Trie ttaUu'Eotni&g tfisitarj rOIUlBID IVBBY iFTIUOOl, ' IKxeept oanday, ISM VISITOR is served by carriers In the elty at 20 cents per month, payable to the carriers In advance. PtIom for mailing: tft per year, or 19 eents per month. Communications appearing In these columns are bu the expressions of the opinion of the correspondent writing the same, and they alone are responsible. A eroa mark X after yonr name informs yon that your time is oat. Address all orders and communica tions to W. H. BROtvW, 8r., Kalelgh, N O Local notices in this paper will be Fire Cents per line each insertion. Offlce-Upatatra over Mr. J. ilal Bobbin's Drug Store, 2d floor. a. 1 1 Ll3T QlTt GlROOIATIOS. HALEIOU, AUGUST 28, 1893 SPARKS FROM THE WIRES. The Happenings of a Day Throughout the World. J 0 Cooper, a prominent citizen of Oxford, is dead, aged 77. Severe wind anp rain storms are re ported on the .coast. The Fourth National Bank of Louisville has resumed business. A yellow fever refugee from Bruns wick, Qa, was made to leave Wilt mlogton last Saturday. Peicy Rooke, white, was killed at the "Y" near Durham, Saturday, by a Oxford and Clarksville passenger train. A wreck on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, near Newark, caused the deaths of Fireman Stonburner and a friend of his who was on the engine. Saturday morning George E Reed, a rock paver in Baltimore, out his wife's throat and then cut his own Both are dead. FROM BUZZARD'S BAY. The Press Dispatches a Fraud Adams to be Married. -Jack r 3 irt.. Buzzard's Bay, N. C, August 26th, 1893. How this world is given to lying. Simply because I came here to re curerate, "do" np the fish, commit matrimony and enjoy myself it must be telgraphed all over the country. The press dispatches sent out now adays are frauds on the old way of getting up news Time has been when nothing but the truth was told. Now if a man sneezes, especially a prominent man like myself, it is tele grapbed all over the world that I had wallowed a chew of tobacco, got ehoked and in trying to dislodge it one of ears my was broken off up to the handle. Just read some of the samples that have been sent out about me since I have been to this famous resort. Here is one: "Mr Jack Adams, president, &c, who is visiting here for his Bright's disease and fishing for his health and fish, was seen last night- about 10 o'clock with his shirt over his head acting in a very curious manner. It seems that in attempting to pull it off he forgot to unbutton the collar and was upon the point of choking to death when he was rescued from his perilous position by a very modest chambermaid. Her name will go down to the grave and in history as one of the greatest heroines that ever lived. A purse of $30 in money and a bottle of kcoru liquor was Immedl ately made np by the guests of the hotel and gave to the woman who is the unfortunate mother of 11 chiW dren. She immediately throw up her sapper and situation and is now llv log in affluence and liquor.' Every word of the above is a cam palgn lie. I did have my shirt up partly over my head, but I was not choking. I was simply catching dog ticks. : Then again: v "This morning Mr Jack Adams was seen with pick In hand Industriously digging In 'the ground in the garden fjaek of the hotel. It is evident he ' was trying to settle the silver question by going in the ground after it. Mr id ami my tbink himself smart, but people around Boxxrd's Bay know that there's no silver in this section j that which is in circulation." What a fraud. The truth of the natter Is, I was in the garden dig glng worms to go fishing, but on ao eount of the striogency of the times the worms bad hoarded themselves np in some quiet place. That is why I so industriously labored. Still another: "Mr Jack Adams, who Is stopping at one of the fashionable eating houses uptown, was senn last night in conversation with a large and very Influential colored woman, who at times seemed to be excited. She would shake her head and bfcnds and appeared to be dancing. It seems that Mr Adams out talked the woman as she soon became quiet and finally disappeared." Now, Isn't that too bad. A man of the world as I am, that held some of the most responsible positions under the government as I did, to be tra duced in this manner at this late day, is certainly lnjuilous to my charac ter, to say the least of it. The