Thfl Sailty EoCniDjI Visitor. froilUHID KYBBT Art -IKieeDt bandy.1 mmlHS VISITOR it aerrcd by carriers la tbe city at -o cenii per monm, Siyauie lO lu carriers iu tuiwiwi l'ricee for mailing fb per year, 01 ... ..V, coma vr uiuuiu. Couiinunitioua appearing In theBt column are bu. the eipreulone 01 the opinion 01 tne correeponaenu writing the same, and they alone a 11. 1. rey iu"-. A f !. . X.J after your nan Infoi o. your time Is out. A1 l"s "ti n-der and coin in unlet Mon to M ItltOlV.V. Sr.. Kileigh, N t I xx-h.1 notices in this Dauer wil b. Fin eutB per line each insertion Of lice -Upstairs over Mr. J. 111 liobb U's Drug Store, 2d flao bRvi3T ClTT ClKCUtATKifc BALEIUtl. APltIL, 13, 1893 TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES Jos. Chapman, of Jackson, Trn" was shot from ambush and kill Saturday nigbt. The America Railwy Union, t li new combination of railway rmploy ees, was organized in Chicago yester day. The Lonisiana Supreme Court has decided that two New Orleans cluta must take out licenses for their pri vate bars. 1 uuuioq ununuaU) Ui Ju iniv, - i ., aged 76, was married to Mary Hana han, aged 75, of rhe same place, y?f teiday. The bodies of E W Heneeley, wife. son and daughter, living on the eid. of Grassy Mountain, 8 C, were bun ed in their dwelling Tuesday night. JNellie Brighton, aged 11. died a Weatherly, Pa, yesterday caused b a rupture from jumping rope Sb skipped tbe rope 330 times withou stopping Wind storms have sacsed cerribl destruction to pi operty and lives ii the states of Iowa, Illinois, Nebraskn Kansas and Missouri. The etorn traveled a distance of 200 miles in one hour and thirty minutes. FOR ALDERMEN. Correspondence of the Visitor as nominations tor aldermen ar A , A m . . now in order allow me through you columns to present for consideration of Fifth Warders four gentlemer viz. L a Royster, J W Allen, B B Mitchell and J I Johnson. It is un derstood that all or nearly all of th present aldermen from the Fifth wil decline a renomination. Let thf voters turn out and ele t tbe above ticket and I feel that they reflect credit on their constituency. Fifth Wabder. ECONOMY NEEDED Correspondence of the Visitor CMen should be nominated for alder men on account of their superior bus iness qualifications and with a view to economy, with the question of of 43 1 - MA. ll 1 . . v . uueraien emireiy out. i nave no complaint to make against any of the present city officers or auy one who has been named for such. This can very well be left to a good board, composed of our best business meo We are going most too fast not with city improvements but expenses A 1 will admit that most any individual with only ordinary business capacity would do a great deal more with th same amount of money than is done for the city. This is altogether wrong and should cot be allowed to continue. Any man has a right to be extra vegant with his own money, bat with other peoples, nevtr. It is the doty of the aldermen aud city officers to demand va ue received None of os are too fond of paying taxes aud after they are paid we like to se the money properly invested 1 under stand the city is out of money, and is now being run on a'credit. If tbh is true and tbe f 0.000 is voted for permanent improvements, and this amount is pat in the general fund as uuvuuu ju iu tug geueriu IUI1U as I heretofore, how much will be left for I permanent improvements? Economy does not mean taking a I , ackward aten. or standing aft It hnt I vi vntuH wueu wo uto mu tor toe two steps the caan will be la bind to pay for another. , . oome yiare ago 1 wae elected an ai dei man and e erred on the finance co nmittee. At the first meeting of the committee a numler of bills were presented for approval aod when I objected to one as being too large, I was told by one of the committee that I eonld cot economise