N Tao daily i4uiiin tfiflitor. UUSBBD TJ AtarOOB, I Except oonday, I HE VISITOR la served by carriers in the eity At 25 cents per month, payable to the earriers In advance. Prices for mailing' & per year, or 5 oenta per month. Communications appearing In theae columns are bu. the expreaalona o( the opinion of the correspondent writing the aame, and they alone are responsible. A erot$ mark X after your name i of or ma yoa that yoar time oat. Address all orders and eommunie lions to W. H. BROWS, Sr., tUlelgu, S C Local notleea in thia paper will be Fire Cents per line each Insertion. Office -Upstairs over Hr. .T. Hal UobbtU's Drug Store, 2d floor. IiVaiSST OiTf ClROrn.ATT.0. RLEIGII. SEPT. 28, 1893. SPARKS FROM THE WIRES. The Happenings of a Day Throughout the World. Employees on all railroads entering Obieago are to be armed. Pol G E Wbb has been elected mayor of Winston. The locomotive firemen on the Big Four (Indiana) railroad will not strike as was expected. Charles Becker if on trial at Peters burg, Va, charged with biganoy. Foar women call him husband. A negro has been arrested at An derson, S C, for wrecking trains on the Air Line road. He has confessed and implicated three other negroes. A passenger train on the Mobile and New Orleans railroad ran into an open switch at Gulf Port, Miss, early yesterday morning killing three ne. gro tramps Seven persons were se riously wounded. . There are 150,000 children attend log the schools in New York city, and there are 4 001 more of school age who cannot attend, because there is not room enough in the schools. A lady dropped dead on the Ferris wheel at the World's Fair a few days ago. 8he didn't want to ride on it but was persuaded by her husband. When about half way up she became so excited that she dropped dead. She was a sufferer from heart dis ease. . Mies Ah Fong, the Chinese girl from Honolulu, who is to marry Com manaer w mnng, or the U 3 navy, has arrived with her mother at San Francisco, where the wedding will take place. Some people may think a Chinese wife no great shakes, but here's a Chinese mother in law, too, for Whiting. He must be a brave tar. The State of Pennsylvania has an excellent law upon its statute books to protect newspaper men from be' log Imposed upon by fraudulent characters of those disposed to play practical jokes. Recently the repor ter of the Serantou Times was made tha victim of misinformation, and induced to publish an account of an elopement involving innocent par ties. The reporter turned the tables, however, upon the disseminator of false news by prosecuting him foi misdemeanor. The law under which th a prosecution was conducted is follows: as That any person who willfully states, delivers or transmits by any means whatever, to the manager, edi nor, or reporter or any newspaper, magaz'ne publication, periodical or serial, for publication therein, auy noeious statement concerning any person or corporation and thereby secure the actual publication of the same, is hereby declared guilty of misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be sentenced to pay a floe not to exceed $500, to undergo impris onment for a period not exceeding two years or either or both at the discretion of the court. Every reporter and newspaper pub Usher throughout the country, we are of oDlnion,.wIH pronounce the law a William Perran, of Clnolouatl, got In the soap in Boston by attempting to s orreptlouf ly take a kiss from Ibe lady with whom he boarded while ahe was preparing dinner. He sur prised her and she reciprocated the surprise by planting a dipper of boll log toup square In hia face. He doea not eee any fun in it now as he haa lost the sight of one eye and may loss the other. Texas siftinga: A few evenings ago a little boy was ousiiy engagea at hia lessons Hia father, one of the eading citizens of Harlem, had gone to the lodge, and his mother was busy sewing The little boy looked up aud asked: "Maui mi, what does the word 'pretext' mean?'' "When your father says he has to go to the lodge two or three times a week, that a 'pretext' to get away from his family " The boy did not say any thing, but the next day, wheu he read it out to the whole school, his definition of 'pretext' created a sen satioc. Ynqh Lee, a boss laundryman in New Ycrk, is in trouble, the victim of a double misplaced confidence He warr ed a white w man and had friend, Cbu Food, who was run ning a laundry in Jersey City. Chu cant to New York about once a week, and lueh invited him to his house to make the acquaintance of his wife. They became so well ao qaainted ttm Yueh went home one day and found bis wife had skipped with Chu over into Jersey. Ard then he soliloquized thus: "Mo bigee foolee mally Mell lean gal.. Him go Jelly citee, mally dam Chu Foon. Me no likee no mo " He now wants a Melican divorce. PEANUTS AND COTTON. It i- learned from a gentleman f ou Sussex, says the Petersburg (Va) la dexAire J that not morethaoh:f crop of peanuts will be made in that county, and that in some sec tions of the .county the farmers are digging up their peas and turning the hogs in th fields to feed unon them It also learned