V Mb not. 1$ VOL. XXIX. RALEIGH, : THURS DA Y, SEPTEMBER 7. 1893. NO. 115 1 in. OgrldTertlieri.il 8 wlndejt-Carpeta,. .. ';- i, McKlmmob Panacea V Ur Jordauf-Hotfolit OttrtI ... BoelUnc Btek-Tln' or Iron 4o, Died. . At the residence .f V. B. Hnteh' ings Ecq 42, Elm Street, this morn ing, at 9 o'dofk. Mm Ada Culbreth daoithter of ev. B. B. Oulbreth, of Kit-ell la the 19th year of her age The Interment will take place at Mt OUW, N. O. A Good Selection, ' . . ... v ' i It is stated that Mr. Dotroiuiam, of Tarboro, has been selected tto' de liver the memorial address la Raleigh next year, the subject being the Life and fcervlwes of Me j. General W. D. Pf ne'er. The orator and theme are alike happy ones. Mr. Gilliam ocisu- . pies an enviable plaee In the literary ranks of the , State, and there Is no ; subject affording more of Interest than the life of General Pender. Resumption. C&e first sign ;6f returning eonfU dence-iims to consist in the resump tloa of the ordinary channels of bus iness by the Ne w York batiks. jrhis will of course give encouragement throughout ine country, and we hope to see that all the banks of the South will follow suit. Indeed it would seem to be accessary for a full and quick movement of the crops. When these commence to go forward the volume of currency wilijaaturally in crease. There are, better times at hand. A Fracas. This morningfquite a difficulty at the fair ground! between the keeper, Mr. Stafford, Af r Yearby, his son in law, and a colored-an named Jas perJNorwood. There are two ver sions to the matter, Mr. Stafford mak iug one statement and the colored man another. It is agreed, however, that the mattes arose about the plac9 of storage of some cotton. In the quarrel Mr. Stafford struck Norwood a blow over the left eye with a ham mer, producing a painful, bat not dangerous wound. The matter will undergo Judicial investigation, but perhaps not until tomorrow, . and we refrain from further comment until fully looked into. A Noted Tour. Mr Robert Downing's tour, .which begins the second week of September will touch nearly all of the states from the Atlantic Ocean to the Rocky Mountains, Including the South At lantie and Gulf States. In all proba bility Mr Downing will make a three months' tour of the Pacific Coast playing, possibly in ban Francisco from two. to four weeks.., An offer has been made him to mase the trip to the Pacific slope with high assur ances that it will be a most 'suec384 ful one. Mr Pownlrg has' played in very state of the Union, with the exception of those adjacent to the Golden Gate. Nash square presents a beautiful appearance, but it still may be n.ade better. It should be kept up to the highest standard possible. . Fresh Norfolk Oysters at Jordan's tonight. . -. y " Send" to Jordan's Dining Hall if you want a nice fry of Oysters. "ot Tonr Blankets Tomorrow. At our special sale of bed blankets tomorrow you will buy blankets at a price you will not get - them at any more. , D: T.Swindell. Crockery and Glass, -i '- dome to Swindell's and examine the crockery and glass, you will not be urged to buy any, we don't think yru wUl peed urgin. ., . ' D T. Swindell. Special Blanket Bale Tomorrow. . Oome down tomorrow morning to our special blanket sale anl supply your wants at a very low price. D. 1 Swindell. Do Yon Write? TRY OUR NBW INKS AND ELEGANT STATIONERY. Do Ton Read? TRY LEW WALLACE'S NEW BOOK, "PRINCE OFLINDIA" MDUIIL We have all the School Books. Book Bags, Tablets, Slates, Pencils &e., &o. ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO. Booksellers Tomorrow, Tomorrow. We have our special sale of Bed lankets tomorrow. There are prob ably 8C3 pair of thee Blankets, and thev are to be sold tomorrow for about two thirds of the value of the same. Eleven quarter white Rose Blankets, all woo., at $4.H a pair and worth twice ai much. The Hartford, a white wool and cotton at' $2 ( 1 a pair, this is a regular $3 " " Blanket. We wf'l offer a Salmon colored blan ket at $1 13 ner pair that is worth $3 O real! y Besides these mentioned, there many that we cannot describe. Come tomorrow to the blanket sale at D. T. Swindell's. Fresh supply of Oconeohee 8mok ing Tobacco at Snelling & Hicks'. Buy a bottle of Ricks' Beef Wine of Iron, one of the best nutritive tonics made. For sale by Snelling & Hicks. A small lot of our cheap Soaps left. Call early and secure a bargain. Snelling & Hicks. . ; Blanket Sale. Tomorrow we have a special sale of blankets, somethiu intlrely unheard of in Raleigh. These oods are some of that bankrupt purchase, but are in perfect order. Tomorrow at D. T. Swindell's. 7 Remember you can get fresh Nor folk Oysters at Jordan's Dining Hall every day. Ask your grocer for Acme Flour, accept no other, they all keep it. Best Oanton Flanel in the world for 10c a yard. Latest novelties in dress goods from 10c to $1 a yard. Shoesl Shoes I ! Shoes 1 1 1 from 50c to $3 a pair. Towels and Napkins at 80c a dozen. Woollcott & Sons. To be healthy, eat good bread, for good bread use Ac e Flour. Acme Flour is the best, are you go ing to compete for the premiums? Dog Lost. A black setter dog, has peculiar yel lowish colored eyes, nuned Frank. A reward will be paid by returning him to V. B Moore, West Martin St. Coal and Wood All kinds of Bituminous and Anthra cite Coals at lowestprices. Sepltf. T. L. Eberhardt. For Sale. About 12 bushels of Potato Onion Sets. Apply to R. M. Utzmajst. , Cor. Dawson and Jones Sts. aug. 81 lw. Read and Keckon. Carpet sale Is ' still going on at D. T. Swindell's store. Nice Mo quet Carpets, perfectly lovely 70c per yard. A lot of Moquett in light grounds, beautiful boquets in and border to match, (1.09 per yard. Most exquisite patterns of new styles in velvet - carpets at 70o per yard, r.- -1 ; Body Brussels Carpets in new love ly shades. of this season at 70o per yd. American makes of standard brands Tapestr'y carpets at 55c per yard. All wool Ingrain carpets in the most beautiful patterns at 68o. per ytrd; this is regular 85c gotds. Union wool carpets, perfect beau ties, at 85c per yard; these are regular 50o goods. Good Ingrain carpets at the small price of 16o and 80c per yard. Always come to Swindell's when you want carpets or any thing else under the price. D. T. SWISTDBLL. ' Remember $100.00 will be paid for the beat rolls made from Acme Floor. SNELLING HICKS, ' Druggists. We call your attention this week to our splendid line of TOOTH BRUSHES. We have (he largest va rlety of the best brashes In the city, and we are selling them at very low nricesV Also we have a Tall- sup ply of DENT 11 GOODS, Including soaps powders, (wa8bes, Floss Silk Ac. Special attention given to ACCU RATE , PRE SCRIPTIOK work of all kinds. SNELLING & HICKS, druggists! W. N. SSILLIHJS, HlNBT T. HlCKS. Cor Favettevllle and Morgar, Sts. FRESH PANACEA "WATBE, SPEOIALLY PECIALLY T EOOMMENDED RECOMMENDED FOR DY8PEPSIA .j-. YSPEP8IA STOMACH TOMACH TROUBLES A T ROUBLES ii.T 133 Fayetteville Street. O' k NOT BUY TOUR ST A- tionery until you see our stock. RALEIGH STATIONERY CO. , fSNIlEETS WRITING Pper and 85 Knveloiws for I W 5 cents. RALEIGH STATIONERY CO. COT' I PR IVES IN HAM- mocks. Call early before they are all gone. RALEIGH STATIONERY CO. FOR STYLISH STA tionery visit the RALEIGH STATIONERY CO. BBC BARGAINS IN Croquet Sets and Lawn rennls Baits. aufct RALEIGH STATIONERY CO. Notice. This is to let my customers and the public generally, know, that I have moved my shoe shop under Jones & Powell's feed store, on