colord lady spoken of was my washwoman, and 1 was trying to stand her off. She wouldn't stand but got to dancing, so 1 paid her. . am satisfied that the woman didn't know me. Perhaps if she had she wouldn't have taken my washing. But this press business is t fraud and delusion. I have said it, and sometimes when I say anything it is true. Why my every movement should be watched and noted down Is more than I can tell. I stepped in-o a sa loon today and I'm blessed if it was not telegraphed all over the country that 1 drank a quart of gin and re fused to pay for it. But it's not so. I don't drink gin, but I did go in after a glass of water. But let them telegraph what they please. I don't care; I am here in all my glory and ten cent socks. I am not only here for fishing and fun but am here to get married, and as it is to be a public affair I suppose it will be a grand one. I have on' y one objection to being caught in this snap, and that is the blooming lass is rather too tall enough forme. She stands nearly six foot twelve inches while I am not near so tall. In this hour of my deepest trouble, kind friends, I ask the sympathy and prayers of the people of the church of North Carolina and South Carolina. will send a full description of the performance to the Visitor, and hope that if any of its readers hold any special meeting of whatever kind, that they pass resolutions of respect and condolence; that if they have any suggestions for the good of the order please send them to me imme diately so I may have them trans cribed on my heart in letters of gold excuse me, the stringency of the times forbid that) ink. Marrying is a bad business. It's like buying eggs in the summer time. Sometimes they are not aU rotten. If my intended turns oat to be rotten, my Iambi won't I have lotB to con tend with. Adieu, bind friend. Jack Adams. P 8 Tell Jeems Bright that as cannot go to the world's fair I will take in the state fair if Hal Ayer will give us a free ticket. J A. A Smart Tailor Dudely "T want an elegant suit, something stunning, dontcher know. How long will it take you to make it?" . . Tailor "Three days." "And what will It cost?" "Seventy five dollars." "All right. I'll give you my note at sixty days. When shall I come to try on the suit?" "Come in sixty three days." Texas Sittings. Her Reason. He "If you love me as you say you ao, why don't you marry me 7" She" Because, dear, I want to love you always." Exchange. aiMen seldom, or rather, never, for a length of time and deliberately rebel against anything that does not do serve rebelling against, Wise Words. Hasty marriage seldom proveth well Self respect that cornerstone of all virtue. There is no malice like the malice of the rentgade. The absence of temptation is 'the absence of virtue. No man who needs a monument ever ought to have one. No nation can be destroyed while it possesses a good home life. Out of clothes, out of countenance; out of wit. The lowest people are generally the flst to find fault with show of equipage. As soon go kindle the fire with snow as seek to quench the fire of nve with words. What is becoming in behavior is honorable, and what is honorable is becoming. Be thou the first true merit to be friend; his praise is lost who waits till all commend. It is vain to trust in wrong; as much of evil so much of loss, is the formalu of human history. He who observes the speaker more than the sounds of his words will sel dom meet with disappointments. A politician weekly and amiably right is no match for a politician ten aciously aud pugnaolously in the wrong. A Horrible Railroad Accident Is a daily chronicle in our Daoers : also the death of some dear friend, wno has died with consumption, whereas, if he or she had taken Ot to's cure for Throat and Lung diseases in time, life would have been render ed happier and perhaps saved. Heed tne warning i it you have a cough or any affection of the Troat and Lungs call at W. H. King & Co., sole agents, and get a trial Dottle free. Large size 60c. For sale by W. H. King & Co., corner ayetteville and Hargett streets. SUMMER EXCURSION BATES. The Richmond & Danville R R ben to an nounce that commencing June 1st summer excursion tickets will be placed on Bale at all coupon ticket offices in Virginia and aorin uarouna at very low rates tor tne round trip. These tickets will continue on sale until September 