. . - -Av y.'1 w.- 'a- iim i 7i. im i 5 tmr. RALEIGH, FRIDAY, JUNE 23. 1893. NO. 52 .' V UL,. AA1A. tig Hie Married. Last night at the residence of Mr. J T Gattla on West Morgan street at 8:30 o'clock by Rer. J L Foster, Mr. Andrew Mareom to Mbi Fannie Hag wood, all of this city. The beet wishes of their many friends attend them. Revival. An interesting revival has been in .progress ' at -? Brooklyn Methodist "church, for the past two weeks nnder the auspices of Rev. J J v Barker. Much interest Is being manifested nd the 'cordial co-operation of Christian workers is cordially asked for. The Weather. 1 For North Carolina: Continued cool acd fair tonight and Saturday. Local forecast for Raleigh and vi cinity On Saturday: Fair, stationary temperature. Local data for 24 hours ending at a m. today: Maximum temperature, 89 mini mum temperature 65; rainfall 0.08. A Fine Stock. We invite the attention of the pub lic to the alvertisement of Messrs s Johnson & Barter, furniture dealers, south side of Martin, between Wil mington and Blount streets. A walk through this immense establishment is Indeed a "sight to behold." Here Cin be found in great quantities all the various lines of furniture, con sisting of parlor and bed room suits, sideboards, wardrobes, easy chairs, mattresBeB, springs, and, in fact, all the housekeeper may desire. These gentlemen expect in the future to de vote their time mostly tothefurni tnre business, and they are therefore offering their entire stock of phsetons, carriages, buggies, road carts, &c, at cost. This is one of the rnrest oppor tunities yet offered to the people of Raleigh. Call at once. How They Liked Ic. The Durham Sun says: The Ral eigh Brookside Park was a gay scene of festivity yesterday. It was the objective point of Trinity Sunday school of this city, aud our ex cursionists just made themselves per fectly at home. The excursion train was met by a committee of Raleigh citizens and ev ery courtesy was shown by the good people of that city to make the visi tors have a pleasant day. It was a success, for the younger people had all the fun and pleasure they wanted. " Brookside is a delightful ' park and its cool shade was very inviting. The boys took the pond, in bath !ng suits,' like ducks, and the girls were pot tardy in boat riding. Among other amusements were pitching quoits, croquet, foot ball, swinging, and other like pastimes. The dinner was ample for the large crowd of more than 000 people and was served in an orderly and well ar ranged manner. The Durham people are highly de lighted with their visit, to Raleigh and the day was one of nappy com mingling of those from both places, and will long be remembered by Trinity Sunday school. The Ral eighites have their thanks for the efforts they put forth to serve them i and make the visit all that could be desired. Brookside Park is a splendid place to hold picnics and the facilities for (rotting there are quick and am pie. ' ' ;' The managers of Trinity Sunday school deserve the thanks of every one for their admirable selection of thf place and the success of their an nual day of pleasure out. .. Remember the Aeheville excursion next Tuesday.; It will '. he , the best opportunity of the season to visit the beautiful 1 mountain section. ' Only 43.60 the ronnd trip. Just think of 4t. ! 4 V t i"ine sataloupeiat A Dnghi'g, , The 'Soldiers' Home. Th's meritorious Institution should not be allowed. In any sense of the word, to languish. It Is one that does credit to our people and should be fostered to the fullest extent pos Bible. There are no classes of our people entitled to a fuller extent to the gratitude of all patriotic North Carolinians than the veteran ex -Confederates. In the prime of their man hood they spilled their blood freely In defense of Southern homes and firesides,, and it isjas little as we could do to smooth their pathway to the grave. The Home is in need of funds The appropriation made by the gen eral assembly is not fully np to what it should he. Much can be done and should be rendered by private indi viduals. There should not be a sin gle soldier, who is in need left, to the cold charities of the world. In a few years, at best, the old soldiers of the Confederacy will be gathered to their fathers. They are growing less and less each succeeding year. Let all good citizens see to it that they be stow their mite towards mitigating their condition. A letter received in this city from Col. J S Carr expresses the highest gratification for the cordial reception