The Morganton Ajylam. It U estimated that the appropria tion made by the General Assembly will ran the eoet of the Deaf Asylum at Morganton f ally ap to $100,000 for the buildings alone. 80 far, only the baeement and first story walls hare been built Preaching. By appointment Elder P D Gold, of Wilson, N O., and editor of Zloc's Landmark, will, by appointment, prech lo the Primitive chorcb, this el . 00 n xt Monday night at 7:80 o'clock Tn piblio are specially and cordially Invited to attend and hear him. NaleorLots. A partial aale of what ie known as the Rex Bospttal lota took place to day. Lota were sold to the following parties: H. Poe, J Whitaker, and A. Vinson, at aboat $801 in the aggre gate. The average was aboat $90 eich. Owing to the Inclement weather the farther sale of the prop erty was postponed until next Mon day week. - We are informed by Mr. R. H. Battle that the sales were sat isfactory. Died. In this city, this morning at 7: Vi o'clock on West North street, L T. Grissom, aged aboat 60 years. He was an old citizen of this city and had worked at the Raleigh & Gaston R. R. shops for aboat 25 years. He leaves a wife. The funeral will take place to morrow evening at Edenton Street church at 8:30. He will be buried by the masonic fraternity. At his residence. 00 South Person street, at 4:15 o'clock this morning af ter a long and wastlag sickness, Mr. Wm. I. Myatt. He was a gentleman highly esteemed by all who knew him. He leaves a wife and two chil dren to mourn their loss Agricultural and AI. College. A visit to this institution will am ply repay all who wish to note the progress made in that loo tiou. Tt now presents the appearance of a small village with its new buildings for dormitories, &o. A new barn has just been completed, and the grounds have been tastefully arranged for the spring and summer. It is much to be regretted, however, that the general assembly withheld the appropriation necessary to purchase the adjoining property, which it was deemed by the board of directors necessary for the institution. There is no state in stitation of learning that has made more rapid progress, and none that has more facilities for fitting young men for the active pursuits of life. Superior Court Clerks. Aa a rule there are" no officials to whom the people look for a stricter accountability than the clerks of our Superior Courts Of course there are officials who have more manual labor and harder work, bat in the matter of close confinement, the law is al. most Intolerant It is especially in cumbent on them to be in their offl ees on Mondays, because that is con sidered "probate day." In view of the fact that many of these officials desire to visit the World's Fair, the recent legislature passed an act grant ing them the privilege. The following are (he provisions of the law. The act provides that "the several and respective clerks of the Superior Courts of North Carolina are hereby authorized to be absent from their several pnd respective offi ces for thirty consecutive days dur ing the year 1893 to enat le them to attend the Columbian Exposition at Chicago; said thirty days may include the first Monday in a month, bat hall not Include a term of court." In case any clerk sees fit to so ab sent himself he shall leave his office in charge of a competent deputy The clerk shall enter upon the re cord of his office the day of bis de parture and the day of his return, and the deputy clerk in all certifi cates of probate and in all orders of registratlonjshall recite in such eorti ficate and order that the same is done by virtue of act of assembly of 1893, Which certificate and recital shall in all cases b. spread upon the registry wherein each deed or other instru ment Is recorded. A REUiRKiBLE LETTER. A Prominent Professional Man's Extraordinary