.V ftti Knot. VOL. XXIX. RALEIGH, WEDNESDAY, MAY 17. 1893. NO. 21 MA P IE 5 CITY IN BRIEF. Beautiful weather. Col.WT 8 Burgwyn, of bender bop, is in the city. Dr. Q T WloBton, of Chapel Hill, is in the city. , See advertisement of two side sad Jles for sale Col. W H Hicks is arjthe state farms on the Roanoke river. There were no appointments by the governor this morning. Mr P 0 Hardie, who has been quite sick, is so ewhat improved. See notice of mortgage sale by T R Puroell attorney for mortgpgee 4tc. We are pleased to see oar friend Mr. A M 8cales, of Greensboro, in the city. State Senator Means is in the city, in attendance on the Episcopal Con-, vention. The tax abstracts for the different counties of the state have all been sent oat. The exercises at Christ church to night will be of the most interesting character. Nine convicts recently made their i escapefiom the workhouse of Dur ham county. The movement for a monument over the remains of Col L L Polk has not so far resulted in success. There were four convicts brought to the peniten iry today three from Cumberland and one from Polk. The laws of the last general assem bly have been completed and turned over to the Secretary! ott State for distribution. Picnics and excursions will soon be the proper thing in this section, es peciallv when the festive watermelon puts in an appearance. Mr. John H Sha-p, of Wilmington, has written a fail description of the surrender at Appomattox. It will prove highly interesting. About sixty convicts will be trans ferred from the state farms to Chat ham county to work on the Raleigh and Western railroads. Mr Page, proprietor, informed us this afternoon that he bad every rea son to believe the opera house would be ready for ue in about four weeks We have received, in pamphlet form, the annual catalogue of the university of .North Oaroliaa. We will give a more extended notice hereafter. A brass, door key, was picked up a day or so since In front of the rost- offloe. The owner can get it by oil ing at this office and paying for this advertisement. The cinder coating on the sidewalk of Fast Hargett street, between WiU micgtonand Blount streets, was put down by Mr H H Crocker and not by the city, as stated yesterday. The many friends of Dr Beall, of Greensboro, who was recently seri ously injured by the running of his horse, will be glad to learn that he is .now considered out of danger. Ont amiable friend Dr. CJ W Black call left today for a tour through the 'southwestern states in the interest of the Atlantic Hotel. The doctor has almost irresistible persuasive powers, and when added to the well known reputation of the "Atlantic" he is bound to succeed. Our readers who are afflicted with deafness should not fail to write to Dr A Fontaine, Tacoma, Wash, for his circulars giving affidavits and tes timonials of wonderful cures from prominent people. The doctor is an anrlst of world wide reputation. See ills advertisement elsewhere. The way "Bargain Shoes" went to. day at Sherwood's Vould indicate that "real values1' are quickly taken Judges of good shoes were their best Aut'uners. The rale continr.es to morrow and next day. We advise an early call to secure the best results. i FUCcrter, of Holly Springs, died this nzornln&r. eared 63 veara. He leaves A. Iatca funiiliriinnBlatliiff a irlfa an A eight ohi'dren. The faaeral will take place tomorrow afternoon. lreuBl!ro Female College. The exercises of this mst admir able institution will take place May 24th and 33th, In the -o'lr? chapel. The annual sermon wi'l be preached by Bishop DuncRO, of Spartanburg, '. 8 C, aud the annual t-ddets by Hon j LS Overman, of Salisba-y. There' are 23 regular graduates and 13 g-ad : uates in music. For Sale. Two sidesaddles atasanr fice. Lady ; owner g ing ro Europe and has no furtbr nse for them. Can be seen at Frank Stronach's auction house. 