Visitor VOL. XXIX. RALEIGH, SATURDAY, JULY 29. 1893. NO. 82 CITY IN Ufliet'. Beaatlf al moonlight nights. The governor will take la the Chit ego (air next month 8pleodld nlirhts for a ride to Brook ide or fallen Prk The lining pool at Pullen park it now at its fall lilht. The usual crowd of eountry people were lu the ally today The department were barren of newt oUy. Durham still calls for a government building It should have it. The marriage license business is at a slow state iu Wake county. Good roads and a good dollar is what the people want Let them have it, and all will be right. Oapt W H Green, General manager of the B & D, system, is on a tour of inspection over the lines. The cooperation of the bank at Lumberton renamed business last week. Mrs W W Va8, little daughter and Miss L'slie Daniel have returned from Saratoga Springs. Seven convicts were brought from Cumberland county yesterday after noon. Master Chas W. Scales, of New York, is on a visit to his aant, Mrs. J. M. Waters, of this city. We invite attention to the adver tisement of R F Vontague.mortgagee, advertises s ii" f Ian. Latest disp aches state that the condition of Mr Geo H Snow is not so favorable. The outlook for our colleges and schools is first rate. There is no bet ter locality than Raleigh in all re. spects. ' . Attention is directed to the adver tisement of the Lyon Backet Store whth l offering great reduction in prices of every line. Call and see for yourselves. The popularity of Tomer's N C AU nianao may be judged from the fact that the publisher Mr J as. H Eoniss, of this city, is already receiving or ders for almanacs for the year 1894. Bev J J Barker will preach at Gen tral M E church tomorrow morning at 11 a m. and Prof Crowell at 8:15 p m. The public 'are cordially invited to attend these services. . There is a hitch in the affairs of the management of Pullen Park. It should not be so. The park is in tended for the benefit of the public and should be conducted on that principle. The county of Mecklenburg has an; der consideration the building of a ouoty"asylnm for the Insane. Such a course will have to be pursued by many of the counties if we are to take care of al! the insane in the state Mr J B Powell, formerly of the Old Dominion Stables of Salem Va., has connected himself with Blake's sta bles in this city. He is a gentleman of the highest character both per tp'nknf fcnd lo a business part Of view. and we Despeaa ior mm a moot, hu- eral patronage The trreat northwest exd the south west are evidently demoralized on the currency question. To us of the south it Bounds extremely funny to hear the bitterest foes we had in the unpleas antness of 80 years ago, threatening winlnnAe and sesesslon as to the North f : n.nav Til nflllHrta TVA rn oiaveo iivF.. r-v--y -dabble not-that is the calling of nrofeasional politicians -but we hear men who hurled bullets at the South itow proclaiming a willingness and a determination to blot out tnat same Xiortn we hold upon hands in wonder and amezement. Some of us ber abouts have yet a vivid recollection of drums and gnus nd the soandB thereof still fiug in oar ears. Now if these people will 88 paper w r at the ballot box,.we are entirely voiun t,M (or the fight. Dr. Hall's Farewell Sermon. Bev J J Hall will preach his fare well sermon at 11 o'clock, a in, tomor row morning in the Baptist Tabert naole. He will also baptize and hold service at nls ht at 8:15 p m. Our Roads. There is no better time thao now to look after the condition of our roads Superintendent McMackln has done bis duty nobly, but, there is still much to do. and be will have his hands full from now out. We com mend him for his efforts, bat hope he will continue to carry on the good work. Received, Collector White informed us this morning that he had received notifi cation of the request to send in his resignation. He will, of course, com ply. lie does not know when the new appointment will be made bat expects It soon. His matters are all right and ready for delivery at any time. Important. Major Telfair, the governor's prii vate secretary, is engaged today in sebding out circulars to the clerks of the Superior courts of the different counties, asking them to send in at once the names of all persons in their respective couuties, appointed as Justice of the Peace by the General Assembly, and who have failed to qualify, so that their places can be filled by executive appointment. This is a most important matter and should be promptly attended to. Dr J J Mott, of Statesville, is in the city. Fis visit has no political signi ficance as