f-. t I- P. i. . 8 VOL. XXIX. RALEIGH, MONDAY, JULY 31. 1893. NO. 83 4tHTv in Bttier. Mr. W. 8. Primrose li sfak at home. Mr John C. Drewry ban returned from Blowing Rock. Mrs Kitle Horton is quite tick at her home on west Franklin street. 1 The infant son or Mr and Mrs J Q Brown is quite sick on Htllebdro St. Colonel J. M. Heck in indisposed and is eontiued at home by- sickness. Rev I)r J B Bobbltt.. wife and eon have ret urned home from Mt. Airy. Rev. J J Birker preached a fine seruioua Oeutral . . Gharch yes terday morning. Lltchford Eucauipiuect, No.I.O. 0. 0. F. meets to night. The members are requested to be present. Miss Aloe a WiilUms, daughter of Train Master W F Williams, is in the eity, visiting Misses Ellis, 218 East Morgan street. Rev. Q. H. Crowell, of Franklinton, preached two excellent sermonds yes terday and at night at the Methodists churches of this city. Farmers from the country say the crops in some sections of tbe county were badly injured by the storm last Wednesday atternoon. Mr. W G Thomas , has returded from Louisburg and will be with Mc Klmmon St Co., and will be glad to see his many friends and have them give him a call. . Rev. Dr J J H-tll preached his fare well seruvui i esterday morning at 11 o'clock, a ui, dt the Baptist Taber nacle to a very large congregation, the church being fairly packed. - Ool F M Ironmonger, of New York, General Agent of the Piedmont and Seaboard Air Line, was in the city yesterday, and " gladly welcomed by nic many menus, ine uoionei is an old resident of Raleigh aad is well re membered by the old timers. A colored'1 man was run ' over and killed by a Seaboard Air Line train, near Sanford, yesterday morning. He was literally ground to pieces. It is oaid that parts of his flesh and bones were strewn along tbe track for a hundred yards or more. We oould not learn his name. Messrs Maxwell & Thomas is the place to buy furniture. They keep a first clasB stock of furniture, and they cannot be undersold in low prices. Anything that a family needs can be had from them, from a nice clock up to a magnificent set of furniture. Call and examine their stock and you will be sure to buy something. Governor Carr has granted an ex change of courts between Judges Hok" and Connor of the 7th district by which Judge Hoke will hold the fall term of Anson and Brunswick courts, beginning September the 4th and Judge Conner will hold the fall i term of Martin court,' beginning Sep. 4th. Attention is called to the advertise ment of the Rosenthal Clothing Co., In to day's issue. The many induce ments they offer In the reduction of clothing should be a guarantee that you may get cheap clothing and good bargains by calling on them. Friend "Dave" is there and will show you around with a great deal of pleasure. . f , O . 1 1 ! ' f ' A' Good Example. Last Saturday afternoon John Pe gram. who lives beyond the asylum, was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Wal. ters upon a warrant issued by Justice Roberts. The Columbian Cycle was found in hs poseesseion and was turned over to the owner. Mr J W Curfman will .receive the reward: This is good work on the part of the hertffs forces. L,. w ' ,, . .t ! '' Judicious" Advertising, i Creates many a new business, t 'Enlarges many an old business.' t Revives many a dull business. 1 Rescues many a lost busings ' - -8vve8 many a failing business. V. Preserves mny aarge bupiuess. veeureB luccess ' in anything. The Teachers World's Fair, t Train. The handsomest vestibule train ever to the state is now at the union depot, having arrived via Richmond 4 Danville Railroad yesterday morn ing expressly for Col HarreU's large party of teachers and their friends who will visit tbe world's fair. The train 1b one of the peerless "F F V 8" from tbe Chesapeake and Ohio Rail road. The cars are very long and rootuv with elegant upholstering. They are painted light canary color and are lighted by lncondescent elec tric lights, the motor power being supplied by. the locomotive. Each car is furnished witb every possible convenience throughout, and while they seat Bixty persons the railroad officials have ordered that enough cars be used to require not more than thirty persons to each car in order that there shall be no orbwd mg or discomforts to the partynalThe train will run through to Chicago and stop within two blocks of the Alhambra Hotel, and at 10 o'clock am, on August 10th the train will be at the same station to bring the teachers home. No party, in this country has ever traveled in such first class style of elegance and inde pendence as will this party of teach ers. The train will make only three stops in North Carolina Durham, Greensboro, and Reidsvilie these being assembling points for members of the party. Several hundred peo pie went to the depot yesterday to see this magoifi.ent