y to B ttttlfl I Iff 111 ' & III a. A T n a. VOL. XXIX. RALEIGH, WEDNESDAY, MAY 31. 1893. NO. 32 UK SI HI IP' CITY IN BRIEF The children of the East Raleigh Mission wen out to Penny'a pond to day on a picnic excursion. Ool F A Olda went with the funeral train to Richmond yesterday after noon. - The Benbow House, at Greensboro, was opened last Monday under the most favorable auspices. Federal decoration day was ob served as nsnal In this city yesterday afternoon. We were pleased to meet onr old friend Ma Graham Daves, of New Berne, in the elty yesterday. Heat Mr Dixon at the Baptist Tab ernacle Friday night. "Yonwelf and other people,' will be a rich treat for all who hear it. Remember that Miss Maggie Reese is offering some spleuded Bargains in anticipation of her removal. Now is the time to purchase summer mil linery It can be had cheap. The Yarboro House was crowded yesterday but all went on as "happy as a marriage bell." Friend Brown knows just how to handle a crowd, and no mistake. Miss Winnie Davis was the recipient of great attention at the hands of the ladies and gentlemen of the city. The "Child of the Confederacy" has a great hold npon the love of the peo ple of the South. Maj 8 F Telfair, Private Secretary, and Mr H M Cowan, of the Treasury department, . deserve the highest praise for the energy and zeal they have displayed in the matter of ar ranging for the Jeff Davis reception. Honor to tbem. "What a lovely city," said several strangers in our hearing yesterday, and then some of them added, "If the sidewalks were not so wretchedly bad this would be the queen of the South, but I have passed over some that seem wholly neglected." And we dare not deny it. It was a noticeable feature in the ceremonies yesterday, that there was a more general turnout of what are known strictly as working men than has ever been known on a similar oc casion here. This is evidence of the great interest manifested by all classes. Don't forget that Central M. E. Sunday School will have tbir annual picoio next Friday, at Mill Brook Go water, shade, ball playing, 'swinging and fUMng. 'A whole day of fun and frolic. The train will leave Johnston bt. Station at 7 a. m returning at 6 p m. The committee and marshals are re quested to meet at Central M. E Church tonight Immediately after prayer meeting for the purpose of completing arrangements for the plonio. The following are the marsh als appointed, .y S W Walker, Chief; J JSnmmerlln H D Bunch, T C Williams, Jr , O L Baily, J B Beasley, W T Terry. A pleasant incident connected w!th the ceremonies yesterday was a com mittee sent by Mrs J B Burwell, President of the North Carolina An tiquity Society, requesting that the flags used by the little girls on the funeral car be presented to Vie society. Mr John W Brown who bad entire charge of that part of the pro gram, and who made so great a sue cess of the funeral car that d Is tin gulshed visitors from Texas and Louisana remarkel "it was by far the most- n'trictive they had Sen" yield erf with great pride to the request. An Dtrtao(nrit by the pupils of the Kaieign rut no schools, for cue benefit of the school library, will be given In Metropolitan Hill tomorrow (Thursday) evening at 8:30 o'clock, A(imufl)ou 25 cati Reserved seats 85 cents. Reserved neats are now on .sale at John Y MaoRae's ' Buv vour fruits at Ball & O j. a from the Fayettevllle and Hargett street Died At 11 o'clock last night, Saligman, infant eoo of Mr J Schwartz. Not Coming. It is a matter of.regret that Henry Watterson, the great Kentucky edi tor, will not be present at Chapel Hill as expected. He was announced to speak there oh Monday, Jane 5th. Banquet. The Alumni bauqu?t of the Wake Forest commencement will take place tonight. It will be given by the Wake Forest Local Alumni Association, and the caterer is Mr A Dughi, of this city. This ensures an attractive oo casion. The Escort, The following composed the escort of the remains of Mr Davis from this city to Richmond: Adjutant General F H Cameron, Inspector General A L Smith, Surgeon General Hubert Hay wood, Quartermaster General Har- rell, Paymaster General J S Carr, Inspector Col Benehan Cameron, Col N G Alston, J H Holt, Jr, Maj Wm Grimes, Maj L D Heartt and Military Secretary Ccl S F Telfair. The. Weather. For North Carolina: Fair, followed by rain in extreme western portion. Local forecast, for Ralelgh and vi cinity On Thursday: Fair, warmer, In creasing cloudiness toward evening; rain probable Friday. Local data for 24 hours ending at a m. today: ' Maximum temperature, 