1 Eicliccaa OaziTllIa BB Co. B w smsuoru ao kxuiki roma. ' BXCKITIBO. Oondenaea ttrbedale In affect NOT. 87. 1804. flanthboand. Dili No oU Lt Richmond, Barkevllle, Keytriile, Ax lATlll6 Ar urnsDoro IS 45pm 51pm 83pm ft topm 8 Oupm jltfjpm 4 4opm 7 4jpm ttt 4UpJi s lVpm V bupjn 7 95am ttSOaa t7 43pm I. lOpui 0 16pm 715 V 15'i 0 00am 9 SUum 1104a. IS 03pD 4 Spm 5 67 11 14a jt IS 4Ui i tt tttipm 4 l4pul 11 IWp-. Lv violdaOoro, ) Ax JUlelgo. Le Daram, Ax ttrenabur, Lt Balem, ftroeiuDoro. Ax ckUUbary, Aj dtaiesTilie, Ax ABiierilie, Ax Hot dpruig, Lt tialisDary, x Ar Ua&rlotto, ( Bpnnbarg, 9 65pm 11 lOyin 1 OOAiil a u?ain 11 Jo&iu 1 Atlanta, . Onarlotte, A OoloiabUj Augusta, Horcnooan' 0 UOaiu lvi OUaui .Oaliy. No 10 0 oopm la 6upui , Lt Augusta, Columbia, 1 at Charlotte, jLt Atlanta, ArUnarlotte, JLt Umtrlotte, I tteHsDory, Lt Hot tfpriutf. AshevUle, atacesTille, tt iwaui O40aui Ji 17a u 8 05am 7tM)p 7 45pm V 1jju is aa-u, 7 47pm VOSpm 11 SUpm 1100uj 11 aopjQ B ita ttOOam t3 45am IS 05pm 11 8pa 1 15am 4U5a. 4 51am 7 OOaui Ar ttauDary, 1 Lt Oaiubiiry, 8 S7ato Ar urrensboro, 10 10am dalem, H Warn Lt Greensboro. 10S0am Ar Durham, IS lipiu Aalelgn. 1 Oupu , Lt utaieigh 1 'P f Ar eroidsDoro, 8 Itpin ' Lt crreensDoro, 1 Soi A- Danville Olpui KeysviUe, S 4opm borkeTllltf, Hsopm RiAhnannrL bUPUl tDaily exeepc Sunday. iiJCXWJCJtN WEST POINJ? Au RICHMOND. 7 50 am Lv veBtFoint,liT booam 9 us am Ar Klomnona Arl0 40aa 810un L? Richmond Lv 4 45pm 5 uuyin Ar We ioint Ar 0 Wpui 1 Bifii'JvJSflN UMAAOau Ai.O RAU tfitiii via Jlevavilie, 4 41p in L? daieUra at 6 00 pm 'i.fiiKLBi, rY.A.l'JRrl, tjaperwteudaut, tfenl Paaa. Agt.. 'j. 1. li. TdOJiPdOiS, dupe itwn.Va. Ageuc, Atlanta, wa. W. H. eiiJiiiiiMi oOii HAAS, lien'l Manager, Traflio Manager, W a8ningtn,D.O. W aBnington,iJO. Blelffi nud AiamiA.L Hit To tae Train moT- iag bouth. xo41, Pan and Mali. Daily ex So" ing ttorth- CaBa and Mali. Dally ex San Arrive. Leave. 480pm Aaleifen, - Oarjf, ApOi, ' ianora, BOu.Jierou, go 'liaoiu x'luee. 11 17 4 41 A K tt 10 io a a 10 11 aii-i . d aoi U IS am d 4l ant 7 40 au 6 81" 8 00 " 6 84 " 6 64 " ; 7 60 " H 18 I Northbound Lv 00 aixanbouna I rains Vuro FrtanJ x'asB ii, ually exot Ar pm Trains. Tnro Prt and Pass S3, Dally exet Sunday tcatlus PM LT ttaleltftt '1 81 ; "I 43am j 6 48am 9 87pm 0 10pm 1 11 00pm ) ia 4Anm Gary v " Apex Monaare danford i1t.niAron 5 46 5 8U 4 SO 6 4u 8 4o 1 56 - (Southern Pines Ar Hamlet Lv 18 80 PI CTSMOliO H A. Leave Pittsboro, Arrive Monoure, Leave Monoure Arrive Pittsboro, OABTHAeii R B. Leave Carthago, Arrive Cameron, Leave Cameron, Arrive Carthage v l ? Leave Carthage, Arrive Cameron,' Ttn.vA Cameron, 9 10 a oi 9 55 510pm 6 65 8 00 a m 8 45 9 45 10 80 4 00pm 4 45 p m 6 50 Arrive Oartnage B, W WM SMITH, Supc. 6 85 N OBBOLK AND CAROLINA ii.A OOSDKNBKO BOHltDULB. Dated August tn, iavi. South No?th Bound Train. No. 100 f P. M. Bound Train stations. No. 10L a. m. i -'" ' 9 60 L'Tt Plnaeri itoint Arrive .626 2 01 4 47 4 14 ; 3 64 8 36 8 21 2 39 217 160 10 10 Ij'VS wnvora, 10 27 L'V SottoUr, 1102 h' ate8 1120 L've Tunis, ;. 