in city affairs like I could in my own busl QeFS. Thin a nw Men In m a hnt comiog from one who had served the committee fir a number of years I thought be ouirht to know Thli a count was not made out by the ! rk. nut was a regular monthly account gainst tbe city. "Public office is a tablio trust." and when we bah that they are not doiog, their duty, or do i.e something they ought not to it is rikiht for us to tell them I know from experience tbat soco of them ir- thankful for any suggestion, and ( believe tbe others would be. Let os trv an en'irelv n w nlan this ear and nee how it will wi.i k tn ait' Select for alderman, progressive, eco- omtcai, successioi, Honest business uen and leave the selection of officers '.OlhefU If thnv find A.n nffWrnnt Hn. iug his wh-le duty, they will see that turn oer a new leaf or they will ;mr somt one else in the place -vice versa. If an officer is dolne his whole utv hey will say, "well done" and encourage him to go forward, keep 'od men and torn out sorry ones. I'liis is better than "cleap sweeps " H-COHOMY. OUK NEXT MUNICIPAL DIANS. GUAR. Correspondence of the Visitor Bi 'hose whose ODipions ar enti led o the highest cnn8irirrati n. tb 1 mm liate xpproaclnus; two v. m of mr u uoiciivil life will be n mosi I'portant of any of its ejiite,,f..- phe reason for this is the fact that ii c- 1 'i 'iistruction of our wattr works and seweratr' systems, our peo-1 le an- r- trnizin&r the iinnorr.anAA of 1 wakinc mi to snnh Hnvalnnmunf nt oar resources as will make Raleigh en . rire v w-cihv of befng the capital of the State he queNtion of the Drn- jer expei diture of the proceeds of be S5(.' 0u of bonds, which will 1 ure to be voted "approved." will be ne leaning one lor tbe consideration tf the board of aldermen t.naav nnth ing of others eauallv imno' tant. and the voters cannot afford to choose voy one to represent them bat those vho are cn.rtA.hlA hv nainn unH a v perience and thoroughly conversant with our needs. Among other gen 1- me who eome nn tn thnaa nnnl uients, and whose complete fitness is oeing consiaerea pnd recognized by f.he voters of the Second Ward is Mr E V. Denton. Beinsrlarcelv en gaged in material matters which nave resulted in his own advance- neut all by his own industry and ntetrritv and feelincr a riAnn Intorau in tbe solid growth of the citv. the 'Oters of his ward will not. he oi Anr trt recognize these qualities as evidenc- PS the DOSSeRSlOD of ererv ntViaii qualification which would insure on us pan a laiimni administration of heir best interests, as well m th AAA of the city in general. Progress THE FAYETTEVILLE ELECTION. Special to the Wilmington Star. The recent general assembly au thorlzed the town of Fayetteville to submit the question of sustaining the graded schools by taxation to the citizens of the community. Accord ingly an election was held todav. re. suiting in the defeat of the proposi tlon by a vote of 425 to 103. Consid erabie interest was manifested bv both sides, bat the negroes voted in ilmost solid phalanx against it. and the majority of the non-taxnavers of the town did likewise, while the vote of the property owners and the more Intelligent classes of the community was about equally divided. The mat ter has been discussed some, but not to that extent to enlighten the popu lace as to the great benefit to be de rived from the system to all classes! and the great majority through blind ignorance voted to prevent anv fur ther taxation of our community. it is true that we are burdened bv taxation, but we are also burdened with illiteracy.and the latter is lar ly predominant; and it was astonlnh. ishing to see poor men, who have not a dollar of real estate, and yet have five or six children, eo to the nnii. and vote "no school," when the total amount they would be required to pay under the system proposed