76 mini mum temperature 56 ; rainfall 0.00. Commencement.' Those desiring to visit the com mencement exercises at Chapel Hill can leave Raleigh on the early train at 6:10 a m, and reach Chapel Hill in time for all the exercises of the day and the receptions and concerts in the evening. They can, if desired, re turn home)n the night train making the entire trip in 24 bourn. There will be special trains for Chapel Hill to University Junction, to connect wilh all trains to and from Raleigh, Raleigh Male Academy. The closing exercises of this most admirable school will take place next Friday morning at 11 o'clock. The results of the examinations of the past two weeks will be announced, and the honors delivered. Hon Thos W Mason, of Northampton county, will deliver the annual oration. We are pleased to learn that this has been the most successful year in the history of the school. Overhanging Bushes. We hope Chief Heartt or Commis sioner Blake or some body wiH look after the bushes and limbs along the side walks in our cit t that are in the way of nil who are passing. In the day time one can tase the street ana avoid them, but at nipht in the sbne of moonlight, there is danger of forget ting the hedgerows and before yon know it, your face is all among the bushes. It sometimes hapoens that a stranger wanders along these high ways and he is of course taken in, Whose business is it to look after these things? FOUND a pair of spectacles The owner ean get them by apply ing at the Visitor office. -:; ' IiOSt On Martin street a bunch of small keys. The finder will be suitably re warded by returning to A. Jf. Page. New Store. We have opened an annex store to our grocery establishment at the old stand of the Lyon Racket Store, on Favetteville street where we will have at all times a complete stock of fancy groceries which we are offering to the public at ibe most reasonable r-ioes. Also fruits, bananas, lemons, v.oanuts and fancy and plain can dies. Besides a general assortment of confections. Call and see us. Stock fresh and well selected Orders for heavy groceries left at the store will be promptly Uliea. For Rent. One 4 room and one 6 room eottaee. Apply to P H Hughes, Postal Tele' graph office. mySO 6t Ice Ice Ice. Can be had every day. Sunday in eluded, from Sam until 9 p m, at 2C7 Wilmington street. t js dobesll. At Cost. I will now sell in v ad Urn at.nrlr nf spring and aamraer hats at cost. All woo wisn to onynave an opportunity of saving money. Call and see. mj 30 2t M ADAMK BKB'OST. WOOLLCOTT & SONS' SPECIAL SALE. JITNR KTTT 800 UNLAONDRIED SHIRTS, 8&. 500 pr MEN'S PEPPERED BLEACH- EIU XAKN UttAWttKB, B30 pr. 200 pr SEAMLESS i HOSE, LIGHT n-v n w s rw m a -. . n m , w is.iuui.iuc A.raiK,wumJtl 20a A PAIR. 6C0 Gbbts HEMSTITCHED HDKFS 10c, WUKTH 15c. Woollcott & Sons. OUR STOCK OF CLOTHING FOR ME AND BOYS ARE MARRED VERY CHEAP AND EACH SUIT IS A BARGAIN. Woollcott & Sons. THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR MIL- LINERY IS AT WOOLLCOTT & SONS. THEY WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. For the Ladies. We have the very latest styles in straw shapes, the handsomest line of ribbons, the prettiest and largest line of flowers ever brought to this city. in tact our millinery is second to none in this state. Our buyer spared neither brains or money to matte this the special feature of the business. , (Swindell. Bat Yon Can, You can buy a spring suit of cloth ing at cost, as we will not keep cloth ing any longer. If yon wish to get a spring suit and save yourself money on them buy them from Swii 1 .i's. Lite Crushed Oaf. When times are hard and monev close, then it is that life is crushed out of trade by placing high prices on goods. This is not our way. We are here to befriend the people and we are going to do it. We appreciate the hard times and the scarcity of money, and consequently marked all our goods to suit the times. If yon would save money and get the very pest, trade at Swindell's. For Bent. A small cottage, located on Halifax street, in one of the most desirable parts of the city. Apply to JS B Crow at Com. and Farmers' Bank.. 23eod6t Fresh Vegetables. Collard plants for sale by the hun dreds or thousands. All kinds of fresh vegetables, in season, gathered every day, for sale by K M utzman, Cor. Dawson and Jones Sts. may 15th tf. . Itoses and Other Handsome Cut Flowers, Bouquets, Baskets and t (oral Designs. Telephone 113. a4 tf H. Stkinmktz, Florist. $500 in Installments Wanted. It can be doubled in 12 'months. d dress, "Alexander," P. O. Box 