train. It will make an average of forty miles an hour bet ween Raleigh and Chicago being oaly one night out each way. The mail train going down to Goldsboro this evening broke down and had to send back for an engine before they oould get away. The cyl inder broke square off. Special Notice. The Mechanics' and Investors' Union of Raleigh, which is a bulldx iag and loan savings bank, paying a liberal interest or profit to its mem bers, desires to expend its business and to induce ladies to become stock holpers. During the past few weeks over thirty thousand dollars of stock has been sold to the business men of Ralel.h. A pay meet of $3.35 per mouth (about ten cents per day) will pay for 15(P stock, which will mature and be payable in about eight years It only requires email economy to enable any person to own a few shares of this stock and obtain in a short time the money with which to carry out some cherishei scheme. During the next sixty days tbe company will donate to the King's Daughters of Raleigh one half of the entrance fees of all members who send this notice with their applica tion and fee to the secretary. For further information apply to George Allen secretary at office of the company, 107 Fayetteville street, or if notified to do so he will call at your residence or place of business. Are You Going to Chicago? If you are going to Chicago and you,' should go, then you will have littre need of going outside of our store to buy those articles that a trav eler will require. We have provided for every man or woman. ,.!' I i tvi. . 4! . . . It does not matter what you want we can come nearer furnishing every article of personal comfort or need than any house in North Carolina. . W H St R S ' ucker St Co. Remnants of f CaraleigU Ging i i ' hams' . . ; Yesterday we bought the entire lot on hand at a price, and today 6e is our price for tic goods. Do you want any t , Thi will not last long n OA Shbewood & Co. We receive today a large case of towels and are going to sell them off at 30c a dozen until they are all gone. Just think only ?io a piece. Woollcott & Sons. R St G Corsets at special low price at I Rosenthal's. Clearing sale of ladies', misses and children's straw hats at half vaiae. I Rosenthal. $500 in Installments Wanted. It can be doubled in 13 months. Address, "Alexander," P. O. Box 277, Raleigh, N. 0. mhlD eodtf If you need a pair of good shoes of any kind come and see our stock. We carry a large stock of shoes, in fact make it a specialty, and our prices are correct. Woollcott St Sons. Large lot fruit jars, at Woollcott St Sons. Parasols, fans and belts at cost ju7 ' I Rosenthal. Ah a Matter of Good Sense. J nst now we are preparing our store for the reception of a large and varied s'ock. 'e will tut In the largest and most desirable stock we ever brought to Raleiith, and we have instructed all clerks to Hell cummer goods at wholesale cost (exespt the Irish lawns at 9c ) D P Swindell. Couibiued. ' "We have formed a combination with a Scotch syndicate and will han dle goods in large quantities this fall. Will have stores in Tennessee, Vir ginia and Raleigh, N C. Now we want all the room possible, and have in strutted clerks to sell goods from now on at about cost. D T 8windell. For Bent. Four room cottage on North East street, near Oakwood avenue. Ap ply to P H Hughks, je?9 tf Postal Telegraph Co. AtU! At 9!! At!)!!! If you were going to be hung at 9 it would be quite different, but not so, instead ot being hung at 9 you can go to Swindell's store and buy Irish Lawns at 9o a yard when the goods are 16c tbe world over. D T Swindell. We Will Protect and Defend Yon. It is good to have a friend in the time of need. & friend indeed are we today and tomorrow we are selling Irish Lawns at 9c a yard. Most beau tiful patterns. You need not doubt the goods have arrived and you can see them. D T Swindell. Drive in CbeneiHe Table Covers We have just placed on sale, at our Fayetteville. street door, a limited number of extra quality six quarter Cheneille Table Covers, with knotted fringe at the very low price of $1.00 each. As the quantity is limited we would suggest an early call. W. H. St R. S. Tuckbr & Co. For Rent. A neat six room cottage with kitchen and servants room on Hali fax street, next to capital. Possession given at once. Appl5 to B. F. Montague, Guardian. Office over Com'l aad Farm's Bank, jnel tf Important Notice. ' Don't forget to ask for Williams & King's Famous Toothache and Neu ralgia remedy when you are suffering from a decayed tooth or the neural gia We guarantee it to cure you in two minutes by the watch. Don't have any other but ours. We won't ask you to take our word but try one ten cent bottle and be convinced. One vial sold will sell more, jl Williams & King. i Stock of dry goods will be sold at a great sacrifice in order to