ThB Baity Eocnlng visitor. niiuiuo iTiii trrjiaauva, I Except oanday.1 I HS VISITOR Is served by earriers In the eity at 25 eenu per month. payable to the earners la advance. Prloo for mailing fb per year, or 13 Qti per month. RnnimnnltionaanDearlaflr In theM eolumns are ba", the expressions of the opinion of the correspondent writing; the tame, and they alone are rest ' Milne. A ' n m rk X after your name lOIOi -a j y i mat your time is oat. A i-iree ii orders and eommonlea- Uoaa to W. M. UllOWN. Sr.. Raleigh, X G Local notiees In this paper will b live ueuts per line eaen insertion. Office -Upstairs over Mr. J. 111 Bobbitt's Drug Store, 2d floor. L. ft 4it OlTT ClRUDbaTIoS BALEIGD, MARCH 10, 1893. TELEGRAPHIC) BREVITIES. Last night about 9 o'clock five prie oners, negroes, escaped from the jail t Greenville, Pitt county, with a file Advices from East Africa wtate that the German troops have won an im portant victory over the hostile na tlves at Unlangwira. Major B. W. Woodruff died last night at Chicago. He was a native of Tennessee, and widely known as a racing official. President Cleveland this morning tent to the Senate a message with drawing the Hawaiian treaty, which has been pending in the Senate. Judging from the number of ap plicants for the four Assistant Post master Generalships, there will be a hot fight for each of these positions. The one great feature of interest in political circle yesterday is a visit cf Senator David B. Hill to his greatest political rival, President Cleveland. The U. S Senate has resolved to adjourn from yesterday to Mon day. Meanwhile there is a contro- Tersy in progress as to theproprie ty of receiving bills at tbis special ession. Secretary Carlisle yesterday mora Ing authorized the announcement that he would exercise all the power and discretion vested in him to up hold the credit of the government and to maintain the parity of gold and silver. The Treasury yesterday received gold at several points. In New York the gain made in gold was ftOC.OOO. while at New Orleans it received $20,003 in gold in exchange for a like amount in silver certificates. The final ballot of the Washington legislature the one hundreth, was ta ken in joint session of the legislature yesterday for United States 8enator It resulted as follows: Allen, 60; Turner, 24 ; Griggs, 8 ; Sffaw 15 ; scat tiering, 14. The joint session then dissolved. It is expected Allen will be appointed by the governor. The American dignataries of the Catholie church act very much like the politicians, of late. The man who can write the moat words on a postal card fiend is again at large. Johnny, get your gunl Once more Cuba ia being liberated In speeches made from the heads of beer kegs. Poor Cuba! If the sun does not let up on Hoke somebody will charge Mr. Dana with having hankered after the interior portfolio himself . . If Your House Is on Fire You put water on the turning umbers, not on the smoke. And tt you have catarrh you snouid attack the disease In the blood, not in your nose. Remove the Impure cause, ana the local effect subsides. To do this, take Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier, wmcn permanently cures catarrn. H4'e Fill euro liver ills, biliousness, jaundice, sick headache, constipation. SSe xne leuow wno n as n't the money to travel baa the satisfaction of know- tog that not he will be killed in a rail way accident. The crop of pneumonia from the eed planted in Washington, on in Attguratlon day promises to be very large. A steward on an ocean steamer has been arrested for robbing passengers Pullman porters should aeoept this as timely warning. Unless all present slims shall fall silver Is going to figure largely In the financial fight that Is going to be made in the fifty-second congress. Every patrlotlo citizen believes In "honest money", but It seems to be almlghtv difficult to reach anything like a unanimous agreement as to I what constitutes "honest money." Prof Dolbear says there