277. Raleigh, N. O. mh!6 eodtf Barnes' printing office, 214, Wil mingtoo Street, is the cheapest in the city for job printing. apr22 tl. RUSES, ir ALUS, . JSTU. 1 - have a great assortment of everblooming roses, palms and all kinds of bedding plants gladioli acd tuberose bulbs. Magnolias and evergreens, flower seed, tomato, pepper and pot grown egg plant, caulinowe. etc. H. Steinmkntz, apl 6 tf Florist TOMATO PLANTS, transplanted, all the leading sorts, can be had at Morgan's drug store, corner Fayette vllle and Morgan streets, near cap! tol, or at tnv place on North Halifax street, near Peace Institute. aplO ; H Steinmbtz, Florist. MRS. E R. MoGOWAN wishes to inform the ladles that she is prepared to bleach and shape hats or dye. Also gentlemen's bats. o0o south Salisbury street, in rear of the post office, RaN elgu, JN U. . .. n.Vv-:.'1' That Table of White Goods. We have just put on sale; a general line of white goods at very attractive prices. These are on a table direotlv in front of silk counter, ahd in the lot is every imaginable style in striped and corded lawns, sneer riald lawns, dotted muslins, so, ranging in price from 6ic. 74o, 81o. lOo and up Ask the clerk waiting on you to show Slioes and (Oxford Tries. Ask for our Perfect Fitting Shoes AND Oxford Ties. Sizes to fit all. At prices much Lower than elsewhere. NOBEIS' DRY GOODS STORE 213 Fayettevllle street Great Bargains AT MIS? MAGGIE fiEESt'S Oil account of repairs tc be made to our storrf which will require the renijv 1 of our goods; we will from this date ztiuke Surprisincr Reductions In many goods All colored hats, fancy ribbons flowers, feathers, materials, Ac . can be bouat'it very cheap: in fait we shall reduce almost wery tniug as we nve a very limited time in which To Get Heady u Jlove. Our friends will do well to ome in and see what we can do. MISS MAGGIE REESE, my2 209 FATETTEVILLE ST. HE-BETTER! Blacker, Gers tie & Go's Fine Shoes for Ladies. No sho de!' nv afford to be without a gOodCinc'nnati i 'e of shoes, aud the B, O S uo 8 h ne i),- i. Evei'ih'nn th tt goes to make perfect shoes are in them . The Steele doc the talking. The stvle eatc'ips the eye. The prices t' u hs the ule. Easy t1 sell bee use they fit. Perfect satisfaction because they wear. Altogether thev are the best Warranted against defective material and workmanship. Supported by the manufacturers we guar antee every pair in every respect. OT Tomorrow But TODAY. We will sell you a ladies hat today at 10c, parasoh 15o,fancy parasols 68c, $1, $2 50, umbrellas from 47c np, slip pers in all the new shades and styles, 1 ' - L 1 - . L X 1 AT I JQW cub euues lur uieu, ymoui matuci shoes and slippers for men and toys, gauze and balbriggan underwear for men. We don't ask you to buy but ask to see our 14c balbriggan box, worth 25o aavwhere. Bummer corsets at 49o, worth 75c. Just received, a 'j G. A. SherwooQ & Go full line of blacs mits, ladies gauze vests, 8 for 25o. Why be worried with the flies when you can get a fly fan at $1.84. HIE LY0I1 RAGKET STORE W Hartin stjeet. Hardware, &c. TheCir! I Left Behind Me Never rode in one of or BABY CARRIAGES. If she had, she would NOT HAVE GOTTEN LEFT. If you want to buy a Baby Carrage buy of . H.Brifigs&Sons, RALEIGH. N. C. DO YOU KNOW It is to se.!u e '.he bus f everything in the furniture Hue at the most reasonable rates an-l the place above a!l others iu iialeigh is at the emporium l the well-known dealers, ExchangePlace, south side of the market. Besides all the other novelties in the furniture business consisting of bureaus, French, beveled looking glasses, willow and rattan chairs, wardrobes, mattresses, they have a fine line of the new.spring style BABY CARRIAGES, They are beauties. De3ks of fine furnitare &c. Don't forget the New Home Sewing Machine Needles and Oil. You can sav, money by calling. Dry Goods, Kotiovtu &e. V7: mi Our lines ( ' Ornts Summer ITnde wear are now comi li'te, and we ask an inspection of this department, containing, as it does, the varied assortments and at. as low prices as have ever bn offered in this city. QAUZE and Lisle Shirts. PLAIN and Fancy Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers. JAINSOOK Shirts and Drawers. JpiSH Nent Shirts and Drawers. TRAWERS in Jeans and Linen. JLASTIC Seam Drawers. HBYWOOD'S MKR Tlinmas I Isiywr J.UU1UUM l& UiUU II Ull in TTITP ABLE vii h rniTn IQHT Shirts. V.ll.r R S.TUTRER ; CO 123 and 125 Fayetteyille street, this table of white goods. W.H.&B.B.TCCKBR&CO, stores.

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