4. rii w?n WVT- I TFM VOL. XXIX. KALEIGH, FRIDAY, JUNE 30H893. NO. 58 i - t lie CITY IN UltlEF. Half the year gone. Grass is being eat In Nash rqutre.. Col Paul B Means, of Cabarrus, Is in the city. The street car track near St Mary's is being leveled. The departments at the capitol were barren of news today. We are sorry to hear that the grape crop continues to show signs of rot. ' The days will not materially lessen in length for some time yet to come Tony Rogers, who was to have been hang at Rockingham soon, has died. No seizures have been made by revenue officials in this district, for several weeks. Old bonds for exchange have about stopped coming in at the state treas nry department. It is now estimated that work will commence on the Baptist Female College in this city, next year. The condition of young Percy Whi taker is about the same as yesterday, with some tendency to improvement. The merchants of Burlington, Ala mance county, will celebrate the 4th of July, by greasy pole climbing, &c. The portrait of the late Governor Henry T. Clarke, now adorns the Executive office. It is a most excel lent likeness. Attention is directed to the adver tisement of "The Lyon Racket Store" which contains some free and most excellent advice.. Next Tuesday will be a go-as-you-please day. There being no public celebration, all hands can celebrate on theJr own hooks. Several legal gentlemen from Wil mington, who have been here for a day or so in connection with the bank of New Hanover county, left for their home today. Don't forget that the usual star premium of $50 in gold is offered for the best exhibit at our State Fair by a lady resident of North Carolina, with a second premium of 420. Mrs Wm M Brown, Sr, Mrs Lovie Young and Mrs Mary Redford re turned to the city yesterday after noon from a pleasant visit to relatives and friends in Chatham county. The shipments of truck from New Berne and vicinity amounted to $300, 000. This would look like the truck irg business is oce of immense profit in the eastern section of North Caro lina. Don't forget the barbecue and other nice thiDgs at McKimmon & , Moseley's old stand, Fayetteville j street, on the 4th of J uly. It will be a fine occasion to enjoy the "glorious fourth." Gov Carr seems to be perfectly happy when he meets his friends and can talk about the yeomanry of the country. The governor is wedded to the farming industry.and he knows a ; thing or two about it, and no mis- j take. ' Cards are out for the marriage of Judge E T Boykin, of the Supeiior Court, to Miss Ada, daughter of Mr and Mrs B F Rogers, of Concord Th -ceremony will be performed in All Saint's Episcopal church, Wednesday evening, July 12th, at 7 o'clock . We invite the special attention of ' the public to the advertisement of Miss Maggie Reese, announcing a' midsummer clearing sale. This is a splendid opportunity for our ladies and should not te overlooked. Don't fail to call at 114 Fayetteville street, j next to F A Watson's art store. I The North Carolina Antiquity so . ofety continue to receive relics from ' warfous parts of the State. A good nucleus will soon be on hand. There are no doubt many valuable things in the hands of our people which would prove of great Interest, and re of no particular value to the own sx, They should be forwarded. Conference at the Tabernacle. The regular monthly conference of th Baptist Tabernacle membership takes place tonight beginning at 8:15 o'clock. We are requested to urge all the male members of the church to be present as basiness of very great importance will be presented. Tvarnament. The fifth annuil convention and tournament of the North Carolina State Fireman Association wl'l be held in Wilmington oa the P6th, 27th and 28th of July. The prizes offered will be larger than ever before and the subjpcts coming before the cop vention will oe of the utmost impor tance to the firemen of the State. Let our Raleigh boys be on hand. From Trinity Sunday School, Durham. The following letter explains itself; Durham, N C, June 29th, 1893. Mr N B Broughton, Chairman, Ral elgh, N C: Dear 8ir and Bro: At the session of Trinity Sunday school, held on last Sundav morning, as secretary I was instructed by a unanimous vote to return to you and your committee our sincere and heartfe't thanks for your personal kindness and generous hospitality shown us while in your city. Rest assured it was appreciate ed and enjoyed to the fullest extent. The day will ever be remembered as one of the most pleasant and enjoy able ever spent on our annual excur sion. Very truly, Jas Gattis, Secretary. The BanK of New Hanover. Much interest was centered yesters day in the matter of an application for a