VOL. XXVIII. RALEIGH, MONDAY, MARCH 27. 1893. NO. 130 4 - CITY is bhikf. This Is Holy week. Mr O U Baibee U la Washington City. The work of Improving Pallea park till continues. Judge Browa arrived in the city last Saturday. The health of Raleigh Is said to be unusually good. Col L D 8tephenson, of Swift Creek township, is la the city. Additional track trains are being put on the Atlantic Coast Line. The Episcopal and Catholic church es are being beautifully decorated for Easter About six car loads of phosphates are dally shipped from tht Caral elgh mills. Caraleigh is assuming all the pro portions of a sprightly little suburb an village. Regular meeting of Wm. Q Hill Lodge, No. 218, will be held tonight at 7 8) o'clock. Extensive repairs will commence on the deaf and dumb and blind institu tion about the 1st of Jane.' . Yesterday was Palm fiunday and appropriate sermons were preached in some of the churches. Jndge Brown left no Important matters untouched in his talk to the grand jury this morning. The health of the pupils at the in stitution for the deaf and dumb is re ported better than for some years. A little .touch of the northwestern blizzard reached us this morning. It is a pleasure to feel that it can hardly last long. The uarriage of Mr Geo 0 Heck, of this city, to Miss Eugenie . Gray, of Greensboro, is announced to take place April 84th next. The secretary of the North Caro lina press association is making full arrangements for the visit to the world's fair about May 20th. The children's entertainment at Peace Institute last Friday night was ft most irteresting occasion. The re citations and music were excellent. Clean up the back yards and pre serve the utmost care in the matter of sanitary regulations, This is . the Barest method of keeping off disease . Last Saturday the first car load of the state's exhibits to the world's fair left for Chicago There are five others to tllow, the last leaving on the 7th of April. Mr Ed Chambers Smith has been selected to deliver the commence, alumni oration at Davidson college. Rev Eugene Daniel will preach the baccalaureate sermon. - It is stated that Mr B. R Lany.the new commissioner of labor statistics, will establish as a feature of his office an employment bureau. It may be ' the means of doing much good. The annual convention of the Young Men's Christian Association, which meet in Winston next week, is expected to be a grand occasion. All the associations of the state are expected to be represented. Professor Turlington, of Johnston county, has a walking cane that was presented to Commodore Perry in commemoration of his victory on Lake Erie, in 1813. It should, if pos sible, be procured and placed it the state museum. The baby brigade will soon be one of our feature and the little ones must have showy and attractive turnouts. In this line Messrs Thomas & Max well can't be excelled in North Caro Una. Not only this but in.everything else pertaining to the furniture line they are ; without doubt the leaders All the novelties nan be found at, their immense emporium on Market square south side of the market. ' There will ' bd serious trouble if you don't overcome those dyspeptic symptoms. Hood's Barsaparilla is the medicine you need. The Electric Cars. Work will commence at once on the extension of the street ear Hoe to Pollen Park. From this point to Brookside, a distance of about four miles. Manager Huffsiys the road will be placed in first class condition forming a trunk line and the ears will ruu through without change. A ear rnnning in Fayettevll'e street will make close connect Ions of fifteen min utes. Many improvements will be made at BrookMde Park, and it is in contemplation to remove the switch back from the fair grounds to the park Various other improvements are contemplated. Evangelist 8choo1field. Rev. Mr. Cole received the follow ing letter this morning in reference to Mr. Scboolfield who is conducting the meeting at Ed en ton Street Meth odist church: Danville, Va , March 25, 1893. Dear Bro. Cole Upon my own mo tion I desire to say to you that Bro. James E. Schoolfleld, who goes today , to conduct a service in your church. is one of the most consecrated men as well as efficient preachers I have ever . known. Mo man can have a more ' thorough confidence exercised in him than has Bro 8choolfleld in this his own city, by saiat and by sinner, by l people of ail churches. To show how ' much appreciate