10 and 12 'n a varrl will hot ha on a lot of new summer dress eoods next Monday. Woollcott & Sons The Steam Riding Gallery is located i for a fflW HftVR at. Rlariano'a nrrnnn. Running every night, and on Satur day from noon till 11 o'clock. Bank Failure. We See no!ffl of hunk failnraa arrofrr . . . v. U J I J day, but that does not affect our I .L ! I . . . , - 6 urn iner? npnatrmpnt. K.T.th n in mis department is me very litest in styln. the handsomest to be found and sold at the lowest figures. If you would get the best and the latest style at the smallest price, call at Swindell's. About June I5th Miss Maggie Reese" will move her stock of millinery, &c, to No , one door south of F A Watson's. On that account will cut the price of a great many goods she does not wish to pack and move. Call and Bee her p. ices. my!7 36 Roses and Other Handsome Out Flowers, Bouquets, Baskets and Floral Designs. Telephone 113 a4 tf H. Steinmrtz, Florist. $500 In Installments Wanted. It can be doubled in 12 months. Address, "Alexander," P. u. Box 277, Raleigh, N. C. mhl6 eodtf Barnes' printing office, 214, Wil mington Street, is t,h p.hHnst-in tho city for job printing. apr23 tf. We have lnst, nnnnnri nnr Una nf slippers and we have got some good ones. wooncot st Hons. Our laces and emhroidnriAa nr the cheapest iu the city. Woollcott & Sons. IF TOU want to save money and Wear erood nlnthna crn tn .T R Toulni. Xr. C3 -w O V - m. v W Son's and von will a. cranrt arit J know by experience. That is where x got mine. 210 Boutn Wilmingtou st. Just Tliiuk! You can bnv a snrinc unit fron: Swindell at cost. We are selling al our clothiDg at cost as we will nov keep clothing any longer Swindell. BOARDERS WANTED. Mrs. Richard Jones desires some boarders, No. 15 corner Morgan and Harrington streets mylS tf Fresh Vegetables. All kinds of fresh vegetables, in season, gathered every day, for sale by R. M Utzman, Cor. Dawson and Jones Sts. may 15th tf. .Notice Is hereby piveu that th Grad Schools of Raleigh township will be closed on the 19th instant. Kv ordur of the School Comuii'ten O. KOSBJKTHAL, So & i'reas. 4 times. The Snow Bank Melts. Our inducement in cloth inc strictly the price and not quality. Uur rlotmog Is going very fast. Why? RnnaiiRA we sell anv nlnthiniy In tha store at wholesale cost, and wo nr not replacing any. We have got a good ' assortmens or spring clothing and will sell it at cost. D. T. Swindell's, For Ion, My Friend. The most interesting featnri of nnr pecial sale next Mo dar is the vari- ry of goods to be sol-i . 71 cents a y .rd This sale h for our benefit, Is just the goods you v-h- at this par ticultr time, there are gno!s in this sal" worth a great deal more, but 7i cents has the chance Monday. V. X. 0WI9DSLL, We Got 'em Sure. We ve got 'em Sure. B Q & Co Shoes, All right, Cincinnati Make. best ever struck Raleigh .for prices asKea. i ney are nne goods, bound to I 1 1 . . Mm. . . pietiHB, imiy warranted, i nirty styles to select from, high or low cuts, wide or narrow, big rats and low slims. C. A. Sherwood & Co. Ladles Blazer and Eton Salts. There Is no dress et the pries that Is more servioable or stylish than a liiazer or Eton suit, 'lhey combine both wear and style for a moderate out lay. Our showiog of these garments em braces all tue new ideas for this sea son and we cordially ask an inspeo tion of this department. We are also displaying complete lines of ladies shirt waists and a most extensive line of shirting silks at very attractive prices W. H. & R. a. Tucker & Co. CHEAP ICE Do not forget what we said that we would not be under sold on ice. We now reassert that we will meet any prices that are or may be made for ice delivered in this city, and that we have plenty of it all the year as we have for the past several years. Jones & Powell. ROSES, PALMS, ETC. I have a great assortment of everblooming roses, palms and ail kinds of bedding plants gladioli aod tuberose bulbs. Magnolias and evergreens, flower seed, tomato, pepper and pot grown egg plant, cauliflower, etc. H. Stkinmkntz, apl 6 tf Florist . Will be In It. A big lot of wool challie, cream ground and polka spots, will bo in our 7c sale next Monday, May 2id. D T bindcU. " TOM 1T0 PLANTS, transplanted, an me leaaing sorts, can be had at SKd dMX--Jc?Pv. street, near Peace institute. apiU n HTBINMETZ, i-ist. MRS. E. R McGOWAN ih to inform the ladies that she is prepared to bleach and shape hats or dye. Also gentlemen's hats. 803 South Salisbury street, in rear of the post office, Ral elgh, N C. Sale of Chronicle Proper ty. By order of the court in an action entitled Antietam Paper Co et als vs i The Chronicle Publishing Co et als, we will sell, on Saturda ,20th of May, 1893, at 3 o'clock p m, at the office of the State Chronicle, in the Grimes building, city of Raleigh, the follow ing articles of personal property, to-; wit: A lot of desks an- tables, im- posing stones, chases, printer's ink, j type, one folding