the Senate cloak room, where the disappointed and disgruntled congregate to express their cfissatis faction with the existing order of things. There, it is averred, states men gather to sit with the corpses of their dead hopes and ambitions, and each place is known locally as a cham ber of sighs. A joke or a good story Is never heard there. NO OTHER Sarsaparilla com bines economy and strength like HOOD'S. It is the only one of which can truly be said " ioo Doses $i.M MORMON PREACHERS. News has teen received from a re mote part of Lewis county, Tenn , that two Morman preachers who have been in that section for some time past preaching Mormanism, after be lng repeatedly warned to leave the country, while preaching to a small crowd were assassinated by a masked band of men who rode up to a side window of the house in which the Mormans were holding a meeting, and fired through the window, kill' in? both instantly. No one else was injured. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she wan a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria. When she Had Children, she gave them Castoria. TILLMAN DOWNED BY THE RAILROAD. Charlotte News. The Richmond & Danville Railroad Company gained a complete victory over Tilliao, In the Sauth Carolina Railroad tax eases. The eases were ried before Judges God and Simon ton, in the Federal Court at Charles ton, and the decision was against Tillman. He declares that he will re 1st the rarryingoutof the mandate of the Duit-d States Court. The cjur. ordered the marshal to place the property in a receiver's hands, and the county sheriffs have been Boed fiOl each for contempt. The decision came like a clap of thunder from a clear sky on the state administration circles and everybody is now anxiously awaiting Gov. rili man's next step. Deputy United States Marshals left here this after noon on a special train to take pos cession of the proverty that had been levied unon, and it is said that they bear orders from the sheriffs, who are now in custody for contempt to their deputies to surrender the property. By tomorrow morning there will be a general unlocking of the locomo tives and trains that have beeu chained to the tracks of the 8outt Carolina, Richmond & Danville Rail road. 1 : 9 four sheriffs committed for con t u c are consulting with the stateV tit oeys. The impression prevails the: hey will purge themselves froni cor:- :npt in open court if the ?ov. rrj does not prev :: theui fr in o doi' Tl e plan of the Governor is to have rhe sheriffs submit to imprisonment. io tht he can apply to the Unite States Supreme Court for a writ of habeas corpus, hut it is doubtful if those officials will consent to go to jtil in order to make it a test case. The situation is exceedingly inter eating. The adherents of the Gover nor have no hesitancy in saying that be will defy the court by force if ne cessarv, in which event there may be a direct conflict between the state government and the Federal Courts I T FOLDED UP WITH TREM Charlotte News: Ever siace its in vention, the folding bed has been a fruitful theme of humor for the news paper paragraphers. The News has always scouted the idea that one of these things could shut up with its occupants, but that such an occur rence is possible, was demonstrated in Charlotte last Wednesday night, at the home of Josiah Asbuiy. Recently Mr. Asbury got one of the newest makes of the folder, and up to the night in question he was as proud of it as a child would be of a new toy. He never has a bad con science, bat he could have slept well la it even with that. Mrs. Asbury had been quite sick for several days past, but was better Wednesday, and sat up awhile that evening. Shortly &'ter she and Mr Asbury had retired, something broke loose about the fas tenings of the folder, and they felt it lifting up slowly from the foot. Af ter it got a start, and before they could realize what w as really hap pening, it went as far shut as it could go, and they were fastened in a most uncomfortable condition, perfectly helpless to extricate themselves Their cries were heard by their sons, who were in a room above, and has cening down, they pulled the con cern out straight' and released their parents. Mr. Asbury was squeezed so tight that he had three ribs frac tured, and has been confined to his home. Mrs. Asbury was not injured. SUICIDE OF A. MILLIONAIRE'S WIFE. While suffering from temporary in sanity Mrs. Henry Gregg, a promi nent member of society and a resi dent of Woodlawn avenue, in a fash ionable quarter of Buffalo, N. Y , committed suicide by cutting her throat with a pair of scissors. She was discovered