him my own offl cial board unanimously asked him to conduct a protracted service In our church whenever he couT3 find time so to do. His praise is in all tbe churches. Hoping that the largest results may attend his ministrations in Ralegh, I am; sincerely yours, 3 J. 8. Hunter, Pastor of Mt. Vernon church. Mrs W. H. Lyou of the Lyon Rack- jet store is at the north buying her J spring stock of the latest styles. She ! will stop at Baltimore and employ a milliner who will return with her. NOW FOR IT -A. Dughi has re ceived direct from Paris 1,000 nice bon bans, all grades He has received also some beautiful ice cream moulds, among which is "a cat in a shoe' and a fine impression of a dove. By tbe way, a nice young lady some time since remarked to Dughi that she did not desire to gt married until he re ceived a dove. The bird mould has arrived, and -Dughi now waits ready to be called upon hoping the lady is prepared to enter the matrimonial life. Pretty 5 o'clock tea kettles atHughes' Handsome ice pitches at Hughes'. Croquet sets at Hughes'. JUST COME IN. Big lot ladies' hose, fast black, we are going to sell at 10c pair. Also job lot good elastic suspenders which we shall retail at only 10(3 a "air. These suspenders would cost you 20o anywhere else ex cept at J. A. Spence & Bros' store. "HELLO. JAOK, where are you go ing?" "I am going to J R Tavlor & Son's to get a suit of clothes He gives them to you at bottom figures and never ..misses a fit." "That is the place I have been looking for every since I hav9 been in Raleigh." WE WILL have our spring opening on March 29 of millinery goods, dress goods, silks, velvets, hosiery, gloves, &e . and it will be the finest exhibit we have ever made. Our milliner bas visited the north ern markets and has secured one of the finest stocks of French patterns and materials ever shown by us. It will please well as pay you to see and examine the pretty styles. Woollcott & Sons. 12 LARGE fried oysters for 25c at A Dughi's. FINR, NICE yellow bananas 25c to 40c a dozen at A Dughi's. Wood, Wood. " '. Send your orders to B. F. Cheat ham'd store for dry Pine Wood, 225 Wilmington street. . men 12-1 ra . - AH I FINE BH0E8 HERE Burt 1 & Packard's "Korrect Shape" to gen , tiemen gives finest service; au Kinds and styles to select from. . C. A. Sherwood & Co. Ice cream every day at ml3 tf A. Daghi's, FOR RENT 4 room house includ ing kitchen. m23 L. D. Womble. Still They Come. Our spring stock continues to ar rive. Nothing like it in the way of bargains ever before placed on this market. In a few days we will give you some money saving Information. Watch for our ad. Swindell. HERE IS YOUR FRIEND. A friend In need is a friend in deed. Williams & King's Famous Tooth ache Remedy i the best friod to the sufferer of toothache and neuralgia. It relieves them in two minutes. One trial will . onvinoe yoa of the fact. Try it. Price 10c per bottle. mh21 tf. To the Public. Mrs Elizabeth McGowan back. of the Jail, is prepared to do auytbing in tbe line of dyeing and pressing ladies' bonnets in the latest styles of the season. Send in your work. Millinery. Our buyer has taken special pains in selecting a millinery stock. Beau ty, style and bargains iq what be went . for and that is what he got. We can suit all. Anything from a 10c sailor to the finest Paris styles, at Swindells'. Wanted. Gentleman or lady to travel; no preference where qualifications are equal; salary, $750 and travelling ex penses. Portion . permanent. Rail way fare paid here if engaged. En close reference and send address with stamped envelope. General Manager, Lock Drawer P, moh 8 -18t Chicago, 111. $500 in Installments Wanted. It can be doubled in 12 , months. Address, "Alexander," P. M. Box 277, Raleigh, N. O. mhlfl eodif For Rent. The desirable store on Fayetteville street, No. 129, now occupi 4 by W. H. Lyon, is for rent by Apri Apply to D. Rosk t-UL. moh8 lm NO BARGAIN HOUSE.