1187 L'vt AhpsJtey, 1162 L've Aulander, 12 51 L've ' tfobgood, j 12 63 V"t larBoro. I jjo Ar Kooky iloont, Arrive Amva Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive L'va r. m. A. M NolOl nukes connection st JJoccy Mount ith WAV Tram ho ior ou puiuu eenyiwage?. - w Supt Train; MAGNETIC NERVINE. h told ftk written eutrantM to ear ft rrou Prettrm tlon. Fits, Dull Tobsooo uxl Alou- Cr klon. aoftnlno( the Brain, esmfof Mlsory, , tnaanl tyand Death Mmrmi, lm potency, Lost Power in aluier aex, r'ramatura Old Ar. invoinnwr uom, oaoaea 7 or-iudulgeQoa, overexertion of the Brmln ud Error of Youth. It givm to Weak Orraia their Keturl Vigor end doable the tor of life: cure Laoorrboa and Female Weakness. A month's treat ment, in plain package, by mall, to any addraea, U per bos, 6 boxes IS. With every 16 order we give a written Guarantee to cure or refund the money. CI real ar free. Uoarautee Issued only bf our ex oluslT acant. John X. MaeRae, Druggist, Raleigh, N. O. JALMIQU &AHTQH B R. To take eleot 8undy,Aag:. 7th, 18&3 Trsins moving Hortb'. Ho 88, No 84, Stations. Had train. Fas & Mail. Le Raleigh. Wake, Franklioton. KlttreU, Henderson. JLittlet.oa, U -tf am 5 00 T) tQ 12 04 5 38 12 26 6 58 12 43 614 14 59 6 80 8 07 7 85 p m at weiaon, 9 K IS a. m imp moving eouih. No 41, No 45, Stations. Mall train. Past iMaii. Le Weldon, Littleton, Henderson, KlttreU, Franklinton, Wake, Ar Raleigh, Louisburg RaMroad. Trains moving North No 88, Pass, No 8, Stations. Mail k Express. Le Franklint'n, 3 10 pm 9 20am Ar Louisburg, 8 45 p m 9 65 Trains moving South. No 41, Pass, No 9, Stations. Mail A Express. Le Louisbnrg, 12 C5 a m 6 85pm Ar Franlint'n, 11 80 p m 6 00pm Wm SMITH, Supt. Aiiantio doaet Iilne. Wilmington dr Weldon Railroad and Branches. Condensed Senedule. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Jan. 4. No 23 No 27 No 41 1892. Daily. Ft m'l d'y, ex Daily. Sund'y Le Weldon, 1 a 80pm 5 48pm 640am ArRoekyMt, 140pm 6 86pm 747am Ar Tarboro, 2 18pm Le Tarboro, 18 68pm 6 00pn Ar Wilson, 818pm ?00pu 817am Le Wilson, t2 86pm Ar Selma, 880pm ArFay'tville 580pm Le G'dBboro, 8 15pm ' 7 40pm uuam Warsaw, llipni 1no0ain Le Magnolia. 7pm J 40pu i iam Ar Wil'gto , 5 OOpra 55pn. u 45a u TRAINS GOJNft NOJi'"8. No 14 No 7fl. Wo 40, ?afi- d'y. ex dully land'y. Lv Wil'gton, 10ato U iran, 4 00p.n Lv Magnolia. 8 81", 10 57am 5 40pm Le Warsaw 11 llaro 55 5pm Ar G'dsboro. 4 8itam 12 05am Wrm Le Fay'tviUe, 9 10am Lv Selma, 110ra kr Wilson, 1210i?m Lv Wilson. 6 14 m 12 58pm ?4pm Ar RockyMt, 5 37 1 80pm 21rim Ar Tarboro, 'e 80am 2 18pm Lv Tarboro, 12 8pm Ar Weld Mx, 6 85am 3 Vn9 ft 86pm wTaily sot Sunday. JrS F DIVIBB, General cHDeriDendent J R Kffx,v, Sup't ?-ans. T M EMftsof. r4acra' Pas Agt THE WASHINGTON WEEKLY POST A Paper from the Nations. Capital shoal1 9o into every FamiJy in ib Country I rpHERBis no other paper in theTJnitei' A. States that is growing so rapidly in circu. lation as the Washington Weekly Post. Thin is because neither abor nor expend is spue;? to make it ihe best, as well as tha cneapwt, paper publishftd. I t is A Nation xi Paper I Being printer at -be seat of government, ! lie Weekly Post contains specinl features nc found in any othor publication. Every inac should first subscribe for his home paper To it you owe your Qrst allegianee. After thai is done, if able to take another paper, the best one printed av the Capital of the coun try is the one that wi'l prove most proiitabV and entertaining. The Weekly Post will contain: ; A. full resume of the proceedings oi uongres An epitome of all