o RALEIGH, THURSDAY, ji"ARCH 16. 18!3. VOL. XXVIII. NO. 121 :l - t S PI fiuor. ITY IN BRIPF. Gardening hu now eommsaeed In thiselty. Bee advertisement la this Usue of V0 wanted. The traok fllds of this vicinity is doing well thit fins weather. Eggs are becoming more plentiful and in letting at a readable price, 11, oents per doi-n. Mrs 8alllT u, wife of Dr. H. L. Sul livan of Germantoo, committed eat ctde on Tuesday last by taking strycu bine. West of Olevelaud Ohio, yesterday i it was snowing Th) cool weather was feit here this morning from its j effects. The signal service predicted color weather today and It came. The directors of the penitentiary board yesterday at their meeting elected Mr F 8 SpruUl chairman of the board. The board was In session to day And hare probably eoleoted other officers. There will be a called meeting of Raleigh Council 551 R at 8 o'clock Monday night, Mtroh 20th. for con ferrlrg degrees Officers are expected to be present. Members earnestly requested to atteod. vAt th request of numerous Sun ly schoolteachers, Mrs Eiler will gle an exposition of the dundiy School lesson for next Sunday, at the Y M. 0. A parlors to night at 8 o clock for Pnnday school teachers and all others who may wish to attend. Two gentlemen met yesterday, shook hands, and in a conversation with each other in regard to drinking whiskey, one said he was 48 years old and had never touched a drop of whiskey or took a chew of tobacco in his li'e Tbe other said he was . yars old ruI 1 ad not touched either. The Goldisboro Argassays: The fu n.r of the late Mrs vm. Gobb Whitfield wet neld fmm St. Stephen's E nscopal cnurcn on ijoanymonmig, and the ediflc i was not able to ac commodate the larg-v concourse of our citizens that gathered o pav the last sad tribute to one who t h . uirh but so recently come auiong u. hud woo all hea'ts. The floral tributes were many and beautiful, and the interment was made ia Willow Dale cemetery. All the little orphans of the Home, of which she was the m tron, carried sprigs of evergreen in their hands, and before the "narrow house" closed forever oa iir who had been so gentle a mother them. ( bey ' filed by and each one t.hrw into th" grave upoo her coffi i. ti e r sprig weepln bitterlv No eye looked on weepms uiuun i.t , that was not filled with tears, md strong men broke down and wept like children. Th9 funeral was at-1 tended by tbe members of Nene : lodge, t. O O F of the city in abcTdy, but without regaltis atjd Messrs. Ja- cobi and Bellamy, of Wilmington, ? w nf.. a..n tM offloers of the State Grand Lodge, were in attendance. Bntterily Tea. The Isabella Oirele of King's Daugh f ters are basy today in working up a ' 1 . i t, Kl,IM, nn transformation of the bnllding on Payetteville street, formerly occupied . by MoKlmmon, uoseiy Mcee.'j They will beglu a beautifulls,: -nbvel entertainment tomorrow evening, to be known as a ' Butterfly Tea." This '. Is something new and delightfully Aloe. The pretty secrets of whoh'can " only be known by, attendiag The tea is given with , a view to raising ; funds for the purpose of paying tbe j expenses ot an invalid now in the bos- pltal here, to a.northero hospital. He j . . 1 . 111 A. I ' ho misses tnis pleasure win not ub Wise. . j . When vou speak or even think of i spring midlcine, how quickly Hood's pyr'UK mcumiuc, j i Bars a pa rill a comes into your mind. Take It now. The Monitor oil stove is a great sao c'obb. For sale by W. fi. Hughes. Died. TeeUHayat5:80p o at her rett dene oq Nortb Person street. Mrs. Anna R. wife of Qeo W. Marsh; af ter a short attack of Pneumonia. The f antral notice will be published tn the morolog papers. LltMe Eva, the daaghter of I. H. and 8usao A. Jones, died al fire o'clock this morning, aed 9 fears 4 months 10 days" She has been a great snffrer all ber life. ro o r. Regular meeting of Beaton -ales lodge, o. 6. 1 0 O P. tonight at 7 30 oVock. A'ork in the de grees nod ciber Important matters to b attended to Every member is ? eqnoeted to be- on hand. Organist and Degree Staff especially rtqaested to be present. A ordUl cvitalon to a'l Odd Fallows. R. L. BrjRsaiAD, 17, G. THtKM, Reo. Sec Fire. About 9:10 oVook this afternoon an alarm of Are was turned in from bos 26 corner Hrgett and S alo sheets. The lire was iu the house owned by Messrs. Julius Lewis & Do. and occu pied ly a Mr Btrrett The hoae was not damaged very mnoh owing to the promptness of the fire otnpaHes They were on time and di i g-od work, which they always do. Altimat htff.tr.