Richmond Danrtila R R ro.l BICUVIBS. Conienea arhedule la itTdet flOT.87. 1801 doathbsand, Dkllj Vo Noll Lt Richmond, 19 4Jpm Barkevill, 3 Upm Keysville, $ 85pm Ar DaarliU. 5 VSpai 7Van Ar lireensooro SOJpaa SSOaai Lt tioldsboro, 2SiptD t7 4pm Ar R&lelgo. JJ Wpio It 1 pia La Kaleitft 4 4Upu tf 1 p ji Le Durham, S37pu. 7 luaao Ar iireeasooro, 7 4jpin 9 I5m Lt U&lem, f6 40 p J 00am tireeasooro, 8 10pm 9 8xtiu Ar Salisbury, Wodpin 11 Wn. A SUtesrille, liOip o Ar Asheville, 4 2 'pin Ar tlot Springs, 6 57; L? diiisbary, 9 6pm 11 Han Ar Uuarlotte, 11 IOpiu 18 4) Hpart&abarg. l'tia 330pm (iroeavUie, 3 U7atu 4 4ipui AtUut, 91M&.U llwpjj Charlotte. U J0o Colombo 6 00am Aagata, ' 10 00am Northbound Daily. No 10 No li hv AaKisti, tt uo-u OolamblA, ;W 0U u Ar Charlotte, 6 OJaoa Lv AtUat. 9 iCom , 8 0 ai Ar Jharlotte, 8 40am 7 0'i-v Lf Onarlotce, 6 6iam 7 45pa dalisbary, Jill l w Lv Hoc Springs, U 3i) v Asheville, 2 4jpm btatesville, 7 4?,ui A Salisbury, 8 3ipm Lv Salisbury, 8 37aro 9 2pu Ar urraoasporo, 10 10am U iopm Salem, H 3jiu UOJiu Lt (ireeosboro. 10 iOam 11 35pm Ar Durham, 18 lipm 3 3'- m Raleigh. 1 09pu. 8 UOam Lt RaloigL iapm ttHiaui Ar ttoldaboro, 8 Olpin 13 o&pai Lt irada3bjro, it 2U.. 11 3 Ar DaavU'.o 12 01pm 1 16u HLesvllle, 8 45p t ; 4 05 v Barfcevllie, 8 2apm 4.1am Riobroorrl, , i SUpin 7 Ouaui tDaily except daaiay. wiar point &. RiORMOJfr. 7 50 am Lv vVest Point, Lit 8 6 mm 9 05 am Ar Richmond Arl0 4ua 810 pm Lt Richmond Lt 4 45pm 5 00pm Ar West I'otui Ar tf nypm Bar vVifiiSN Rl'JdalO.N U A-,iJ KAu ji(iii via Ktjvuville, 4 4)pm Uf ..Uiai.4i ' tiOdp-.u B dclctiS-LEtf, W. A. aapii:iiit"deut, tidal Pass. At . 1 tfreeiiso o,iS iJ. Waeaiuguou, D J J. d. tf . VdOAlPdON, bupc tiioKV. 8. ti. iiAROWi JK, At't tfeu Pao. Agent, Atlanta, via. W. H RBllfiN, aOju HAAS, lieu'l Blauager, Traffic Manager, Wagningcon.l)-0. Waaliintoa, O - To bo ai a m, danay, Aug. 26, Trains moT- Prains mov ing South. lug North, No 41, 38, Pass and Mail. fass and Mau. Daily ex 8o. OaUy ax au LeaTe. S"'' a r,m Rftlflitn 1117 a in 4 4i tjarv. 10 57 am a m Anas. 10 45 am k Hi " oncare,x 10 11 atn 6 0J " Sanford, 9 4" am 6 21 " Oameroii, 9 12 am 6 54 " Southern PineB. 8 41 am 7 50 .Hamlet, 7 40 am 818" QibHon, Lt 00 a Northbound Sonthbouna Trains. Irakis, Thro Frt and Thro ITrt anr, Pass 23, a8s Daily exct -Stations Uail Sunday. Son.i PM Lt Ar p Raleigh 7 i OarT 5 4(1 m AQam Anex 5 K Mononre 4 20 S9 27pm Sanford 3 4 10 10pm Cameron 2 45 11 00pm Southern Pines 1 65 12 45pm Ar Hatnlet Lt 12 8i Leave Pittsboro, tflOaoi Arrive Moncure, 5 5 LeaTe Moncure 5 10pa. Arrive Pittsboro, 5 55 0ARTHA0fc R R. Leave Carthage, 8 00am Arrive Cameron, 8 45 Leave Cameron. 9 45 Arrive Carthage, 10 80 LeaTe Carthage, 4 00pm ArriTe Cameron, 4 45 p m LeaTe Cameron, 5 50 Arrive Carthage, 6 85 SMITH, 8up N OBSOLK AND (JaROLWA K. H nnwnwNSKn 80HBDULB. Dated August 9t.b, 1891. South Bound Kounu Train. stations. Train No. 101. No. 100 19 n' BL've Pinner's Point Anive 65 015 L've Driven, Anive 2 01 10 27 L've Suffolk A wive 4 47 11 02 L'e Gates, Arnve 4 14 11 20 L've Tunis, Arrive 3 54 1137 L've Ahoskey, Arrive 336 11 52 L've Aulander, Arrive 3 21 12 31 L've Hobgood, Arrive 2 39 12 63 I'e Tarboro. Arrive 2 17 1 20 Ar Kooky Mount, L've 1 oo P. M. .: ' - v :. A M No 101 makes connection at Rocay Mount with W W Train No 23 for all points South, and No 78 train for all points North GrMSsRPBV J R ILtfsriiV, den'l Manage Supt Traio T U fiMBRSOJ,4Qen'l PassengerTria 18 ' Iff H . I t t t atit .i Sc id Aaif. 7th, 1898 rti.'. i oi rln North. No 38. No 84. Htf.ion. UitU train. Fas & Mail. Lo Rilelgb. 