ffl Mmtat 111 Itltti' VOL. XXIX. RALEIGH, TUESDAY, JUNE C. 1893. NO. 37 C1T1T IN BIIITF. Solicitor E W Pou, is Id the city. Commencement BeasoQ la now et full height. Wo hear that another Savings Bank Is talked of in this city. The baby brigade in out io full force these delightful afternoons. Splendid evenings for enjoying a ride on the electric cars. Many strangers in the city, in atten dance on the Federal court. Collector Hutchings looks natural in his new office. Very few cases before the mayor these dayp. Once a man and twice a child ard so the world wags. . What has become of tho early eloping movement this year ? Posters are out for the recruiting service of the U. S. army. Lawn mowers are at work today in the capitol square. Mr Sidney Terrell, of RolesviUe, is in the city, serving as a federal juror. There weve no appointmegts at the Eiecutlve office today. Maj W A Gathrle, of Durham, is in the city. Governor Cair 'eft for Chapel Hill this morning. Trinity Sunday School, of Durham, has decided to picnic in Raleigh. Secretary Bruuer is full of encour agement as to the outlook for the North Carolina display at Chicago. There will be a meeting of Raleigh Typographical Union tomorrow after noon at 6:03 o'clock. The spring term of Durham court is in session, with Judge Henry R. Bryan, presiding. In a few days some of the people will be leaving for the springs and eeacoast. List your polls and properly. You might forget it, and this will cause trouble. The County Board of Commission era were in sessiOD today, but only transacted routine busings. Patronize home watering, places and keep the money in our midst. We need it. Mr. Prank W Haywood has re turned to the city from a visit to Grshnm. An attachment has Nen so'juipd by a New York firm against the Fmpire Plaid Mills, of High Point. A quorum is needed for business at the meeting of the Chamber of Coin nierce tonight. Let all attend who possibly can. State Geologist Holmes addressed the commissioners and mag'strates of Durham yesterday afternoon, on the subject of roads. It is now understood that the con nection of the electric railroad with Pullen Park, will be made in a few days. J. Van Lindley, of Guilford, the celebrated fruit raiser, has gone to the National Nursey men's Asso iation which meets on the 7th last, in Chicago. We return special thanks to our friend. Mr Vitruvios Royster, for his kindness in furnishing us with tpi list of grand jurors ana ocuer pro ceedings of the Federal court He never fails to give us a lift when he can. The sale of the Morehead property was continued today on court house square Up to the time of going to press we were unable to procure a list of the sales. We learn however, that mnch of the property was bid off at low rates. We hear that perhaps steps will be taken by our B ard of Aldermen to have printed qu rterly or monthly statements of the finances of the city. This would be a good step r. ;1 would do away with considerable dissatis faction. We hope it may be carried out. Diel. At the residence of Mr. E 8 Bare foots on South Swain street, at 10 minutes to 7 a m. Joseph Bei junin, aged 2 months and S3 days, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Iowa S Parish. The funeral vr ill be held at the same place tomorrow at 10 a m. Friends ai.il arquaio'sncta of the family invited to attend. Funeral. Th? remains, of the late Mr. Geo. V 81 rong J r , were brought to this city from Rocky Mount yesterday after noon, and the funeral took place to day at 5:30 p pi. from the Church of the Good Shepherd. There was a large concourse of relatives and friends in attendance. Ho i'or Asheville. An txciV'-ilon wiil be given to Ashe ville and retain on June 27t.li. Two days and niguis will be spent in Asheville. Splendid scenery, all viewed by day light. One of the most delight .fu' trips of the season. First class opportunity to visit the 4 Switzerland of America" Elegant coaches, cool aud pleasant. Ample time to se the Vanderbiit mansion and grounds and all other places of interest. Fare for the round trip only $3 50. J as. A. Sanders. HTbe undersigned, as Banquet Com mittee of the Wake Fore3t Local Alumni Association, desire to express