he is here in connection with the August races Go to Mann's for new mackerels and new river mullets. Every kind of smoked meat can be found at Mann's. W B Minn . sells all the best brands of flour sold on this market. : , You can get nice butter and cheese at Mann's. Are You Going to Chicago ? If you are going o Chicago and you should go, then you will have little need of going outside of our store to bay those articles that a trav eler will require. We have provided for every man or woman. It doe s not matter what you want we can come nearer furnishing every article of personal comfort or need than any bouse in North Carolina W H & R S i ucker & Co. Sunday Cigars Shou'd be purchased this afternoon and tonight at J Hal Bobbltt's. The Saboroso. Figaro and Gilt Edge are the LBADBB8 sold in Raleigh, Also a line of Key West and imported cigars. Parasols; fans and belts at cost, ju? I Rosenthal. 4 - Chipped Beef 2 o pound, at 0 0 Ball & Uo's, 129 Fayetteville street. jy28 3t ; New Cream Cheese 17io pound, at C O Ball & Co's, 129 Fayetteville St. jy28 t Remnants of Caraleigh Ging hams. - .-"-J Yesterday we bought the entire lot nn Yn a.t n. nrlfifi. and todav 6c is our price for So goods. Do you want any r This win not last long. , C A 8HKRWOOD & Co. ' If you need a pair of good shoes of any kind com and see our stock We carry a large stock of shoes, in fact make it a specialty, and our prices are correct. ,. Woollcott & Sons. We receive today a large case of towels and are going to sell them off at 80c a dozen until they are all gone. Jast think only Sie a piece, i Woollcott & Sons. R & G Corsets at , special low price at 1 '" i Rosenthal's. Clearing sale of ladles', misses and children's straw hats at half value. I Rosenthal. $500 in Installments Wanted. It can be doubled in 12 months. Address, "Alexander," P. V. Box 277, Raleigh, W. 0. mhl6 eodtf Wanted. Ladles to do writing at home: will pay 1 18.00 to $30.00 per weekisend self addressed stamped envelope for reply. Address, Una. right, Misbawaka, Ind. , jy27St Large lot fruit j irs, at Woollcott & Sons Fresh Roasted Paauut Kc quart, at C. O Ball St Co's, 129 Fayetteville St. j .-28 it An a flatter of Good 8ene. J mt new we are preparing our store for the receuHon of a large and varied s'ock f will ut la the largest and moet desirable etoo we ever brought to Raleigh, aud we have instructed all clerks to sell summer goods at wholesale cosr, (except the Irish lawns at 9c ) D T Swindell. Combined We- have formed a combination with a Scotch syndicate and "ill han dle goods in large quantities this fall. Will have stores in Tennessee, Vir ginia and Raleigh, N C. Now we want all the room possible, and have in Btraoted clerks to seU goods from now on at about cost. D T Swindell For Rent. Four room cottage on North East Btreet, near Oak wood avenue. Ap ply to P H Hughks. je?9 tf Postal Telegraph Co At 9! At 9'.! At!)!!! If you were going to be hung at 9 It would be quite different, but not so, instead ot being hung at 9 you can go to Swindell's store and buy Irish Lawns at 93 a yard when the goods are 15c the world over. D T Swindell. We Will Protect aud Defend You. It is good to have a friend in the time of need. A friend indeed are we today and tomorrow we are selling Irish Lawns at 9o a yard. Most beau tiful patterns You need not doubt the goods have arrived and you can see them. D T Swindell. Drive in CheneiHe Table Covers We have just placnd on sale, at our Fayetteville street door, a limited number of extra quality six quarter CheneiHe Table Covers, with knotted fringe at the very low price of $1.00 each. As the quantity is limited we would suggest an early call. W. H. & R 8. Tucker & Co. For Rent. A neat six room cottage with kitchen and servants room on Hali fax street, next to capital. Possession given at once. Apply to B. F. Montagus. Guardian. Office over Com'l and Farm's Bank. jne4 tf Important Notice. Don't forget to ask for Williams & King's Famous Toothache and Neu ralgia remedy when you are suffering from a decayed tooth or the neural' ffla We guarantee It to care yoa in two minutes by the watch. Don't have any other but ours. We won't ask you to take our word bat try one ten cent bottle and be convinced. One vial sold will sell more, jl Williams & King. Stock of dry goods will be sold at a great sacrifice in order to make room for fall purchases. i nosentnai. . . . Pare Ice The Best and Cheap est. The ice now being produced by the new Crystal ice factory and sold by Messrs Jones & Powell, is from dis tilled and reboiled pure clear as crystal, solid and