1 WHIT DOES II ME&N? JUSTICE LlMRR, PHILIPS BROOKS JAMES G. BLAINE. A APPALLING LIST OP URE4T PUBLIC MEN. Many of Them Hav Passed Away Suddenly and Without Warnlnsr What U Heart Di. eae or Apoplexy? -Is it not Caused by Overwork or Over indulgence? The recent sudden deaths of prom inent men masters from the grave the memory of an army of great run who have died in the harness. Note them as they slowly file in review before yon. senator aca v.uuuit was found dead 1j his bed in the Grand Pacific Hotel. Secretary Windom died while speaking at a banquet. Senator Beck dropped insensible in the Potomac Depot on the exact spot where President Garfield was shot Secretary Folger worked to the last and died without warning. Senator Tom Cor win eipired a a reception while talking with Salmon P. Uhase, Ben Wade, Senator Schenok and John Sherman. The Hon. Hannibal Hamlin died at the club while chatting with his friends. Minister Pendleton passed away while seated in a railroad train Senator Charles Summer, Mass chusett's pride, died suddenly, work ing faithfully to the hour of his death Senator Simon Cameron feels the mysterious creeplngs of paralysis and falls in the arms of his friends. Saluton P. Ghae passed away peacefully while seated at his desk with his pen in his hand. Vice President Wilson died after emerging from the 8enate bathroom John Quincy Adams dropped in his chair in the House of Bepresen And so the list might be prolougel It would include such brilliant names . as Senator Matt Carpenter, secretary ; of the Treasury Daniel Manning, Er- President Arthur, the Hon. i nomas , H. Benton, Senator Jj'erry sna otners. These mea died suddenly and with.! ont warning, but a significant fact in connection with their deaths is that the cause in each case was the same. It may have been called "heart dis ease" or "apoplexy." but what is heart disease or apoplexy? Simply a result, not a cause Overwork and overindulgence weaken certain great organs. From the we ikness of these organs tbe blood becomes poisoned, clots the heart and clogs the brin Do you ask what these orgains ar? The kidneys and liver. None of the great men would have died as they did had their kidneys and livar hen In order. Physicians realize this truth, and the intelligent men and women are beginning to find it out. Not only this, but they have found out the way of prevent ing this gradual undermining of the life and the coming on of sudden death Read what they say: Dr. Hoesch, of Berlin, Germany, j asserts "I have been the victim of palpitation of the heart, and upon i taking the least cold the symptoms : would become alarming. This ha entirely disappeared under the use of Warner's Safe Cure, and I am per' fectly well and strong." Dr R. A Gunn, dean of the United : States Mediial College, New York, declare: "I am independent enough aud frank enough to commend moss heartily that great remedy, Warner's Safe Cure The Rev. J E Rankin, D. D., of Washington, D C, affirms: "I know physicians of the highest character and standing who prescribe and ue Warner's Safe Cure for diseases of th kllneys and urinary organs. I desire in the interest of humanity to re commend this medicine." reat men may pasaway suddenly and leave a warning to others who , are overworking or overindulging ; The slender thr-ad of life may be Straiaed, but it need not be snapped If care and the rteht preventive rum : edy are used Modern life ha it trains, but it also has Its discover s Which ''preserve the he-i'th al lengthen th life. Aoi forvu among the discoveries for th b tit, of humanitv is the great t these scientific men steals. SATISPAC FiON I guaranteed to every co'iisamer of HOOD'S Sarsaparilla. One hundred doses in every bottle. No pther does this. One Wy to b Happy Is at all times to attend to the com forts of your family Should any one ot them catc - a slight cold or comrh. prepare yourself ud c 11 at once on Messrs. w H King & Co , conmr of Frtyetteville and Hargett streets, sole agents and get a trial bottle of Otto's Cure, the great German Remedy, VRBK We give it awa to prove that we have a sure cure for . Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Consumption, and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs. T.rcrn alzes ROC For salr by W. B, King & Co., corner I jfayeuevuie huu'wukv imw" The latest reports are to the effect that tbe trustees of the 8tate Library still hang fire in the selection of 8tate Librarian. We hear that the vote is one each for Messrs Blrdsong, Wil liams and FerrelU The Board of Aldermen having found out that there was no legal au thorlty for changing the Dame of Martin street to park avenue, has re versed the decision. It is now Mar tin street as heretofore. DYED TO SUIT THE GIRLS FATHER. New York, March 7. Falling by the use of hair dye on his blonde locks and thick eye-glasses to win the favor of his lady love's father, Her bert Reaves a young lawyer, who has the misfortune to be an lbino, took the bull bv the horns last week and eloped with his love. Miss Jennie McCall, reconciliation with the par ents soon following. The voong DeoDle who lived in Blythebourne, but worked in this city, Miss McCall being a typewriter. had been attached to each other for six months, their courtship being carried on In the elevator of the office building, on the trains and in quiet strolls after church and Sunday school. Mr McOall, the bride's-father, who Is a produce dealer at No 863 Green w'ch street, had a decided opposi ti i to the match, and didn't hesi t" '9 to say so, his chief objection be In r the young man's physlccl peeuli a'! les. Even after hair dye had rn ied his blonde looks there was no r' atlog I So Thursday night the couple slipped away to Jersey City and were married Yesterday afternoon they returned to Mr. Reaves' horre, where latter Mr. and Mrs. McCall came to give their blessing. . LAWSUIT ENDS IN A WEDDING Greensburg, Pa . March 7. It is not often that the plaintiff and de fendant in a lawsuit leave the Court room to begin a honeymoon. Mrs Teressa Chatter, a widow, sued her best boarder, Charles Fruendorf, for a 50 board bill, which he had re fuied to pay. He mde the counter charge that the widow owed him $900 for some laud sold to her They had never been in lov, but the wily lawvers put tbeir cranium together and decided that the best way out of the difficulty was for the couple to be married Fruendorf at once laid his heart at the widow's feet, and die found a olac? for it in hr bosom The pair lef t'the Court room and were married by the nearest justice of the peace. 14 S'jiciiiiuu rwjnut.n Agency for CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, r, . -4 DE8ION rATiNTI -v?fi COPYRIGHTS, tO Fortpformatlon and free HanAook write to MUNN & CO- 861 BftOAOTAY, NKW YORK. Oldest bureau for securing patents In America, ery patent taken oirt by us is brought before the pnollo by a notio given tree of charge b thr neiituic Jtnrricim UKest Jroulatlon of any sclentifle paper in tbe .wwi cviiuiuiuir IUUBLTHC Illustrated. No Intelligent hnilt, it- Waafiv U.nA noma be without it. vna. . .1 ui .1 . mm a a . . That Tired Feeling la a dangerous condition due directly to de pleted or impure blood. It should not be allowed to continue, as In Its debility the system Is especially liable to serious attacks ot illness. It Is remarkable how beneficial Rood's Sarsaparilla Is in this enervating state. u Possessing just those ele- nOOu S ments which the system Sarsapa needs and readily seizes, ... this medicine purifies the Ilia blood, and imparts a feeling' of serene strength which is comforting and satisfying. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best .remedy for that weakness which prevails at change of season, climate or life. . "I have been convinced . . B that Hood's Sarsaparilla ts ? one ot the greatest medl- the Weak clnes in the world. I say this for the benefit of all "onS other tired out, run. down, jbard-working women. Hood's Sarsaparilla is not only ex cellent as a blood purifier, but for all other female complaints, even if of long standing." lias. M. A, Scablitt, Sorthvllle P. 0., Mich. Hood's Sarsaparilla 8oldbylldrngglU. i(tixfort. Freparedonly byO.LHOODCpApecarl,wU,JlAsa, ioo: Doses On Dollftt f IB a. i J!!- Wll. ErVllAllMIISIUYMWft f.B i RALEIGH, N. C. flucceaeor to Evans A Martin. MANUFACTURER OF . A It A a Carriages, Baggies, MJL'X. i-- " 4 4,...' - l-w , Rpecia' attention plven to repairing of all kinds; Th beat work is alwavs th cheapest. And this can be .found at the DOTwest corner of Morgan and B'onnt FRalZER Oart Rhaft In atck The attention of the public is In- vitel to th advertisement of tbe Morris Dry Goods Store which is now receiving a hwautifnl advaoce line of desirable goods in the shape of giog hams, zephyrs, shoes, &c This estab lishment is always in advance of tbe times, and we most earnestly Invite an inspection of all the splendid de signs on hand. The array Is a tempt ing one indeed, and n ne should miss it, especially the ladies. We saw at the establishment of Messrs Barhee & Pope this morning the most beautiful selection of fancy candies we have ever seen in this city. All kinds of modern designs were tastefully arranged In a show case and presented a mosc attractive sight. Call and take a look at it. Mr W A Faucett is confined at home on Saunders street with sickness. Quotations ot the Inter-State Trust and Brokerage Co. Baleigh, N. 0., March 6. 1893. Bid Asked North Carolina 4's 99 4's W N C R R 6's Nf Railroad, 4&NCRR. R & Q R R, 8V R & G R R, S & R R R, Citv of Raleigh fi's, 897, City of Raligu 6's, '907. Raleigh Street. Railway 6's N O Agricultural Society (j's. Commercial and Furoaers' Bank, National Bank. Raleigh, Raleigh Savii.gs Bank, Rileigh Cotton Viilis 6's, Paraleigh r'hophate Works, Caialeigh Oottan Mills, N O Car Company, Peace inptitute, Raleigh Gas Light Co, Raleigh Land and Imp Co, House and Lot for Sale On Monday, April 10 b, 1893. at the court liouae door in Raleigh, N. O , we will sell at public on cry the house and lot owned by Maggie flinton and Mourning Blount, in the city of Raleigh, fronting 2ii fee, on worth street, adjoin in-; the lands formerly owned by Jordan Hall and others, it being the lot conveye i to Maggie and Mourni g Simmons by Jordan Hall and vife by ded registered in Book No. 78 t page 699, of th Register's office of Wake couniy Sale made for partition by order of Wake Superior Court, in the Special Proceedings entitled Lewis Hmton and wife vs Nicholas rilount and wife 8. P. I No. 644. Ter is cash. Hour of sale 12 M. Mcndav April 10th GEORGE H RNO V, S. F MORDEOaI. m'-n9 Ms Oommisionors He i Someiii... ft volutionlze the terrors of wash day.' HYDRAULIC CLOTHES WASHER. Not a washing machine. Does the work perfectly in one half 'he time with out robbing, boiling or chemical. . 931 TU IA L. R. WYATT. In ) Deliiei - jx. Wagons, etc. streets. NEW ADVEimSUMENTS. A EMPORIU 1 OF DELICACIES. The ice cream saloon of Mr CHAS, BRE I'SjH, 103 Fayetteville street, is now one of the most popular re- : sorts in tbe city, and as the season j pro, resses there will be a grea'tTush eties. Ia addition Is the BAKERY -C where the best cakes, pies, &c , can be had fresh and fine. Candies, nnts and other dainties in profusion, mi VI MI FfiifiiiTL people with high prices! We hiv good reliable clot hi ug and sell, thr?: ttt low prices. - m SPRING w now arriing in bulk. Be sore to call and ezamin our stock