State ment. Ills Outspoken Letter to the Proas. ' J. Y.San To the Editor. Sir As my name and face have appeared in your pa per and tbe publie prints, and as many of my professional brethren are wonerl-g at it. 1 feel it onlv lust that I shoald make an explanation, ""be statt-ment published over my name was made ten years ago, after long and mature investigation, and i have never changed my mind as tn the facts then stated At that time I said, as a physician that I believed Warner's 8afeCure was the best of all known preparations for tbe troubles it wis advocated to care, and I say so still I know it is considered tbe proper thing for the medio! profes sion to decry proprietary and other R A. M D advertised article; hut why should they do so? s the late Dr J H HolUn i writing over his own naine Scribner s Monthly, sal: "It Is a fact that many of the bet proprietary medicines of the day are more successful than many physi cians, and most of them were first discovered or used in actual medical practice; when, however, aov person knowing their virtue and foreseeing their popularity secures and adver tlBes them, in the opinion of the big oted aU virtue went out of them.11 JDr Holland w as an educated phy sician, an unprejudiced observer, and he spoke from a broad and uousacl experience Proprietary medicine should not be decried The evidences of their value are overwhelming I have sen patients recover from gravel, inflammation of the bladder and Brtght's disease often using Warner's Safe Cure, even when all other treatment ha failed. I make this frank and outspoken statement in the interests of human ity and because I know it to be true T trust for the same reason you will give it to the public. Respectfully, R A Gnjrw No 124 West Forty-seventh st , New York , Another Score. We are much pleased to note the fact that Mr. Norwood G. Carroll, son of our fellow citizen, O. J. Carroll, Esq , has graduated at the Maryland University, school of Dentistry, with distinguished merit. He won two prize gold medals. This is most grat ifying news, not only to Mr. Carroll's immediate family, hut also to our people, as it shows that oar Raleigh boys are herd to beat.' The Weather. For North Carolina: Light local rains today or tonight. Pair Sunday, slightly warmer Bnnday. Local forecast for Raleigh and vi cinity ' On8anday: Pair weather, slightly warmer. Local data for 34 hoars ending at 8 m. today: Maximum temperature, 8S; mini mum temperature 29 rainfall 0 22. Masonic Notice. A called meeting of Wm G. mil Lodge No. 2'8 A. P. & A will be held tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at 8 o'clock sharp, to attend the funeral of our late brother L. T. Grissom. Hh am Lodge No 40 will meet in regular communication Monday ev ening March 20th, 7 o'clock. Impor tant business. Brethren of other lodges cordially Invited. E. B. Thomas, Secretary, The convention of Southern govern nors to be held at Richmond Va., on Arrll 12th, to discuss the matter of immigration, will be an important as sem.blage.We hope that Governor Carr may find it convenient to at tend. I J!!- TO. E!'V!IAill!SiiJ11IL,!S7eMCl mm RALEIGH, N. C. ftacoassor to Evans A Martin. MANUFACTURER OF "arrives, . Baggies, Hpeela' attention given to repairing of all kinds $f Th ber wor ie always the cheapest An' this can be found at the nort' west corner f V organ and Blount streets. i FRalZKI ' art Shafts In te.k. s Tomrarow at "ib Churches. CHRIST CHUBCIf KBV. DR. MARSHALL. SECTOR. Fifth t unday In lient. Early celebration 8 am. Oivin service and sermon at 11 a m. Sunday school at 4."0 p. m. Evening service 5: 0 pm. Service during th week: Monday. Tues day and Saturday 7:30 a m and Wpm Wednesday ana 'nauy e.wm, 'imsna 5:30 p m. Thursday ':30 am and 8 pm. Free seats. All invited. FIRST BAPTIST BKV. DR. J. W. CABTBB, PASTOR. