The Bailg Bo erring tfisitixf. TXJBUSHED ITER AVTKaBOOB, - IKicept oonday, TSS VISITOR Is Mrrod by carriers la the elty at 25 cents per montb, payable to the carrier io advance. rrices (or mailing tb per year, or 15 cents Jper month. Commanltlous appearing in these olnnnns are ba. the expressions of the opinion of the correspondent writing the tame, and they alone aro re8pinb!f. A sf$t mirk X after your name Moral yoa chat yoar time u oat. A a ice ii orders aud commnnic lions to W. n. BROWS. Sr.. Raleigh. N O Local notices In this paper will b Five Cents per line each insertion Office -Upstairs over lr..I. II I Bobbin's Drug Sture, 2d floo Ij'R' C-tr JfTT GlK-MTLVril . BALEIGII, MAKCII 8, 1893 TELEGRAPHIC! BREVITIES. Mrs. Cleveland! had yesterday hp busy a day as the President. The Gibbons Daley prizn fight last night was won by Gibbons in th thirteenth round. A serious conflict has occurred be tween the troops and the peasantry at Gonashitza, Servia. Charley Mitchell is still! in danger of arrest for bis share in the Sullivan Eilrain fight at Riohburg, Miss. The heavy storms and severe cold which prevailed in Stockton, Pa., this winter have made it hard on the wild game. The House last night in the Kansas legislature, passed a bill making all contracts and notes payable in legal tender, gold, silver or paper. James Casey, the town clerk cf T.alees, shot and fatally wounded the rate collector, Whelan, in the board room. The Kansas legislature will ad Journ sine die Thursday night Gov Lewelling will call a special session about the 80th of April. The car of the Georgia Hussars. re turning from Washington to Savan nah was wrecked two miles from Winnsboro, 8. 0., yesterday. Not much damage done. The Supreme Court yesterday grau ted a request made by counsel for the three sheriffs in 8outh Carolina for leave to file petitions for writ of habeas corpus en their behalf.and is sued a rule returnable on the 27tb inst. Yesterday, near Clarkslle. Teoo. several men working in a find near Mt. Juliet, were attracted by screams from two women working in an ad joining field. They found Mrs. John v. Jones and her nine year old daughter burning to death. Their clothing was set fire from a burn ing brush heap. Despite all the ef forts of the men the women received such injuries they died within a fe minutes. The story of a Mississippi tornado that carried a boy a hundred yards and landed him in the branches of a tree, will do for a starter. Fish stories will come later, and about the 1st of August the sea-serpent will gain . put in an appearance. Rich mond State. The pins which the Salem witches were said to have stuck into their victims, says the New York Bun, ai d the seal with which their death war rants Were stamped, are preserved in one of the public offices of the old city. Life Is Misery " To thousands of people who have the taint ot scrofula in their blood. There Is no remedy equal to Hood's Barsaparilla for scrofula, salt rheum, and every form of blood disease. It Is reasonably sure to benefit all whoglveltalalrtrlaL Heed'a Pill cure Constipation by restor ing the peris taltio action of the alimentary canaL They are the best family cathartic The other day the wife of a Fib d county farmer presented him 'with a pair of bouncing J babies At the same time and place two goals' gave birth to two kids each and a brood so produced a litter of seven pigs. This record has not been beat since th days when the patriarch Jacob was domiciled on the plantation of fciban, the Syrian.Eichmond State. THE OPERATOR. Richmond State. It stepped upon the platform at Bilsenmoy en-Cert station where my friend L-ctileur awaited me with his carriage. While on the train I suddenly re collected something that required 1m mediate attention at Paris Upon my arrival at Baleenmoyen Cert 1 went to the telegraph office, to send bark a message. Tb is star ion differed from outhers of Its class because of the total lack of writing materials. After a prolonged exploration I finally succeeded la capturing a rusty pen, dipping