Cl)c Dad vtmn VOL. XXIX. RALEIGH, WEDNESDAY, JULY 1'). 1893. NO. 73 C1ITY IN BIIIEF. Mies Laura White has retorned from trip to New Berne. The north bound fast train was again an hoar behind this morning. We are glad to ee Mr A Daghl well enough to be at bis place of business. 1 Rev Dr Yates, of Pnrhmn, is spend log his summer vacation iu Wilming ton. , Mips Nola Uzzell it spending a few days in the country with Miss Mary Yancy. Mr A Daghi filled an order for ice ereaiu. dec, for a reception at More head City tonight. Mrs Rosa Mills and Master Jimmie Mills, of Durham, are in the city vis iting relatives and friends. We are informed by Mr A L Ferrell city health officer, that scarlet fever exists in only one family in the city. Give as a report on the station house, gentlemen of the committee. The folks expect it. We will print it in short order. Regular meetiDg Junior O U A M., tonight at 8:30 o'clock. Every mem ber requested to be present. Busi ness of importance to be transacted. The "oldest inhabitant" fails to re member a time bo early in the season, when there were so many water melons and cantaloupes offered for saleas now. Members of rhe Degree of Rebekah are request 1 meet in their hall on Thursday, Jit y 20th at 2 o'clock sharp. fc MMA J Williams, Rec. Sec'y. We have received a copy of "The Plaindealer," a monthly journal de voted to the interests of the wine, beer and liquor trade. It is an eight page journal, well gotten up. It is very much in order now for everybody who knows anything about finances to come forward with their views Congress will soon be upon us, and they will want all the advice they can get. "Rhamkatte" is full of it, so let it slide. We hope by the fall the street car company may find it convenient to extend its line to the Union depot. It would be a great convenience to the public and we think a source of reve nue to the company. Let us hope that the lines may receive such pat ronage this summer as to justify the extension. Arrested. Yesterday afternoon Sheriff Page arrested in Swift Creek township a young man named Henry Macon who recently made his escape from jail in Fayetteville. He was brought to this city and incarcerated in jail awaiting the arrival of officers from Cumber- , land county, who were expected to day. Mr Macon was a former Ral eigh boy and bis friends are much mortified at bis misfortune. The Weather. For North Carolina: Local showers j followed by fair Thursday slightly i cooler Thursday am. J Local forecast for Raleigh and vi- ' oinity : On Thursday: Cloudy cooler weath er, north to northeast winds, occa sional light sprinkles. Local data for 84 hours ending at 8 a m. today: Maximum temperature. 04 mim mum temperature 73; rainfall Trace. Death of Mrs. Pittlnger, a telegram was received this morn ing conveying the sad intelligence of the death of Mrs I McK Pittinger, wife of the rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd. This sad news will be received with the deepest sorrow by the many friends in this city to to whom she had endeared herself by her mauy estimable qualities. The funeral services will be held at Glen Cove, Long Island at five p m tomor row at. which hour servW will also be hell lu the Church of the G d htieoherd. A meeting of the ves'ry will be held at conclusion of the eer l099. Directors. Messrs N Y Gulley, H 0 Kearney, J A Thomas, B W Ballard and John H Williamson have been appointed as directors of the new state normal school at Franklinton. Crop Reports. The reports of correspondents of the weekly crop bulletin for the week endiDg Monday, 17th inst, show that the weather has been very warm and dry, rnd in many cases drought pre vails The rainfall has been badiy distributed and nowhere to the nor mal of 1.39 inches. Not True. A rumor has gained circulation that scarlet fever prevails in the neigh borhood of Brookside Park. We are authorized, after diligent enquiry, to state that there is no foundation whatever in the report. There is not only no scarlet fever in the vicinity, but no unusual sickness. This can be relied upon. The Berkley News says : Mr W M Brown, who has been visiting relax tives her- for several days, left 8at urd for his home in Raleigh, N C. His ife will remain several weeks and is now visiting her sister, Mrs Culpepper, at DeeD Creek, Norfolk county. Dress Goods. We keep all the new things to be had in ladies dress goods, bcth for eign and American productions And as we buy these goods direct from im porters and pay cash for all goods, we get them at the lowest possible price, and we endeavor to sell to our cus tomers at a smaller price than any other