their appreciation of the skill and laitbfulness of Mr A Dughi.as a caterer, and their emire satisfaction with the banquet furnished by him at our recent commencement. Every thing was in strictly firstclass order, and our guests were delighted. We cordially commend him to all who are in need of anything in his line. J B. CarTYle, C Fi. BKEWKR, ' tu. W. kiaas. Mr. Dugbi.has contracted to serve a barjquet at Uhapel JUill Tuesday evening. Money to 1 cud On good city orcountry real estate, Pkelb Si Maynard, Agts. jne-1 3t IF IOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY BU iOUR BOOTS, tsHOES AND ULOriilJNfcr ijb Woollcott & Sons. Wollcott & Sons' millinery is the prettiest and cheapest in the city. A large lot of ladies' and misses' sailors tor 25c each, at Wollcott & Sons. For Rent. A neat six room cottage with kitchen and servants room on Hali fax street, next to capitol. Possession given at once. Apply to B. F. Moktaquk, guardian. Office over Com'l and Farm's Bank, jne4 tf Remnant Depavtmsat. -"' Our remnant department isf money saving place. Ever) ibiug ;u cotton and woolen dress gooiln, hite and black lawns, bleacuiug, ao--1; i - vg short lengths of eveiy a.- . . u. This we have piaced on our t i ' ud will sell at a prion to sui; u v.wiy piece of goods on this . hDe s i oar- gain. ; luutstt A N "I. .;''.' You can buy a su:; i( clothing at cost.t Swindell's. Grover Cleveland. If the above named was in Raleigh he would be sure to call and see how cheap we are selling remnants of all kinds. 'J his remnant department is the place for the ladies to save money. Swindell. The Finest. We have the finest line of millinery in the city, the largest line, the hand somest line, and you can save money on it. bwindell. Hotice. The books for listing taxes are now open and all l'able to taxation are requested to come forward an'1 list, it is important to do so, at pnc3. Office iti court house, oppo site sheriff's office. W. D: HAYWOOD, W. 1W. T.A MKKTH. jnelt hl erg Tho Best Special 8ale of Season. Wollcott Si Bods will offer Monday, June 12, 2,000 yards striped and checked India Linens at 10c a yard, cheap at 15c a yard. The entertainment which was given by the pupils of the public schools last Thursday night will be repeated in Metropolitan Pall, Tuesday even inp, the 6th Inst The exercises will b: at 8:30 p. m. Admission 25c; rent rved seats 35c. Box sheet at John Y. MacHae's. For Kent. Three room house. juneiHw L. D. Womiilk. Ice cream and ice at all hours at J V Litth-john's, corner Swain and Cabarrus streets. Remnant straw matting cheap, at Swindell's. Our remnant department is a money saving place for you. Swindell. For Bent. Cottage containing 5 rooms, besides kitchen, with good stable on lot, large garden. Apply to Mrs M A Rogers on the premises, No 113 South Blount street, between Hargett aud Morgan. june31w For Kent. Two room cottage, with kitchen and pantry on Blount .street, apply to jne21wpd B. P. Williamson. Negligee Shirts Who has tried Negligee shirts, and does not like them? We ar making tio biggest show of Negligee shirts this season that we have ever made, and no one has a better stock or can they be had at lower prices any where. Our Negligee shirts were made to onr order and they are positively th.j best made and best fitting l;-ts o. the market, for the money. Ic s uow the seaeoa of the year to biij these garments and we want evtrjone to see ours at $100 aud $l.uU, kivr cheaper or higher priced out i yu wisti .' W. H. & R. S. Tucke" Jo. Iniporistm iVot ce lor t!: ) 1V I!o of itaieili. OHUh.liAa TUS GATES CLJtKD. Judge Stone this morning issued a temporary injunction restraining the iiiifcctors of the World's Fair from opening the gates on Sunday, except to parties suiferiug from toothache or neuralgia aud wish to purchase a bottle of Williams & King's famous toothache and neuralgia remedy. Sold at the World's Exposition and by ail druggists at TKN cbnts pbr bottlk. jnellm Wautetl, Active agents -local and traveling liberal terms to goou men. Gall on or address with reference, A. H. Johnson, 120 East Hargett street, Raleigh, .N. O. junel lw Tor Kent. One 4 room and one 6 room cottage Apply to if H