it in some colorless, s imy fluid. With heroic effort 1 sue c -eded la daubing down the few words of my telegram. A decidedly unprepossessing woman grudgiDgly took the dispatch, counted it and aimed the rte, which immediately paid. With the relieved conscience of having fulfilled a duty I was about to wjlk out when my attention was at tracted by a young lady at one of the tables manipulating a Morse key With a slight hauteur she turned her b ick toward me. Ws she young? Probably. She certainly was red haired. Was she pretty? Why cot? Her simple black dress advantageously displayed a ron i i, agreeable form; her luiurian hair was arranged so as to reveal a few ringlets and a splendid white neos. And suddenly a mad ioexp'i cab 4 d ire to plant a kiss upu those gUeii ringlets seized mo In the expectation that the young lady would turn lound, I stopped and asked the elderly woman a few ques tions anent telegraph affairs. Her answers were not at all friendly. The other woman, however, did not stir. Whoever supposes that I did no, go to the telegraph office the next morn. ing does not know me. The pretty, re J haired one waB al ne this time. Now she was compelled to show her face, and, sapristi! I could not cum" plaid. . I purchased some telegraph stamps, wrote several messages, asked a num ber of nonsensical questions and played the part of a chump witb amazing fidelity. She responded calmly, prudently. in the manner of a clever, self pos sessed and polite little woman. And I came dilly, sometimes twice a day, for 1 knew when she would be alooe. To give my calls a reasonable ap pearance I wrote innumerable letters to my friends and telegraphed - to an army of bare acquaintances a lot of impossible stuff. So it was rumored in Paris that I had suddenly become (feranged. Every day I said to myself. "Todaj my boy, yoa mast make a'declara tyn." But her cold manner sup pressed upon my lips the words, "Mademoiselle, I love vou." I invariably confined myself to stammering: "Be kiud enough to give a 3 sou stamp." The situation gradually became un bearable. As the day for my return approach ed I resolved to burn my ships behind me and to venture all to win every thiog. " r I walked into the office and wrote the following'message: "Ooquelin, 17 Boulevard Haassman . Paris: "I am madly in love with the little red haired telegraph operator at BaisenmoyenJert." I tremblingly handed her the ; tel egram. I expected at least that her beaut 1 ful white complexion would effalge But Tool v Not a mascle relaxed! In the clmeit maimer in the world she said. Fiftynie centimes please.', Thoroughly nonplussed by this queenly serenity, I fumbled about in my pocket for the coin. " But I could not find a son. From my pocketbook I took a thousand franc note and gave it to her. She took the bank not and .n. tiolzed it carefully. The examination terminated foyer-1 ably, for her fce was suddenly wreathed in r miles and the burst Into a charming ripple of infectious laughter, displaying her marveloaaly handsome teeth. And then the pretty yoang mademoiselle aked In Paraman en. dence. "Do you want th rhuuf" From the French of Alphoos allats io New York Journal Worth $1,000 The Good Derived from Sarsaparilla cilia Dyspepsia The peculiar combination of stomach tonics and alterative remedies in Hood's Sarsaparilla cannot be equalled, and this superiority explains the wonderful success of This Creat Medicine in cases of Dyspepsia, Indigestion and similar troubles. Mr. T. A. Wheelock, a well known citizen of Burlington, Vt, writes : "Six months ago I was badly run down and unable to attend to business. The principal trouble seemed to be due to indigestion and aggravated dyspepsia. I had no appetite, Nothing Tasted Cood and what I did eat distressed me. AdUed to this was a nervous disturbance. Physicians that I employed failed to reach my case. I grew worse, lt flesh and almost hope. One day I ran across a testimonial for Hood's Sarsaparilla stating what It had done In what seemed to be a case similar to mine. I got a bottle