Richmond & Danville RBCo.1 a w actsuorM ako ixcbu roaru. KBCKITIB8. Condemned DCbedale In effect Wot. 27. 1801, Southbound. Daily! No Kol) Lt Richmond, Bark-eTiilc, KeyiTiUe, Ar Duf ille. Ar UreeoBDoro. Lt (ioldaboro, Ar H&leiKQ Le K&ieigfi Lto Dartum, Ar ttreeneboro, iiT tt&leni, tireensooro, Ar ttlibary, A BUteTWe, Ar Ashevllle, Ar Hot Springs, Lt Salisbury, Ar Charlotte, Spartanburg, (ireenvllle, Atlanta, l.v Charlotte, A OoiuiuD', Augusta, northbound 13 43pm 8 51pm b 85pm 0 55pm 8 0)pm ilipm 2 55pio 4 4upm 587p 7 4ipm t8 4Upjj 8 lOpui V 50pm 7 25an 9 20aa T7 45pm li 10pm 0 15pm 7 15 i V 15- S COim 9 3Jam llU4ax 12 (Wpn 4 25pm 5 57 ,9t5pm 11 10tiu 1 bbtk.ll ttO?aiu O jaiu 11 juam 11 14a ai 12 40 o a 8 86pm 4 44pm 11 OOpui ttOOdin 10 00am Daily. Xio 10 6 uOpin 10 50pm fi uoam Not Lt August, Columbia, Ar Charlotte. Atlanta. 9 iiCpui 8 03am A t nnrlotte. tf 40am 7 U0p o 4Uam 0 55am b 17a lw Charlotte, 0 55am 7 45pm tJaliBDary, bl7a 9 1)jip Lv Mot tiDrioif" 12 89pU) Asheviiie, 5pm btateaTille, ? Ar S.Ll8barv. o ofu Lt Salisbury, 8 27au? 9 62paa Ar (ireensboro, 10 10am 11 2upm Salem, 11 BUam IIOOauj Lt brreenaboro 10 20am 1135pji Ar Dor bam. 1211pm 3 8ei Raleigh, 1 Otfpou 0 00am Lv Raloigh 1 2 pox td 46am Ar Wolds Doro, 12 06pm i. i-traeiuboro. It 20'U 116 ins Aw nanvii: uluin 116am Ravaville. 2 45pm 405n KnriteTllle. H 2opm 4 61am tUatirooad. i SUpm 7 OUam fDally except Sunday. BKTVTKJtM WfiST POINT A.i RICHMOND 7iam Lt West J?oint,ijV 8 60am unsaia Ax Richmond Ar 10 40 an 8 10 oil. Lt Klonwond Lt 4 45pm Suoom Ar vVeit .'oint Aroiiupui BiSl'WJiiijN iaOjiMOWU AiMJ'RAU KlUH Tia ji.evHVUje, 4 41o m Aj Raleigu Ar 6 00 pm E. tfErtKLEtf, W. A. ruttis., Kn,i-iut,Budeat. (ien'l Pass. Agt. O. Waaningtoa, i). O. I m rt I'HOiilFdOiN.iSayt. iCicU.Va 0. H. iiAtlO iVl Ass't isa. Jfaiu Ageut, Atlanta, via. W. H. ttKElfijX. OOAi HAAS, Gea'l Manager, Traffic Manager, WaeniQgKm,i-0' VVasmagton,DO tfaieirsn Hud jLauta a-a a it l'u suo(i rfam, .Sunday, Aug 26, ui. Tt-ains uioT ing douth. " jrfo 41, Jf dii and ulall. Duy et Hon fralns mo Ingjttortn, rass and Mail. Dally ox dan LlaTe. 4 20 p m Ralen, 4 4i Oary, 4 61 " Apex, 5 Si " ouare, 8 0J " Sanford, tt 21 " , Oamerou, 8 54 " ' Sautneru iioes. ArriTe. 11 17 am 10 57 am 10 46 am 1011 am 9 4i am 9 12 am 8 41 a in 7 40 am 7 60 " .tiamiei, 1 1S " Wibaon, H x-tuboond Tuiv vt and Lt 00 ai Xnro i)'rt aiiu Vass 22, r ASS Suy dxoti Bun'lai . P M Lv Uail..oiOt juuay Ar fa Raleigh 7 21 Kt 48am 8 48am y 27pm 10pm 11 oopm 12 45pm Garv . 46 Apex - Bioncare 4 2v Sanford . 8 4u Oameron 2 45 Southern Fines 1 56 Ar Hamlet LT 12 80 PITTHBOaO A K. r.ivA Pittsboro. 9 10 a m Arrive Monoore. 9 65 Leare Monoore 510pm Arrive PittBboro, 5 55 iwtavA Oarthase. 8 00 a m ArrlTe Oameron, 8 45 Leare Oameron. 9 45 ArrlTe Carthage, 10 80 Leave Carthage, 4 00pm ArrlTe Cameron, 4 45pm Leave Cameron, 5 50 Arrive Carthage, 6 86 WM SMITH, Sapt, JJ OREOLK AND CAROLINA R.R Uaiea Augati ... tdyi. South o- Biuiid Bound, Train. . stations. Train. No. 101 No. 100 A. A. 9 50 1015 10; 11 02 11 A) 11.37 11 02 12 31 12 53 1 20 P. 4 P. M. 625 31 4 47 4 14 3 54 3 36 3 21 2 39 217 1 50 AM L've l"iuner'a FointArrive u've ii've Ll't u've U it L've Ar Arrive - riuifoik Uatea, Tuuis, Auosfcey, .Auluuder, "Hoogood, ; Tarooro. Koci .' sfouut, Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive L've makes couaectiou at Koc&y Mount rir..i V W Traiu No 23 Xor