receiver for the Bank of New Hanover, which was heard, at cham bers before Judge Conner in this city. The application was made by State Treasurer Tate, the act of Assembly requiring the State Treasurer to take such action in the case of failed banks. Application was resisted and argu ment was heard in the libray of the Supreme Court room commencing at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. At 8 o'clock the case was adjourned, Judge Connor stating that at 10 o'clock he would render an opinion at the office of Mr F H Busbee. The decision is that Mr James A Leak be appointed receiver for the bank of Wadesboro, and that the appointment of an ad ditional receiver for the Bank of New Hanover was denied "Tr Juaius Da vis retaining the position of receiver to which ho had heretofore been ap pointed. Phalanx Lodge, No 31, K P, will meet tonight at 8:30 o'clock. Regular election of officers. Prompt attend ance requested. A fine street lamp has been put in front of the lodge room. ' OF Lumsdh n, O C. We hear that the electric plant at the Insane Asylum has been thor oughly examined, and pronounced a perfect success. It will prove a most valuable improvement to the iastitu- The cottoQ compresa is cL n- only occasional duty now. Three Cent Sale. Next Monday, July 8d, we will have a special sale of ladies straw hats at 3e each. These hats are lace straw and Milan straw and t.ra worth more money, but 3c buys them next Mon day at D T Swindell's. Lawns ale Cambric. We have one case of these cambrics which was sent to us from an auction and is well worth 20c a yard, but we are selling it at. half pric 10 cents a yard. It is in small bolts and you should get a bolt at least. See it. You will not to urged to buy it. Respectfully, D T Swindell. V JSTOTICE. Credit Department, W. H. & R 8. Tucker & Co., Raleigh, N. C, June 17, 1893. We are resolving our business to a c sh basis as rapidly as possible, and from and after July 1st we will re quire settlements on the first of every month foj all goods charged by us. (very respectiuuy, jSQ m W. H. 6 R. S.TUCKER & Co, For Rent. Four room cottage on North East street, near Oakwood avenue. Ap ply to P H Huqhks jef 9 tf Postal Telegraph Co. Just received a nloe lot of N O side meat. Also fresh butter, eggs and chickens for sale cheaD bv W H Roar ers, No 12 Exchange. je29 8t Thirty Cents for Fifteen Cents A lot of men's very fine balf hose, fancy stripe which we sold last season tor 30, 85 KLd 40 cents a pair we have put on a counter and are now selling them for 15 cents a pair, at DTSwladfU'e. A Big Table. All the remnants in our store has been measured and marked and placed on a table and are sold at half the former price. Many of these rem nants will make dresses for persona nearly grown. DT Swindell. Gauze Shirts for Children. We have a few hundred dozen nice gauze undershirts for children and in- fants. Children's size 10c. infants size 5o each. JD T Swindell. Another Lot of Shirts. This is a damaged lot of laundried shirts, soiled by dust, were BOo each we have marked them 20o each, at D T Swindell's. Two Jobs in Shirts. These are real solid values. One lot nice percile shirts, laundried, two collars and a pair of cuffs with each shirt marked down to 40c each, former price was $1.00. These are right at. the Fayetteville street door, at D T Swindell's. Important Notice, . Don't forget to ask for Willimns St King's Famous Toothache and "eu ralgia remedy when you are suffering from a decayed tooth or the neural gia We guarantee it to cure you in tw minutes by the watcn Don't have any other but ours. W - on't. ask you to take our word bu v.ry one U n cent bottle and be coiwlnoed. On vial sold will sell more jl Williams & King. , Pricec Talk. Ours have an emphatic ring that is convincing No argument is neces sary. In the shoos that settles it. The prettiest shoes in the market. C. A. Sherwood & Co. Straw Mattings. A special drive in heavy damask joiutless China mattings, worth $16 per roll now offered at $10 per roll. Also a very complete line of fancy China mattings ranging in price from 20 cents per yard and up. Lovely Japanese mattings in inlaid patterns, Japanese mattings " woven in the thread," &c, &c. W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co. Men's 25b h'd'k'fs 10c. Woollcott & Sons. Misses cloth shoes, 12 to 2's, worth $1 to $1 50, at 50c a pair. Woollcott & Sons. The best 10c black ribbed hose alt ways on hand at Woollcott & Sons. v : Good line of misses and ladies Ox ford Ties. Wollcott Sr. Sons. Pure Ice The Best aiulXheap . cut. The ice now being produced by the new Crystal ice factory and sold by Messrs Jones & Powell, is from dis tilled and reboiled