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Prayer Wednesday night 7:30. All seats free. Polita ushers at church aervinea. Sunday school 9:30. Thos. ri.Brifjgs, supt. Rnndav school at West End Mission at 3:30 n m. All are cordially invited to these , services. TABBRNACLI BArTIST BKV. DR. J. J. HALL, PASTOR. Sunday school 9:15. N.B.Broughtou, Supt. Preaching at 11 a. m. and at 8:00 p. m. Public invited. Fatettevillk Street Baptist. Preachw at 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. Sun.lav School at 3:30 p. m.. John T. Pul- len. Superintendent. ; CHURCH OF THK OOOD SHEPHERD BSV. I MCK. PITTISGKR. RECTOR. Fifth Sunday in Lent. Holy Com nuniort at 8 a m Morning Prayer and 8ermon at 11 a m Sunday school at 3.30 p. m. Evening Prayer and ser "on at 8 0 p m. Services durink the week: Monday, Tues day, Thursday and 8aturdav even n pray er and address nt 5:00 p in. Wednesday ar.d Friday morning prayer ana litany ac luam Wednesday evening prayer and lecture at 8:0;: p m Saturday (.Annuncianon a. ana m. ; aoiy communion at 10 a m Seats free. All cordially invited. CHRISTIAN REV , 1. L. FOSTER, PASTOR. Sunday school 9:30 a. m Preaching at 11 a m and 7.30 p. m. All cordially invited. - FIRST PRESBYTERIAN BEV EUGENE DANIEL, D D, PASTOR Sunday school at 9:30 am. Pxeachine at 1" a m by Rev. Thornton R Sampson and at 7:30 p m. by Rev. Dr Geo. w tsucier Polite ushers. Seats f re. All cordially invited. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night 7 :30. DENTON ST. M. I C EV. J. IT. COLE, PASTOR, Sunday school 9:30 a.m. W J.Young.Supt. Preaching at 1 1 'a. m. and 7 30 p. m. Central h. e. rev. j. a. hurley, pastor. Sunday school 9:30 a.m. W.N.Snelling.Supt. Preaching at 11 a. m and 7:15 p.m. BROOKLYN M. E. REV. J J. DABKCB, PASTOB. Sunday school 3 p. m. J. B. Younic Sup Preaching ' it 7:15 p. m. NO OTHER Sarsapartlla can pro duce from actual cures such won derful statements of relief to human suffering as HOOD'S Sarsaparilla The work of taking inventory of effects at the penitentiary goes on In a satisfacto-v manner. Om vy to bo Happy Is at al? t s to attend to the c m forts of' mily. Should an- ne of then- i slight col'' ' - i,'h, prepar- -nr.if and call at. oi. on Messrs. " H King b Co , rr of Fayett"ville and Hargett streets, ole agents vqd get a trial bottle of ' f o's Cure, the great German Rem ly, FRK-. We give it away to prove t'mt we have a sore cure for Con rhs, Colds. Asthma Cnnsamption, and all disease of the Throat 'and L i igs. Lar-'H .izes 50c. F r -ale by W. H King & Oo , c rner Fh- ' - oville Bnd H,rgefts reets Quotations l tliyFviter State : fruit H Ml ltrU I MX "Vl . i ; is Mi s-ed ' K1 - 100 17 18 118 : 70 72 . 99 102 - 106 108 50 ;w 121 C, 111 120 145 102 104 71 90 105 ; 61 77 84 North Carolin -4's W N O Tt R fi-a N C. Railroad, 4.&NOR B, R & O R R, 8's r&qrr; 8 & R R R, City of Kaleigh ffs, t897, City of Rallgh 6's, 1907, Raleigh Street Railway 6's N 0 Agricultural Society 6's. rHtizana' Vnfinnal R.nV Commercial and Farmers' Bank. Ill xtbviuuu Ditun, naieign, Raleigh Savii gs Bank, Raleigh Cotton Mills 6's. rraleigh Phosphate Works. Caialeigh Cotton Mills. N O Car Company, Peace Institute, Raleigh Gas light Co, Ralegh Land and, Jmp Co, r 9m A small sited bunch tf asparagus from Charleston costs 80 cents in Philadelphia NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Hero is Something to revolutionize the terrors of wnsh - day. THE NEW m "r N'-' o wti shlng machine. Does the work perfectly in ove liMf the time wi bout rubbing. hHn - or chemical" . L. R. WYATT. .ioal m WOOD. ANTHRACITE COAL NUT, t-VnV. AND RAG IZes. P01HONTA8, STOTE & QR TE, POCAHONTS8TEAM. ; SPLINT, COAL Several cars in and 'rhers nrrlvln daily. Sewoued olne -iid Oak wofwl. loo aod mii for to -' s aod fireplaces. All