machine, one letter press, one large stone pnd pipe and otuer articles, xerms or sale, casn. J W HlKSDALB, H W jACKOI!r, Receivers. May 10th. 1893. i rand Special Vestibuled. On Monday next we will have an other mammoth special sals in which .hern will be more opportunities for m cun'tig bargains than in any of our p "i.Ui sales. Thiewilbe a 7k cent tale of dress goods assorted. Three tables will be filled with double width suiting, indigo blue lawns with white dotts, black and white dotted lawns, plaids in mulls, dark and light or gandies, Bedford cords and several other kinds. All these goods will be sold on next Monday at 7 cents per yard and no reserve, as this will be the last special sale of the kind this -. There will be goods in this fu.- worth 15 and 20 cents a yard, but ' : nts will buy any of theui ru next aionday, May 22d. D T. Swindell's. A Card, Mr Editor -If you will allow me a small spies through the columns of your nevs- Iilf.le sheet it will afford me trea p ism-e to aDuonnce to my frie''s mil 1 the public, especially thofe 'iff-riug from toothache and iif, ' i . . at Williams & King's fa-mct- tfio . iche and neuralgia rem edy is the opst medicine I ever used. I havi h-n a great sufferer of tooth ache and neuralgia and could get nothing that would affect a promt- r nent cure until alter using one bottle of the above remedy, which com pletely cured me. Take my advice; you won't have to try it twice; it j costs you only 10 cents. lours very truly, H A. Fbndhr, May 8d, 1893. Raleigh, N C. HOUSE FOR RENT. Two story houte on NewBerne Avenue, balf block of Capitol Square, with bath room and wa ter throughout the house. Ap ply to JB. M. MA BTIN, , mylStt 01 Y ancey & Martin, i 8S!IJ15eBS -H. H. AND OXFORD TIES WITH rm m UJi B e B y w matcn at price? that will sav you money DRY GOODS STORE Great Bargahs AT MIS; MAGGIE REESE'S Oil account of store which will require the removal of our buuuo, wo wm irom mis date make ' n t-v i i i Surprismcr Reductions Jnmsny goods. All colored hats, fancy """'" iiuwcrs, luatnera, raarenais, it?., - o j j t it ii nc ouau rednce almost nvery thing as we have a very uuiiwu viuic ill VYULUil To Get Ready to Move. Our frienda will io well what we can do. to ooaie in and see MISS MAO GIF. REESE, my2 209 FAYETTE VILLE ST. Bargain Shoes. For three days of this week, Wednesday 17th, Thursday 18th, and nuny liiiu. A big lot of fine SHOES, to close, at prices never before named lor Bucn qualities or goods. Done to clear out certain lines of shoes which we will not continue. They are matchless bargains, per- ics in siyio . ! quality. Mac' ine s... " hand sewed and welts. From "?0 pea's pair. to $1, savod on each Miss this opportunity, you may re gret it. If you want any be the first to i come. .None sent out on approval but every purchaser may have their mon ey refunded if they are not pleased in every particular. THE LYOH RAGKET STORE A fortunate purchase in fine embroide-y makes it possible for us to offer you this ex- CAMBRIC UMBKOIDjERY At 3c per yard, worth 5c " 5c '' 8c " 9c " ' " 12c " 10c " " 15c " 13c " ' 20c " 18c " ," 25c "23c " ' 35c CAMBRIC INSERTING At 5 and 8o per yard, worth " 8 " 10c " " ""n "12 " 14o " " SWISS EMBROIDERY 10c 15c 20c From 5c up. Colored and embroidery tnd SaSSS.SS-.te at TJie Lyn Jacket Store, 16 Martin Street. D. A. Stierwoofl & Co. Hardware, &c. TheCiri Behind t2 Never rot'e in one of op T ABV CARRIAGES. If she had, she would NOT HAVE GOTTEN LEFT. If vou want to buy a Baby Carr age buy of loslBifeMiis, RALEIGH, N C. DO YOU KNOW WHERE YrtUR mLl ? jijlt is to secure the best of everything in the furniture line at the most reasonable rates and the place above all others in Jlaleigh la at the emporium of lias & MaxwelL the well-known dealers, Exchange Place, south side of the market. .Besides all the other novelties in the furniture business consisting of bureaus, French beveled looking glasses, willow and rattan chairs, wardrobes, mattresses, they I have a fine line of the new.spring style BABY CARRIAGES, They are beauties. Deiks of fine furniture &c. Don't forget the New Home Rpwino Machine Needles and Oil: You cm sav, money by calling. Dry Goods, ftotfotia, &c. Colored Shoes -AND- losierv. Complete lines of all the new styles of Colored Shoes AND- losierv LADIES', GENT'S AND CHILDREN m AT REASONABLE PRICES. W. U. & K. S. TITCKEI6 & CO. 123 and 125 Fayetteville street. N.,