'Z n ill VOL. XXIX. RALEIGH, WEDNESDAY, JULY 26. 18i3. NO. 79 I HTY IN BRIEF. Gardens suffering. Attend to yoar dog tax. Mr Caleb Osborne, of Oxford, waa la the city yesterday afternoon. Clement Manly. Evq, of New Berne, Is In the city. Go to the parks tonig'it and enjoy a refreshing bath. Cool mornings and nights are anx loufly looked for. See ottlc of W D Haywood, Jus tice of the Peace. Mr B H Woo.leH and family left this thin evening for Greensboro for their f otare home. Capt Swift Galloway, of Snow Hill, will lecture in behalf of the Keeley cure. Adjutant General Cameron is busily engaged fixing for the encampment next month, at Charlotte. The annual meeting of the N 0 Horticultural Society will be held at Southern Pines, Auarust 3d Of the 2 per cent dividend recently declared by the Atlantic and North Carolina railroad company, $26,500 goes into the State Treasury.; It will not be very long now before the merry langh of the school girls will again be heard in our midst. They are badly missed. The Masonic picnic for the benefit of the OxfoH Orphan Home, will be held at. Mmksvllle, Davie county, on the 10th f August. Mr W M Brown, propiietor of Jthe Visitor, who has been confined to his room for several days from sick ness has so far recovered as to be at his place of .business today. IS J B Weaver, the Third party can didate for piesident last year will speak at Lilesville, August 6th and at Teachey's Duplin county, August 7th. V The Governor has appointed Gol onels J G Hall and 0 A ( elley, com missioners on behalf of the State to as sist in locating the position of the North Carolina troops at Chica mauga. The appointments are made in conformity with the National law of 1890. The N 0 Tobacco Association will leave Greensboro in a body for the World's Fair August 16th. They will have a Bpecial train of five Pullman ears and will run through without change to Chicago, arriving in time for North Carolina day on the 18th of August. We are under obligations to Mr B M Utzman for a box of nice tomatoes raised in his garden, corner Jones & Dawson streets. They were exceed ingly fine. Mr Utzman keeps on hand at all times fresh vegetables gethered every morning. We know that it is between the two seasons, but our merchants still have much stock to run off. This can be done to the greatest advantage by letting the public know it through Thb Visitob. If you have anything to sell we can dispose of it for yon Ask those who have tried it. Yesterday morning the railroad com mission bad under consideration the matter of the Wilmington, Onslow and Eastern Carolina railway and the Atlantic and North Carolina railway. The issues involve the right of the first pamed road to certain privileges as to right of way in the town of New Berne. It was decided by both cor porations to accept the decision of the commission . The Funeral of Bev. F. L. Bash The funeral of the Rev F.L Bush, who died in this city yesterday, the 85th Inst, will be held from the Church of the Good Shepherd tomorrow (Thursday) morning at 9 o'clock. Friends and acquaintances are invi ted to attend 'faring sale of ladies', misses and children's straw hats at half value. I Rosenthal. I The Big Day o f the season. In the past those who participated in the excursion and picnic given by the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Worklngmen's Relief Association, have been more than satisfied, but In the sixth annual excursion which leaves here on Thursday July 27th those who go will be delighted. Everything has been perfected for a grand day of pleasure, music brass and string and vocal will enliven the ride to Littleton and all day long upon the grounds. This is the only excursion for wh'te persons only that, will leave Raleigh this season. It will be a whole day of recreation, pleasure, enjoyment and health re viving Influences for the ground well fitted up are at All Healing 8prings. The traiu leaves Johnson street cross ing promptly at 6:45 in the morning and returns at 8:30 so every one can go and carry their wives and little ones. Baskets labeled will be taken in charge of and carefully oared for. The committee in charge of this ex oursion are prepared to guarantee a whole day of excellent enjoyment. Don't forget the day and time of leavi'ig. Resolutions ot Respect. The choir of Edenton Street M E Church adopted the following resolu tions of respect upon the death of Mr Hunter L Harris, who was recently drowned in Little river near Dann, NC. Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God in His Divine Wisdom to take un to Himself our dear brother Hunter L Hvrls;.and Whereas, It was always bis ens' torn, when in the city, to jon us in singing the songs of praise and thanksgiving to our God, therefore be it Resolved, That in the death of Mr Harris we feel very keenly the loss of a useful and willing worker in Christ's vineyard, and who so nobly exempli fied the many types of Christian manhood, and that by the use of his voice he won the admiration and es teem of all whose pleasure it was to hear him sing. Resolved, That we extend to the bereaved mother and brothers our heartfelt sympathy in this house of darkness and sorrow, praying the Father to bestow upon them that resignation and comfort which alone comes from God; and help them to say that. ''The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord." Resolved, That a copy of these res olutions be sent to the family of the deceased, and that copies be furnish ed The Christian Advocate and city papers for publication. A Florida man has a fondness for alligators aDd is said to have lived on nothing but the meat of saurians for over three years. A Texas girl, fifteen years old, pro poses to walk to the World's Fair if she can get. another girl to compete with her. The 50o Oxford Ties have arrivedl Come at or ce if you want any. Al sizes 2i to 8 today. OA Sherwood & Co. Large lot fruit jars, at Woollcott & Sons. If you need a pair of good shoes of any kind come and see our stock. We carry a large stock of shoes, in fact make it a specialty, and our prices are correct. Woollcott St Sons. We receive today a large case of towels and are going to sell them off at 30c a dozen until they are all gone. Just think only ?io a pair. Lost. On Tuesday, July 25, a bunch con taining three keys. The person find ing the same will please deliver to Mr Jenkins at the postofflce. R & G Corsets at special low price at I Rosenthal's, ' Ifciin iiii'-i 'i l' in ii ft" ' iif' -V rl h i r i rtnJ ii J h r ' 4 W fi ri r ii' 1i' --ri" ' r ' i'i - 'i J r' ' i T n ii'Lir"','i j For Rent. 1 Four room cottage on North East ' street, nar Oak wood arena. Ap ph to P H Hcqhks je J9 t f Postal Telegraph Co. At 9! AtfH! At!)!!! If you were jrointr to be bung at 9 It. would be qul'e differeut, lut not so. Instead o b-in r hum? at 9oucan co io Swindell's store and buy IrN' Lawns at 9c a vad hen the goods ir 'c the world over D T 8wlolell. We WHI l- tct and Defend Y'Hi. It. In mooiI t iav, a frlfid :n the time of nei1. friud indeed are we toflav ti1 oiDirrfw-w are selling Irish L rs nr. Pi h yard. Most beau tiful putfm mi nd not doubt the iioods t: . ve HH'jvpri and you can see them D T Swindell. Drivo in CueueiMfl Table Covers We hive just placed on sale, at our FwflHevillA street door, a limited number of extra qnality six quarter ChfiiHlIe Table Covers, with knotted fringe at the verv low price of $1 00 each. As the quantity Is limited we would suggest an early call W. H. & K 9 TOCKKR & Co. Now llr. "he case of Irish Lawns are her and were put on sale this morning at, 9c a yard These goods are lie per yrd elsewhere, and no one can sell them for 9o but us D T Swindell. How Rich How Poor. There is not a family in the city of Raleigh who can afford to let this op nortuuity go by, the rich are too bmart and clear sighted; the poor if they understand it will not let the opportunity pass Irish Lawus at 9c a yard is something entirely unheard of before. Nine cents buys it now, at D T 8windell'8. For Rent. A neat six room cottage with kitchen and servants room on Hali fax street, next to capital. Possession given at once. Apply to B. F. Montague, Guardian. Office over Com'l and Farm's Bank, jnel tf Important Notice, Don't forget to ask for Williams & King's Famous Toothache and Neu ralgia remedy when you are suffering from a decayed tooth or the neural gia We guarantee It to cure you in two minutes by the watch. Don't have any other but ours. We won't ask you to take our word but try one ten cent bottle and be convinced. One vial sold will sell more, jl Williams & King. Stock of dry goods will be sold at a great sacrifice in order to make room for fall purchases I Rosenthal. . Pare Ice The Best and. Cheap est. The ice now being produo d by the new Crystal ice factory and sold by Moauro Jones St Powell. Is from (lis tilled and reboiled pure water. is clear a a 1 1 as crystal, soua ana auraoie, ana cheap enough for everybody to ubo it freelv and have no fear that any dis ease germs remain in it. The best 10c ladies ribbed vest at I Rosenthal's. Cut Flowers, Bouquets, Floral designs, roses, coleus, palms end other plants for bedding culture. Celery, late cabbage and collard plants. H. Stbinmktz, Florist Telephone 113. j12 $500 In Installments Wanted. It