i ttoic. ' vtnm VOL. XXIX. RALEIGH, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23. 1893. NO. 102 Mm JCITT II lIIKr. Locals Picked Up. Here and-There and ., Boiled Down. . . l.f r ' i Sweet potatoes getting plentiful. (jilte a cold wave prevailed today. alamlty howlers should step to the rear . The cool weather is suggestive of the "halt shell" The cotton market is at almost a complete standstill. Manager. Heartt has a good list booked for th season. The improvements at the Insane Asylum are about finished. We are likely to have soon one of the foremost tragedians in this coun try In Raleigh. C A camp meeting is in progress in the Tlelnlty of Greensboro and much interest prevails. This looks like the long rainy spell in August which is usually the break log up of the hated term. An application for the ten cent cir cus has been rather set back on ac count of the enormous tax. lira Shumaker, of University Bta tion, who was recently so badly in jured by her husband, is rapidly get ting well The July number of the Charlotte Medical Journal has , an elaborately written article on typhoid fever. It is of much interest, not only to the profession, but to the entire public. An ezchaege very properly says: Btop croaking. It doesn't pay. It is all loss and no profit. Whenever the eroaker shall cease to ply his vacation, money will be plenty and business prosperous. Btop croaking. There is a dog in Mecklenburg county that carries corn and hay into the stables for horses and keeps the cow from going inco the stable. He will set on a chair, and walk with a corn stalk in one paw like a dude. lu the United 8tates Court at Nor folk yesterday, judgment was render ed against the Richmond and Dank Tille Bail road in favor of W G Jack- man receiver of the West Point Ter minal Company, for nearly $3,000,000. There was a slight detention of the Richmond excursion down the road this morning owing to some dis arrangement of the machinery. Bo the report goes. It was sooa reme died however, and the excursionists went on their way rejoicing. The program which was announced today for the races was postponed until tomorrow, and the program for tomorrow is postponed until Friday In other words, the two day's races will take place Thursday and Friday. This was rendered necessary, as we understand, on account of the rather heavy condition of the track caused by the rain. . s f t . . Give US' the unconditional repeal of the Sherman act says one. Let us have free coinage of silver says an other. Still another says give us i huge pile of currency based on the fiat of the government, but the av erage newspaper man says give us subscribers and a plenty of "ads," and we won't quarrel about the kind of money. We will agree to take all nickels, if that will suit .The ..special world's fair tour No 2 Is 'announced by ' the' Seaboard Air Line for Tuesday, Sept 5th. These personally conducted tours, inaugu rated by the Seaboard Air Line, have become exceedingly popular with the world's fair tourist from the fact that they afford the most comfortable way possible of reaching Chicago and at the same time reduces the cost of the trip to a minimum. The perfect ho tel arrangements for the tourist party is apeoial v feature, a vod ing as it does the pofslbility of uinc'i confns ln on your arrival aui trouble iucl dent to securing satisfactory accom modatlons. Mr A J Oooke, 8 P A, will be glad to give you all the infor mation desired. A FEARFUL 81TUTI0. Phe Pecuniary Condition of the Coun try Most Harming. We are not aUrmist but we cannot hut our eyes to the fact that the present condition of the countiy, in a pecuniary sense, is mdfet alarming. What is worse, if matters aienot speedily adjusted, we fear that the bottom has not been reached. Turn and twist it as you will, it is appa rent that currency is becoming scarcer and scarcer, and there is an evident corner which bodes no good. In this connection, we are struck with the statement which, while it denies that the Durham factories have shut down, puts down the contingency that they will continue to run so long as currency hold .out. It is true that we are somewhat cheered up with the announcement that gold is pour ing in from Europe. This, however, will do but little good, if