11 23 am (iiOsn Wak9, 12 04 5 33 Fr.itllDton. 18 86 5 58 KiUtdll, 8 43 14 Hendrrsoo li59 6 80 jLittletoa, 2 07 7 85 pm Ir.vVel lon, 8 41 8 15 a m Trlpd moving Soma. No 41, No 4b, Suiions. Mail trftln. Past &MaU. ?j Weldon, 18 15 p m 8 83 a m Littleton, 12 58 7 09 Henderson, 8 16 8 14 Klttrell, 8 43 8 29 FfHQkliitton, 8 00 8 45 Wxe, 3 21 9 06 Ar Raleigh. 4 05 p m 9 43a m tioalsbuTg Ra'road. Trlni '.moTiair No'th. o iS, Phs, No S 3tt( uH. Mall ft Kx press. Ci-i P' tjnklint'n, 31'ipm 9 2ism ir iioulsbarg, 3 41 p m 9 55 Trains moving South. oV-,Pb. No 9, 9A.tloQ8. IaiJ Express. fjt f.i ilsbarar, l2C5am 5 85pna Ar Pfialint'n, 11 80 p m 5 00pm M SHITH. Sap AcMatlo Doait Line. tVUuitagton . Veidon Saiiroad and .Brunches. Ooadensdu Senedul. f iiAiNo d'JINbl SOOTH. Dated Jan. 4. No 23 No 27 No 41 Idyi. Daily. F'tm'l d'y, ex Daily. Sund'y Lj t?eidon, 18 3t!pm 5 43pm 640am Aruojay Mt, 1 10pm 6 rt3pm 747am Ar Tarboro, i ltipm Le Tarboro, 12 &3pin 6 OOp.n Ac Wiiaon, jlspm 700pm n817am lie .Vason. t2fJpm Ar J jlaaa S iopm Ar Fay 't fine 50pin lie d'dsooro. jiopm 740pm vuuam Li (V.iraaw, 114pm 10 00am &j4 jlgiioitu, 4 pm 3 40pm 10i4aiu Ar iVVtou 'ii'jpm 9 55pin ll4iam rRAiNd yoi m worth. No u No 78, No 0. dally, d'y, ex . daily Sund'y. Lit WiV.itoa, ' i y 15am 4 00pm -i .',j;ujlia. 3 '. 10 57am aiOpai u.i VarjikW, 11 Ham 55 upm V.- -'a . j:i, i 3.Uiu liO-Hm A 56pm .j'j i'V' tilifi, loaru j 7 SOUit,, 11 ij? S3 VitiJU, 12iOkni Lv iVtiaon, 514nm 12 5'jpm 748pm .ir ivj-.kHt, 5 37 130pai ?2ltun i. kirooro, 6 80am1 2 l'Jpm Liir i'arboro, 12 58pm Ar Ar Adiu, 685nm 2 55pm 9 85pm Oaiiy except Sunday. John if Diyis, General S iporinondent. J Kwsrut, iSap't 'ans. ATLANTIC dc X. C.BB, Time Table No 15. In effect December 19th, 1888. 3bing east, Sehedale. doing west No 51 Pass trains No 50 Ar Lve Stations Ar Lve m 3 30 Goldsboro 11 28 a . 4 17 4 20 La Grange 10 46 10 4S 4 48 4 54 Kinston 10 09 10 ll 6 18 8 48 New Berne 8 27 8 4. 25 p m Morehead Olt? am K THE WASHINGTON EEKLY POST A Paper from the Nationa. Capital shonl 3o into every FamiJy in ib Country I 'PHEREis no other paper in theTJnitei' -L Statea that is growing so rapidly in circu lation as the Washington W(ekly Post. This is bocause neither tbor nor e ipen is sp etl to make it ;he best, as well as cueapwt, paper published. Jtis A Nation ii Paper I Being printed at the seat of government, The Weesly Post contains special feature nc found in any other publication. Every iaat should tirst subscribe for his home paper To it you we your tirst alltgiance. After that is done, if able to take another paper, the best one printed av the Capital ol te coun try is the one that vi" prove most profitab and entertaining. The Weekly, Post will contain: A full resume of tht proceedings of Congress An epitome of all tbe ners from the Nation alCamtal. Political news and gossip impartially told, Serials and short stories by '.he best writers, Gems of literature, art and selected miscellany The latest telegraph hewi from nvary section of the globe, Interesting Capita' chat Interviews with leading men from aL rsrtt of the counirv Other features not coaUired jn anyofiei paper, i The Poat is an absolutely inaepfdnt papat ' 8paa;es, 56 colu'uns. l'he price or rne weeciy roat is to oenit per auntiiu in advance. Bamolo oopip en ire Adams, TBS ATSEKLI fOST, Washington Post, i THE MOTHER'S PRATER! BY WTLLIAM CCLLKtf BRT4HT. Starting forth on life's rough w&y. Father sot le thm ; O, we know not what of harm 5Jv ffl le them ; 'Neath the whado f thy wing, Father hide them. Talking, sliepirjg, Lord, we