i 7 Rlctmona Danville RB Co. I W BODUOriB ASD EICBBK fOOTIl, BJCCKIVBBS. Condense I Schedule la let Wot. 87, 14 Southbound. Dallyj No No 11 ' Lv Richmond, BurkeTtlle, Key Tllle, Ar Danville Ar Greeusooro. Lt Golisboro, Ar'ailelg"- 12 4pm 51pm 8 SJptn 5 VSpoi 8 0)pm 3 3ip-u ;2 i5ptn 4 4'Jpm 587pi 7 4ipin t 4 )px 8 10pm 5 5Jpn 7 8ai 9 0n t7 4pm 11 lVn 6 lipa 7 I5n. 9 rom 9 3 aiu Lie HaioiK1- Le Durham, Ar GreeuiOoro, Lt 81 'ii, Grjuaooro, Ar Salisbury, A SUtesTiUe, Ar AsheTllle, Ar li ot siprlngs, Lt Salisbury, Ar Uuariotte, Spartanburg, Greenville, 1 . Charlotte, A Oolamb' Augusta, Northbound 11 Ol 13 03D 4 2pni 5 57 11 lUm U 40 n 9 f 5pui 11 'Opui 1 ':oa U 3 Q7ain V 0 .'aoi 11 Wm 6 00ata 10 OOaiu Dally No 10 10 60n-D tt Utitis 6 40am 6 55am 8 36 jiu 4 12pm ll UOp No U Lv Augusta, Columbia, Ar Charlotte, Lv Atuit. Ar Charlotte, Lt Unarlotte, JaUsoary. Lt iiot Spring AsheTille, ?ltal,3BTille, Ar Salisbury, L ialwDury, Ar Gi-eeusbaro, Salem, Lt Greensboro Ar Parhai, Lv tUUUgh Ar Vjrotasooro, L vii'asbiro, Ar U u7il'" koysville, Barvlllj, i .i rt m 1 ' id 8 03a 7QU 7 43piu JJ 17a . 9 l 13 3D 2 4ijua 7 4?.;.u 832 8 27an? 10 10am 10 idaui 13 Hpu 1 OJpii 1 a pui 8 t'-pui a otpH A 4i rt 2jpui V ZD u U iop u 11 "J 1 1 3 p 3 3' tj ddJ.-u fa -i V.;u .OpoJ 1; 3 1 iJVil. i CO 1 1 tia i oupui 7 0 aa. - .Point.! So-a I w - Vmn . Ar 10 40 a 810 pm Lv ttiohmona Lt ;,. . . w AliLlll Ar. OUOpJa . Ba,.t. 4eul Pa,6. Ait (reeU8v u " ,. . r J J B rdOMPdON, dupe Kicb. Va. 8. ii. ix AtL' u v Agent, Atlanta, w. WA,WMTer. Trailie Manager, W"r r..w..l.0. Wagli.utuu.u ..l.,rtl Mild AUUSia A-rii it m arft flam, ouuaa, Aug xu X- ,i0 Trams moT ing South. No 41, n PasB and Mall. Diliy ex ftar r rains ino lng Norm. No 3d. f ass and Hau. Dally -5X 5i ArriTo Liave. 4 30 p m 6 31 " 56 00 " So a " 6 54 " Kaleifcni 1117 Am Oary, Apex, tioucare, ttanford, Oamerou, Botitheru l?iBeB. 10 57 am 10 4i am 10 11 am 9 41 auu 9 12 am 8 41 a a! . uamiet, 7 40 aiu 7 50 " S18" Northbound Qibson, Lv 00 So'ithboanu Trams-. Trams. Thro Frt and Thro Fri Ji' Pass )W, Daily exct jSunday. PM Lv StatlouB Ualli ex.; an'.iy Ar ' Raleigh Oary Apex Moncure Sanford Cameron 5 40 7 31 i,f 43am 43am 29 27pm 10 10pm 11 00pm 13 15pm 5 o 4 2i 3 4 2 4. Southern fines 1 5 ir Hamlet Lv 12 80 9 10 a m Leave Pittsboro, ArrlTe Moncure, Leave Moncure Arrive Pittsboro, ' 0A.RTHA.6i R R Leave Carthage, Arrive Cameron, Leave Cameron, Arrive Carthage, Leave Carthage, Arrive Cameron, T.novo Dameron, 9 55 510pm 5 55 8 00am 8 45 9 45 10 80 4 00pm 4 4up ax 5 50 Arrive Carthage, 6 3Ci ivM SMITH, Sup 0 BEOLK AS D CA HOL IN A ti. H N Dated August 9th, 1891 No' '.h Bound Traiu No. 100 P.M. Ronth Bound Train. No. 101 STATIOHS. A. M 19 50 015 10 27 11 02 1120 1187 1152 12 31 12 53 120 Tj've Pinner's Point Arrive r. Tr nra Arrive 525 2 01 4 47 414 354 3 36 3 21 2 39 217 16o L've L've L'e Drivers. Arrive Suffolk .Gates, .Tunis, Ahoskey, Aulander, Hobgood, Tar boro. Kooky Mount, Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive L've L'Te L'Te L've L've Le Ai . 91 P.M. M ; .. .I. -RnnKV Mount No l"1 a3 SSrStoB for all points Gen'l Manage. d Sapt Traiu T 1 EMBSOlleea'l PftflsengerTriu iiiMiwirw To Uk effect Bandar Aug. 7th, 1893 Trains m iving North. No 53, No 84,. Station. tfU train. Fm&MaU, U Raleigh. 11 SI am 6 00 d u wake, Frankllotoa. KtUrell, , Henderson iLtUleton. 13 04 6 33 13 38 5 53 '3 43 M4 U 69 0 0 SOT 785 p m S 4.1 8 15 a tn Ar.weldon Train moving Soal.ll. No 41, No 41, Stations. Mail train. Paat &MalL I veldon. 