the neva from the Nation alCapital, , , - PnHtinal news and mush) imDartiallr told. Serials and short stories by the best writers, Oems of literature, art and selected miscellany The latest telegrapic news from every seotion ? oi tne giooe, Interesting Capita' chat Interviews with leading men from tLrrti of the country, , . , , . Other features vot contained inlanyottei The Post is an ajaolutely inaependnt papei . rn l Tne price oi xne weeauy xubii io m wuu iws annum in advance. Sample oopiea seat k a a J :ve3 auuwm, , BCFCRE - APT 12 15 p m 6 30 a m 12 52 7 09 2 16 8 14 2 43 8 29 8 00 8 45 8 21 9 06 4 05 p m 9 45a m Ill Hi VYAJiiJVJjX JTUDX, Waibington Foit. HEREAFTER. When all life's storms are still, And alt life's noises Into calm have passed. When rest and quiet come to us at last. What matters good or ill ? What matters love or hate? Calm hands are folded o'er a quiet breast. The weary head is pillowed in weet rest, And sorrow comes too latel What matters wealth or fame? The narrow grave is all that earth can give; The deathless soul in other worlds shall live, And men forget our mme. What matters aoght of earth? Tne passing pictures of a shadowed dream, The changing eddies c f a turbid stream, Sure, these are nothing worth. Why, then, despond, my friend! The one thou loveBt has found at last Sweet peace and calm and rest when toil is past,! And death is not the end 1 When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla. When she wari a Child, she cried for Castorla. When nhe became Miss, she clung to Castorla. When she had Children, she gave them Castorla. A Joplin (Mo.) girl waved her hand at a stranger and in three days they were married. Two days later the young wife waved a flat iron at her husband, and the following day he waved papers in a divorce suit at his bride. John T. MacRae, Druggist, will tell you that Johnson's Magnetic Oil al ways gives satisfaction and is the cheapest. Miss Lizzie Borden and her sister have employed a lawyer to assist them in ferreting out the murderer of their father and stepmother. Japanese Pile Cure is the only one that can be guaranteed, as it is the only cure. Sold -by John Y. MacRae. Kate Field says it is all nonsense about women remaining single be cause they can't get married, and un hesitatingly declares that there are few women in this country who can' not marry early and often if they wish. A New Jersey woman wants a di vorce because her husband insists on doing the cooking. The hard strug gle that man must have gone through with her cooking to bring him to his present state of mind is fearful to contemplate. Constipation and sickhbadachb positively cured by Japanese Liver reliefs ; 0" pills 25 cents. Bold at J Y MacKae's Drug Store. Wca Decker, of Hollidaysburg, Pa, is going to take a holiday or two at the World's Fair, and as he doesn't care about taking the chances of missing the show by being mashed up on a railroad is going to foot it, although he is 83 years of age. Magnetic Nervine quiets the nerves, drives away bad dreams, and gives quiet rest and peaceful sleep. Sold at John Y. MacRae's Drug Store. ia : ,v". The St Louis Globe-Democrat in vft ; . v u3 Lizzie Borden to lecture, li - Lizzie could be guilty of this eotiie people would change their minds and believe her guilty of the crime of which she was acquitted. Johnson's Magnetic Oil kills all pains whether internal or external. Sold at John Y. MacRae's Drug Store. At Ennis, Texas, recently Mr Oats married Miss Wheat. As they started away on the wedding trip, the local and struck up, " What Shall the Harvest Be." Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for moderate Fees. Oun Orncr is Opposite 0. 8. patent office and we can secure patent ia less time than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if Datentable or not. free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patente," with cost of same in tiia U. S. and foreign countries sent tree. Address, C.A.SEHOW&CO. ... - n . ;V Basra aaVVVVyVVfalVVW rTP 1 a.' WI'T' for Infants " Casta rials so well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Archer, M. O., Ill Ba Oxford Gt, Brooklyn, N. Y. 'The use of 'Castoria b so u rl rn '. its merits so well known lat it s. . fi u v.-oi i of supererogation to endorse i. . w ure the Intelligent families who do -..t L .tp C.ittoiia within easy reach." Carlos Kjui-n s, D. D., New York City. Ths Centaur macs BUY tUi WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY AND SPECTACLES at prices that d'ify co--pen-o:, at home. The undersigaeil, an old n?lUole watch maKer and jeweler, is I) itor prepared ow than ever beforn to do voin: w-tch, cljck and jewelry work, or luruish you with any Koocis usu .ily kept io bin line. 18 size Auaencpu Madi- Movements from in Gold Cases, '5 00up 18 size in Gold Filled Cases, 6 50 up 18 size in Silver Cases, 7 ' 0 np 18 size in Nickel Cases, 5 0 ) np. 16 size American Made Movements in 1 1 ild Cases, 17 50 up 16 s i. i in Gold Filled Cabes, 10 00 up lo j.ia in Silver Cases, 10 U0 up 16 sue in Nickel Cases, 7 50 up b 06 0, Ladies' size, American Move ments in Gold Cases, 1 00 up 6 & 0 size in Gold Filled Cases, 10 00 up 6 & 0 size in Silver Cases, luOOup Swiss Gold watches, 10 00 up Swiss Silverlwatches, 6 00 up Swiss Nickel watches, 4 00 up Swiss Nickel watches, (not recom mended) VL to 13 up A good line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Spectacles constantly on hand for sale. The Bryant Gold and Combination Kings a specialty. The workmanship and quality of no other ring are better. Call on the old reliable undersigned for what yon want, either goods or work, in his line, and yon will be well treated, and goods or work honestly represented and warranted good or not good. del7 2w i J.I W. COLE. WOODWORM CITY ! In the heart of the Iron and Coal Dis rictof Tennessee. Dlircate salubrious, never hot and never cold. Land unequalled for agricultural purposes, and mineral resources unlimited. 1,000 Lots at $3.00 per Lot 1.000 " 3.00 lOOO " 4 00 " 4,000 " (3 00 " 4,000 " l')00 " 4,000 " -0i 4,000 " '.-''MiO ' 500 " 0 "0 " SCO " mxs ft0 " WOODWORTHCJTY lies about 30 miles north of Chattanooga, witlnu a few miles oi A.ltamont, the county seat of uru.idy coun ty, and between Tracey City and the cele brated Beersheba Springs, the Saratoga of tne 8ouh. It is in the centre of the rapidly developing coal and iron district of Tennes see, and within its borders are found coal, iron, zinc, marble and asbesto3, with various hard woods, Buch as oak, chestnut, maple, beach, locust, hickory, ash, pine, cherry and black walnut in