-An ex elusive bargain house doeE not come up to the demand of the average lady of this age. While we have thous ands of dollars worth of goods which we bought way under the value and sell same for less money than any one else in the trade can sell, yet we are not an exclusive bargain house. We have all the new things out for this season in dress goods and trimmings. All the new silks in Bengaline lustres printed and plain, China and Japan ese silk, tbe new combination of silk and cotton and silk and wool In fact, we will come as near suiting as any one can We have style and quality. D. T. Swindell. That Girl With a Smile On. Those ladies you know who always have a pleasant and fascinating smile on their face, are not wearing ill fit ting corsets They probably have on a O B Corset lifce this cut long wainted and are to be had at Swin dell's mammoth Btore. And this stout lady, who is shaking with mirth and looks so pleasing, has on a Watch Spring Corset like this cut. These two corsets are kept at D. T. Swindell's at New York prices. Roses and Other II Andxoine j Out Flowers Bonqaet rUakertandi: Floral Designs. Telephone '. 3 a4tf . Steibm-tz. Florist. ! A full set of the Encyclopedia BriH anlca, ninth Edinburg edition. Also Hie of Jefferson Davis, by Mr Dvis, b uaii price, xor eaie t- t . j. Dow ell, 128 South Wilmington street. Easter Gloves. The very latest ideas in kid elovea for this season. Ladles glact and Miiuo g&auiieis f I uo and II 60. Four button (large parl buttons) suede gloves, tans, modes and many blues with colored welts and bind ings at fl.ro. Four button (large metal button?) glane gloves, tans, bl cks and greys at $1 0 V Four but ton (large pearl button?) glace gloves, with embroidery an welts of self and contr&Minc nWa I n tuns ttiA&a O -v.v,im IUVUDO red tans, navy blues, ox blood, greens, aim mo vioiei Buanes at $ i vj. Dour button, (large pearl buttons) dog skin, pique seams, tarn, modes, red tans and arevun 1 no. Rn.H. r,,. quetaires White and colored em-. Broidery at $1.50. "Aluxandre" suede monnnnpt.B.1PAB in hinnir nA v. 1 . . wiwwnt ouu l u O staple shade at $1.0: Suede mous quetaires in reds, dirk and light greens, dark and light Maes, violet, runts, uronze ana lavender at $1 75. BarritV ffloveg red fitna tana tnnAa and yellow tans, white, self and black Stitchinar at tl m Rurrir in. in lavender, canary rose and pearls at i. w. narnvy gioves in lavender canarv rose and nnn.rla at ti nn lines of black kid gloves in suede and giasa. v.niinrens glace and chamois firanntletn 'I'ho lection of kid gloves we have ever buukh. W. H & R. S. Tcckbr & Co SHOES: Just opened an other line of our Ladies' celebrated SHOES: Best ladies' $1 50 shoe in the world JSTOJRIRIS' DRY GOODS STORE QORSETS The advert Ni r signs and cards read: (,R 4 G Corsets are tbe Rest," 'TryHS Corsets. They ae the BEST." Our endorsement goes with both lines. Ther K no form w e nnot fit perfectly !ou r short weiat either slim, medium or stont Some decry them "MAKK" because the profits are too pui'-.ll. We like them for their quick sellintf and satisfactory giving qualities We 'dell 'ht in small prof its and qui' K'eti Fresh, clean goods and a new otock all the time. Not too man? of a k'-d but some of all. G. A SadrwiM & Co JUST as We SAID On March 1st we would move to 18 Martin street, next, door to the Farmer's Bank Here we are all in good shape and now ready for busir ness. We will J)e pleased to serve our friends, customers and the pub lic. We have everything kept in a first class dry goods store, with a full line of mllinery. Also our salesmen and salesladies will take great pleas ure in showing you through their stock. If you don't want to buy come and look TIH1ELVS3 Racket Store, 16 Hartto $t Hardware, Ac Wire Fencing FOB POULTRY YARDS. Neat, stylish, attractive, cheap. Garden Hoes, Rakes, Forks, Shovels. Hi R4LEI 4H N. C. DO YOU idiS sV WHERE YOUR TOEST IS ? It is to secute the best of everything in the furniture line at the most reasonable rates and the place above a'l others in Raleigh Ib at the emporium of 4 1 the well-known dealers, Exchange Place, south side of the market. Besides all the other novelties in the furniture business consisting of bureaus, French beveled looking glasses, willow and rattan chairs, wardrobes, mattresses, they have a fine line of the new spring style BABY CARRIAGES They are beauties. Desks of fine furnitare, &c. Don't forget the New Home Sewing Machine Needles and Oil. You can sav money by calling. Dry Goods. Notion, &n. NOVELTIES IN FOOTWEAR. Invants Grey Suede, Eed and Black Neillson's. Ladies' Red, Tan, Mahogany, Orey and Russian Blue Oxford Ties. Grey and Bine Canvas Oxfords. New ideas in ; Dopgola Oxfords with Patent Leather Trimmings. Gents' Eusset Blucher and Bals, Opera and Paris Toes, Piccadilly Lasts. W. H. & R. S. TUCKER & CO., 123 and 125 Fayetteville Street. TAOS IBM q x, vnna his Mdtwr AM UM. II Ull r -VI m)TDlTnp