Fayetteville street. First class work done at the lowest reasonable prices. Give me a call. N. H. Moorb, Boot and shoe maker. Aug. 81 lw. Oat Flowers. Bouquets, Floral designs, roses, coleus, palms end other plants for bedding culture. Celery, late cabbage and collard plants. H. Bwvmitz, Florist. Telephone 118. jel2 For Rent. Four room cottage. Apply to P H Hoghes, Postal Telegraph Co. aul9 Wanted at Once To buy three or four nice show eases. Address, Williams ft King, Raleigh, NO. Dunlap's Hats-Fall '93 We are now showing ttessrs Dun lap 4 Go's new styles for Fall, both stiff and soft hats. The assortments of these famous h&tr are now un broken and we suggest early selec tions while the lines are complete. W H & R 8 Tookbr Sf Co. Ice Coal. We can produce 19 tons per day of beet Oryst il Ice ever made here. . We can deliver 60 tons per day of the best Domestic Coal ever brought here; keep op the equilibrium and beheaU thy and happy at smallest eost. ' Jo8xa ft Powiiib SHOE SALE. 3 Great reduction in FINESHOES FOR THE hext - 30 - daysJBVBBY BABYCARHI4BB Everything at FACTORY PRICES tW3Q to 40 per cent saved. DRY GOODS STORE 213 Fayetteville street. it We invite special attention to our M IDSUMMER CLEARANCE CI ALE n IDSUMMER U LEARANCE kjALE -OF- Trimmed kVlillinerv AND ALL- Straw Goods, Moslifl Bafr&Saps for children, Fancy Ribbon at a big 'eduction. Stamped Linen, Hair Goods, Jewelry and Fancy Notions. -., As we are to move again in the fall we want to reduccrthe stock as much as possible- MISS MAGGIE REESE, my2 ii4 fayetteville 8T. Next to Fred A Watson's. YOU WAHT TH8 Ml WeTiy to FarnisVIt. B. G. ft Co , Ltne of Ladies fine Shoes, (Cincinnati make) are unex celled for wear; they are marvels of beauty, easy, stylish and perfect fit ting, the "Rival" of any, and bettered by none All shapes, styles and sizes. Prices from $'3 to f 4. Once worn, always worn. FOR SOLID COMFORT Try Bart ft Packard's "Korrect Shapes," KDgiroo, Calf and Cordo van, unquestionably the best for gen tleoieo Try one pair and you will want them again. TRUNKS. We show a grand line of Trunks, the leaders of five factories. We can please you. Give us a call. Honest representations, fair treat-' meat, ana oig sates at lowest prices. we rotund tne mouty to all dissatis fied customers for goods returned in order. ANOTHER Cutting Scrape. When catting prices on any class of goods begins we are always the lowest. Take your "last full" at the So Challles and Lawns. A beautifol MISS REESE C. A. Sn & Co line of French Satteens for early fall wear. We're the talk of the city on SHOES AND SUPPERS- T11E LtOH RACKET STORE. Hardware. &c Wo want The Floor Space and Now Marked At Cost for Cash Only. $ 6.0S $ 6.45 6.S4 8.25 9 30 12.85 13.75 21 15 $ 5.90 6.75 Tlios. EBriggs&Sons, RALEIGH, N.C See EHIere. If you ure a citizen or stranger it will be to your interest to h ive your rooms neatly i'urnished. Nothing adds so much to the beauty of a residence as guuu, nice, suDswnti"! fur niture. For this ; II cannot be beaten in this or anv other com munity, mey nave all the novelties in the business, such as Bureaus, French Beveled Looking Glass es, Willow and Rattan Chairs, Wardrobes. Mat tresses, Ac. They have the finest, pret tiest and nob biest BABY CARRIAGES ever seen here. The NEW HOME Sewing Machine a specialty. Alsi MACHINE Needles end Oil. Besides, the firm will keep you cool by nice gifts of Fans and Caps. REMEMBER THE PLACE Exchange Placg, Southside M'rk't Dry Goods, Notion. Ap. WH&RSTUCKEHCO'S C A.RPZ T BARGAINS ANOTHER WEEK OF CARPET BARGAINS. Our patrons are reminded that this great carpet sale will con tiane this week. E761T h0US&eeper ShCUld take advantage of the SPECIAL SALE. - 123 and 125 Fayetteville street. Ttomas Mm