given the late excursionists of the M E Sunday sc' ool, in Raleigh. - Men's 25c b'd'k'fs 10c. Woollcott & Sons. Can't Be Found. No better place can the buyer find to spend hip. dollar than at Swindell's. He is now offering bargains never be fore heard of in this or an other city. He recognizes the scarcitv of money and has marked his entire stock to suit the people and the times. Look out for special notices later. Swindell. Misses cloth shoes, 12 to 2's, worth $1 to fl 50, at 50c a pair. Woollcott & Sons. Great Reduction. We have today cut the prices on all low cut shoes, slippers and Oxford ties. Also special prices made on Ihigh cut shoes Come before the size are broken. ( Norris' Dry Goods Store. The best 10c black ribbed hose ah ways on hand at Woollcott & Sons. See the Elephant. If you want to see the elephant look in our big show window. You will not see a real life elephant but you will see bargans that eqaal the elephant in Bize. Ewery piece of clothing, not on'y ini o window, but every piece in the house, is offered at cost. If you want a suit you can save yourself money by buying them from Swindell. j Shoe Notice. We have today reduced the prices I on all 16w cut shoes, slippers and Ox ford ties. We do this in order to close out all low cut footwear by the fall. Come before the sizes are bro ken and save your money. Most re liable stock in the ftate. all kinds of dry goods and notions at special prices. Norris' Dry Gcods Store. Good line of misses and ladies Ox ford Ties. Wollcott Sods. Will If We Hans for I Whenever the Queen of fc Jand , gets an opportunity of buying wear ' ing ma terial, and especially hats at no eacn, sne never fails to take ad vantage of the sale. Her hat she wore at the last Touching she had -(tb he Duke of Ed in burg, was one bonght at a special sale at 5 cents, on Vv hite Obapel street, in London. Now, ladies, we will have a special sale of ladies straw hats next Wed- nesday'at 5 cents each Most of these I hats are nice lace straw and Milan straw, end are worth ten times the price oc eacn next Wednesday. f DT Swindell. Special Sale. ' Special bargains offered tomorrow in all kinds of shoes, slinnero nnrJ Or. ford ties. Norris' Dry Goods Store. Credit Department, ! W H. & R 8. Tucker & Co., Raleigh, N. O., June 17, 1803. We are resolving our business to a cash basis as rapidly as possible, and from and after Jul v 1st, wn will r I quire settlements on the first of every month fox all goods charged by us. Veryrespeotfully, 120 m W. H, 6 B. 3, Tucker Ss Co, Notice Shoes. We have today reduced the prices on all low cut shoes, slippers and Ox ford ties Now is the time to save your money. Come before the sizes are broken. Most reliable stock in the state. Norris' Dry Goods Store. Fine IS", C. Dairy Butter. Received twice a week. This is really as fine butter as comes to this ma rket. Price 80o lb. Give us a trial order. Phone 28. .DT Johnaon. Under Price. Gent's and children's straw hats at reduced prices to close, about two thirds price C. A. Sherwood & Co. Bargain Shoes. About 120 pair ladies fine shoes of lines which we will not duplicate. Can be bought near factory prices in order to clear out. C. A. Sherwood & Co. Drink Otterburn Lithia Water, which will keep your stomach and bowels in good condition, and act as a preven tative to disease this summer. Pare Ice The Best and Cheap est. The ice now being produced by the new Crystal ice factory and sold by Messrs Jones & Powell, is from dis tilled and reboiled pure water is clear as crystal, solid and durable, and cheap enough for everybody to use it freely and have no fear that any dis eaee germs remain in it. Bobbitrs Limeades cannot be surpassed in the city. All tne popular beverages are sold at his fountain. Gentlemen's Warm Wather Uuclerwear. We show gent's negligee shirts as low as 50c, but at $1 give a first class garment. Our $1 negligee shi-t is the bestva'ue ever offered in '"gh Our linen of negligee shirts p L 50, $ and $2.50 are the best pose.u.e val ues and one will scarcely warn a finer quality. Every texture an l kind of their underwear for gentlemen In short and loDg sleeve gauze and lisle shirts, nainsook and lluh net shirts and drawers, fancy and plain bal briggan shirts and drawers, Screven's elastic seam drawers in jean and linen,cambric and muslin night shirts. W. fl. & R. S. Tucker & Co. It Gives Satisfaction. There is great satisfaction expressed by all who have been drinking the Otterburn Lithia Water. I re ceive it fresh from the springs every few