orrler- flUed lr tuptly cy J NE & POWRL1, Phones 41 and 71. " 1 House nd Lot for Sale On Monday. April 10th. 1893. at the Toll house door in Raleigh, N. 0 , we will se ' ' public outcry the house and lot owned h Maggie Hint on and Mourning Blount, in the city of Raleigh, fronting 2ii fee' Worth street, adjoining the lanls former! v owned by Jordan Hall and others t be'n : the lot convevei to Maeete and Mourni. -i Simmons by Jordan Hall and vife by deed registered in Book No. 78 at page 699, of the Register s omce or wake couniy . Sale made for partition by order of Wake 8uperior Court, in the Special Proceedings entitled Lewis Hmton and wife vs. Nicholas Rlount and wife 8. P. I. No. 644. Terns cash. Hour of sale 12 M. Mtnday April lOtn. . GEORGE H 8NO V, S. F. MORDEOAI. m!h9 tds Commissionrs ja"ORTH CAROLINA Wakb Coukty. In the Superior Court, March Term, 1893. ; Delia Wilson ) vs Publication of Notice. Ed. Wilson. ) To Ed. Wilson, Defendant: Let the defendant, Ed. Wi'sn take notice that Delia Wilson has instituted an action for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony against him, and that he is hereby required to appear at March Term, i8S, ei cue superior uourt oi waae county, N 0., and answer or demur to the com plaint to be filed therein, or she will oemanc the relief, tnerein prayed. JNO. -W. THOMP80N. Clerk Superior Court Wake County. March 13th, l93-3w. The North Raleigh FURL COMPANY. The North Raleigh Fuel Company has a Coal and wood yard last nbrth of the North Carolina Car Company where they off er Oak and Pine Wood, eitber long or cat lor stoves or fre places, also Anthraeite and Bitpmin ous uoals at lowest prices for cash Orders by telephone received ty the ' a. u. uar uo , ro. m . ; R ' J. Ha bis, Managar s, Jan. 80, 1893. -. Stock has been te ken and we are di wnwosa now maispoeeor all oar stock regardlefsof cost This Is Your Last Chance. will buy our former 75o unkundried Shirts. 38 will buy any of our former 60 and 75o Kres rnnia. St.25 will buy any of our former 12 00 and 12 50 B"J s Quits. $13.25 y of our forme will buy any ot our former 120.00 and 125.00 Men's Suits. W tl&IT ' 1 firm 1v . t 4I.L. 1 Valises which, owing to the scarcity uviu urn w mum regaraiess OI cost. Tate due notice that the advance 'nnranrlnir rrr. if 1. . i j . -, o uav Krrtvvu and thev tr hmnttaa In.t l and look at them. if n iii 805 Fayetteville st, opp Post Oftloe. EHPORIO'l OF DELICACIES. I'be ice oream saloon of Mr OHA8. JWKXBJn, 103 Fayetteville street. is now one of the most Doonlar re. sorts in the city, and as the seasoq progresses there will be a gr at rush for the splendid ice oream of all varl eties. In addition is th where tbe beet cakes, pies, &e., cab be had fresh and fine. Candies, nuts aod other dainties in pr fusion, mi The answer is pjain. The 1-irt r w tHn low and muH be mipplied. Theif i no place In Raleigh whs this can be done on better terms than at the well known establish mentof ' W R NEW SOW 214 South Wilmington street. The bill of fare is a tempting one. Family Flou nd Bui kwheat, Ferris' Rams, Breakfast Strips, 8alt fish, nt nil Wiirlq mnllsta Xfaturpl nnt and rna herrii .fe-" In tbe line of Jaucy groceries th" ij . ' f-' enumeration rannd iruii, ircsii jfmt " ( jucs. t ktb ui mi kinds, splendiu ch , situ nuts, apples, such a tempting amy s must please tBe tastes of all. Lard, bacon, sugar, tea, coffee and heavy groceries the greatest profus ion. Di n't forget plce 2U South Wil mington street. Call early and make selec tions, at NEWSOM. M IFM liTl DCODle with hhrh nrlnefif W ti.n good reliable clothing and sell them at tow prices. oor SPRING SSSF" now am nog to balk. Be sure to call and examine our stock and prices be fore yoa bay. elsewhere as we will guarantee to save yon money. J fi C (itnmff Cn h BBTBEAT IIIIH 01