pure water.is clear as crystal, solid and durable, and cheap enough for everybody to use it freely and have no fear that any dis ease germs remain in it. Cut Flowers, Bouquets, Floral designs, roses, coleus, palms end other plants for bedding culture. Celery, late cabbage and collard plants. H. Steinmetz, Florist. Telephone 118. ' jel2 For Rent. A neat six room cottage with kitchen and servants room on Hali fax street, next to capitol. Possession given at once. Apply to B. F. Montague, Guardian. Office over Com'l and Farm's Bank. jhe4 tf -. -v Fresh Vegetables. Collard plants for sale by the hun dreds or thousands. All kinds of fresh vegetables, in season, gathered every day, for sale by R. M. Utzman, Cor. Dawson and Jones Sts. may 15th tf . $500 in Installments Wanted. It can i be doubled in 12 months. Address. "Alexander." P. U. Kor 9.77. 1 Raleigh, W.O, mhiQeodtf Ties. Ask to- Pe f Fitt - ; Oxfor Tie Sizef- i ' At r '..id i- . lOv r tbaii lh. 'vhere. I?:)REIS' DP,: G3 J03 STORE ! V" . ' jHo btreet. IS;: MiSSIl IDA Wo ; p n h s , eci 1 a ttention to our M I H 1 1 "A . 1 F 1 NT.PAR ANTE CikJ.V 1DSUMMER ULEARANCE UALE OF- Trimmed MMinerv -AND ALL- Straw H);d , sli Hata&Ssps for children, Fancy Eibb-n at a big reduction. Stamped Linen, Hair Goods, Jewelry and Fancy Notions. ''... As we are to move again ia the fall we want to reduce the stock as much as possible- MISS MAGGIE REESE, my2 114 FAYETTEVILLE ST. Next to Fred A Watson's. Great Mark-Down Sale Before Stock Taking. The very things you want today are cheap est now. The entire stock new, clean, fresh, desirable, irade more attractive by inducements held out to close shoppers. Prices on all goods we wish to close have Deen "3cratcneaoir." we snow tne goods you make the prices. No one offers inducements equal to ours. Bdv bargains in dress goods, hosiery, un derwoar, t els, handkerchiefs, gloves, &c Big rfld'iv .'u) 5 in fancy oolored slippers and si low cut footwear. Clearing nut all Straw Hats. We have a big trade on trunks; big line to select irom anu at orawmg prices. Any kind you want Columbian trunks a specialty, G: A. SleriM i Co, Traders in Trunks for Travelers. iBs-iiira. FANS FANS FANS FA1SS FANS FANS FAN8 FANS FANS FANS Don't put your hands inyo"r pocket" and pull out Your hand kerchief, wipe off per spiration and whistle "Annie Laurie," and expect to keep cool these hot days. Much more practical to se lect a nice -F-iL-JSr- FANS FAS FANS FAN3 FA S3 FANS FANS FANS FANS FANS from oar newstocK and be happy. Fans Fans Fans Fans Fans There is nothing small about our stock of fans, except the price, and that is very low. By selecting now you secure the pick. BARGAINS SOMFBOBY THE LY0I1 RAGKET STORE. IJardware, &e Thlcrj When You See gj Baby Carriages. AT $ 5 06 WORTH f 800 8 60 10 50 1150 12 00 14 00 15 00 2100 22 50 23 60 23 (10 64 7 56 818 8 44 10 81 11 63 16 T6 1719 17 C6 18 17 THEY ARS IHIeywood's MAKE. .11 Ill RALEIGH, N. C. ene If you kre a citizen or strarser it will be to uur lvv ieat to a ive you' rooms neatly furnished. Nothing adds sr. nuch to the beauty of a residence as good, nice, substantia fur niture. For this cannot be beaten in this or anv other com munity, iney nave all the novelties in the business, such as Bureaus, ' French Beveled Looking Glass es, Willow and Kattan Chairs, Wardrobes, Mat tresses, &c. They have the finest, pret tiest and nob biest BABY CARRIAGES ever seen here. The NEW HOME Sewing Machine a specialty. Also MAtiHINE Needles rnd Oil. Be sides, the firm will keep you cool by nice gifts of Fans and Caps. REMEMBER THE PLACE Excliange Planet Soutbside M'rfe't Dry Goodg, Stations, &c. OHEAPGOODS. TUCKER'S STORE. .'n order to clear stocks, manv of the fol lowing eoods are to be sold at less than half price. These goos will be found on special tables a- d will make the principal clearing sale of the season. AT- 2r O A line of Summer Siiks, reduced to 25c per yard OCC At assorted line rf double width iO worsted Dress Goods, many of them all wool. All at 25c per yard i AC A line of printed Summer Cotton 1 V less Goods, worth 15c.reduced to lOcvd. I SI A ..P ti:.l. TV n'.t..J i-tj luu ogress uinuams. O worth 10c reduced to Fc a yard. 1 10 inG 50 atteens reaucea t 10c. m-4C Extra good Bleaching.yard wide,Go 25 C -Splendid Red Table Damask. 18 C Table Oil Cloth, reduced from 35c. Ql-2 Good Crash Toweling. Tliomas & lnell gC Good all Linen Damask Towels. fC White Checked Nainsook, worth 7io A table of Wbite Goods, ranging in rrica from 5o up. splendid values. The largest and best stock of shoes in North Carolina. Everybody is asked to come and see us. W H & S TUCKER & CQ - I .T

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