13 15 o m 6 30 a m Littleton, Henderson, 13 54 7 09 4 16 8 14 3 43 8 23 3 00 8 45 8 21 9 06 4 05 p ak 9 43 m Ktttrell, Fr iak.lt n ton. Wake. Ar RUelgh Loaisbarr ''road. i?rin uiiTlni; North No Pans, No 1, StatlouB. Mall h KxpreHB. L yrakllafn, 3 10 pm 9 80am r LiiBoarg, 3 4p" Trains mo ring ooutn. Mo 41. Pan, No9,' Stations. MalJ Kxpresa. Le LTTbnrar, 13 05 a m 5 Mpn Ar Fraullnt'n, 11 80 p va o v.-pm vy su n. emus. .utic i;oit lilnf. Yihniagton Veldou tfa.lroad nd UoiUeuseu Scuedul urancnes. 1" u.lo iJidtt SOOTH. Onutv-l Jan. 4. io ii AO 41 No 41 F't ui'l d'y, ex Dally. Sund'y i;;pu 6 40am 6 iopo) 747am Mil Daily. Le v ai'ioa, 1 4 3. pm AfiiOlii I 4UpiA Ar T i.'ooro. i lapm Le i'..rooro, U 6 OOp .1. XI' T i'. .' Jli i I Jt-' Jj La vVii-ou '3 '..'in Ar -an ii. v i oo jiu Ar is'dy wm ai j'U v uuaiu lUDaui u3 d iaJii.i. uij j; A i JUUJ 1 .4M,ia fjiAio a-uiutcr NOCH No 40. daily. d'y, ex Buni y. 4 J'tpui j 40piU 55 opui dully jT ff u'gtoa, 4'i)'i ai5ani M;i 'UJlia, 3 i. U 57am u Vj.sa, lllbvm .Vr olMsuoro. 4 o.dvui ii jou.w iiei'ay'tvUlo, 9 10am Lvdeuna, 110?m Ar Wilson, ia iupm Lt Wilson, 514m io?pm itopiu Ar JiockyMt, 5 37 i aupm ssihiu Ar I'arboro. 30am4 18pm LTTarboro, I3ftbpin AT W6lU)L, OBOiUU OOpiU MOOpiU "'ally except oonaay. General A iDerlu6ndeat. J S Kmaut, tSap't l'aa. In effect December 19th, 1888. ioing east. Schedule. Going west No 51 Pass trains no ou Ar Lve Ar Stations Golds boro La Grange Kinston New Berne MorehaadOltT m 8 80 430 4 54 6 4? p m 11 28 a 4 17 10 46 10 48 10 09 10 14 49 618 8 34 8 44 am ft 3 THE WASHINGTON WEEKLY POST A Paper from the Nationa. Capital sbonl1 0 i.W-. iumi"iT l4aml1mitl lha Country! rpUlKlfi 13 noouier paper m ui wmw X Btatea that is growing so rapioiy in circu, on fh Waahiiiurtnn Wfe.klv Piiat. t'hia lawm no uu 11 tu.0-w tf ia because neitlir a bor nor e ipt m is sp u e? to make it Ue best, as well as h cneapKit, paper pub lis bed. It is A fJatian u Paper 1 Being printed at the seat of government, The ; Weekly Post contains special features nc found in any othur publication, livery taar. . alirmlil rirst. an haerihfi for his ho.ue DaDer To it you jwe your tirst alkgiauce. After that is uoue. u auia ia.B auuiuci ..in, ut . Kool- Ana im, .ifuil ai tha l'lmlltn.1 of tbe COUn- UWV Ull .auauus. . " ' t try is the one that wi" prove most proliutu.p Uliu euiviiiaiLUUg. 'iwaij .... contain; A full resume of the proceedings of Oongres An epitome of all t.ne uers from tue ition al Capital, . Dv1Hl.ul nam. anil rjaain imnnrtiflli . told. Serials and short svortes by .he best writers, uems Ol ureraiure,ai! auu wu-'mu iuioLioiLc.uj , The late3t telegrap1 - newi from every section . of the globe, ! Interesting Capita" chat Interviews with leling men from aL prtt of the country i (HherlEeatures not oaaUicei in any ot lei paper, i The Post is an absol itely incepedat papit -8 pages, 66 columns. The price of The Weekly Post is 75 ceuc per annum in advanoe. Sample copies wu. fre Addre&e, TUB WEEKLY x'OSI THE TENOR OF LIFE. FA.THEA F W. VABIR. Dayi wfeksand months have gone, O LoHl Tbev teamed both long and brlf i; Yet durkf r still the darkneu growt. And deeper lies the grief. t nM irrUf la wora than new: lta nam p . .. . . . is ileeper in me nn; The doll b.lnd ache is orse to bear Than blow, or wound, or smart. O grief I when thou wert fresh and snarp. t.t nf lifa fait thv hlow: Bat, g'own tb habit of my heart, Thou art my wnoie uie uuw. "Dep grief le better let alone; Volc-s to It are sworaB; A silent look will foothe it more Than the tenderness of words Oh. speak not I I will do my work. Nay, more work than my fhare; For