THB OEHEBALASSEDBLT.SHESECDREDABARGlIN."ji fm E'VHAIIWIISII JYJ1?IL& MA!E!I! hi.m tit mtt 8E5ATE. March 4, 1893. The senate tu ealled to order at lf:80 o'clock ky Llemt. Governor Doughton. Prayer by Rev. Mr. NeweL Journal dispensed with. The followlDg bills passed. To equalize the $3,000 appropriated for colored Normal schools. T lnn-.i:rate Eton college. prttrote education la WilmlDg tru The hill to provide for the support of the Agricultural and Mechanical college. The previous question was ordered and the bill passed for ft), 0C0 a year but refuses the appropria. tlon for land. Th Wilmington Quarantine bill passed Its Pd reading. Senator Pou at 12 o'clock arose And called the attention of the Senate to the fact that at this hour Grover Cleveland was bein? inaugurated' and moved that, the House resolution of congratulation be agreed to This was done and the resolution passed unanimously amid great cheers. A dispatch was sent to President Cleve' land announcing the passage of the resolution. The Senate refused to concur in the House proposition to reduce the State Guard appropriation. A vast number of bills were passed mostly of a private nature. HOUSE. The House devoted the entire morning session to the passage of a large number of prlvatebills of most ly unimportant character. Among the resolutions was one congratula ting President Cleveland. A dis patch was sent to him by telegram. At the adjournment the calendar of the House was' nearly exhausted. The General Assembly Although the legislator will pot formally adjourn until Monday next at noon the session will probably virtually end tonight. Until the laws are put in shape, it will almost be impossible to criticize with justice the acts of the body We can say VinwAver. tha. in our opinion the present legislature will compare most favorably with any that has preceded it for many years, although at tini '8 some of its enactments have be-o made without that cantious dellbt- ra tion demanded In the personnel of the body we think It is most favor bly. There never has been in our opinion,"" a cleverer set of gentlemen assembled within the walls of the Capitol, We speak this on authority as our business relations have been such as to be familiar with many of them. To each and all we tender our best wishes for their future welfare and hope that the? may reach their homes in safety. Great Triumph. Instant relief experienced and a permanent cure by the most speedy and greatest remedy in the world Otto's cure for Tbr at and Lung dU ease. Why will you continue to irritate your throat and lungs with that terrible hacking cough when W. H King 4t Co., sole agents will furnish you a free sample bottle of this gmat guaranteed remedy? Its success is simply wonderful, as your druggist will tell you. Otto's core is now sold in every town and villiage ad this continent. Samples free. Large bottles 50o. For sale by W. H. King & Co . corner Fayetteville and Hargett streets. WENT CRAZY IN THE PULPIT. The Rev. John R. Sanford, of the Methodist church at. Sumner Iowa. was seized with temporary inonnity while occupying the pulpit snn lay, and for a time pandemonium reigned Quotations of the Inter-State Trust and Brokerage Co. ' BaleighN. 