all points Soatn, ud iVo 78 tram for ail poi nts North, G M SR1K, J & ii- Gea'l Manager. Supt Train T M-Emkbboh, Gen'l PaseengerA JAPANESE IPS. ?rw na OompleU TrMtment. ootmlstlnv of BUFrosiTORIES Cpul. of OlDtmeot tod two Boim of Ointment. A neer-faMwr Cure for Piles 2!.r.1rTJ1"'ur "J sr- lt makes uoperaUoD with the knife or Injection of omrbollo ecld. which re painful and eeldom a permanent cure, and often retailing In death, unnecessary. Why endure thl terrible disease? We (uarante poie to our any oaae. You uuijr pay for oenenis reoeiTea. li a dox. a ror 3. Bent by mall. Guarantees Issued by our agents. CONSTIPATION Su:ed-p,lM the jreet LIVFR and 8TOM ACH KEUULATOR and BLOOD PUKIFIElt. Small, mild and pleamut to take, especially adapted fur children's use. to Doses 35 cents. rUAKANTEE3 Issued only by John Y. MacRae, Druggist, Raleigh, ii A L Ml Hit it OAUTOli S H. To take effeat danday,Aug. 7th, 1892 Train moving Aorta. No 88. No 84. Stations. Mail train. Fas & Mail. tie Kaieiga. Wako, Franklin toa. KittreU, Henderaoo, JLittleton, Ar Weldon. 11 25 am 5 00 12 01 5 98 12 28 5 58 12 43 A 14 12 59 6 80 2 07 7 85 2 45 8 15 P ID p m a m TraiPit moving Soma. No 41, No 45, Stations. Mail train. Past &Mail. Le Weldon. 6 80am Littleton, Henderson, KittreU, Franklin ton, Wake, Ar Raleigh, 709 814 8 29 8 45 9 08 9 45a m Louisburg Ra'lroad. Trains moving North. No 88, Pass, No 8, Statiou. Mail 6 Express. Le Frauklint'n, 3 10 pm 9 20am Ar Louisburg, 3 45 p ro 9 55 Trains moving South. No 41, Pass, No 9, Stations, Mall A Express. Le Loaisbiraf, 12 C5 a m 5 85pm Ar Franlint'n, 11 80 p m 5 00pm VM SMITH. Sapt. Ab.aatie Dotti. Linf. Wilmington Branches. Weldon Ball road and Condensed Scaedule. T&AINc) GOING SOUTH. Dated Jan. 4. No 23 No 27 No 41 1892. Daily. F'tm'l d'y. ex Daily. Sund'y 640am 747am Le Weldon, 1280pm ArRockyMt. 140pm 5 43pm 086pm Ar Tarboro. 2 18pm Le Tarboro, 12 58pm "6 00pu Ar Wilson, 2 18pm 7 00pm Le Wilson. T2 80pm 817am ArSelma, 880pm ArFay'tTille 530pm Le G'dsboro, 8 15pm t 7 40pm vuoam lOOOsua iio warsaw, 414pm Le Magnolia, i 7pm ArWU'gton, 6 00pm 8 40pm 10 14am 9 55pm 11 45am TRAINS GOING NORTH. No 14 No 78, No 40, daily, d'y, ex dtiily Sund'y. Lt Wil'gton, 21 Oara 915am 400pm Lt Magnolia, 8 8P 10 57am 5 40pm Le Warsaw, 11 11am 55 5pm Ar G'dsboro, 4 ttilam 12 05am 6 56pm LeFay'tTllle. 9 10am Lt Selma, 11 0Pim Ar Wilson, 12 10pm Lt Wilson, 5 14m 12 SSom 7 48mn Ar RockyMt, 5 37 1 80pm 8 21pm Ar Tarboro, 6 80am "2 18pm Lt Tarboro, 12 58pm Ar Weldiu. 6 85am 2 55pm 9 SSpm "aily except Sunday. John F Ditinb, General Superintendent. J R Khly, Sap't Trans. T H SMVasosr, Genral Pais Agt. THE WASHINGTON EEKLY POST A Paper from the Nationa. Capital shonlc" 'jto into every li"ami.y in xb Country I THERE is nooti , . c m the Unitei States that is gr. , so rapidly ia oirouj iation as the Wash!. .ju Weekly it. This is bocause neither awx noreipenw is ued to make it lhe bet' , us well as th ciieaDwt paper publisbed. j t is ; A ' Natioiiai Paper I Being printed at the seat of government, lhe Weekly Post contains special features net found in any other publication, iivery man should first subscribe for his home paper To ic you owe your first allegiance. After that is done, if able to take another paper, the best one printed av the Capital of the coun try is the one that will prove most profitab and . entertaining. The Weekly Post will contain: A full resume of the proceedings of Gongres.; An epitome of all tbe nevs from the Nation al Capital, Political news and gossip impartial! told. Serials and short stories by the best writers, Gems of literature, art and selected miscellany The latest teiegrapio news from every section of the elobe. Interesting Capital chat Interviews with leading men from aLrsrtt of the country. ( 'ier features not oontoued in;aorotiei paper. 