lying on the floor of her bed room in a pool of her own blood at noon. She was not dead, but died a few minutes after the ar rival of the family physician. The gashes in her neck were terrible and she must have stabbed herself at least Died. ! Mrs. James H. Southgte, a moat ' fstlmsCle lady, died in Durham last Saturday at 1 o'clock. She s a lady : of the most devoted, chiistian char- . acter and her loss will be deeply felt not only in bet immediate section, bat throughout the state j Nappy Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Rejoice Because Hood's Sarsaparilla Rescued Their Child from Scrofula. For Scrofula, Salt Rheum, and all other foul humors in the blood of children or adults, Hood's Sarsaparilla is aa unequalled remedy. ReaaXhjs: "We are so thankful to Hood's Sarsapa rilla for what it did for our little girl that we make this statement for the benefit of other anxious parents and Suffering Children Our girl was a beautiful baby, fair and plump and healthy. But when she was two years old, sores broke out behind her ears and spread rapidly over her head and forehead down to her eyes, and into her neck. We consulted one of the best physicians in Brook lyn, but nothing did her any good. The doc tors said It was caused by a scrofula humor la the blood. Her head became One Complete Sore offensive to the smell and dreadful to look at Her general health waned and she would lay in a large chair all day without any life or en ergy. The sores caused grrat itching and burning, so that at times we had to restrain her hands to prevent scratching. For 3 years She Suffered Fearfully with this terrible humor. Being urged to try Hood's Sarsaparilla we did so. We soon noticed that she had more life and appetite. The medicine seemed to drive out more of the humor for a short time, but it soon began to subside, the itching nnd burning ceaaed. and in a few months her head became entirely clear of the sore. She is now perfectly well, has no evidence of the humor, and her skin Is clear and healthy. She seems like an en tirely different child, in health and general appearance, from what she was before taking Hood's Sarsaparilla I. W. Frederick, 811 Glenmore Ave., East New York, Brooklyn, N. Y. This Testimonial Js an illustration of what Hood's Sarsaparilla is doing for the sick and suffering every day, from Maine to California. In the light of these facts who can say that the work of an immense concern like ours is not beneficent? HOOD'S PlLLS ore Hver Ills, constipation, biliousness, Jaundice, lick headache, indigestion. A1 ElUri POST Ot'l- lUlv MAIL 80EDHTJLK Ukpaetub" Uiose at Close at Dero P.O OUTGOING MAILS 9 00 p m 6 15 am ExFtTrll For Greens boro, N., 8. and West, ExFt 20-For Short Cut North AGoldsboro EPOTr 3a For Wel don.Norfolk N and B EPOTr 10-For Short Cut S and Goldsboro EPO Tr 41 For At lanta (R & A A L) Ex Ft Tr 34 For WeJ don, Norfolk, N and S R P O Tr 9 -For Greens boro, N, S and W 8 15 " 8 45 " 1055am 1 1125am 0 50pm 128pm 3 45 "' 4;20 " 4 SO " 500 " 4 05 " 440 A.BRIVAL8. At At P. O Depot INCOMING MAILS. 6 00 am 6 15 a m Ex Ft Tr 12 F' m Gr' s- Dorp, , ana w 9 45 am 1 10 00 a m Ex Fr Tr 45 From Wei- 11 17 am 11 32 am R P O Tr 38 From At- , . , nta (R & A A L 109 pm I 125pmRPOTrlO F'mGr'ns- boro, N. S and west 4 05 pm 4 20pm EPOTr 41 From Wel- . don, N and 8 4 30 pm 4 45 pn R P O Tr 9- F'm Golds, TA flhnr Pl.t M nA O 11 30 pn?-ll 45 pm Ex FtTr 21 Frr G'ds- i . Doro Trains mnrlrail thna iMn nnl mnn onn - wuwj, MVH UJIV. V VJJ UUM aay. Mailn for train 9 going west close at 3 p 8TAR ROUTES. 8.iotwell. Eagle Rock and Wakeflli tn Dnjonnope, Monday and Friday 7 am. . and Friday 6 a m. . Roleigh via Kelvyn Grove aud Dayton to Flf n Dam. Mondnv. WndnaaHa w and 8 . ' " " i. CJ a ru. Raleigh via Six Forks and Bargor to Roeers storeTuesday and Friday 1 pro Ralegh to Massey. Tueday and Fray 10 a m. - ' mTN0OM.iNO Mails AERivUDionhore mgh, Tuesday and 8atnrday 6 p m. Dunn vifl Mvnfr'o Mills fn u.l..' r day and Thursday 6;15 pm. Iqh Dam via n,n xry n-Ji and Flint, Tues, Thurs and Sat at 4 pm. jurors anire via Bangor and BJx Forks to Raleigh, Tuesday and Friday 12 ir MaSSeV ta RlaioK IViaaHair m-A . X J"Close at 9 p m ante. Fail DsLTirnptr Bvomw : at 8:30 a m, and 2:30 and 4:45 p m. eT utft Sundays. Collections niade at sara hA11i(l. NlinHoT. tt.on rr.nn 1 . n . . ,. ;ou bui. rreeue livarv winnnwa rrn nn oM n ru WODQWOSffl CITY! In the heart of the Iron and ICoal Dist rict of Tennessee. flircate salubrious, re rer hot and Lever "old Land unequalled for agricultural in.r, osea, and mineral resources unlimited. iX) Lots t $j no per Lot SO 4 00 " 6 00 10 00 " 