and in three or four days saw that I felt better. Before I had finished the first bottle, was greatly improved. Bested better, felt better, and knew I was Better All Over I continued with the medicine, and have taken two bottles and now feel better than at any time for the past five years. Feel as hearty as when a boy. Have regained my flesh, have good appetite, can sleep well, and my nerve are in excellent condition. I would not value a thousand dollars for what it did for me." T. A. Wheelock, Burlington, Vt Fully Indorsed "We have sold Mr. T. A. Wheelock several bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla and have heard him tell in high terms of com mendation what it has done for him. I know that he has recommended Hood's Sarsaparilla to many others here. Our customers gener ally speak well of it" F. L. Taft & Co., Pharmacists, Burlington, Vt Hood's Liver Pills ins BAi tilGri POST Or t l;! MAIL 80EDHULK EPABTUB Close at PO Close at Deioi OUTGOING MAILS 9 OOjp m 6 15 a m ExFtTrll For Greens- bnrn. N. fi. and Woof 8 15 " 8 45 " Ex Ft 20-For Short Cut JNorth s (iolasboro l055am1125amRPOTr 3 For Wel- don. Norfolk N and E 0 SOpni 128pmBPOTr 10 For Short Out S and Goldsboro 8 45 " 4120 " EPO Tr 41-For At- lanta (R & A A L) 4 TO " 600 " Ex Ft Tr34 For Wel- don, Norfolk, N and S 4 05 " 440 " BPOTrfl-ForGreens- boro, N, 8 and W ARRIVALS. At a P. O Depot INCOMING MAILS. 6 00 am 6 r m Ex Ft Tr 12 F'm G ' s- - . 1 XT 1 m . ooro, jm, a ana w 9 45 am 1 10 i i ia Ex Fr Tr 45 From !- don, North and Ei- t 11 17 am 1 1 !J mEPOTr 38 From At lanta (R & A A L 109pm 1 2ipm RPOTrlO F"mV is ' boro, N, 8 snd wtsi 4 05 pm 4 20 pm R P O Tr 41 From Wei- vr jr. uu:i, huu a I 4 30 pm I 4 45pn R POTr 9-F'm Golds, i ... auu ouun VjUi,n ail I o 11 30 pnll 45 pm Ex FtTr 21-Fn" C ds- j ooro Trains Tnnrlrart thna Mn nnl mtma nn C7n - . UVMWUAWTVWU I IUJ oay. Mftilfl for train 9 going west close fit 3 p ua w 'lULUBfr, n STAB ROUTES. Omaoixa Matt Hn uro Palolot. mtm Biiotwell. Eac;le Book and WakefieM to Unionbope, Monday and Fridnv 7 am. Raleijrh via Myatt's Mills to TnnD, Tues tf ly and Friday 6 am. Fif Dam Vonir TT', '.-- ind-'-'av 8 a m. . . 3 Rs'ieh "y S i r :, a v. t0 Roan-"' - vnnrl !. : 1 . , 10 am. ,- nJ THnnviira Vina iainrn.i.L ... . 1. WBKAfiflM- Eairlo Rw1r mnA Qt,n .1T 1.. Dl ngn, Tuesday and Saturday 6 pm. - Dunn via Myatt's Mills to Baleieh, Mon day and Thursday 6:15 p m. .Daravia Dayton and KelvynGrwe and Flint, Tues, Thure and Sat at 4 p m. wm yia cantror and Six Forks to Raleigh, Tuesday and Friday 12 ir 12 m87 10 Ka,,,igb TneBdy end Friday t Br01ose at 9pm ante. Fail DlT.TVV Dnnit . 11. J-l at 8:30 a m n j a.ak ' wpt SundayR. Co'lections made at sanif hoiu-s. Sunday, 6:30 to 7:80 am. Free de- liyWl' Wtnnnwa Anon in.JAM o.aa 8:30 o'clock n m. A. w. sw a vvvxt Pojjtjnarter WOODWORTfi CITY, ! In the heart of the Iron and Coal Dla- rictof Tennessee. Hi mate salubrious, never hot andever cold Land unequalled for agricultural pur oses, and nuueral resource unlimited. 1,000 Lots at.. $100 per Lot 8 0! 1,000 " i,ooo 1.000 1000 4,000 " 4,000 601 " 8C0 4W) " 8 00 10 00 " 15.00 " 20 00 - v 50 '"0 " 100 00 " s about 80 miles WOODWORTHCJIY lii ponn or unatuatOKa, witnin a lew miles oi altamont, the county seat ot Unridy coun ty, and between Tracey Cit and the cele brated Beereheba Sp ings, the SaratOKH of tne Sou'h It is ia the centre of the rapidly developing coal and iron district of Tennes see, nd within its borders are found coal, iron, sine, marble and asbestoi. with various hard wods, such as oar, chestnut maple. Heach, locubt. hickory, ash, piue, cherry and black walnut in abundance. The village of Urueth, with several hundred innitbiUnts, contains Cl.urches, Pchcols, Stores, Post- office and tleuraph station, and number of manufacturing induitres, li ot which are located on the property and form part ol Woodworth City. The proceeds of the sale of these lota will be used to develop the mineral r&ources of the property and build ui a large and thriv ing city Quik application tor these lots