and prices be fore you bnv "Ise whcc as we wil1 guarantee to save - on ni'iuey WHITING BROS. CP R INC t ARRIVALS AT 211 FAYETTEVILLE STREET. SEW OuHngs, Prints, ' Dress Goods. ' m es and Embroideries, " Purple Flowers, " Parisian Table Covers. Come and see them, f ,8 lm I ROSENTHAL. M A D WOOD. S ANTHRA ITE OAL N'UT, v k v d ma sizes. PO AHOMTAS 8 O E & GRATE PO0rlNr3 KM SPLINT COAL Several cars in and others arrluin,' dn-iiy. Seasoned pine iud Oak , wo .i long and cut for -itovt-e and ttf p'ac -s. All orders filled pr mptly y J NEi & POWELL Phones 41 aud 71. . " ' . The North Ralei&h FURL COMPANY. The North Raleigh Fuel Company has a Coal and wood yard just north of the North Carolina Car Company where they offer Oak and Pine Wood either Ions or cut for stoves or fire places, also Anthracite and Bitumltf oub Coals at lowest prices for cash Orders by telephone received by the a. V, Car I Jo , Wo, 43 1. AN?..-f BBTBBAT t srn - -. M ILUItnjJlUfil UlUllllUE UU. 99 loi Fay8tteVille P08t ()Ce, IV J - ILfllllKIIIIIIII I II BIB 1 !, 0) , ha,ll,'lA'u,l"Mg'"" 1 3 O MORGAN ST. 1 3 O Harp's Old Stand, RALEIGH, N. C Manufactmers and Bepalrcrs of Dai?Hage9 Buggies, WAGONS,&c We have employed a practical Horse shoir an 1 will snve this line of business our especial attention. With best stock and skilled workmen we solicit s share of your patronage. Ja4 THE LUST CHAfJCH Stock has been taken, and we are de1 termined now to dispose of all our stock regardless of cost. This is Your Last Chance. 38 will buy our former 75c unlaundried Shirts. 33 will buy any of our former 60 and 75c Kr.ee ranis. $1.25 our former Bny's Suits. will buy any of our former 12 00 and 12 50 ijny s buits. $13.25 will buy any of onr former f 20.00 and 125.00 Men's Suits. We have a large lot of Trunks and Valises which, owing to the scarcity of room will be sold regardless of cost. Take due notice that the advance of our spring novelties have arrived and thev are beauties. Just drop in and look at them. I Our real state is one ot satwiaition to know that we can be of so much service to our fellow men as to provide them with the- founds ion ot a honie ot THtJilK dWNina FIRST CLASS locality at a nominal price.. The chief point of study in this life i per fect health, another is independence, a third is comfort, which proceeds from the first, two. Now all three ere ABSOLUTELY QI VF'J AWAY with every one of our build 'it, because the air in their vicie itv : i -U" he-ilth. The ownership of onorboi... - itr- j , lependenc . andnoth. ing but cou i ' happiness can accrue to a family dwdlii under ".ih conditions. The prices and ter : s we offer are so easy that the poorest paid clerfe in town can bay a nice building lot on iuall monthly pay ments and hardly miss what he pays ouf each month. We have only a few more lota now that we can sell on such easy terms, therefore yon had better come and see us at once. Your truly, ' fe22: J M Broughton&Ca WHERF ARE YOU r.OTUG ? The answer Is plain. The larder is getting low and must be supplied. There is no place in Raleigh wbe'v this can e done on better terms than at the well known establish ment of W. R. MWSOM, 2148outh Wilmington street. The bill of fare is a tempting one. Just Rad It Family Flour and Buckwheat, Ferris' Hams, Breakfast Strips, Salt fish, of all kinds mullets, Mackerel, cut and roe herring, &o- In the line of ' fanoy groceries the list is too long for enumeration Canned fruit, fresh fruit, pickles, crackers of all kinds, splendid cheese, sauces, nuts, apples, of the moit approved brands, and, in fact, such a tempting array ss must please the tastes of alL Lard, bacon, sugar, tea, coffee and heavy groceries in the greatest profus ion. Don't forget the place 214 South Wil mington street. Call early and make selee tions,&t KEWSOM'S. I II mj0rvin)