-t l.ha ft rat alarm Vifl.fi oeaged 8oaodlog aQOther oqj wg gent !lnfrombox,4t Jq tfae S0UthwMt,era j portion of the city. A house occn- ' pied v,y a 00jored man was damaged very Bnght. Tb)g j BOmetbing that never hap peDel in Rsleigh before two fire at one time and it shows that Raleigh j8 'humping" herself, ' ' ' , 5c5 a Yard-special Stile. Ginghams for drosses and aprons. vv'oolloott & 8ons. Freh Table Mutter D T Jotltuon $500 m lustaUonnnts Warned It fan be donhlel io 12 months Ad Was, Alexiudr," P. . Box 277 Raleisb N O mhleodtf - . Social Snl of ing'iams at 5o yard on Moaday, March 20. at Woollc tt & Sons. AIt'Iinry. Our millinery this season wil! sur pass all previou rfforte In style and beauty we will be in the lead, in piices we can suit all. Swindell. A Bright Light. We come before tbe Deo le this eeasou as a bright, light ia the way of prices Our buyer has heen able to obtain more barUns this season than ever before Values will b9 showo in every line, and It is left to vou wheth. er you take advantage of this or not. SwIndellv Fln Apple. ao(1 plorida oranses at D 'p Johnson's. 7 T. t ... Jelly apple butter and bsst quality mln ' rrt 1(taTh . D T. Johnson Si N. O. hams, sides and shoulders at D T. Johnson's. , Woollcott & 8ons will have a spe clal sale of ginghanps at fie a yard, on Monaay, March Come early and Becure the pick. Fone better iu f his city or any oth er. For the bert line of medium priced hose, we excel Or 26o line of fast blacks ae unequaled We 8911 an Imported German half hose at 15c. and a full, regular fast black rib bed hose at loo Remember that. ; . O. A Shrhwood & Co. For Rent. Two 4 Room dwelllosrs m'366. L D. WoMBLK. Wood. Wood ( Send your orders to B. F. Cheat f bam store for dry Pine Wood, 220 wumtngton streer men la-ra 1 V r ' , , . , , Sam, you have struck it now. That ! .Via hnah fit 1 hnv AVer n TAn I - J have. Where did you get It from? J. R. TAYLOR B SON, Merchant Tailors, No. S10 tio. Wilmington t. Raleigh, 17, 0. W. H Roger, No. It Etohaoge PI ee. wholesale and rtll dealer In chickens, ages, butter country pro dace and groceries. Consignments solicited. mhl&et The Ottcrburn Llthla Water as a Deauttfler. LIT 1 HB XiADtK& TftT IT ABD BI COS TI5CBD HOW DOBS IT DO TUST Arsenie Is taken la smUl qaantlee 'or the complexion, and this water bas arsenic enough to be beneficial, but not enough to be hurtfol .' Fow ler's eolation mast be stopped very soon, or the fee tod body will be come swollen Pot to with this; yon can drink it all your Hie and not be hart Again, the soda and potash expel the unwholesome gas from tbe swollen and painfu'lv distended stom aoh of the dyspeptic; the llthla, ar senic, iron and iodine start the torpid liver, expel tbe bile whieb has over ft wn the evetem and lent Its saffron hue to the skin; tbe ngly pimples disappear, healthy blood tingee the complexion with roses, and the' bro mine brings sweet sleep to tbe tired eyelids. Thus U brlotrs a doable blessing-it heals and it beautifies. If you think this is an exaggera tion, ask those who have tried It, and above all, look at them aud see the change la their complexion. 'Deliv eredtoany part of the tity at 20c a bottle, by J. Hal Bobbltt. Twelve large, fried oysters for 20 cnta at A. Daghi's. Who can beat this New 25c. Spring Dress Goot. o day we received a beautiful line of dress goods and wash fabrics We can please yon now better than ever before. Trimming silks, oor ts, &n ishing eimps to match. New lot of shoes, slippers, 4o Tenuis shoes a' 00, 70 and $1. a pair. O. A 8HBBW00D tl Co. Freh bananas, grapes and apples at A. Dngbi's. Signs of Spring When tbe blosst ma all haVeblow'd. When the trump is on the"road, When tbe spring chick thinks he's old enough to crow; Then tbe trade begins to hum. Then t be buBlnyss it wilt come To the firm thatj hartbe goods and and sells them out so low. Second Spasm. When you see our little sign, Ton can bet we are io line, To give the buyer figures that are right; When you read this little ad, You will know yon are wanted bad To come and get oar bargains, out of sight. The Lasc. Our drees goods department is com plete; Our carpets and matting can't be beat'; Our millinery the finest on this stree-; In our shoe department you get there with both feet. .Swindell. Fresh Norfolk TIME at oysters ALL THE A. Daghi's. Bex Hospital ot Sale. . The rale at public auction, of lots belonging to the Rex Hospital Trns. tees will le continued on Saturday, the '8th Inst , beginning at lt,A 'deck Terms: One third cash, balance pay able in equal installments at 6 and 12 months from date of salef interest on deferred payments at 6 &r cent per annnm. R H. BATfltf , Pres't. March lPth, 1893 36 - Ladies Mnglln Underwear. Many ladies dislike to bay made nr underwear, because it is eo often poorly made. We carry in stock ladies1 cambric and Muslin under wear in inexpensive and the finer grades These garments are of good materials carefully made and sold at the closest possible prices. Taking in consideration the cost