would nave been Hfty cents a vear fan the poll) for the education of their whole families. The negroes opposed ir on the ground that their eduo t ion was not dependent on the f and thai raiseu mat meir school fund was ample, being derived from the state ample, being derived from the state ' educational fund from nnh... 1 I It meant three) tUpa forward Instead I proprlatlont-and ttat they did not propose to pay o'j eema per capita on toe d11 for the dnoition nt th J white race. , This. I will any by way of parenthesis. U a tottter for the . consideration of oaf fatur IriMal oaf tors, an 1 one froo bit-h the white race may derlv tow profit Tbe result -f to evoioa praotl eal kil'a Mi- rdi school of tbla com u i at- jr Sarsaparilla Such a great success, and why is it im possible for other Sarsaparillas and blood purifiers to compete with this great medicine? BeCclUSe No Other Sarsaparilla or hlond ntirifier gives as mucn medicine for the money as Hood's Sarsapacilla. No Other Mr sonal supervision of the proprietor in all the details of its preparation, as has Hood's Sarsaparilla. No Other . cure the confidence of entire communi ties and hold it year in and year out, as has Hood's Sarsaparilla. No Other SK1?," actual cures such wonderful statements of relief given to human suffering as Hood's Sarsaparilla. No Other ZZfiZ bination, Proportion and Process Pecul iar 'to Hood's Sarsaparilla, and which makes Hood's Sarsaparilla in curative effect Peculiar to Itself. I I Ii a Sarsaparilla com lilOLri 61 bines economy and strength as does Hood's Sarsapa rilla. It is the only preparation of which can truly be said, 100 Doses $1. Of hot- SarsaParllla bas IVO AIfier effected such re markable cures as Hood's Sarsaparilla, ' of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, blood poison in? and all other blood diseases. .. . . 1 IMo Other equalled Hood's Sarsaparilla in the relief it gives in the severest cases of Dyspepsia, I ndigestion, Sick Headache, Biliousness, Heart burn, and other stomach disorders. IMo Other comes That Tired Feeling, Restores the Appetite, and Makes the Weak Strong," like Hood's Sarsaparilla N. B. If you decide to take Hood s do not be induced to take any other. Hood's Pills cure Blliou8ries8 UPAKTDB" . , .... Close at P.O Close at Detot OUTGOING MAILS 9 00,p m I 615am ExFtTrll For Green --kT n 1 tit . 815 n ., u"r". i,o. ana west, I 8 45 " Ex Ft 20-For Short Cut n JNortn (suoidsboro 10 55a m 1 11 25 am R P O Tr 3For Wel- don.Norfolk N and E 0 50pm I 1 28 pm R P O Tr 10 For 8hort 3 45 ' 4?0 " 4 05 " wuw U Mull VlUiUdUUIU I 4:20 R P O Tr 41-For At lanta (R fe A A L) I 6 00 " Ex Ft 'h 34-Fcr Wel . lt don, Norfolk, N and 6 I 4 40 i' R P O Tr 9 -For Greens- boroj N, 8 and W ARRIVALS. At Depot At P. O. INCOMING MAILS. 6 00 am I 6 15 a m Ex Ft Tr 12 F'm Gr boro, N, 8 and W 9 45 am 1 10 0 1 a m Ex Fr Tr 45 From 1- don, North and East U 17 am 11 32 am R P O Tr 38 Prom A t , , , lanta (R & A A L J. 09 pm I 1 2i pm R P O Tr 10 F'm Gr'ns . . ' , , boro, N, 8 and wesi 4 05 pm I 4 ?0 pm R P O Tr 41 FromW-l-. don, N and S 4 30 pm ; 4 45 pn R P O Tr 9-F'm, i on and Short Out,N and 3 1130pn-U45pmExFtTr21-rF,ir G'.la- ' boro ' ' Trains mnrked thus, do not move on S'-n Oay. Mai'fi for train 9 going west close at 3 i ui o Snndsy. STAR ROTJTES. OrjTvioiKa Mail Dipabtb Raleigh a 8notwelL Eiu;le Rock and WakefleM 'o u2T?n,hon8 Monday and Friday 7 m. P1'flgh via Myatt's Mills to Dunn. T es- tf iv an I Friday 6 am. R!lpieh vie tTalwri Rm...i n.iJ. Fu b nstu, Monday, Wni a nv-- -aw 8 a m. . ... ;- - RaVieh vis Sir W , .. " Roi?er' store r--,orv and Frid T vr. RaWgh to Man Tueay n ' . y 10 a m. TooHma Mails Abbivs Unionb-w - WaKeneld. ISnolA PiviV 01. 