'X Post is an absolutely iaeo"dnt paper b ..ges, 66 columns. Tne price of The Weekly lJoat Is 75 cents per annum in advance, sample copies teal free., AddrtAs, THE WEEKLY. i'OST, Washington Post. CURB 12 15 p m 12 52 2 16 2 43 300 8 21 4 05p m JEFF DAVIS IS DEAD. Jeff Davis Is dead, the cation said. No so I the old chieftain is sleeping. And angels of light In garments of white Their watchflres around h.m are keeping. Not I not not dead! as tbe nation said. Promoted to loftier station. He stands 'mid the lights on the loft. iest heights. With the grandest and best of his nation. Though cold he may lie, he can never die While Southrons remember the story Of the turmoil and strife of his won derful life. Of his hardships, privations, and glory. Now, lay him away.with Webster and Clay And Calhoun and Jackson and Lee, Not one of these named was surely more faiund Nor nobler, nor better than he. Let the solemu toned bell toll the funeral knell Of the noble old hero today, And the true and the bravo proceed to his grave And tenderly lay him away. Lillie May Chandler. High Point, N. C. When Bnby was sick, we gave her Castorla. When shis was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she nad Children, she gave them Castoria. Call for the Horse Brand of John son's Magnetic Oil. It has no equal for tta diseases of horses and cattle. Sold by John Y. MacRae. Hawker'4 My wife and I had it out again this morning as to who should start the fire." Jepio: " Which won ?" Hawker-" NHth .: Before we finished the aruuie i' bo came so hot my wife got up u -id ook ed breakfast on it." ExchaDe Johnson's Oriental Soap i; delicate odor and leaves the and velvety. Sold by Joh Rae. Alac- The meanest man on reconl, who is also on the run, was a citiz a of La Grange, Ga. His daughter, who was not long ago appointed postmistress, made him her assistant. H held on just long enough to get the run of tbe cash box, when he lit out for parts unknown with $3,000 of govern ment money, leaving his wife and three children to scuffle for them selves. His daughter's bondsmn are relatives of his wife. 1 t . All diseases of the skin cured, and lost complexion restored by Johnson's urientai soap, sold at John Y. Mac Rae's Drug Store iS Bii A lot of peasants in Galicia took an original way to get rid of the frosts, which were hanging on too late in the spring. They conclu ded that the frosts were the work of a vampire which entered the body of an old man who bad been recently buried so they opened the grav, cut eff 'he man's head and made it un comfortable for the imaginary urn pire by driving a stake through the heart where he was supposed to be hidden. E-Heineman, Milwaukee, writes "One box Japanese Pile Cure has cured me of a case of 28 years stand ing.after being treated byNewYork's' best physicians." Sold by John Y MacRae. The New Orleans States 'estimates the loss inflicted on planters in a few of the parishes by one break iu levee at 60,000 bales of cottou or, $2,500,000. And this is only for a very small area. Mental depression, wakefulness. lost manhooi caused by errors of youth or later excesses quickly cured oy aia.'netio JNervine. Guaranteed by John Y. MacRae. Cavea ts, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business coitducted for Moderate Fees. Oun Orrir.r le flpposirr U. fi. Pirmr Arnc.r and we can secure patent ia less time than those J iciuoic lrum tv Hsaiugiuii. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrio- tlon. We advise, if patentable or not, free of i charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured, i A Pamphlet, ' How to Obtain Patents." with J cost of same in tbe U. S. and focign countries sent free. Address, . 2 C. A. SNO W & CO. D. D.-rc rtcrirr UfBU-4.... r . evvvvvvvwvvvvvvvVv'wvtf' Infants " Castoria Is so wi ll adapted to children that I recommend it as Fiiieriortaiiy prescription known to me." II. .V An ::cu, Jl. D., ill So. Oxford St., LrooUyn, N. Y. "Tho uso of 'Castoria Ii & univerxl and its merit so well known that it soems a work of supererogation to endora It. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Caulos Martyx, I). D., irew York City. THE CENTAfR ILLMILlggBW .TEWKIjK AND 8PE(JTACLH:8 at prices that i'lfy competition, at home. The uii'JeMv'iie i, an old reliable watcli raaKerj'ti:! (evvpl'r, i3 better prepared 'iow than evi r befor to do your watch, clock and jewelry work, or tur iiih you with any stools kjpt iu hi line. 18 size Aiiiericn Made Mov""n"r.!s fkom ill GoM (Jases, $15 Mm up 18 si;:e in Gold Filled Cases, H oil u: 18 sizi in -Siler (iscs, 7 'up 18 size iu Nickel Cases, 5 0)ni lfi size American Made Movements in U.'ilrt Cases, - 17 50 up j 10 size i;i Gold Filled Cases, 10 00 up i 10 size in 8il"ev Cases, 11) 00 up 16 s'ze in Nickel Cases, 7 5'! up 6&0, H s' s ze, Amerieau Move ments in Gold Cases, If 00 up 6 & 0 size iu Gold Fille J 'nxa, 11 00 up 6 & 0 size iu Silver Cases, 1 U0 np Swiss Gold watches, 10 00 up Swiss Silver, witches, GOO up Swiss Nickel watches, 4 00 up Swiss ickel watches, (not recom mended; 2 to 13 up A good iiue oi vViucues, Cio ks. Jewelry and Spectac'es constantly on hand for sale. The Brvant Gold and Combination Kings a specialty. The workmanship and quality of no other ring are better. Call on the olu reliable undersigned for what you want, either goods or work, in his line, and you will be well treae J. and goods or work honestly represeu'.ed and warranted good or not good. del7 2w ;J. W. COLE. WOODWORM CITY !' In the heart of the Iron and Coal Dis rictof Tennessee. Climate salubrious, never hot and never cold. Land unequalled for agricultural purposes, and mineral resources unlimited. 1,000 Lots at...... fi.ou per Lot 9,000 8,000 4,000 4,000 4 GO " 6.00 10 00 15.00 it t it 4,000 " ... 4,000 " ;50J " SCO " WOODWORT ,.. 20.00 50 00 " 100.00 I CITY lies about 30 miles rorth of Chattan o,a, within a few miles of Altamont, the couaty seat of Grundy coun ty, and between Tracey Cit and the cele brated Beersheba Sp 'ing, the Saratoga of tne Sou'h. It is ia the centre of the rapidly developing coal a'nd iron district of Tennes see, and within its borders are found coal, iron, zinc, marble and asbestoa, with various hard woods, such as oak, chestnut, maple, beach, locust, hickory, ash, pine, cherry and black walnut in abundance. The village of Gruetli, with several