is nothing in the nature of things to prevent our planets True, professor but hoi about understanding the signals af tr tbey are madef Mr. Cleveland has always been credited with having the sand to rav just what he thinks about public Questions Whv then did be sav nothing about Hawaii, in his inaug ural address? Has no opinion on the subject? The editor who widely advertise' fact that his paper will print no silh stories about baby Ruth ought to acquire a large circulation; but, owing to the extraordinary growth of snobbery in this country, it would be I a t r at rink to give him a guarantee to t hat effect- Well, now that we have inaugur ate'' a new President and given his administration a start in its race for the reat. popularity stakes, we cr-n all devote a few things to the World' Fair aud the baseball season, both of which will soon be open. A coriefipondent of the Weldoi News, writing of the death of Miss Martha fiutts, which occurred near Enfield recently, makes the followins statement about the deceased, which, if true, is, to say the least, remark able: "She was 97 years old. Had never In her life seen a railroad or train, never struck a match, never drank a cup of coffee, never used to bacco in any shape, never tasted any whiskey, never taken any kind of medicine, with the exception of one dose given by the late. Dr. Matt Whitaker about twentv vears asro. and she had not eaten any supper in forty j ears." WASHINGTON JOTTINGS. President Cleveland shook hands with nearly a thousand persons yes terday. Pupils of an Alabama female col lege yesterday presented the Presi dent with a silk banner, Ex Postmaster General Wanamaker called yesterday, paid his respects to he President, and bade him an official good-bye. All the Democrats of thePennsvl. vania delegation in Congress, except beltzhoover. Sibley and Reillv. ves terday called on the President. Mr. and Mrs. Erancis P. Freeman. of Lakewood. N. J., died Honda? night at the White House with the President and Mrs. Cleveland, the only other guests being Mrs. Perrine, Mrs. Cleveland's mother, and her husband. A PREACHES THIEF. JjITTLR Rocs. AAK.. March 7.- Rev. S. H. Buchanan, ex treasurer of the Board of Trustees of the State Insane Asvlum, has made a confes sion to the committee appointed by the Governor to investigate the charges of embezzlement preferred him. Rev. Mr. Buchanan states that his stealing was actuated by a desire to purchase St. John's College, a Ma sonic Institution at Little Rook. Pe said the college property was worth about $80,000, and it was offered tn him for $20,000. He intended Sto transfer it to a syndicate and therebv clear over $50,000. In his efforts to secure the amount -necessary to purchase the college he has, during the past few years, taken from the treasury of the asvlum the sum of $120,000. Besides this he had borrowed various amounts of monev money from parties all over the State. He is unable to say what became of the money, A woman writer truly says tht I BIMIAnlf thmii faahlnna hafnra ! t .ey are adopted by the women; af terwards they adore them, as they do the women. TherVa mnnh thnnt Praal. dent's Cleveland's fool friends. Woo derifanvbodv re einber'a a Prsl dent who was not troubled with a similar brood i Sarsaparilla Such a great success, and why is it im possible for other Sarsaparillas and blood purifiers to compete with this great medicine? BeCDUSe Wo Other ETZZ gives as much medicine for the money , J 11- r ... a nuuu a oarsaparuia. Mr. nhoi- SarsapanUa has INV WUIlil the ra refill ivr. sonal supervision of the proprietor in all the details of its nreDaration. as has Hood's Sarsaparilla. Wo Other 'SSTJZ cure the confidence of entire communi ties and hold it year in and year out, as has Hood's Sarsaparilla. RU r4.U Sarsaparilla can IW WLIICI nrnduee from artiial mrpa snrh urnnrfornil statement of relief given to human suffering as nooa's sarsaparilla. 