designing men see fit , to sf rostrate the move- ment and the' distrust is allowed to continue on account of the insction of congress. Just where .the trouble lies no one seems to know, and the wiseacre o' congress appear as much at a loss as the humblest man in the nation. Died, i r In this city, last night at 7 'o'clock on NewBerue Avenue, the infant child of Mr and Mrs Atlas Saint Sing The funeral took place at j the resi dence this evening at 5 o'clock. Guilford college opened today with a fine attendance It is much cheaper to ride on the street oars at the rate of " two for a nickel" than it is to walk. It is a saving of shoe leather. . . . 4 j An excellent familv cow for sale. Apply to W H Hughes. ao23 8t Nickel alarm clocks, 97c Nickel day clocks, 85o Toilet paper, per package, 7o Note paper, per quire, 4 and 5o Good white envelopes, per pkge, 5c Woollcott's. Fine Dairy Butter received twice a week and sold for 80 ner pound at D T Johnson's. 2t We have received our fall stock of children's and boys' school shoes and do not hesitate to say that they are gcod ones, especially the boys,- at 125, $1.50 and $2 ' Woollcott & Sons. . New New River mallets. . Packld in" unite pine barrels.eheap by the bbl or retail atD T Johnson's. ( Wanted at Once To buy three or four nice show cases. Address, Williams 6 King, Raleigh, NO. Agency ' We have secured the agency for the celebrated Butteriok patterns and have a complete line on band. Also monthly fashion .sheets free to every one. Delineator and large counter books at usual price. Swindell. ii . For Rent. : Two 4-room cottages on North East street. Apply .to ' A B Stronaoh. angle tf For Rent, A brand new 5 room house on East Lenoir at. Terms easy. Address or call on R E Parham, Raleigh, N O. a5 For Rent. A neat six room cottage 1 with kitchen and servants room on Hali fax street, next to capital. Possession given at once. Apply to . B. F. Montagus, Guardian. Office over Oom'l and Farm's Bank. jne4 tf Refrigerated. Watermelons. Watermelons are very abundant and cheap but most of them inferior in quality, but we can now offer, at moderate prices, the famous Florida Grays, blood red, sugar sweet and ice cold at tne uryscai ice tactory, 1 SOMETHING NEW. Toa Need an Agreeable Tonic to Overcome the eliect of the Hummer and rtralaria, ail build up yoar aystein for the fall work WE HAVE IT! Bef, Winn and Iron ha long beeu const drMl the BKMl'NUTRI TIVE TONIC. But It has beeu too expensive and it wan offensive to deli cate stomtclis. We have overcome all these difficult ties $id offor you Beef, Wine and Iron for 50c per PINT bottle, FULili measure. We guarantee 11 to be the most palatable and lo vlg iratlag Tonic ever made iteinem bor the price, 50c per pint. Soecial attention to fine pre scriptlon w ork at reasonable price. SHELLIHG& HICKS, DRUGGISTS Cor Favetteville and Morgac Sts YlcKimmon & Co., 133 Favetteville Street, Our stock of druggists suhdrie: is select and fall. An elegant line of French Briar Pipes snd Smokers Goods generally. Call -and -Ssb - Them. aul5 A Word to the Wise is Sufiicent. I have a new cigar the Traymore manufactured by Frank Teller & Co, of PhiJanelphia, that, in my op n Ion, contains more Havana tobacco and furnishes the largest and best smoke of any cigar I ever offered to the public of Raleigh at 5 cents Straight. I especially d sire all judges of a cigar to give this a trial, and I am satisfied as to its success. For sale oniy by J Hal Bobbitt. Closing Out Shirt Waists and Eton Suits. We wish to make a clear sweep oi our Wasnaoie mon Butts ana omrc Waists, and to do this we have mark ed the Canvas Eton Suits down to $2.95, marked the Duck Eton Suits down to $3 93. Our silk shirt waists worth from $5.00 to $7 50 now m rked down to $2 00 each. Our striped Zephyr and and Batiste waists worth from $1.50 to $2.50 now marked down to $100. w us no racser s uo. Pro Bono Publico. Otterburn lithia water has done and is stiil doing for the people of Raleigh all that was ever claimed for it. It is regulasly prescribed by our physicians, and good results are ob tained in all cases where It Is Indlcat ed. For sale at 20 cents per half gaU Ion bottle, delivered to any part of the city, by J. Haii Bobbitt. 