pray; Go beside them. " When in prayer they ery to Thee, Do Thou hear them; From the stains of sin and shame, Do Thou ciear them ; 'Mid the quicksand and the rocks, Do Ttaoa. steer them; To temptation, trial, grief, Be ' hoo near thm. Unto Thee we give them up, Lord, receive them; In the world we know must be Mach to grieve them Many striving oft and strong To deceive them; Trustful In Thy hands of love We must leave them. Whr-ii Tnby was sick, re gave her Cnstorla, Vhen sl-e was a Child, she cnsd for Castoria. VTre-x : l e became Miss, she clung m Castoria, Wl e j hhe nad Children, uhe gave them Castoria. KU KLUX IN CHATHAM. Cha H4M Co., N. C.March 7 A fe-v nights ago, Bill Taylor, colored. was Ku Kluxed by persons in dis' guise. He was most brutally whlpp ed and beaten, and thrown into the baptizing hole of Lystra Baptist church near R'ggsbee's Store. Bill claims to have recognized eevera1 of the parties and is trying to prosecute them. Twenty five bunches nice yellow nananas just received nt A. Dughi's 25c to 40c a dozen. Mothers' Friend ,99 MAKES CHILD BIRTH EASS "i idfibwe Colvln, La., Dec. 2, 1886 My wi MOIJdEK'3 FRIEND before he confinement, and says she would! without it for hiuidreds of dollars. DOCK MILLS. Sent by express on receipt of price, 1.60 per bot- lie. coon x o iviuiuers uiaiiea iree. BRADFIELO REGULATOR CO., roR W v all DnuoaiT. ATLANTA, OA, Ii You Want Money, A cook, A partner, A situation, A servant girl, To sell a farm, To sell a house, m t ii i . i 10 duv or sen biock. Good boarding house, VC To sell plants or grain, bAl groceries or drugs, Sell household furniture, To make any farm loans, y ' Sell or trade for anything, Find customer- for anything, Read and advertise in the Rsleigf EVENING VISITOR, Advertising obtains new customers Advertising keeps old customers, Advertising liberally will pay,' Advertising makes success Advertising exhibits pluck, Advertising means "biz." ,r SAdTerti8e immediately , Yj AdTertise constantly, '.V-' AdTertise regularly, AdTertise ftlwava Advertise well '. ADVEHTI8E. AT OtfCE. r-'h nov!i Ths LYening Visitor Caveats, and Tni' le-Marks obtained, and all Pat- J ent business conducted for Mor ibate Feis. . 3 Our Office is Opposite U. S. patent Oti-.x and we can secure patent ia less time than UfiM J remote from W Hshinpton. '.- ! Send model, drawing or photo., with descrln-J non. we aavise, ii pateniaDie or noi, ire oi! charee. Our fee not due till patent is secured. 3 A Pamphlet, ' How to Obtain Paten';." with 1 cost of same in the U. S. and .ureign countries 1 sent free. Address- ; I Qpp. PATCKTCrnci, Vint":" . o. C. ' for Infants - Cm tori Is so well adapted to children that I recommend lt u superior to any prescription known to me." IL A. Archer, M. I)., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Tn o 'O-torip. ic c nniversal and its inoriK o " rlx ,. t!u:f it em a work of up'-iv. .l'n lo rt.doitte it. Few are the lnlelligeut ' .iiii-1 ho do not keep Castoria within easy rea-Ji." Carlos SLuityn, D. D., New York City. Thk Cf.vtair hjlm mi in i 1 1 u The Evai ina Viitn IS PUBLISHED EVFRY EVENING EXOEPr SUNDY, -AT- $3 PER ANNUM, OR Tweiiiy-five Cents Pr Month BY W, M. Brown, Sr., RALEIGH, C. ae Sale. By virtue of a mortgage executed to J. S. Brassfield on the 20th day of February 188 1 by W.A Broedea and w,le Fannie Jirogaen recorded d the office of the Kegister of Deeds of Wake county, in boofe 106, page 465. more lully decr bed in the mortgage. I will sell at public auction, for cash, at the court nouat, aoor in tne cay ot uaieign . 