111 AUA. oarsaparuia pos- I1IU W1IICI the Com hinarinn. Pronorfinn anrt Prnress Pm1 " - " iar to Hood's Sarsaparilla, and which makes Hood's Sarsanarilla in curative enect peculiar to itseit. Ai I Sarsaparilla com- Sa7!:LSS'- rilla. It is the onlv DreDaration of which can truly be said, ioo Doses $l. Ilsx fU. Sarsaparilla has IUU VUICI pffprtoH snrh n, marlcahle cures as Hnnrl'a Sarsanarilla of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, blood poison- iner and all other blood diseases. i , aarsapaniia nas r mi i IMU V LI OUT equalled Hood's Sarsanarilla in the rplipf it civas in th 1 - fn t j ' severest cases oi vyspepsia, inaigesuon, Sick Headache, Biliousness, Heart' burn, and other stomach disorders. Hi a. - Sarsaparilla over IMO VlliCI comes That Tired Feeling, Restores the Appetite, and " Makes the Weak Strong," like Hood's Sarsaparilla N. H. If von flAp!fl to talrA Hrmil'W do not be induced to take any other. Hood's Pills cure Biliousness KA1 EIOH POST UFFiOE MAIL SOEDHULK. 1)spabtub " Why is HI ID'S liloee at Close at P.O Deiot OUTGOING MAILS ElPtTrll For Ormna. boro. N H arA Wao 815 " 845 ExFtSO-t-or Short Out t055am1125amBPOTr 3 For Wei nnn.Nfsrmiir im ann w. 050pm 128pmBPOTr 10-Por Short Cut S and Goldsboro 4.20 " EPO Tr 41-For At 845 i lanta (it & A A L) 4?0 405 i 500 " Ex Ft 'r34 Fot Wl Ann Nnrfnllr V onH t 440 " RPOTr9-ForGreens- boro, N, 8 and W aBBIVALS. At At Depot ( P. O INCOMING MAILS. 6 00 am 6 1.". m Ex FtTrl2 F'mGr s hnm V S anil VO 9 45a?nl(ii( ui Ex Fr Tr45 From v 1- ann. Nnrt.h ami 1j!f,Lr U 17 am 11 2 ru R P O Tr 38 From vU lanta (K x A A L iwpmi i 20 pm KO'it 10 K'mGi us. horo. N N inn n 4 05pm 4 20pm RPOTr41-FromVl- don, N and 8 4 SO nm I liftni, T? P O T Q DM o. 1 i. an1 flhnrt Pnt V o I O -ii w pir-ii pm jfix iff a a t'r O'ds- Doro Trfliim mxr.ivl thna dn nnl mnva mi oay. Mniln for train 9 going west close st 3d UI V' 'llll.'U,-, H TA R RnTrTlTR. OUTOOIHS Matt nap-ira R-l-fofc SllOtwPll. ltacrlB n-lr liul W-WrTi.I Dniorhope. Mondav and Fridnv 7 n m. - Rleieb viH Myatt's Mills to Dunn, Tues- irii aim rnnivnim. Raleigh vin Kelvm Grove and Dayf"- n to 1 Flf" Dam Vrndar WHn-i1" n1 - a . ' . . I nwrrF awn V SDO JP Tl'ln I i r- BaV.h to M Tnaarfav mn r. '. in . ' . ' " J -V IU wamnflin. Hacria w.wir .mi NhAiw.ii a tj-i ' - ' "O" -u.ui uum-wi l I BkLm tC! auo",.v ana oacnraay odd, uvan via jmyart's uiiu to EaleJgh. lion oay and Xuuradav 6:15 n m. -nit i t . . : . Nh Dam via Davton and Eelwn firm auu r am, mes, xnnrs and bat at 4 o m atnra via Ron gor and Six .Forks to Baleigh. Tuesdav and FridT 12 ir m uaaey io najjgn i-aeeday and Friday t 12 m. . , . . erClose at 9 o m ante. FBI! DlLJVlTtT flnrm llVaa itallmmai at fi'QO m M - A.IMI J J.AM u4-t Sundays. CoUections made at sans ! IIt?2a i 0J "P611 on Sandsys from 8:00 45 Firwood Aveone opponlre Got tp&SO.tfeloekpm.. A. W. 8H Af FEB, -4 ton Mill F " . . 'totnmxtM WOODWORTfl CITY ! in us nean ox me Iron and Coal DIo rict of Tennessee. niicate salubrious, never hot and never cold Land unequalled for agricultural tHiri on, ana mineral resources unumiteCV 1.000 Lots at .......... $4 00 per Lot aa AAA a. a. - - 30! a, xx) 4,000 4.000 41 M....M. ...... M..MM. ..MM N..IIIM ...... M..M 400 800 10 00 15.00 20.00 60 f0 ,uuu 500 8C0 100.00 WOOD WORTH PITY ltaa aknnt Oft. .M x - w a aww vwu v4 1UUTS north of Chattanooga, within a few miles of AlUmont, the county seat of Grundy -county, and between Tracey Cit and the cele brated Beersheba ttp-ing, the 8a ratty of mo oou-u it is in me centre oi tne rapidly developing coal and iron district of Tn lea see, and within its borders are found coal, iron, tine, marble and asbesto. with various nara woods, sucn as oar. cnestnut, maple. I teach, locubt, hickory, ash, pine, cherry and I black walnut in abundance. The village of I uiurui, mm several uunarea umaDltanu, , contains Churches, 8chools, Stores, JPoet- ! Otfiffl tnrl tAlMmtnli star inn an4 nnmk " whwuwm( hiii ajp aa is i if fusj oi manmacunng inaustres, nil or we ten m m lAutiul 4UA i. j m m mo iuixiiu uu luq projvri &uu lurm par oi iTvuuwuruivur, The Drooeeds of th mIa et thmo W will be liaed tn linvnlnn t.ha minnral Nknnnw. nf the property and build up a large and thriv-. Shonld be madn. an r.ha rioht. ia rttaarvaA HivHuue me price wimoni notice. x or mnner particulars apply to k. u. uvingston. Agent. 