11 i w. . wgh, Tuesday and Satnrday 6 p m. i , Ainn via aiyatt's Mills to Raleigh, Mon day and Thursday 6:15 p m. : Ilh Dam VIA ftltirfnn mnA r ' and Fhnt, .Tues, Thurs and Sat at 4 p m. " JF?1" yiauangor and six Foikn to Ralekh, Tuesdav and WtM io " " ; Massev to RaUiVK I01ose at 9 p m ante. i t 8:30 rm, and 2:30 and 4:48jp m, st tept Sundays. Collections made at saw w windows open, on Snndavi fwmB-QC W 8;80.o'clockj m. A. W. fiHAPFKTt' uuiub. ouuuay. d:WI to 7:!1 Mm. Tr vaa Am Why is LH1S)'S Quotations ot the Inter State) Trust and Brokerage t)oM' Bauioh, N.O, AprUH 1303 Bid Aaked orui Uaroluia 61 WNCRRffa N 1 Railroad, 4.4NCK R, RKURR,8'a KAURR, l SARRR, City of lUleigh ifu, 1897, dtyof Kalign 6a, '907, Raleigh Street tUilway 6's t N C Agricultural Society 6'a 1 Oibzeoa' Ntiooal Bank, i Oommerciil and Farmer' Bank, ? National Bauk Paleigh, Raleieh flavi. m Hank Raleigh Cott ju Siilla 6's. Oaraleigh Fhopbate Works, Caialeigh Cotton Mills, N O Cr Conpany, . Peace Innitute, iiaieigh Uaa Uht Co, Raleigh Land and Imp Co, Notice to Creditors. : Having qualified as Administratlx of W. I. Myatt. ueceasei, this is to give notice to all (Mtr-ons iu-le btd to him to make imm" diate payment :o m 1, and all persons hu v . claims against tin estita will file th dences of tin haute with me on or befor 1 1 -f Ih day of April. l4, otherwise this lo 10 will be plead in oar of their recovery. EitMA A. MVATT. j April 8-6w Admiuistratr -x . Here is Something .7. cj to revolutlon'ze the terrors of W!h mm" A dav. H YTlKATi if w ASH F I Not ... ilnT m'tfhine Doph tbf ni.rfonf ! In the time cliemip"'- 'i- robbing, ! L. U. WYATT. the most at'rctive andlJcompIete line of NEW SIS SUITS Hats, Shoes, Dress Shirts, JCravato, &c, ir the citv can be found at ) WHITING BROS. Clw'dren Cr lor Pitcheri Custor muutBa&y wwatck, w car Her CaatorU -fnm she was a Child, ah cried f or Oastorh When aha became IDaa, she oluiif to Oaatot aiahahdC!hlldp sikagavatliauOvaaanV Caveats, and Tru- le-Marks obtained, and ill Pat- j ent business coi.ducted for Mooeratc Fttdi ,OUR OFFICE 18 OPPOSITE U. S. PATENT OFFICt! 1 and we can secure patent ia leu time Uiaa those i rMnnl.frnm U'.dIi ..... .WWV.W ..WM. IIFaiUllglWII, . . Send model, drawing or photo, with descrlp- tlon. We advise, U patentable or not. free ot J a aaamLtTi ' Hbw to Obtain Pmtml- " with! cost of same in tbe U, S.aad CuMigaoonntnes i sent free. Address.- I 981 MA 17 04 118 70 72 S3 103 108 1081 50 Q 121 111 120 145 1024 ,10 : a 106 61 U 77 81 .28 1 rb ir i THAT i 4 . C.A.SaOWtf, O.j rOTICB OF 11 To Obtain Consent oi QaaliUed Voters tl tne City it Bal- riga iq issue jionas ior ran lie InproYements, and to Levy a Special Tax. Notice ia hereby given that at a special nieetinir ot turn Hiunl nt A M City ot Kaleigh on the 2d Monday nisht in wu, ioim, huh uwu uiutsrvu tu election to be held on the hnt Monday in May, 1893, for tne iianxwn of nnuiiiiim h nnnnt . . . O w VL a majority 01 the quaJiHed voters of the city xmkiu w urue unj uiouaana uouara m bOnds fur DUbllG Imiir ntnunn mrtA A a special tax aa authorized by an ct of thft (JlliANl ADDumMu I. . . .. awuiiuji ui xiuruivrouna,raunei the i8m day 01 t ebruary, 1803. tiaid elec tlon will be held at th anlliriif nlaiaa 4Ai,. nated, and under the diieciion ot the Judaea of Mection appointed by the Board of aJ dernien aloresaid for the regular city elec tion for Aldermen. The -jrovL-ionn of the uiH M nf ti. n j a-al aaaembly, to be voted upon at said elec- ""1 kwiu uui uiu uve, wmcn are aa follows: bection 1. That for the purpose of pavine macadamizing and uUierwiae improvuiK such of the public "treeta of (he city of Kt? eigu aj Uiu Board of Aldermen of said ciiy may determine to improve, and for makiiii such other public improvements aa the eaiu Board Of A1U rilinn limv rirkrmin. ,n nk . : the raty of KaU-igh ib hewoy autliorued auu viupvncitu iu uaue iui uouua 10 aii amoui.t not ezotediut; nity thousand dollars, of sutu denominations, uiid iu