30, 1893. permitting stop overs on going and return trips at all resort points. oena ior summer nomes lower and apply to any agent of the company for informa tion as to rates and schedules, or W A Tu-k, General Passenger Agent, Washington D 0. II I. Favicg made all the money necessary to reduce price for the benefit of our customers. we will sen a lot oi nice pine wood tor si peroord on yard, or 9150 delivered any- wnere m tne city. LIME fl 10 per barrel. LATHS 11 60 per 1,000. Rjwf. on TTiartt. T.nmhnr in nlanV urn f ii per i,uuu. Flooring ana ceiling . iz oa 1 a tie. rnn . is, xu yvjL i,i uu. Sash,- Doors,- Blinds, and Moulding reduced in same proportion. Best Heart Shinnies alvays on hand. We manufacture our own material which enables us to sell at bottom nrices. Onr motto ia a nick sales and small profits. Jylfitf Magton Roister $ Co. DEAFNESS, Its Causes and Cure Scientifically treated by an aurist of world wide reputation. Deafness eradicated and entirely cured, of from 2 ) to 30 years' stand ing, after all other treatments have failed. now tne dimcuity is reacnea ana tne cause removed, fully explained in circulars, with affidavits and testimonials of cures from prominent people, mailed free. DBA FONTAINE, myl7 12m Taooma, Wash Sale of Land. By authority of mortgage, executed by W is Kogers, as recoiaea in dook re, page . Register of Deeds office for Wake county. I wiU on Saturday, Sept. 9th, 1893, at 12 o'clock m, at the court house door of Wake coun ty, sell to the highest b'dder for cash two tracts of land about two miles east of tbe town of Apex,in White Oak township. Wake county, JM u, adjoining tne lanas or u u King, Wm Stewart (detfd) and others, con taining 3o acres, more or less, ana parncu larlf described . in the aforesaid mortgage. au4 tds Mortgagee. lirea liieo ISxceMoir Sppfinn Wat en1 SOLD ON DRAUGHT BY J H H BBBB OOOO BBBB BBBB II TTTTT TTTTT J H H B BO OB B B BII T T J HH B BO OB BB BII T T J HHHH BRBB O O BBBB BBBB II T T J H H B BO OB BB BII T T JJ HH B BO OB BB B II T T JJJJ... H H... BBBB OOOO BBBB BBBB II T T PHARMACIST, B A T.EIG-H, 3ST O - The water is brought direct from Saratoga and is dispensed in precisely the same condition in which it flows at 5 cents per glass. Doctfoirs THAT EVERY ONE SHOULD DRINK dDtfieiHbini'riiD JLitfMa Water DURING THI3 by keeping the stomach in a good and Bladder troubles; and is also a PANACEA FOR DYSPEPSIA. Sold by J H BOBBITT at 20c per half gallon bottle. t J- Ice. IcCo'Ths Evenina Visiter We are prepared to supply , ICE, ICE, ICE In any quantity of the best quality and at lowest prices tor cash, we will not be undersold by any one, north or south, from oar loads down. Send orders to Jones & Powell, Raleigh, NO. Phone 41 and 71. A large stock of Anthra A T , cite Coal, all sizes. WjCLJU Bituminous Ooai for fuel and steam. i U XT Oats, Bran, flay, jVJ fill 4 Shingles, &e, at : wholesale and retail by JONES & POWELL OREOLK AND CAROL IN A B.B OONDKNSKD 80HSDDLB. Dated August 9th, 1891. South No?th Bound Bound Train. stations. Train. No. 101. No. 100 4. M. P. M. 19 60 L've Pinner's foint Arrive 6 25 1015 L've Drivers, Arrive 2 01 10 27 L've Suffolk, Arrive 4 47 11 02 L' .Gates, Arrive 4 14 U 20 L've Tunis, Arrive 3 64 11 37 L've Ahoskey, Arrive 8 86 11 52 L've ' Aulander, Arrive 8 21 12 31 L've Hobgood, Arrive 2 39 12 63 L'e Tarboro. Arrive 2 17 :l 20 Ar Kocky Mount, L've 1 6o P.M. A. M No 101 makes conneouon st Roccy Mount with W 4 W Train No 23 for all points South, and No 78 train for all points North' G M BKBPKIi, J R KBBLY, Gen'l Manage', Supt Trains T M Kmbrsow. an'l Passenger Agt AdmiQistratoi's Notice. Having qualified as administrator upon thn M.tato nt th lata Mm Rmilv .rnhnann this is to notify all persons, hiving claims ! against the estate to present the sme to me for payment on or before tne lotndayoi June, 1894 All persons indebted to the es tate will please settle without further de mand. MARION JOHNSON. al4 6w Admr Emily Johnson, dee'd . SAT 65 iOU . Is guaranteed -to every consumer of HOOD'8 Samparilla. One hundred doses la tcrj bottle. No other does tUiv. I: T;1 ; Iff A from the spring at Saratoga and is sold Agree WEATHER, condition. It will cure Gravel, Kidney IS PUBLISHED EVFRY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY, $3 PER ANNUM' OR Twenty-live Gents Per Hontii BY !w. kVl.SBrown,:.Sr. RALEIGH.eJf. C. 1 J'