of making we can offer made up garments at prices as low and 'ower than they can be made at home. These are always j cheerfully shown upon request. ! W H frR 8. Tuck b a & Co. To the Ladies. Did yon know you could have any thing in the way of cloaka, shawls, and dresses cleaned and; v dyed at Harris' Steam Dye Workawltbout the slightest Injury to the goods? We make a specialty of cleaning ladles' fine light colored cloaks and walking? Jackets We enarantee to makeltbem ook perfectly new, no matter how much they may be soiled' We can furnish references that will convince you of this fact. t-- ' On account of fire onr office is at 124 East Park Avenue, next to J A Spenoe Si Pro., until further notice. To the PubiifC .Mrs Elizabeth McGowa'jfc back of the jail. Is prepared to da anything in tbe tine of dyeing and pressing ladies' bonnets In the latest styles of . the season. Head In youx. work. lVnnleii. Gentium u tr Ui. t. tnv l: no prnereooe wne-- q -iinca'to-' are equal; salarv. $7 and traveMI- t ex. peoses Position permanent Ru way fare paid here If -ngag-d Kn elose reference and send address with tamped envelope iBSTrHAL MaBASKR, Lock Drawer P, tnoh8-l8t Chicago, III. lee eisan every day at mlStf A. uoghi't. For Iteut The destrahls store on Fayt-ttevllle treet, No. 12. now occupied by W. H. Lvon, is for rent by April 1. Apply to D. Rosenthal mch6 lm Have Yon Rrd the Latest? In advertising our 1'OOTHa.f'HE REMEDY; we wonld also like to call tbe attention M t he public to tht- fact that we have j st r-ceived an enor mOOS VarietV of I ntt.'a f!lahrof Frait Jaioes, nnd Hre now ready to mruisn oar patrons witn tne best and latest drinks of the season, prepared and diknensed in art latin rtrri frnm the pnre fi alt juices lew u willims ft King, Druggists and Pharmacists. Bones and Other Handsome Out Flowers Bouquets, Biskets and Floral Designs. Telephone 113 a4 tf JH. Stbikmbte, Florist. A fall set of the Encyclopedia Brit, anlca, ninth Edinburg edition. Also life of Jefferson Da "Is by Mrs Davis, at half pric. for sale bv J Dow el', 128 Sonth WUmiogton str"et MDQfcMIIS! Just received a beautiful line of GINGHAMS SCOTCH ZEPHYRS The beat and durable stock of oes in tbe State. fEvry pair war. ranted to wear just as rf presented DRY GOODS STORE ; SRitIG GOODS ! Noi5r ' Trunks. Dress Good' . Laces, Embroideries, Gloves (in ' and Hosiery, Under wear, Table and Bed Linens, Towels, Crashes and White Goods. We direct attention of all readers of this paper to the numerous lines mentioned of which our present stock is unusually attractive and on which our prices aro exceedingly low Our Cincinnati line of tine eboeB for ladies and Brockton band uade for men are e crood as can be had: Perfect h ' j 1 faction guaram eed. Call ai.it "inmine the full stock. The tr ' pretty, The styles in teresti'M, ntion po2ite. No trou ble to goods. Flue . tolling Trnnks a "p laity. C. 1 Smii & k JUST as WeSAID On March 1st we would move to 18 Martin street, next door to the Farmer's Bank. 'Here we are all in good shape and now ready for busts .ness. We will be pleased to serve ' our friends, customers and tbe pub lie. We have everything kept in a , first class dry goods store, with a full line of millinery. Also bur salesmen and salesladies will take, great pleas are in showing you tbronch their ' stock If von don't want to buy come and look' Racket Store, unntmst El Uardvare, &e A III8UUIT. MILL or a set of Nft CAKES FROITKNlVfS will make an auceptrble present to any bonrkiper. A BOX OF TOOLS or on- ,-f cur Kicking MuleBanko for your boy. A POCKET KNIFE for yoarhaebat-1 c r son i r ki isc, DO vou PERL YOUR I'iTE E-,TIS? It is to s-un the !est of everything in the furniture i at the most reasonable rates and the pli-ce above 1 others fn Raleigh is at tbe eni; -.Tuim -t - t i iii the well-known dealers, Exchange Place, south side of the market. Besides all the other novelties in the furniture business consis'ing of bureaus, French beveled looking glasses, willow and rattan chairs, wardrobes, mattresses, they have a fine line of the new spring style BABY CARRIAGES, f hey are beauties. Desks of fine furniture, &c. Don't forget the New Home 8ewing Machine Needles and Oil You can sav noney by calling. Dry Goods. Notion, &v. V II S.TUrKERsCO. NOVELTIES IN An extensive assortment of styles in La ies' and Children's low s oca. Ladies' Huntingdon ties, patent leather tip, - with fancy lace piece. Russet, tin, dark brown, red and ay oxfords. Misses and children's red and dark tan one-strap slippers with silver buckles. Spjing heel Oxfords in fancy colors. These at very attractive prices. ! W. U. & R. S. TUCKER & CO., i 123 and 1 FayetteyiUe 8treet. fnTrrrn! Ill ii a W nil mujx ii un

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