can be doubled in 13 months. Address, "Alexander," P. o. Box 277, Raleigh, N. C. mhl6 eodtf Ladies Oxford Ties at 50c I Rosenthal. Printed lawns and challies at 4o yd at l Rosenthal's. Parasols, fans and belts at cost. ja7 1 Rosenthal. Lost. An account book bearing the name of J AH and W H Cole on back. Finder will be suitably rewarded by returning it or leaving same at the Btore of Grausman & Rosenthal. july24-8t Lady, Lady, Lend Me Your Ear! We have a case of Irish Lawns r o sale this week at 9c a yard. Beautiful white eround. small neat figure of brown, blue, pink, &c. Remember this is no bauble, as you pay 15o a yard for same elsewhere. We sell this one case at 9c UTbwlrdell. " v 1 - 1 i" ' i'i ? ' i"" i " 1 '"y l,' . l. - Lii. - - lT. - . - - Special -:- Notices. SO SI ? Ladies Sllnpers. 1 nd 4 - ........ i educed to.... Ladle' . Miipj. p 3S 75 C ...Ittdiicl to .., Misses Oxford Ties .... .. R-tuc-d to..., .. Fist Buck ... ...Hosiery ..Reduced to ... 75: SO 25! S C Great re-lu.'tions made on nil kill 'h of Dry G od, Notion Shoes, Trunks, Ata Kx mine our prices l-f r. nuking you pur- DRY GOODS STORE 218 V "Itaville street s We in vite special attention to our MIDSUMMER CLEARANCE C 1 AI Midsummer Clearance ijale -OE- Trimmed Millinery -AND ALL- Straw Goods, Muslin Hats & Caps for children, Fancy Ribbon at a big reduct'nn. 8tmped Linen, Hair Goo Is, I-iWolry and Fancy Not'ons. As we ar 1 ' -t want t '! iu,2 IUFA.YETTEVILLBST. ; Next to Frei A Watson'-. DOWN THEY CO. In clearing out. our entire stock of Sum mer Hosiery Underwear, we make prices both beneficial and satisfactory to such as are in need of these light, weight textured. We have what we advertise and in plenty. No tricks to beguil, nor smiles to deceive. Infant's Silk Ribbed Vests-Sizes 1, 2. 3, 4, 5 and 6; cheap at 50c; our f) r c price Children's Fine 8ummer Vests Size" 20, 22, 24, 26, 28 and 30. Our ore price was 40c; now only ItO Boys' Gauze Shirts 28, 30, 32 and 34. We old them for 40c; now Ofjc offer them at o Ladies Silk Jersey Bodies Sizes 2, 3 and 4, ettra quality' good value rTCc at 1, can be had now for I O InLumer ble fine Gauze Vest for ladis in Vavitiful assortments, with Ioiik sl"eves. short sleeves, or no sleeve s.hisb or lowneck, square or V cut Gents Gauze aod Balbriggan Under wear at prices that discount all others. Onr aim is not to catch your eye with an 8 and 10c knit shirts, aud we have the best , on the market, but to briny: fine goods to : your notice at reasonable prices. We mate which there is always a ready demand, at i i same time we muse anmit mere is very uttie . i i , i . money m mem unless we are Kept very Dusy. I am Bound for the Oueapost Store lu Jialeign. THE LYON RACKET 8TORE, Headquarters for Low prices, Summer Millinery, nov elties in 3ats and Bonnets and all sorts of fancy shapes and colors, which we are offering at prices to suit the hard times Also a full line of Baby Caps and Mull Hats, men's and boy's straw Hats at a price to suit you. Just received a new line of ladies Slippers from 7o to 1.74 Men's low cut Shoes $1 .37 worth $2 any where. Lawns 4c, Lawns 10c, wortH 16c Prints 5c, India Linen 9a, Mosquito Net, all solors, 5o large Towels 10c, Napkins and Table Linens, Ham mocks. Hassocks 68c to f l.Bird Cages from 74o to 94e. THE LYOII RAGKET STORE. i. - id ,i i i . ..Lu.x-H-iUi .iil.iiiUIwiiwiii mil i ' r" n r. -'nil jl,.liLi- 1 MIS HIE HBESB D. A. StiRrwnnfl & Rn loauantStopule! Hardware. Ate. We want The Floor Space and BVFHY B&BY CABRIA&B Now Marked At Cost--for Cash Only. $ 5.90 $ 6.C5 $ G 45 $ 6.54 6 75 8.25 9 30 12.86 13 75 21 15 .MI Hi RALEIGH, N.C. If you hre a citizen or stranger it will be to your interest to h ive your rooms neatly furnished Nothing adds so much to the beauty of a residence as good, nice, substantial fur niture. For this cannot be beaten in this or anv other com munity. They have all the novelties in the business, such as Buieaus, French Beveled Looking Glass es, Willow and Rattan Chairs, Wardrobes, Mat-i tresses, &c. They have the finest, pret tiest and nob biest BABY CARRIAGES ever seen here. The NEW HOME Sewing uuiiuuiiiea epeciauy. A1ST JM VUrUN Ji Needles r nd Oil. Besides, the firm will keep you cool bv nit gifts of Fans and Caps. REMEMBER THE PLACE Excbange Place, Southside M'rk't Dry Goods, Notions, &e. ETON SUITS AT A SMALL COST. Young ladies will require an Eton Suit, whether thev travel or remain at home this summer. We have four styles of WASHABLE ETON SUITS AND ALL AT VERY MODERATE PRICES. 17 ll.-R S TUrRERt CQ 123 and 135 Fayetteville street. .: i-amiBw los IK

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