Hughes, Postal Tele' gmph office. iuy30 Ct Ice Ice Ice. Can be had every day, Sunday in eluded, from 5am until 9 p m, at 2' 7 Wilmiugton street. T E SoaiiELli. IVesu. Vegetables. Collard plauts tor sale by the hun dreds or t nou?ancts All kinds, of freeh vegetables, in season, (gathered every day, for sale by '14. M. Uizman, Cor. Duwsou and Jones Sts. may 15th tl. lioses and Other Handsome Cut Flowers, Bouquets, Boskets and t' loral Designs. Telephone 113 i4 tf it. Btkinmktz, Florist. piiOO in Installments Wanted. It can be doubled in 12 months. Address, "Alexander," P. u. Box 277, Raleigh, H. O. mhl6 eodtf Barnes' printing office, 214, Wil mington Street, is the cheapest in the city for job printing. apraa tf. ' v ' ROSES, PALilS, ETC. I have a great assortment of everblooming roses, palms and all kinds of bedding plants glad.oli aud tuberose bulbs. Magnolias and evergreens, flower seed, tomato, pepper aud pot grown egg plant, cauliflower, etc. H. Stkinmhntz, apl 6 tf Florist TOMATO PLANTS, transplanted, all the leading sorts, can be had at Morgan's drug store, corner Fayette ville and Morgan streets, near capi tol, or at my place on North Halifax street, near Peace institute. aplO HStbinaietz, Florist. MRS. E. R. McQOWAN wishes to inform the ladies that sh&is prepared to bleach and shape hats or dye. Also gentlemen's hats. 303 South Salisbury street, in rear of the post office, Rah elgh, C Oxford Ties. Ask for our Perfect Fitting Shoes AND Oxford Ties. Sizes to fit all. At prices much Lower than elsewhere. DRY GOODS STORE 213 Fayetteville fr-t Great Bargains AT MISs iUmt i.EESt'S 0,j account of repairs h, bu mate to fir store wuiuu will requi;e the um , 1 oi yur goods; we will from ibis dau: aiuKe Surprisinff Reductions In many goods. All colored liats, fancy ribb.,iH llowers, feathers, maieJals, ifcc , can be ..nmg it very cheap; in faat we sball reduce almost nvery thing as we have a very limited time in which To Got Eeaciy u Move. Our friends will io well to coine in and see what we can do. ' MISS . MA(iUl LililESl!:, my2 20!) FAYETTEVILLE 8T. ETTER! Hacker, Gerstle& Go's Fine Shoes for ladies. No s'io ' do ler ca afford to be without a goodCi c'n"ai 'he of shoes, and the B, G & Co's ar- he le t. Evei'ilrng that goes to make perfect shoes are in them. The stccK dre the talking. The style catches the eye. The prices tou-hs the tulee. Easy f sell because they fit. Perfect satisfaction because they wear. Altogether thev are the best. Warrai ted against defective .material and workmanship. Supported by the manufacturers we guar antee every pair in every respect. NEW ARRIVALS JUST RECEIVED A BIG LOT OF MEN AND BOY'S STRAW HATS. We found a bouse readv to cave, and with cash in hand we took the rtrce;now thin en ables u to give you better value for your money than ever before. We can give you hats from the cheapest malign to the best straws. Also new shapes in ladies', nrisses' aud children's straw hats, 'f you need any tb?n? in this Tn" we will savi you money. Hats from 10 cents up. THE LYOil RAGKET STORE XGMrtin street, NONE .ilffooilCo. II art! v are, &c. The CM I Left Behind Me Never rode in one of OP BABY CARRIAGES. If she had, she would NOT HAVE GOTTEN I.EFT. If you want to buy a Baby Carriage buy of TtosIBip&Sons, RALEIGH, N.C. 00 YOU KNOW if us i.iBSKil'iS? It is to sec;i a the beM. of everything in the furniture line at the most reasonable rate and the place above all others in Raleigh is at the emporium of ) the well-known dealers, Exchange Place, south side of the market. Besides all the other novelties in the furniture business consisting of bureaus, French beveled looking glasses, willow aud rattan chairs, wardrobes, mattresses, they have a fine line of the new.spring style BABY CARRIAGES, They are beauties. Desks of fine furniture &c. Don't forget the New Home Sewing Machine Needles aud Oil. You can sav, money by calling. Dr j Goods, Notions, &c. Ties The Best For The Price. JADIE3' OXFORDS 75c and up. LADIES' TAN OXFORDS 11.50, 11.75 and $2 00. TV f ISSES AND CHILDREN'S OXFORDS 11 fl.CO, $1.25, tl.50. The Best For The Price, W. H.gB STUCKERi CO 123 and 125 Fayetteville street, HBYWGDDS MAKE Mane JUXUXL II Ull J. V' F