house in the dry goods business. D T Swindell, Raleigh, NO. Jnst received, N C Bacon, English shoulders, Bologna sausage and Acme flour. O W Young. Fresh bananas, oranges and lemons at ADughi's Shoes and Shoes. We make a specialty of two brands of shoes which we know from ten years' experience with them The celebrated L M Reynold's shoes for men and Bering's fine shoes for la dies These two brands we guaran tee. We carry a, large stock of shoes beside these two brands possibly the largest shoe stock in Raleigh can be seen at Swindell's. To the Public. I am sorry that some of my custo mers have been disappointed on ac of my sickness I am glad to an uounce that I am out again ready to attend to all wants I return thanks for the forbearance of my friends. A Dughi. Carpets. When a carpet is to be bought,that means right much money; bat if you use the good sense, which it is your privilege to use. you can buy a good carpet from D T Swindell's and save several dollars. Moquit carpet, vel vet carpet, Brussels carpet, ingrain carpet, 3 ply carpet. D T Swindell, Raleigh, NO. Blarkberry wine 85o a quart for medical purposes. Refer to your phy sicians. A Dughi. -Millinery.:. Your milliner can either make or mar you. You, like the balance of as. go in for beauty. It is wonderful how our milliner can help even a homely woman much less you. Especial attention is paid to the millinery feature of our business. DT Swindell, Raleigh, N 0. Dress Trimmings. Nothing completely furnishes a dress as the new and fashionable trimmings used. Hence, we make it a point to be right up to date in our trimming department. Our agents send us the new things as quickly as they make their appearance from across the ocean. D T Swindell, Raleigh, NO. KOTIGE. Orrdit Dep&rtmrnt, W H. & R S. Tuckew & Co., RALBIGH, N. 0 , June 17, 1893. We ere resolving our business to a csh basis as rapidly as possible, and from and after July 1st we will re quire settlements on the first of every ) month foi all goods charged by us. Very repectfully, 80 m W.H.B.b.Tuokkr&Co. i For Kent. Four room cottage on North East street, near Oakwood avenue. Ap ply to P H Hcohks, je?9 tf Postal Telegraph Co. For Ileut. Three room house, good garden. L D Womble. FOR HKVT Nine room house, front and back vestibule, qnal ro another full size room. uiaHpfr P altogether, good re pair and good terms. Ji D Womble. FOR HKST. Three room house good garden. L D Womble. FOR HKNT. Nine toom house, one block east of capitol. jy6 tf L D Womble. For Rent. A neat six room cottage with kitchen and servants room on Hali fax street, next to capitol. Possession given at once. AppU to B F M iNTAGUtc, Guardian. Offine over Oom'l and Farm's Bank. jne4 tf The best 10c ladies ribbed vest at I Rosenthal's. Clearing sale of ladles', misses and children's straw hats at half vaiae. I Rosenthal. Fruit jars at $1 per dozen for quart size and $1.25 a doz for half gallons. Woollcott & Sons. Important Notice. Don't forget to ask for Williams & King's Famous Toothache and Neu ralgia remedy when you are suffering from a decayed tooth or the neural gia We guarantee it to cure you in two minutes' by the watch. Don't have any other but ours. We won't ask you to take our word but try one ten cent bottle and be convinced. On vial sold will sell more, jl Williams & King. Stock of dry goods will be sold at a great sacrifice in order to make room for fall purchases I Rosenthal. Pare Ice The Best and Cheap vt. . The ice now being produced by the new Crystal ice factory and sold by Messrs Jones & Powell, is from dis tilled and reboiled pure water. is clear as crystal, solid and durable, and cheap enough for everybody to use it freely and have no fear that any dis ease germs remain in it. Cut Flowers, Bouquets, Floral designs, roses, coleus, palms end other plants for bedding culture. Celery, late cabbage and collard plants. H. 8teinmbtz, Florist. Telephone 118. jel2 $500 in Installments Wanted. It can be doubled in 12 months. Address, "Alexander," P. U. Box 277, Raleigh, N O. mhl6 eodtf Ladles and Children's Hosiery. Children's plain and ribbed black hose at 10c, children's heavy ribbed black hose at 15c and25o, ladies black hose 10c and 15c, complete lines of lax dies black hose 2o, 35c and up. We are now making special sale of la dies and children's hose at about half value. These at about half price are lines which we wish to clear the stock of before fall business opens. They have been taken from the shelves and are open uron the hosiery coun ter and all marked in plain figures. As to quality, the hose are far better at the price than regular goods, but the lines