to feel that it is idle grief Is what deep grief cannot bear. Deep grief is not a past event, It is a life, a state. Which habit makes more terrible, And age more desolate. But am I comfortless? Oh no! .Tesn this pathway trod; And det per in my booI than grief Art thou, my learesi uoai Goo-1 is that, darkening of oar lives, Which only God cau brighten; But better still that hopeless load, Which none but God can lighten. Life Is Misery To thousands ot people who havo the taint ol scrolula in their blood. There Is no remedy equal to Hood's SarsapariUa for scrofula, salt rheum, and every form of blood disease. It Is reasonably sure to beneat all who give lt a fair trial. n.j Pills cure Constipation by restor ing the perlstaltlo action of the alimentary canal. They are the best lamuy camaxuo. MARY WASHINGTON. New Yrk Press. Mary, the mother of Washington, died in 1789 not long after the inau guration of her son as the first Presi, dent of the United States. In 1893 Silas Burrows, a wealthy and patri otic citizen of New York, offered to build a monument OTer her grave. The work was begun and the corner stone was .laid with imposing cere monies bv President Andrew Jackson in May of the same year. Financial reverses overtook Mr. Burrows, it is said, and the monument never rose above the basal structure This and the marble monolith which was in tended to top the pile, but which rests on its side, half burled in the ac cumulated mold of years, haTe been chipped by relic hunters and cracked by the weather. A Card. Wo rtooiita tn Anil vnnr attention to 4.v.A nnionntail fap.t. thftt, wfi have the best and cheapest line of groceries in the city. u, u. can s v TobaccoUsers Smile Sometimos when told thtt tobacco hurts them; their wives never do, because snat weak eves, chronic ca ov, onrL Inst, manhood, tells the IUI . . ' if vrmr hiishnnil uses tobacco. bivij. iv,t,n tr. nn it. nost vouraelf yuu vioilh l 1 r - about No'to bac.the wonderful,harm- Ipbs fftiaranteea T,ooaco naoii, cure. v.., o.v...tir.n. fnr mir little book titled: 'Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away,'' mailed free Drug s.ill No to hac THE STERLING REMEDY CO . Indiana Mineral Hprings. inaiana ioip j. You Want Mon v. . j A A ook, A partner, A situation, A servant girl, . To sell a farm, To sell a house, To buv or sell stock, Good boarding house. To 811 plants or grain Sll srroyeriesor drugs. Het! houaihoM furniturfc. To m'ike i uy f irm loans. Sllortrvla tor -luyrhiug, wni ntoinar for auvttiiua Kt ad an i ndvevtisein tht. Rlei. EVENIMfi VISITtJR. Advertisintf btaimnew customers, AdTertising keeps old customers, Advertisinir liberally will pay. AdTertising makes success Advertising exhibits pluck, Advertising means "biz. Advertise immediate! Advertise constantly, Advertise regularly, Advertise always. Advertise well ADVERTISE, AT ONCE NflWII Jhs Zyening Visitor "4 v. for Infants " CaatorU Is so well adapt pI to children that I recommend it as stijierior to any jn-scription known to me." 1L A. Aiu iikr, M. O., Ill So. Oxford SL, BrootlT, N. Y. "Tha use of 'Castoria U m universal nnd Its meriU so well known IL.i'. it m-t,is a work of supererogation to endorse i'. Few are the intelligent families who dj Mt keep C'astoiia within easy reaeh." Cahlos Majityn, T. P., Jfew York City. The CrsTAm The Eva ina Vic tn is PUBLISH KD EVFRY EVENING FXO.P P STWD Y, AT S3 PER ANNUM, OR Twenty-five Cents P r Montii -BY W,3 M.