15.00 80.00 60 P0 " 100.00 " 8,'OU V' 0 ,4, (XX) 4,000 t.uuu 50J 8C0 WOODWORTH CITY lies about 30 miles rrth of Cbattau.xvii, within a few miles of altamont, the county seat of Urundy coun ty, and betweeu 'f raoey C'it au4 the cele brated Heereiirba bp ingi, the bars to" of tue Kou'h It is in the centre of the rapidly developing coal and iron district of Teiiiies- Bee, kul within its borders are found coal. iron, tine marble and asbestot. with various hard wtods, such as oak. chestnut, maple, beach, locust, hickory, ash, pine, cherry aud black walnut in abundance. The village of uruptn, witn several uunar-i innaoitunts, contains CI urches, schools, Stores, Post- office and telegraph station and number of manufitc'uriiit; iudustres, ;-li ot which are locate-1 on the property aud form part ol vtrooawortb Uity. The proceeds of the sale of these lots will be used to ievelop the mineral re.-ources of me property ana uuuu up a large ani thriv ing city Quitk application lor these lots should be made, as the right is reserved to advance the price without uotice. For further particulars apply to R. C. LIVINGSTON, Agent, 712 DeKalb Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. ! Purties desirous, of visitine and inspecting mis property can ohtain specit'.l rat" on the new and most comfoitable vessel afloat, of . tne wcean Hteamnhip Company. Lbeat ; steamers leave New York, Mondays, Wed- : Lesdays. Fridays and Saturdays, making a aeiigmtui sea trip oi iFIFTIf HOURS . TO SaVMttH i ' Where immediate connections are made to 1 1 hattanooga and WOoDWOitTHC-TY LIVINGSTON & KO, 4?nl8, ucean Bteamahip t o. oi wavanna'". So. 712 DeKalb Avenun, Krooklvn. N. Y. BUT YtlUR Watches, Clocks, JEWELRY AND SPECTACLES at prices that dnfy competition, at home. The undersigned, an old reliable watch maker and jeweler, is be'ter prepared "ow th an Ver bfiforp th in trnni too toll olrtr. t - ' ' k,H VlVtiD and jewelry work, or furnish you with anv (two uauaiiy sej I id 1111 line 18 size American Made Movements from in Gold Cases, $15 00 up 18 size in Gold Filled Cases, 8 50 up 18 sizfl in Silver Cases, 7 10 up 18 size in Nickel Cases, SOftnu IK size American Made Movements in G Id ases, 17 50 up 16 size in Grld Filled Cates, 10 00 up 1 6 size in Silver Cases, HMO up 16 S'ze in Nickpl Cusps . 1oin 6 & f', T adies' s ze, American Move- menrs in now ases, 15 00 up 6 & 0 sze in Gold Filled Cases, in 00 up 6 & 0 size in Silver I naoa mm n Swiss Go'd watches, 10 00 up Swiss Silver watches, 6 00 up Swiss Nickel watches, 4 00 up Swiss Nickel wntches, (not recom- mendedi 2to$3up A giod line of Watches. Clocks, Jewelry and Spectac'es constantly on hand for sale. The Brvant Gold and Combination Rings a specialty. The workmanship and quality of no other ring are better. Call on the olu reliable undersigned for wh'tt you want, either goods or work, in his line, and you will be well treated, and goods good or not good. del7 2w a. w. TO LOAN ON LIFE IN SURANCE, TONTINE. . AND ENDOWMENT POLICIES. : J No delays! Correspondence invited 1 1 Inter-State Tmst Brokerage Ca oc24 8m RALEIGH, N. C. Chrtdreo Gry for Pitcher's Casters When Batty w sick, we gave her CastorU. ThtiiwMaChuIihecrlforOatorli. Whan she iMoaaM IfiM, itae elunf to Outafct kaihluul Ohildrm aba gam tbtat OwMrt 1IY ! CLkAN! "Cleanliness is akin to godliness' and in order to show to the world that you enjoy this Bless ing, rely upon Nature to furnish The WATER AND BUY Toilet Soaps OF- J. HAL B0BB1TT. Ae'ockof the following brands of Boapg ALWAYS on hand: Lnbin'e Soap, 50c 85o 25o 25c 85o Eau de OologDe Soap, Pinaud's 8oap, Violet Soap, Rokpb and W curiae Soap, Cold Oreain Soap, E0O 25c Benzoin aud (ilcerine Soap, VT m lew mown Hay Soap, 25o Cashmere Bouquet Soap, 25o Cape May Bouquet 8oap, 25c 4 ?11 White Rose Glycerine Soap, 25e liose Geranium Soap, 25o Tooth Soaps, 25o Outicura Soap, 95- Carbolic Soap, 25c and 10c Tar Soap, - 25o and 10c Sulphur Soap, 25c and 10c Ichthyol Heap, 25o Horax P-ap, 2Bc -Joraci Ac d 80a p, 25e l'bl!i 1 p 25c tltinicideo. 26c Viola Skin 8oap, 2 v Pears' Soap, gUc Rosadora Soap, 20c Bay Leaf Soap, i50 f anspareDt Soap, 10c and 15c Buttermilk Soap, ioc Oatmeal Sow pa, J0o Peach and Honey Soap, I0o Handworker's Soap, l(c Cotton Seed Oil Soap, 10c Sbaving Soap, 10c and 25c Turkish Bath Soap, 05c Palm Oil Soap, 05o White Castile Soap, 05c and 10c Red Castile Soap, . 05c Blue Castile Soap, 05c A reduced price on any pf the above5; by the box or dozen. j. m mmi DRXJGhG-IST to 8:30.o'clock p m, A. WJJHAFFER, Portmarter, a dozen times. i RALEIGH Mttll HIIHIM HMHm WMW

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