0., March 2, 1893. Bid Asked 99 981 80 lOtf 102J 17 18 118 70 72 99 102 10(5 108J 50 374 121 ,111 120 145 102 104 71 86 90 105 69 77 84 - 28 North Carolina 4's " 4's WNCRECs NC Railroad, A&NCR R, E & G R R, 8's R&GRR, 8&RRR, City of Raleigh 6's, 1897, City of RalighO's, 7907, Raleigh Street Railway 6's N 0 Agricultural 8ociety 6's, Citizens' National Bank, Commercial and Farmers' Bank National Bank. Baleigh, Raleigh Savings Bank, Raleigh Cotton Mills 6's, Caraleigh Phosphate Works, Caialetgh Cotton Mills, NO Car Company, Peace Institute, Raleigh Gas Light Co, Jjaleigh Land and Imp Co, A Roman's Familiar Remark. OVERHEARD AT THE STORE. DRY GOODS An Interesting Incident. A Chat Full of Interest to Wo men. Some Things Are Told that not Generally Known. Why ho Many Ladles Feel Tired and Worn Out After Vis iting the Stores. "I secured a splendid bargain." I overheard a lady make this re mark to a companion just after eoru ing out of one of those extensive houses that conduct bargain conn tern. Her face was very earnest and her eyes sparkled, but I could see in the paleness, in the lines upon her face, that she had been suffering and was even then suffering, i under stood that she had saved money in the purchase she had made, but I could see that she had lost the great est of aU human bargains good health How many women there are today who r unhappy and suffering, and yet who donot fully realize why it f s so. They feel weak, weary and of 'en dis couraged. Thev care little for food and less for exercise Their sleep is disturhed.thelr minds are not at rest. They are unhappy. To all such the following experience will oe interest and valuable. Mrs. M. A Brensing, who resides at No. 1S7 W. 127th street, New York, has passed through a most wonderful experience, which ehould be of inter est and value to all ladies. She said "A few veare ago I was soddenlv seized with an illness which I could not account for. My body was I constant pain and very sensitive, so that. I couM not bear the contact of any but the lightest garments I can scarcely tell of the agony that I suf fered -luring that time The physi cians informed me that I could not posslblv live and ray friends were called in to bid me farewell I was almost. In the embrace of death when my husband sent for a remedy oi which he had beard and gave me a s-uall quantity After taking a see. ond dose, a peaceful, restful feeling seemed to steal over me. and for the first time in several days I slept- From that time my recovery was assured. grew gradually better until my beal'h was fully restored, and I thank God that my life was spared through the agency of Warner's Safe Cure. It cured me, and I know that it will cure others." Testimony that is beyond question is given by Mrs. R. F. Mo Murray, of St. Paul's ave.,of Staten Island, JN.Y., wnosavs: My mother, Mrs o.A Van derbilt, and myself, owe our health, and I almost feel our lives to Warner's Safe Cnre I speak from a long experience. Recently I bad a most severe attack of influenza. arising from a cold, and the Safe Cure made me feel like a iew person Other members of our family, and also many friends and acquaintances, having received equal benefit, and all highly recommend It " Mrs J. F. Beale, residing at No 863 Lexington ave , stid: "About eieht years ago I suffered from peritonitis, and general kidney troubles, and in spite of the attendance of skilled phy sicians, my ailments increased Upon advice of some friends I begin the use Warner's Safe Cure and was cured entirely I feel as well today as in early girlhood, and it Is entirely due to this great remedy. Many of my friends, to whom I have rocom mended the Safe Cure have been cured by its use, and their lives pro longed, and their happiness assured ' Mrs. M. M Bimonon, of Buckley, Mo , savs: "My daughter, who was once the perfection of health and happiness, was for years afflicted with kidney and liver disease, complicated with ocrofnla, the hip joint being af feoted. She became so bad the doc tors wanted to unjotnt the hip. 1 would not consent to it and began administering a remedy which I bad heard much about, and I am happy to say she Is now cured, well and healthy by the use of Warner's Safe Cure " r . ' ' ' eder.the greatest bargain known to th world is good health Do you not wish to secure and retain it? NO