'Assignment. Our buyer has been in New York some time and while there was able to attend several large assignment sales and bought a large lot of goods at about one half price. These have been received and we are offering them to you at about half price. Oth ers try to imitate but our prices are positively the lowest. One dollar will buy more goods frtfth our store than from any other store in the state. Swindell. - : The 8il?e? Bill. We d"n't know what congress will do about, the silver dollar or the gold dollar, but we know that you can buy more goods with either one from our store than you can buy from any other store in this state. Money is scarce and times are hard and for that reason we have made special efforts to - place goods before you at hard time prices. Remember we have a large stock and you can buy anything in our store for about half price. ; Swindell. Cut Flowers, Bouquets, Floral designs, roses, coleas, palms end other plants for bedding culture. Celery, late cabbage and eollard plants. H. Stbinmbtz, Florist. Telephone 118. j12 i ForKeut, ! Fonrroom cottage. Apply to P H Hughes, Postal Telegraph ' i Uo. I aulU SHOE SALE. JH Great reduction in FINESHOES FOR THE HEXT - 30 - DAYS. Everything at FACTORY PRICES J3P30 to 40 per cent sa ved.IEI asro-RiRis' DRY GOODS STORE 213 Favetteville street. We invite special attention to our MIDSUMMER nLEAANCE MALE IDSUMMER ULEARANCE OALE -OF- Trimmed Millinery -AND ALL Straw Goodfi, Mnslia Hats & Gaps for children, Fancy Ribbin ot a bi reduction. Stamped Lmm, lair Q wla, Jewelry and Fancy Notions. As we ars to m e ni;ain ia the fall we want to reduce the stock as much as possible- MIS? MAGGIE REESE, my2 114 PAYETTE VILLEST. Next to Fred A Watson's. HakiDg Ready For Fall Having completed our annual inventory we have maked down very many articles of a 8ummercharacter to the wholesale prices to close them out. Bargain prices have been made which judges of value will recognize at once. Great cats have been made on all low cut shoes. Blacks and colors. Special prices on underwear. Broken lines of ladies fine shoes at about cost. Fold ing fans from 5c up. Just received new line of white goods, laces, towels, handkerchiefs, fcc. We show (he best at prices unparallelled in this market. The convincing proof is in the goo themselves. An early inspection ia requested. Stack His Knife in Them. mil mm Business . A. mmi & Co This morning at the Lyon Racket Store a bad accident happened. As you ail know the knife is a bad wea pon, bat we ase it ofen. The price is cut in two on all lines of slippers. Don't miss this big reduction sale THE L10II RACKET StQRE. Hardware, &c. We want The Floor Space and BUY BABYCMU flow Marked At Costfor Cash Only. $ R.90 $ 6.05 $ 6.45 $ 6.54 6 75 8.25 9.30 12.(6 13 75 21 15 I Ul RALEIGH, N. C. If you are a citizen or stranger It will be to your interest to h ve your rooms neatly furnished. Nothing adds so much to the beauty of a residence as good, nice, substantial fur niture. For this ll cannot be beaten in this or anv other com munity, iney have all the novelties in J the business, such as Bureaus, French Beveled Looking Glass es, Willow and Rattan SHCChairs, Wardrobes, Mat tresses, &o. They nave the finest, pret tiest and nob biest BABY CARRIAGES ever seen here. The NEW HOME Sewing macmnea epeciany. Also ih aumNK Needles rnd Oil. Besides, the firm will keep you cool by nioe gifts of Fans and Caps. REMEMBER THE PLACE ExcliangePIaoe, Southside M'rk't Dry Goods. Notions, TUCKER'S GRE AT SHIRT SALE FOR MEN. An Unlsundried, Shirt, genuine NY Mills Muslin, 2100 linen, reinforced back and front, custom made; 100, hundred dozen bought at a price from our regular manu facturer on account of a canceled order of a wes ern house. These shirts are perfect fit ting and full regular in every particular; and will be sold at onl f0 cents, and they are good enough for anybody. We are closing out our entire lines of Neg ligee and Puff Bosom Shirts. "We give you ' your choice of our Negligee Shirts for $1 and II 50; former prices 12, 12 60 and $2 75. We give you your choice of our Puff Bo som Shirts for fCwortii from $1 50 to 12 25. Tos H. Brig JtlUUU TllfllS a Besides thes, we have a job lot of II and II 50 Dress Shirts we will sell you for 50 eta and 75 cents. ,..-. V.U.iR S.TUmRtCQ