durable, and nhaan nnniich for evervbodv to U86 it freely and have no fear that any dis ease gertus remain in it. The best 10c ladies ribbed vest at I Rosenthal's. Cut Flowers. Bouquets, Floral designs, roses, coleus, palms end other plants for bedding culture. Celery, late cabbage and collard tilants. B. Stbinmbtz. Florist. Telephone 118. jel2 Ladies Oiford Ties at 50o. I Rosenthal. Printed lawns and challies at 4c yd at I Rosenthal's. Lady, Lady Lend Me Your Ear! We have a case of Irish Lawns rn sale this week at 9o a yard. Beautiful white sr round, small neat figure of brown, blue, pink, &c. Remember this is no bauble, as you pay 15o a yard for same elsewhere. We sell this one case at vc. D T Swindell. 1 Special -:- Notices. ..... Lodies Hlippers, -1 and 4.. ......... I educed to SI Ladies' ........... - Slippers 75 Reduced to .. .Minses ........ 75! W , OxfoM Ties Reduced to Fast Black , -Hosiery , itedbced to a- V Great reductions made on all kinds of Dry G ods, Notions, Shoes, Trunks, &c Examine our prices before m iking you pur chases. ' DRY GOODS STORE 213 Fayetteville street. We iiivite special attention to our MIDSUMMER CLEARANCE MALE IDSUMMER CLEARANCE jjALE -OF- Trimmed Millinery -AND ALL Straw Goods, Muslia Hats & Gaps for children, Fancy Ribbon at a big reduction. Stamped Linen, Hair Goods, Jewelry and Fancy Notions. As we are to move neain ia the fall we want tore luce tue atocV as much as possible MIS MVUll? ; BES . my2 M4 I'EILLKdT. Next o Fred A Watson's. DOWN THEY CO. In clearing out. our entire stock of Sum mer Hosiery Underwear, we make prices both beneficial and satisfactorv to such as are in need of these light, weight textnrea. We have what we advertise and in plenty. No tricks to beguil, nor smiles to deceive. Infant's Silk Ribbed Vests-Sizes 1. 2 3, 4, 5 aud 6; cheap at 50c; our QJ"c price JdO Children's Fine 8ummer Vests Size" 20, 22, 24, 26, 28 and 30. Our ore price was 40c; now onlv Lo Boys' Gauze Shirts 28, 30, 32 and 34. We sold them for 40c; now OTc offer them at jLO Ladies Silk Jersey Bodies Sizes 2, 3 and 4, extra quality' good value 7Kc at 81, can be had now for I O Int.umer.4ble tine Gauze Vest for ladies iu ea'iMful assortments, with long sleeves,' short sleeves, or no sleeves, hitrh or lowneck.square or V cut Gents Gauze and Balbriggan Under wear at prices that discount all others. Our aim is not to catch your eye with an 8 and 10c knit shirts, aud we have the best on the market but to bring line goods to your notice at reasonable prices. We mice a specialty of eoo 1 medium priced goods for which there is always a ready demand, at same time we must admit there is veiy little money in them unless we are kept very busy. B. A. Stierwoflfl & Co. Great Reduction IN PEIOES And we are sharpening our knife to cut the prices on pant goods w rth 25c, now going at 19c. our beautiful line of lawns are cheap at 12c, now reduced to 10c; no price at all for the goods they are richlv worth 15c the world over. The flies are bad and the mosquito will be worse, so we have reduced mosq'iito net, all colors, to 5c, selling every where at I0c Baseh)U bats reduced to5 wortn 10 Rolling b oops and sticks 5c. Milk coolers from 9c up. Buggy robes and whips. Large pictures from 11.00 to 14 00. Birdcages from 7 c to 87c. THE LYOH R&GKET STORE. mi MB Hardware &c. Wo want Tho Floor Space and Now Marked At Costfor Cash Only. $ R.90 $ 6 05 6 75 8 25 13 75 I 6 45 $ C.54 9 30 12.85 21 15 Ttios. H.Briggs&Sons, RALEIGH, N.C. See IHIeire, If you hre a citizen or stranger it will be to your interest, to h ve your rooms neatly furnishe I. Nothing adds s much to the beauty of a reai'ieuce as good, nine, substnnti'l fur niture. For this cannot be beaten in this or an' other com munity. They have all the novelties in the business, such as Buieaus, . French Beveled Looking Glass es, Willow end Rattan Chairs, Wardrobes, Mat tresses, Ac. They have Tij the finest, pret- :: tiest and nob- ,J biest BABY CARRIAGES ever seen here. The NEW HOME Sewing Machine a specialty Also MAuHINE Needles rnd Oil. Bpsides, the firm will keep you cool bv ni gifts of Fans and Caps. REMEMBER THE PLACE Exchange Plane, Soutfiside M'rk't Dry Goods. IVotinnii, &c. Reduced Rates TO CHICAGO. Tickets to Chicago have been reduced. It 's expected that many will avail themselves of the present low rates. Are You Going ? -IF 80 life Will Help You Get Realty. We have in store every article that man or woman will need for this trip. 171! B UM HQ 123 and 135 Fayetteville street. , Ik BtXWB it fed? jmfi 4 ...... -

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