712 DeKalb Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y., Parties desimila Of viaUlno an1 Inmtn. uus property can oetain special ratee on the new and most comfoi table vessel afllL.of tne ucean oteamship Company, jfkesf steniiieni Iaava Kaw Vnrfc- MnnHana AJafaj4. Lesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, making a uciiKULiui Oct, trip oi FIFTY UOUKS TO SAVANNAH Where Immediate connections are made to woodworth city I Chattanooga and LIVINGSTON & HON, Agents, vcean oreamsnip uo. or navannan,; no. in uenaiD avenue, Brooklyn, N.r- BUY YOUR Watches. Clocks, J JEWELRY AND SPECTACLES at prices that dofy competition, at home. lae Undersipnfirl an rAA liKlA maker snd jeweler, is better prepared iow tnan ever beforn tn An and jewelry work, or furniih you with any goofs usually kept iu hia line. : "JiiencpQ maae movements kom ; 18 sizein Gold Filled Cases, tflOol -a aim iu nuver uases, 7 N) nb 18 size in Nin.feel in Guld Cases, 16 size in Gold Filled Cases, 16 size in Silw ' 10 U0 up l'J (Kt Up 7 5't up 16 87Ze in Ninlrnl l"!oaM 6 & 0, Ladies' s-ze, American Move- menra in uoid rases, if m ni, 6&0B,zeinGoldFmedCases, l0Oim DffiU Rizn in RiIuok Swiss Go-d watehesT ' lo 00 Z gwjssSilveriWatches, 6 00uS Swiss Nickel watches, 4 00 up SwiwNickel watches, (not recom- - AAACJJUCUI to S3 QD j x , : MwwMv viuuao. ajvwiry ana aDectacJes nonRf.miHir nn h.nri The Brvant 4nlt nnH rmMnn:AH t.. a specialty. The workmanship and qualify of no other ring are better. Call on the olu reliable undersigned for wnat von want ith it l hne. anH vnn will ho .n t- j 5 ; or work honestly represen ed and warrinti good or not go del7 2w L00ATION OF ALARM BOX. No. 12. Polk and East, Streets 18 Johnaon and HaHf flt.,-. 14 on ana Person Streets-: E lenton and Bast 8treetsv HfArn n n 1 L1 i . . 21 kou au'i niuuni EffrnAtv. 28 Wilmin: too and Martin tStteeti. 24 Mavieam Blood wortb Stieets. WilmloKton and South 8teets. Hargett and Swain Streets Blount and Oubarros Stre ta.u-i- 25 27 12 ayetteville and Hnrgett bts.' Harcett cnH RlnnHwth n. . 214 81 Davie and Dawson Street Hillsboro and West Streets. lnoir and McDowell Stree's. Harxeit and Dawson Street.. , Honth aod Harrington Strits. Horct anr, VVaar. Ht... v s. 82 85 .'6 87 . water rower. t 41. Dawsou t!,rar,. TAt,. -1 w ww v vuva ?aIIfft and Edenton Streets 47. JKortii Street, West of Salisbury . &' ft" I GLEAMS "Cleanliness is akin to godliness' and in order to show to the world that you enjoy this Blessing- rely upon Nature to furnish The WATER AND BUY Toilet Soaps OF J. HAL B0DD1TT. A stock of the following brands of j Soaps ALWAYS on hand: Lnbln's Soap, 60e Eao de Cologne Soap, 85c Pinand's Soap, 25e Violet 8oap. -26c Roses and Gh cerine Soap, ' 25c Cold Cream Soup, - J5C Beuxoin and Glycerine Soap, J5o New Mown Hay 8oap, 25o Cashmere Bonquet Soap, J5C Cape May Bouquet 8oap, 85o 4711 White Rose Glycerine Soap, 25o Rose Geranium 8oap, 25o Tooth 8oaps, 25c Cuticura Soap, 95 Carbolic Soap, 25eand 10c Tar 8oap, 25o and lOo Sulphur Soap, 25o and 10c lchtbyol Soap, ok. Borax boap, 25c Boraci.- Vc.d 8oap, 25C Tb luu 1 . p 25c a-f . . vermicide p 26c Viola Skin 8oap, 25c Pears' Soap, 20c Roeadora Soap, 20c Bay Leaf Soap, 15o Transparent Soap, I0o and 15c Buttermilk Soap, ioc Oatmeal 8oaps, s 10c Peach and Honey Soap, lOc Handworker's Soap, ice Cotton Seed Oil 8oap, 10c Sbaving Soap, lOo and 25o Turkish Bath Soap, O60 Palm Oil Soap, 05e White Castile Soap, 05e and 10o' Red Castile Soap, Qoe Blue Castile Soap, 05c A reduced price on any of the above by the box or dozen. J. 11 BDBB1TT. IDRTJGhO-TST "RAXEIOfiNmttiWMMif KO,

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