0 , on Monday, Heb. 27th 1893, a tract of land lying in Barton's Creek township con taining 77 1-4 acren. J. 8. BR 88FIELD, Mortgagee. Jan.27'h, 1893. Land Sile. By authority of a mortgage executed by W I O' Kelly and wife, as recorded in book 94, page 789, Register of Deeds office for Wake county, I will, on Monday, 13rh of March, I'M-, al 1:4 o'clock m, at the court home door of Wake county, sell to tne highest bidder for cash a tract of land about two miles west of the city of Kaleigh on the is 0 Haiiroati, adjoining tbe lamis of Har riet Roan, Haywood Ao'kins and others, containing l-jj acres, more cr less, and par ticularly described iu the aforesaid mort- ge. ,; ... .h wn jtMiK.B, s, i . A AttoraeT LflOKi id -VI V and Children. Castoria cures Colic, Coufrt iatii.n. Sour Stomach, Diarrhtea, Eni trtti"n, KilU Worms, gi-es sloop, and promot.! Ci gestion, Without Injurious m-jdicatlon. "For several years I have ntommnuliJ your 'Castoria,' and tJinll always contimx- : do so as it has invariably produced Itfiiclioi .1 results." Edwim F. Pardee, JI. P., 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York Clt ;. Compact, 77 MfRRAT STREF.r, Nfw York ( rr iiiiiiiiiuji mw.n mrsay:y.!Kwes-- it ii Favirg made all the money necessary to reduce price for the benefit of our customers, we will sell a lot of nice pine woo l for 1 per cord on yard, or 1 50 delivered any where in the city. LIME II 10 per barrel. LATHS 1 60 per 1,001). Boston market. Lumber n plank, pro miscuous width. 18 P0. Framing from 9 to f 11 per 1,000. Flooring an I wilinn 12 50. 14, J5perl0;i. ' Sash,- Door ,- B. ads, andMouidii a(iu"""1 am i---;ruon. iBesii njarj Sii.iyles .alvayson bu-ut 'Ve manu''H.;tur our wn material whiub enuule us to s II ut bottom ' prices. Our motto is quick sales aid sniull prohts. jyj5 tf ! mijissun Kovster Co, The best f hing in the 'JnU.A.x States fcr OfgEJCENT $i per year, dftilv, f 3 pr year, omJttfng funda For tbe Farmers e.nd business man the Record haa co equal. Address The Record " Pbila('e phia. Pa Pa. CURE YOURSELF! Ask vmir Tlriio'tHof r, bottle nf HiV ti t, nni.r n m. uuij nnn-nnuAnrnt. .mu) , i l . - i u .iucuj iui ail i tlie linnntural .n!... private diseases of men and the aeoiiitaung weakness peculiar I ij women, xv cures in a sew I dcys without the aid or lE"D"c7 o! a doctor. i universal American Curt. manufactured by emvMM Kino wans unemical VK.-i& CINCINNATI, a U. 8. A Scientific American Agency for CAVEAT3. TRADE MARKS. DESICN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS. Atn.l j; or lniorraoxion ana iree Handbook write to MUNN & CO., 31 Buoadway, New York. Oldest bureau for securing patents In America. Kvery patent taken out by us is brought before the public by a notice given free of charge In the ffiwfifif Jlittflta lanrest circulation of any scientific paper In the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man should be without it. Weekly, 83.0ft a yeart $1.60 six months. Address aifJNN & CO pUBUSHERS, 301 Broadway, Now York City. Mortgage Sale. By virtue of a mortgage executed on the 29'h dny of January 189, to Jsrnts 8. Brass held, by R. L, Thompson, and K.V. Thomp son, his wife recorded in the office of the Register of Deds of Wake county, in bock 1Q page 74. I wiU sell at public auction for cash, at the courthouse door, in the city of Raleigh, N 0., on Monday. Feb. 27, 189H, at 12 o'clock m., the tract of land in Barton s Creek township, bound d by the lands of M. J Jackson, Q. O Bledsoe and others, con taining 97 cres more or less. - J S. BRASSFIELD, Mortgsgee. Ja,s;ib, 1893, Rna Inn