- Brown, RALEIGH, v. C. Administrator's Notice. Having this dy qualnied as administrator of the estate of Wesley Toues deceased. thi- is to notify all person having claim against the estate to present the same t me for v menton or before ihe 1st day of eceinl'er 1893, or this notice , iU.be plead in bar ot recovery. All pevsms indebted to the es tate will please settle without, turt'r de mand 0 F M Kit HI IT, 29 Administrator of Wesley Joues, dec' d. Notice. Having been appointed executrix of the will of the late James Ed odd I hereby give notice to all holding claim? against the bstate to present them within the time pre scribed by law or this notice wit! be pleas in bar of recovery. All indebted to the estate are notified to sete them at oir e. SALL1K A TODD, Deo 22, 1892 Executrix D and Children. Castoria cures (Vac, Coust Spat inn, gour Stomach, Warrhiva, nructatlon, Kilii Worms, gives sleep, and promotes Ui pition. Without injurious medication. "For several years. I liavo reeommen-i.-d your 'Castoria,' nnd Muill always coiitii.ui ilo so as it has invariably produced I cm :., i .1 results." Enww F. Fardet 31. I., 125th Street and Tth Ave., Mew York i: ;. Compant, 77 3Ii-rray Streft, Xnw York Citv. M Mil UUIUJUl JL CI V I J ILL ' UC ill! L-L1C UIOI.CJ HWi.flWl J LVJ retlucp pr'ce. for the benelii of our customers, we will sell a lot of nice pine woo l lor 1 per cord oj yard, or tl 50 delivered any where in the city. LIMKfl 10 per barrel LATHS 1" per 1,0 Jd. Boston market. Lumbu.-iii plank, pro niiscuou3 width $S f 0. Kr uiiiiiii from !) to I H per i,: ')'). Flooring and oeiHni $12 50, $11, 15perl,'0'. basn, 6i ms, r and Moulding nine v.i ;-tion. Besn Jles alvays on h.ti.ii Ve uiaiiufMcture our vwn luaterial wmcJi eiiauie) ua to s ll at Douom prices. Our -. otto is quick sales and small proiits. jylS tf Eili&iOQ Rojster k Co. the bef thing in thenitB.i th tea for OhE i CENT tf the Philadelphia $1 per year, do-ii". f3 pr year, omittfng Funda For the Farmers end business man tho Record has r.n eaual. Adlre? ' The Record " Phllat'e thia 'V:. Pa CURE YOURSELF! Ki'-i&W Ask vonr nmerarlot for a t&2&i&W hot tin nf.Riu ti. Tho nnlv F tllA linnntllrul HioHarrTor nnd J private d lseases of men and the ! debilitating weakness peculiar to women. It cures in a 1'env days without the aid or publicity of a doctor. i tie tniversai American vure. juanuiaciureu Dy I gvTM "5vans unenueai iv u. a. a. CAVEATS. DESIGN PATENTS. rOOVRIC.HTS. Atn. IB &C O R D m TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS, J For information and free Handbook write to MUNN & CO., 3C1 BHOADWAT, NEW YORK. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. Every patent taken out by ns is brought before the publio by a notice given free of charge in tho Larpest circulation of any scientific paper In the world. Splendidly illustratoil. No intelligent man should be without it. Weekly, 83.00 a vert 1.50 six months. Address J1UNN & CO., tuuLlsufiBS, 301 Broadway, New York City. Ftlortgage Sale. By virtue of a mortgage executed on the 29.h diy of January 18SS), to J'm'esS. Brass lield, by R L, Thompson, and P.V. Thomp son, his wife recorded in the oBce of the Register of Deds of Wake county, in book 10 page 74. I will sell at, public auction tor cash, at the courthouse door, in the city of 1J;1, V n. mi M, .rid iTT Wah 97 18lS at JU1IC1KU, V., Wl . v. - J ' " l, -vwv, - 12 o'clock m., the tract of land in Barton's Creek townbhip, bounded by the lands of M. J Jackson, Q. C. Bledsoe and others, con taining 97 acres more or less. J S. BRASSFIELD, Mortgagee, , Jan, 27th, 1893, . ... m.r 7... -n,,!!,, r .,-.-...r i-umi riii'liiniii " PPTISIT