OTHER Sarsaparilla com bines economy and strength lik HOOD'8. It is the only one of which can truly be said " loo Doses Several bills have gone to sleep in the coumltteea never tu wake again. M. e RALEIGH, N. C. Pucoeaeor to Evans & Martin. MANUFACTURER OF a ( Carriages, Buggies, Special attention given to repairing of all kinds Tin best, work Is always the cheapest. And this can be found at the northwest corne f Morgan and Blount stree 8. FRAIZF.R r art Phafts in -Wk Tomrorou at the Churches. CHRIST CHURCH REV. DR. MARSHALL, BKCTOB. Third Sunday in Lent. Divine service and Holy communion at 11 a m. Sunday school at 4.00 p. m. Evening service 5:00 p m. Services during th week: Monday. Tues day and Saturday 7:30 a m and f :W p ro. Wednesday and Friday 7:30 am, 2m and 5:30 p ra. Thursday 'i :30 a m and 8 pm. Free seats. All invited. FIRST BAPTI8T BEV. DB. J. W. CARTER, PASTOB. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Prayer Wednesday night 7:30. All seats free. Polita ushers at church services. Sunday Bchool 9:30. Thos. H.Briggs, Supt. Sunday school at West Eud Mission at 3:30 p m. All are cordially invited to these services. TABERNACLE BAPTIST REV. DR. J. J. HALL, PASTOR. Sunday school 9:15. N.B.Broughton, Supt. Preaching at 11 a. m. and at 8:00 p. m. Public invited. Faye-tevlle Street Baptist. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. Sunday School at'3:30 p. m., John T. Pul len, Superintendent. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. Rev. I McK. Pittikoer. Rector. j Third Sunday in Lent. Morning Prayer, Sermon and Holy Com munion at 11 a m Sunday school at 3.30 p. m. Evening Prayer and sermon at 7 3!p m. Services during the week: Monday, Tues day, Thursday and Saturday evening pray er and address at 5:30 p in. Wednesday and Friday morning prayer and litany at 10 am Wednesday evening prayer ana lecture at 8:0' p m Seats free. All cordially invited. CHRISTIAN REV J. L. FOSTER, PASTOB. Sunday school 9:30 a. m reacli rig it 11 a m and 7 30 p. m. All cordially invited. FIRST PRESBYTE'TAN REV EUGENE DANIEL, D D. PASTOR Sunday oehool al 9:30 m. Pleaching at H a m and 7:30 p m. Polite ushers. Seats five. All cordiallv invited. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night 7 :30. EDENTON ST. M. E C -EV. J.N. COLE, PAS'OR. Sunday school 9:30 a.m. V .J.Young.Supt. Preachin? at 1 1 a. m. and 7 30 p. m CENTRAL M. E. REV. J. 3, HURLEY, PASTOB. Sunday school9:30 a.m. W.N.8nelling,Supt. Preaching at 11 a. m and 7:15 p.m BROOKLYN M. E. REV. J J. "ABK"R, PASTOR. Sunday school 3 p. m. J. B. Younj Sup Preaching it 7:15 p. m. WBastm Every Month many women suffer frojn Excctilve or Scant Menstruation; thiy don't know who to confide in to get proper advice. Don't confide in anybody but try Bradfleld's Fomalo Regulator a Specific for PAINFUL, PROFUSE, SCANTY, SUPPRESSED and IRREGULAR MENSTRUATION. Book to "WOMAN" mailed free. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. Sold by aU UriwUtt, I Here is Something to revolutionize the terrors of day. wash HYDRAULIC CLOTHES WASHER. Not a washing machine. Does the work perfectly in one hlf the time wit hout rubbing, boiling or chemicals. L. Re WYATT. TBBNBWBBA DeliYer) Wagons, etc. NEW ADVEilTiSHiUENTS A EEPORIJ I OF DELICACIES. The ice cream saloon of MrCHAS. BRETSOU, 103 Fayetteville street, is now one of the most popular re sorts in the city, and as the season progresses there will be a great rush for the splendid ice eream of all vari eties. In addition is the BAKERY -C where the best cakes, pies, & be had fresh and fln. Oandie and other dainties in pr if'isir-: ; Wtt ISM FMiiTl people with high prices! We h v good reMab'e clothing and sell thi-f; at low prices. M SPRING now arrUinar In bnlk. Bp nr" to ci and exrnnin J our utock "nrl pri" ore you buy elsiwh',j hb w- I 'uarantee to save you iu"tiey. WHITINa BRO- ARRIVALS AT 211 FAYE ITE VI u Li. STREET. NEW Outings, ' rrints, ' Dress Goods, ' l ares and Embroideries, ' Purple Flowers, ' Parisian Table Covers. Come and see them. fe81m I ROsKNTn. A.L. COAL A D WOOD. ANTHRACITE GOAL NUT, PTOVB AMD Eft(i SIZE, PO0AHONTA8, 8 TOTE & GRATE, POO AHONT8 STEAM. ' SPLINT COAL 8everal cars in and others arriving daily. Seasoned pine and Oak wood, long and cut for stoves and fireplaces. All orders filled promptly i y Phones 41 and 71. The North Raleieh FUEL COMPANY. The North Raleigh Fuel Company has a Coal and wood yard just north of the North Carolina Car Companv where they offer Oak and Pine Wood, either long or cue ior sioves or n-e places, alBO Anthracite and Bitumin ons Coals at lowest priees for cash Orders by telephone received by the N. 0. Car Co , No. 42 R J. Harris, Manager. Jan. 80, 1893. BETflBAT ZT w nuuwuuuu uiuuuiig uu. ZVS rSfr 305 Fayetteville st, opp Post Office. vw ." nil ni2 nsr-um imr 1 30 MORGAN ST. 1 30 Harp's Old Stand, RALE 1 00, N. O. Manufactmers and Bepalrcrs of (DarirSagesj Buggies, WAGONS, Ac We have employed a practical Horse- she r an 1 will Rive this line of business our especial attention. with best stock and skilled workmen we solicit share of your patronage. a4 THEUSTC Stock has been tkea. and we are de termined now to dispose of all our stock regardless of cost. This is Your Last Chance. 38 will buy our former 75c unlaundried Shirts. 33 will buy any of our former 50 and 75c Ktee rants. $1.25 our former B"y's Suits. will buy any of our former 12 00 and 12 50 By's buits. $13.25 will buy any of our former 120.00 and f 25.00 Men's Suits. We have a large lot of Trunks and Valises which, owing to the scarcity of room will be sold regardless of cost. Take due notice that the advance of our spring novelties and thev are beauties, and look at them. have arrived Just drop in Our real state is one of satislai.tion to know that we can be of so much service to our fedow men as to provide them with the fonnd tion or a none ot tu kik nwNma FIRST CLASS locality at a nominal price. The ch'f point of Btudy in this life is per fect bpilth, another is independence, a third is cc- -" rt, which proceeds from the first two ali three are ABSOLUTELY Gi 'S ""Y -:t.h every one of our buildinel". : ci - the r m their vicio. ity furnishe.- he i 'i. The ownership of one's home denote- independence and noth ing but comfort and happiness ran accrue to a family dwelling nn'ler ouch conditions. The prices and terms we offer are so easy that the poorest paid clerk in town can buy a nice building lot on small mommy pay ments and hardly miss what' be pays ouf each month. We have only a few more lots now that we can sell on such easy terms, therefore you had better come and see us at once. Your truly, teoi J IY1 Broughton&Co n The answer is plain. The larder la getting low and must be supplied. There is no place in Raleigh whev this can he done on better terms than at the well known establish ment of Wv R. NEWSOM, 214 South Wilmington street. The bill of fare is a tempting one. Just Rad It. Family Flour and Buckwheat, Ferris' Hairs, Breakfast Strips, Salt fish, of all kinds mullets, Mackerel, cut and roe EH BnoonthD P lnthinnr Pn I WHERE ARE YOU 61 herring, sc- In the line or lancy groceries tk. lint la tswi lno tnr Rniim.rftt.inn Pan noI . fruit, fresh fruit, pickles, crackers of all kinds, splendid cheese, sauces, nuts, apples, of the mc t approved brands, and, in fact, such a tempting array ss must please the tastes of all. Lard, bacon, sugar, tea, coffee and heavy groceries in the greatest profus ion. D n't forget the pluce 214 South Wil mington street. Call early and make selec tion; st NSWgOM'S.