should be made, as the right is reserved to advance the price withont notice. For further particulars apply to H C. LIVINGSTON, Agent, 712 DeKalb Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Parties desirous of visiting and Inspecting tnis pro Deny can obtain special raw? on tne new and most com foi table vessel afloat, of tne ucean steamship company. Thesf steamers leave New York. Mondays. Wed- Le8days. Fridays and Saturdays, making a oeiigimm sea trip ot FIFTY HOUKS TO S1YANNA8 Where immediate connections are made to Chattanooga and WOoDWOKTHClTY LIVINGSTON & OV, Agents, Ucean Steamship Co. of Savannah, Mo. 712 DeKalb Avenue, Brooklyn. N. Y BUY TOUR Watcks, Clocks, JEWELRY AND SPECTACLES at prices that dofy competition, at houie.' The Undersigned, an nlH rslinhla nrntoh 0 , av.uw.v nUWW maker end jeweler, is better prepared iow than ever before tn dn vnnr wtnh rlrb and jewelry work, or turnih you with an? cronda nsimllv trcrf in Viia Hno , ' i-i- j r umv. 18 size American Made Movements from in Gold Cases, f!5 00uo 18 size in Gold Filled Cases, 8 60 up 18 size in Silver Cases, 7 1 0 up io aim 111 lilUKrl I aseS, OU.IPD 1 a a . : -r i ir . Biac auienuau luaue juovemenis in G ,ld ases, 17 50ui lb size m GoldFilied Cafces, 10"0up io avai in ouer -jases, l'Jwui 16 s'ze in Nickel Case 7 Win. 6 & 0, Ladies' s ze, American Move ments in Gold i 'ases, lf 'fin ,, 6 & 0 size in Gold Filled Cases. ui 6 as 0 size in Silver (!nqpa 1- (Vin.. Swiss Go'd watches, 10 00 up owiHs oiiver. watcnes, 6 00 up Swiss Nickel watches, 4 00 up Swiss Nickel watches, (not recom mended; 2 to $3 up A good Hne of Wntr.Vion Plnolra Tanral and Spectacles constantly on hand for sale. The Brvant Until and (Tninhinntinn Wn. a specialty. The workmanship and quality of no other rin or nra hof tr Call on the olu reliable undersigned for wa( you want, eitner goods or work, in his uuc, auu juu win ue wen iireaieu, ana gooas or work honestly represen'ed and warranted good or not good. del7 2w J- aV. COLE. LOCATION OF ALARM BOX. No. 12. Folk and East Streets. j 18. Johnson and Halifax SU.reei?. 14. Nortb and Person Streets. l Eientonand Bast Streets 21. Morgan and Blount Streets. 23. Wilmin .ton and Martin Streets. 24. Davie and Blood worth Streets. 25. Wilmington and South Streets. 26 Hargett and Swain Streets 27 Blount and Cabarrus Streets. 912. Fayetteville and Hargett 8ts. 214 Hargett and Blood worth Stg. 81. Davie and Dawson Streets. : 82. Hillsboro and West Streets. . 84. Lenoir and McDowell Streets. 85. Hargett and Dawson Streets. 86. South and Harrington Streets. 87. Hargett and West Streets. . 4. Water Tower. 41. Dawson Street, between Jones and Lane streets. 42. Halifax and Edenton Streets.' 43. Joues and Saunders streets. 45. Firwood Aveonn onnrtnit.a rint. ton Mill - 47. JNorth Street, West of Salisbury; Cleanliness is akin to godliness' and in order to show to the world that you enjoy this Bless- mgp rely upon Nature to furnish The WATER AND BUY- Toilet Soaps OF- J. HAL BOBBITT. A stock of the following brands of Soaps ALWAYS on hand: Lnbin'sSoap, 60o Eau de Cologne Soap, 85c Pinand's Soap, 25c Violet 8oap. 26c Rosen and l cerine Soap, 25c Cold Cieam Soap, 25c Benzoin and (Jlycerine Soap, 25o New Mown Hay Soap, 250 Cashmere Bouquet Soap, 25o Cape May Bouquet Soap, 25c 4711 White Rose Glycerine Soap, 25c Rose Gt rauiura Soap, 25c Tooth Soaps, 25c Cuticura Soap, " egg Carbolic So ip, 26c and 10c Tar Soap, 2"?eand 10c Sulphur Soap, 25candl0c Ichtbyol Soap, 25c Borax sp, 25e Boraci c d Soap, ggc th ' in i a 1 p 25o Germicide p 26o Viola Skin 8oap, 2c Pears' Soap, 20c Rosadora Soap, 20o Bay Leaf Soap, is0 fransparent Soap, 10c and 16c Buttermilk Soap, iqc Oatmeal Soaps, 10c Peach and Honey Soap, joo Handworker's Soap, ICo Cotton Seed Oil Soap, jqo 8having 8oap, io0 and 25c Turkish Bath Soap, 05o Palm Oil 8oap, 05o White Castile Soap, 05o and 10c Red Castile Soap, J 050 Blue Castile Soap, og0 A reduced price on any of the above by the box or dozen. J. ML BOBBITT, ; DBUGGIST iU RALEIGH is MMwt hmm mmm mum IT