make room for fall purchases. I Rosenthal. Pare Ice The Best and Cheap 8t. The ice now being produced by the new Crystal ice factory and sold by Messrs Jones & Powell, ia from dis tilled and reboiled pure water. is clear as crystal, solid and durable, and cheap enough for everybody to use it freely and have no fear that any dis ease germs remain in it. mum' The best 10c ladies ribbed vest at 1 Rosenthal's. Cut Flowers. Bouquets, Floral designs, roses, cole us, palms end .other plants for bedding culture. Celery, late cabbage and collard plants. H. Steinmktz, Florist. Telephone 113. jel2 Ladies Oxford Ties at 50c. I Rosenthal. Printed lawns and challies at 4c yd at I Rosenthal's. Lady, Lady, Lend Me Your Ear! - We have a case of Irish Lawns n sale this week at 9o a yard. Beautiful white ground, small neat figure of brown, blue, pink, &c. Remember this is no bauble, as you pay 15c a yard for same elsewhere. We sell this one case at 9e. ' 1 i . . K if r V 1 D T Swfodrtl. Special -:- Notices. 50 C L4ies Slippers, .... 35 75 9 and 4 - reduced to SI ... Ladle'.. ... Slippers .., ..Reduced to ....... Misses Oxford Ties ..Reduced to 75: ;S0 25 C Fast Black 5 -Hosiery Reduced to Great reductions made on all kinds of Dry G ods, Notions. Shoes, Trunks, &c Examine our prices before miking you" pur chases ITO-RIRIS' DRY GO ODS STORE 213 P ivetteville street. We invite special attention to our MIDSUMMER CLEARANCE (J ALE IDSUMMER IjLEARANCE UALE -0F- Trimmed Millinery AND. ALL Straw Goods, Muslia Hats & Caps for children, Fancy Ribbon at a big reduction. Stamped Linen, Hair Goods, Jewelry and Fancy Notions. As we are to move aeain ia the fall we want to re luce th- f h m i ;h as posiibln- MM M ?'i; RES, my2 1 14 FA y Jfi TTE VILLB ST. Next to Fred A Watson's; DOWN THEY CO. In clearing out our entire stock of Sum mer Hosiery Underwear, we make prices both beneficial and satisfactorv to such as are in need of these light, weight textures. We have what we advertise and in plenty. No tricks to beguil, nor smiles to deceive. Infant's Rilk Ribbed Vtsts-Sizes 1, 2 3, 4, 5 and 6; cheap at 50c; our f) fr c price . - Lo Children's Fine 8ummer Vests Sizes 20, 22, 24, 26, 28 and 30. Our ore price was 40c; now onlv AO Boys' Gauze Shirts 28, 30, 32 and 34. We sold them for 40c; now 0c offer them at JLrJ Ladies Silk Jerse Bodies Sizes 2, 3 and 4, estra quality' good value HVL? at SI, can be had now for I t) Imumertble Hue Gauze Vest for ladies in beautiful assortments, with loug sleeves, short sleeves, or no sleeves.hiKh or lowneck.square or V cut. Gents Gauze and Balbrijrgan Under wear at prices that discount all Others. Onr aim is not to catch your eye with an 8 and 10c knit shirts, aud we have the best on the market, but to bring fine goods to your notice at reasonable prices. We mase a specialty of god medium priced goods for which there is always a ready demand, at same time we must admit there is very little money in them unless we are kept very busy. C. A. StiBrwond & Cn. Great Reduction IN Ml KB S6BB And we are sharpening our knife to cut the prices on pant goods wi rth 25c, now going at 19c. Our beautiful line of lawns are chtap at 12c, now reduced to 10c; no price at all for the goods they are richlr worth 15c the world over. The flies are bad and the mosquito will be worse, so we have reduced mosquito net, all colors, to 5o, selling every where Rt 10c Baseball bats reduced to 5, worth '0 Rolling Hoops and sticks 5c. Milk coolers from 9c up. Buggy robes and whips. Large pictures from 11.03 to 14 00. Bird cages from 7 to 87c, THE LTQH RAGKET STORE. HarlwHr. &c. We want The Floor Space and Y Now Marked At Cost for Cash Only. $ 5.90 $ 6 05 6.45 $ 0.54 6 75 8 25 9 30 12.85 13 73 21 15 Tlios.H.Briggs&Sonfi, RALEIGH, N. C. ee ffiSeipe If you are a citizen or strauger it will be to your interest, to h ive your rooms neatly furnished. Nothing adds so much to the beauty of a residence as good, nice, substantial fur niture. For this & cannot be beaten in this or anv other com munity. They have all the novelties in the business, such as Bui eaus, French Beveled Looking Glass es, Willow and Rattan Chairs, Wardrobes, Mat- ' tresses, (fee. They have the finest, pret '"J" tiest and nob biest BABY CARRIAGES ever seen here. The NEW HOME Sewing Machine a specialty. Also MAuHINE Needles rnd Oil. Besides, the firm, will keep you cool bv ni gifts of Fans and Caps. REMEMBER THE PLACE- Exchange Place, Southside M'rk't Dry Goods. Wnlloni, o. Reduced Rates TO C H IC A GO Tickets to Chicago have been reduced. It 's expected that many will avail themselves of the present low rates. Are You Going ? -IF SO We Will Help Yon Get Ready. We have in store every article that man or woman will need for this-trip. VI.II; R S.TUfRERi.CO 123e.ni Fa-'itteville street, VI ummiM mm Maxwell iS5. r i ft n. us ml sr