such pruporboi.8, ua the Board ot luiarui n may ueem advuaulo bearing from the date thereot at a rate not exiweding live per centum per mi num, with interest coupons atiached, pay able hall yeaily, t auch tnuts and at aucia place or places as may be deemed advisable by said Hoard of Aldermen; said bonds to bt ot such foiiu and tenor, and translerablh ui uch ay, aud the principal thereot payable or redeemable at Buch time or times, not ex ceeding futy yeais troui the date thertoi, and at au.n place or places, aa the ioard of AlUeiTueii uiy det; rinine . . oec. . rriano, iht purpose of providin lor tur ymeui uf the inteiesi accruing oui and th principal at maturity of tht bonds. laoucu uiiuei autaonty 01 this act, the Boaru. 01 Alderuii-h oi said taty 8hli uu ually andi at tLe time 01 levmt other city taxes, levv and lay a pariKular ux on ad peitoua ami: subjecta of uxauou on which the said Board """VUW ra or may.herealitr be. authoieM to lay anC levy txeslor am pur post wnaisoe- er said f ur icuW Ux to be. not leas nor more than eitjbt tenia on the Oi. hundred dollars aseeited valuation oa pj operty, and not leba tnan eighteen nor more tnan twenty-four cents on each tax able pcK Ihe taxes provided for in this section snail be culeoiea in tne manner aod at the lines other utj taxes are collected, and shall be acxiuu ed ior and kept aepur ate worn uui 1 cit taxes, and shall be ap plied eid iMve.., otue pur ; oses for which they are con utu co much of a id taxes, aa ma be itquir.d to pa th.3 at rest on the llOll. 1 AUM . I.u Mllt.hPlIU ... .K. ..... mails ime ano cannot be -..i.n.itxi .a th piirchdCi ,or ui-charge ot the oonda for WUlCh SJld taztu ur luuiuil ... ...ll..,....,l - . UUM v. ' JtllCU shall be niveau u so as tOAcuic ti,e pavment v uiaiiuiibv ui LxiH iiriniinai u bonds, and to injure the ue invttiui nt of the aui. unta coin i i-d int.u iHiMi...iin ixceai 01 ihat equaea to pay the & iu nier eot, tlie Boara oi : idermen shaU cause the Sad exctgj to be 1U1 ntrt nusr b tl.uiv... city ol Raleigh, whose duty it shall be. wiujkiiiu rLuu 1 1 1 ina under such ge eral rules and regulations as said -Board ot Idermen shad from mne to time prescribe, tu make in- V StniebtS Of ho much nf Mm tiri..ll.,.. tu and tor ed.ov r to him aa aloresaid, as . shall be ano'ickble h fnnau a ih . - wA WUCblv mentof tht pruiciprl of said bonds issued under ihis act; and to do or perform all such otuei services in connection with said bonds. said aOAtd M . IHarman muu V,k and such Commissioner shall give bond and, ouuu compensation ior ms said ser vices as said Board ot Aldermen may deter mine. " AU qualiaHl voters annrovlno- t.hniaii. r uia uo u mo the levy and collection ot -said spe 1 tax ahaU denosltin a ballot bnir 8p'' i- ''id for said election, shu " oonia'uing t 1 ri'i ii or printed word, Approved;" ad t ; sj disappr . . mg th same shall deposit a iie shp cont. miug the ; written or printed word, "Disapproved " A he said election will be hai nd thereof madfl under the same rules and reg ulations AH AriRt in oaaa nf Aw;A,o a . der.nen of the city. , 1 nis -oa day of March, 1893. THOMAS BADGER, 0. W. Lambeth, City Clerk. Maym22 ' r .... . .. . ... . . Favir g made all the money" necet-sary to reduce price for the beneriiof our cusiomns, we will sell a lot 01 nice pine wood foi tl per cord on yard, or 9150 delivered any where in the city . LIMB tl 10 per barrel. . LATHS tl 60 per 1.0CO. "Best on market. Lumber in plank, pio miscuous width 18 M. Framing from ta to ; Sash,-Doors,- Blinds, and Moulding reduced in same proportion. BesL Heart Shingles. al vays on hand.' We manufacture our own 1 material which enables us to Bell at bottom prices, wur motto is quicK Bales and small' profits. jylotT Ellington Royster ft Co,. avvivvvvvvvvvvy'vvvvw ....

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