days, and am prepared to furnish it at the remarkably low price of 20c per half gallon bottle less than half the price of any other Lithia on the market. J Hal Bobbitt. Cut Flowers. Bouquets, Floral designs, roses, coleus, palms end other plants for bedding culture. Celery, late cabbage and collard plants. H. Bteinmetz, Florist. Telephone 113. jel2 For Bent. A' neat six room cottage with kitchen and servants room on Hali fax street, next to capital. Possession given at once. Apply to B. F. Montague. Guardian. Office over Com'l and Farm's Bank, jnel tf Fourth of July Celebration Is not talked of as yet, but remem ber that Bobbitt's soda fountain is in full blast and giving forth cooling draughts, and will be on that day and throughout the entire summer. Fresh Vegetables. Collard plants for sale by the hun dreds or thousands. All kinds of fresh vegetables, in season, gathered every day, for sale by R. M. Utzman, Cor. Dawson and Jones Sts. may 15th tf. $500 in Installments Wanted. It can be doubled in 12 months. Address, "Alexander," P. O. Box 277, Raleigh, N. C. mhl6 eodtf Important Notice. -; ' Don't forget to ask for Williams Sc King's Famous Toothache and Neu ralgia remedy when you are suffering from a decayed tooth or the neural gia. We guarantee it to cure you in two minutes by the watch. Don't have any other but ours. We won't ask you to take our word but try one ten cent bottle and be convinced. One vial sold will sell more, jl Williams & King. The Curative Properties Of the Otterburn Lithia Water ex ceed those of any other water. It is mild and light but effective. 20c per bottle, delivered atyour home. Jl9 J Hal Bobbitt. Shoes - Ties Ask for fir Pef-c Fittio Shoe. AJ. Oxford Ties, Sizes to r, (.;,: At pric- .ijiih Lower t m ' -jrnre. DRY GrO JOS STORE 1 t" r- Mm street. Gr3ac Eta 'gains AT miss mm mm Oij ncco'int r irp-iirs to be made to our stoiv whi' i 'i rnjuire tlie removal of our goods; vr viil rr.mi this ihue make Surp-isin: Reductions In many go vls A.1I colored hata, fancy ribbons, flowtrs. feuOefti, nia'erials, &c, can be bought very oieap: in fact we shall redoce almost rvery tiling as we have a very limited time in which To Get Ready to Move. Our frienda will do well to come in and see wnai we can ao. MISS MAGGIE REESE, my2 209 FAYETTE VILLE ST. BIG DRIVE. Now is Your Chance Our entire stock of lad'es fine colored Ox fords and Slippers marked down two thirds. Fine variety to select from. EUSSrA.CT C&LV, PEARL OOZE, WHITE CANVAS, KED AND TAN GOAT. Latest paterns, newest sfylea. Buckle Op era, Strap Ties, Lane Oxfords and Blucher's. REMEMBER Slippers is the word. SHKRWOO'YR in the place. SATtTSDAY is the day. We ran, we i io. and we ever will give the best shoes for ' ;e Unst money. Eve-y pair of slippers offered in this sale will be H b . We canrinr jivnrove on our eeneral line of shoes. .They --.re as perfect as is possible to obtair . s HERWOOIVS fires sell. OLID service secured. ENSIBLE sisters satisfied. C. A. SiOTflol 4 Co. Sellers of TrunKS for Travel ers -: A new line of LADIES' HATS- - ust received. e can Rive you A UUUD HAT for 10c, 20c, 47o and up to the finest - Chips and Leghorns. Children's Hats in Straw and Mull. Also Lace Caps. In Men's Hats we can suit you all in style, quality and price. Boy's Straw Hats 19c, worth 25c. THE II Oil RAGKET STORE Hardware, &c Thing When You Sie gBjpj Baby Carriages. AT $ 5 00 5 94 " 75a " 818 8 44 " 10 31 " 11 61 16 re " 1719 " 17 EG " 1817 WORTH $ 800 8 50 10 50 11 60 12 00 14 00 15 CO 21 00 23 r,0 23 GO 2j CO it it -THEY ARK ffffeywood's MAKE MEBrfeiSoDS, It A LEIGH, N.C. ee Here- If you hr u i'izen or stra.i.ter it will bt to your irwr-s i-j h e u -oom ntuttly furnish,- ni -ing .ids -i- uch to the ii-auty of a resi'V-nie us gooi. .,i 'e, ulst''.ti '1 iur niuire. For this cannot be beaten in this or anv other com munity. They have all the novelties in the business, such as Bureaus, French Beveled Looking Glass es, Willow and Rattan Chairs, Wardrobes. Mat tresses, &c. They have ' the finest, pret tiest and nob biest , BABY CARRIAGES ever seen here. The NEW HOME Sewing Machine a epecialty. Also MAUHINE Needles rnd Oil. Besides, the firm will keep you cool by nice gifts of Fans and Caps. REMEMBER THE PLACE ExclianAe Plane. Soutbside H'ik't Dry Goods, Notioae, &o. H.fB S.TUfSEBsGQ FOR TRAVELERS. THE COMMON SENSE -AND- , Rountree's - Roller TRAY TRUNKS. Q.LADSTONE JgAGS QRIPS ; -AND- Canvas Telescopes TRUNKS OP EVERY ; DESCRIPTION. W. H. & B S TUCKER & CO., 123 and 125 Fayetteville. street TIMS 1