of sizes are broken and we wish to clear them out. W. H. & R. 8. Tuckbr 4 Co. Ladies Oxford Ties at 50c I Rosenthal. Printed lawns and challies at 4c yd at I Rosenthal's. Parasols, fans and belts at cost. ju7 I Rosenthal. Our line of summer dress goods is still quite complete and the prices have been marked down on most of them. Woollcott & Sons. Our $2 and $2.50 line of ladies shoes are good ones. j Woollcott & Sons. ; Prices TalK. Our prices mute.eloquently stlept, impress, gratify and satisfy, Sales made. Customer happy. Argument j unnecessary. AH others discounted. The run this week is on all kinds of knit underwear. Come in and price i thorn. C A Sherwood & Co. I R 4c G Oorsets at special low price at X Roeeotk&ri. Special -:- Notices. SO 0 Ladies Hlinpers. 35 75 -9 Had 4 i educed to .... SI , Todies'.. . .. SHpiwrs Rtduced to ... 75: Mi age SO Oxford Ties Reduced to 25 Fist. Black I HO 15 .Hosiery ... Reduced to Great reductions made on all kinds of Dry Goods, Notions. Shoes, Trunks, Sis Examine our prices befr.- ui iking you pur chases. KOREIS' i DRY GOODS STORE 21:t F' 'fevjMe street. We invite special attention to our MIDSUMMER IDSUMMER CLEARANCE CI ALE LEARANCE OALE -OF- Trimmed Millinery AND ALL Straw Goods, Muslia Hats Caps for children, Fancy Ribbon at a big reduction. Stamped Linen, Hair Goods, Jewelry and Fancy Notions. As we are to move again id the fall we want to reluce the stock as much as possible- MISS MAGGIE REESF, my2 114 PA.YETTEVILLE ST. Next to Frei A Watson''. DOWN THEY CO. . In clearing out our entire stock of Sum mer Ho-iery Underwear, we make prices both beneficial and satisfactory to such as are in need of these light weight textnres. We have what we advertise and in plenty. Vo tricks to beguil" , nor smiles to deceive. Infant's ?ilk Ribbed Vests-Sizes 1. 2. 3, 4, 5 and 6; cheap at 50c; our O r c price Z t) Children's Fine Summer Vests Sizes 20, 22. 24, 26, 28 and 30. Our nrc price was 40c; now onlv Boys' Gauze Shirt" 28, 30, 32 and 34. We "old them for 40c; now 0c offer them at - uJ Ladies Silk Jwa Bodies Sizes 2, 3 and 4 evtra s i ility' good value at $1, fan tie ha'l now for -J IniiUmer '-W fine Uiuze Vest for ladies i l,HH'iMfnl assortments, with long sleeves, f hort sleeves, or no sleeves, hiuli or lowneck, square or V out Gents Gauze a"d Balbriggan Under wear at prievs that discount all others. Onr aim is not to catch your eye with an 8 and 10c knit shirts, and we bave the best on the market, but to brine fine goods to your notice at reasonable prices. We niase a apecialty of goo'' medium priced goods for which there is always a ready demand, at same time we must admit there is very little money in them unless we are kept very busy. Gr A. Suerwoni & Cn. SUMMER GOODS U M M E -R India Lawns, Victoria I awns, Dotted Swiss, Colored Lawns from 4c to 12c. . Laces and Embroideries Mos quito Net, 8crim"y Curtain Net, and Lace Curtains, Low Cut Shoes and Slippers. c o o D S Bird Cages, Milk Coolers and Fly Fans, Hammocks and Has socks. We present to each purchaser of $1 the story of Columbus, a 25c book. And to each mircha- 8r of f 5 the Lonrton Yale Tide, a 50 cent book, together with a hand&ome picture. THE LfOil RAGKET STORE. IS HIE Hardware. &c. DO You Know a Gcrd Thing Whea You See jfj Baby Carriages. AT $ 5 06 " 5 94 7 58 8 18 " 8 44 " 10 81 11 63 " 16 06 17 19 17 56 18 17 WORTH $ 800 8 50 10 50 11 50 12 00 14 00 15 00 21 IK) 22 50 23 60 25 00 it THEY ARE tffleywood's MAKE Tlios. H.Briggs&Son,s, RALEIGH, N.C. ee IHIeire. If you hre a citizen or stranger it wi!l b to your interest to h ive your rooms neatly furnished. Nothing adds so n uoli to the beauty of a residence as good, nice, substnntil fur niture. For this 1 11 cannot be beaten in this or an" other com- uiumiy. iney nave an the novelties in the business, such as Buieaus, French Beveled Looking Glass es, Willow and Rattan Chairs, Wardrobes, Mat- Aa tresses, &c. They have " the finest, pret tiest and nob biest BABY CARRIAGES ever seen here. The NEW HOME Sewing Machine a specialty. Also MAuHINE Needles rnd Oil. Resides, the firm will keep you cool bv ni-.e gifts of Fans and Caps. REMEMBER THE PLACE ExchangePIae. Southside M'rk't Dry Gondii, Notion. . THIS H TBAVBLBRS Ladies who intend going from home this summer are reminded that we have an in teresting collection of light weight outer gar ments particularly adapted for travelers. ETOIV andB,ftZer Suite in Q L Q 'avy, Green and TAN 5Jtorm 8ere' Washable Bon Suits BROWN HOLLAND, WHITE DUCK, AND DUCK AND CANVAS. LADIES' CAPES, of the latest Paris and London styles Tnomas taw VMI.f R S. TUrRERiGQ mwaFayetteyiUefltretf,