hundred inhabitants, contains Churches, Schools, Stores, Post office and telegraph station, and a number of manufacturing industries, all of which are located on the property and form part of woouwortn uty. The Droceeds of the sale of these lots will be used to develop the mineral resources of the property and build up a large and thriv ing city Quick application for these lots should be made, as the right is reserved to advance the prico withont notice. JFor runner particulars apply to R. C. LIVINGSTON, Agent, 712 DeKalb Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Parties desirous of visiting and inspecting tnis property can oDtain special rates on tne new ana most comf oitable vessel afloat, of the Ocean Steamship Company. These steemers leave New York, Mondays, Wed nesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, making a delightful sea trip of FIFTY HOURS TO -SAVANNAH Where immediate connections are made to Chattanooga and WOOD WORTH CITY LIVINGSTON & HQS, Agents, Ocean steamship Co. ot savannan, Mo. 712 DenaiD Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. J for ' I a rrv pami i ffira rrr WTt6an3 Chemical (KlSsI WITCHES, CLOCKS, T!!L Children. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and Jironiotes di gestion, Without injurious modieation. "For several years I havo recomnfendi'd your 'Castoria,' and shall ulwnys continue to do so as it has invariably produced l'eneflcial results." Ecwin F. Pariu: It. D., 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. C'OMPAST, 77 5IITIRAT STREET, KnW YORK ClTT. YOUrtSELF! ' VOWr TlriU'P'Isr I'm- Oottle Of Bitrt;. Tlmnnlv no n poisonous reined v 'or all ' me uunaiurtl diseliarKe'. and private diseases o' nun m.i ih debilitating weakness peci'liar to women. Jt cures in a few devs -itho.!t the aid or liuum iiy O! a OOOtOr. me imvrrscu American Cure. Manv.lactureJ by Sciontifio American Agency for -yt$kZ:tJm CAVEATS, Uiy DESiCSl PATENTS. COPYRIGHTS, arn. a or tmnrmannn and free Haudbook write to MUiSN & t o.. Sill liiuMinvAY, New Yorit. Oldest bureau z'or seeurinj,' patentB in America. Every patent taken out by us is brought before, the public by anotico tjiven free of charge in the. I.arpcst circulntlon of any scientific paper In tho world. Splendidly illustrated. .No intelligent man sriould bo without it. Weekly, S3. 00 a year? $1.60 sis months. Address 1IUNN fc CO ruuLisiisns, 3tl Broadwuy, Kew York City. If You Want Money, A cook, -A partner, A situation, A servant girl, To sell a farm, To sell a house, To buy or sell stock, Good boarding house, To sell plants or grain, SMI groceries or drugs, Sell household furniture. To make any farm loans, f Sell or trade for anything, Find customers for anythiu,, Read and advertise in the Raleign EVENING VISITOR, Advertising obtains new customers, , Advertising keeps old customer?, Advertising liberally will pay, Advertising makes succese. Advertising exhibits pluck, Advertising means "biz,11 Advertise immediately 4 Advertise constantly, Advertise regularly, Advertise always, Advertise well, ADVERTISE, AT (MCE, NO Will The ; 'Evening. Visitor The bet t.Wn? 1 . the Hni' Stats fo QUE O Is th Ph' iph ft f 1 per year, dH" $3 p"ir year, omittfngJSunda For tbe Farmers e,nd business man the Record has no equal. Address " The Reoord." Phfladel- pWa, Pa. Pa. and ft l !-

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