abundance. The village of Gruetli, with several hundred inhabitants, coutains Churches, Schools, Stores, Post office and telegraph station, and a number of manufacturing industres, hIi of which are located on the property and form part ot Woodworth City. , , . The proceeds of the sale of these lots will be used to develop the mineral resources of the property and build up a large and thriv ing city Quick application for these lots should be made, as the right is reserved to advance the price withont notice. For further particulars apply to R. C. LIVINGSTON, Agent, 712 DeKalb Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Parties desirous of visiting and inspecting this property can obtain special rates on the new and most comfoitable vessel afloat, of the Ocean Steamship Company, These steamers leave New York, Mondays, Wed Lesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, making a delightful sea trip of FIFTY HOURS TO SAVANNAH Where immediate connections are made to Ohattanooca and WOODWORTH CITY LIVINGSTON & HON, Agents, Ocean Steamship Co. of Savannah, No. 712 DeKalb Avenue, Brooklyn, N.? , a.:: i i i I n 3 and Children. Castorla cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion. Without Injurious medication. "For several years I have recommended your ' Castorla,1 and shall always continue to do so as It has invariably produced beneficial results." Edwtk F. Pardee, M. D., 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. Company, 77 Miiray Street, New York City. CURE YOURSELF! A R lr vnn, T-. . r . bottle of Big O. The only ft r . w ivuicui .u. m i m. the linnntnrdl iutKn..... V . . u. uioLuiign uuu I pm ale diseases of men and the ucuuuaung wcaitiess pecnuar to women. It cures In a few I days without the aid or l publicity o( a doctor. I Thm T ',..'.7 j . . ft , Xl 4a7fCTK.U! iian-iiuciurea dj t Svans Chemical CINCINNATI, C1VEBT9. TRADE MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS, or raioTmation ana Tree Handbook write to MUNN & CO., ail Broadway, new Yoiiff. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. Every patent taken out by us is brought beforo the publlo by a notice given free or ohargo in the Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man should be without it. Weekly, $3.00 a years $1.60 six months. Address MUNN & CO. FtJBT.lHHBRH, 301 Broadway, New fork City. If You Want , Mono , A cook, A partner, A situation, A servant girl, To Bell a farm, To sell a house, To buy or sell stock, Good boarding house, To sell plants or grain, bMl groceries or drugs, Sell household furniture,.' To make any farm loans, Sell or trade for anything, Find customer for anything, Read and advertise in the Raleigh EVENING VISITOR. Advertising obtains new customei8,2 Advertising keeps old customers, Advertising liberally will pay, Advertising makes success Advertising exhibits pluck, Advertising means "biz," Advertise immediately, Advertise constantly, Advertise regularly, Advertise always. Advertise well, ADVERTISE, AT OiSCE, N O Wll The Evening Visitor he best thing la the United States fo OE CENT is the Philadelphia 4 per year, dIl $3 per year, omittf ngQSnnda For the-Farmers and boslness man the Record has no equal. Address 41 Ths Record," PhUadel phla, Pa. Pa, V Th Svans Chemical Pi. s yNcii n i ri k mKs nitr