that in the same conn ty the cotton crop is shorter than it has been for five years, no blooms having matured after the 15th of An gust. WANTS $5,000 FOR NOT SLEBP INQ. Suit was filed in the United States Circuit Court at Galveston, Texas, by ex-Collector of Customs N W Cuney, against the Pullman Palace Oar Company, of Illinois, for dama ges in the sum of $5,000. Cuney is a ne gro. September 25 of last year. Cuney applied to agent Nichols for a sec tion in the sleeper. The agent ref us ea to sen mm a section, ana be was compelled to stand up during the trip to Houston. YOUNG GIRLS IN TIGHTS. An indignant mother who saw her 16 year old daughter clad in gorge ous tights, practicing a somersault, has notified the police of Reading of a peculiar state ot tmngs one Bays not only her daughter but a number of other girls of that age have been engaged to form a theatrical combi oation inese aamseis, it appears meet for rehearsals in barns and are under the instruction of a couple of men. i hey mtena to make a tour of tbe small towns of the state All wear tights, it seems, and this one girl's mamma was shocked at her ap pear ance The police are looking for the men who ars training the tender maidens to feel at home in the skirtless costume. KILLLD BY A SHOCK. Nelson Kuney, aged 92 years, went out driving with his sweetheart Miss Mead Hrainard, in Adraio, Micb wunouc warning o.uney drew a re volver and pointed, it at her. He pulled the trigger, but the card ridge dia not explode, one threw the lap robe over his hand, and, although the horse was on a run,' jumped out of the boggy. Kuney also jumped out and dragged tbe girl back into the bugfty, and again attempted to use the revolver. A passer by inter fared and the girl again broke away Then Kuney, placed the revolver to bis own bead snd fired. He died al most InstaoAyt. After the shooting Miss brainari pjassed a restless night Early tne neia morning she was seized with a mfking spell, and be fore help eould reach her sb6 died There is no doubt her death was the AY Horrible Railroad Accident la a daily ehronlola in our papers alao the death of some dear friend. ho -haa died with oonsumptiop. whereaa. If he or aba had taken Ot to's cure for Throat and Lung diseases in time, life would have been render ed happier and perhaps saved. Heed the warning 1 If you have a cough or any aueetlon ot tne i roat ana unga call at w. d King & Co., sole ageu'ui, aud get a trial oottle free. Lame size 50o. For aale by W. H. King & Co., corner ayeueville and Hargett streets. Alamance County, Fair, Burlington. For above occasion the Richmond & Dan ville railroid will aell greatly reduced rate tickets to Burlington and return from points on its lines west of Raleigh to Asheville, in clusive October 2d to 6th, inclusive, limited to October 8. Women's Home Mission State Conven tion. For above, occimon the Richmond "n- ville railroad will aell greatly reduce ' rate tickets to Reidsville, October 3-6, and re' urn follows; .Charlotte, fo O; Ureens .to, 20: Winston-Salem, $2 7; Kaleieb $185: Qoldaboro, I? 70. Rates from interna liate points in same proportion. Annual Methodist Conference at Og- burn, N. C, For above occasion the Richmond and Dan?ille railraad will tell greatly reduced rafe tick- ts to Winston-Salem and return from a itions named below, at following rates: Charlotte, $5 65; G-eensboro. 1150; Raleigh. $5 05; oldsooro, $6 85. Rates from intermediate points in same proportion. Tickets on sale October ICth to 15th inclu sive; limited returning to October 20, inclu sive. HOW IS THIS? Something unique even in these days of mammoth premium offers, is the latest effort of Stafford's Mag azine, a New York monthly of home and general reading The proposition is to send tbe Mag azine one year for ons dollar, the reg ular subscription price; and in add!-. tion to seud Jach subscriber fifty-two complete, novels during the twelve months: one each week. Think of it. You receive a new and complete novel, by mail, post pai,d, every week for forty two weeks, and in addition you get tbe magazine once a month for twelve months, all for one dollar. It is an offer which the publishers can only afford to make in the oonfl lent expectation of getting a hundred thousand new sub soribers. Among the authors in the coming series are, Wi'kie Collins, waiter beiant, nirs unpnanc, Mary Cecil Hay, Florence f-tarryat, Antho ny, Trollope, A uonan uoyie, miss Braddon, Captain Marry at. Miss Thackery and Jules Verne If you wish to take advantage of this unus ual opportunity, send one dollar for Stafford's Magazine, one year. Your first copy of the magazine, and your first number of the fifty two novels one each week) which you are to re ceive during the year will be snt you by return mail. Remit by P O Or der, registered letter or express Ad dress H STAFFORD, Poblisskr, Stafford Magazine. PO Box 2354, New York. N Y Please mention thfs Papr. Sept IV AdiniBistratoi's Hotici Hiving qnalifisl as 'a-lmintatrator of the ebtate of Thoavis V Bennett, deceased, th is to notify ll "ersous hiviuij cli . again it the estate tu present the s rue -n-for payment on or before the 14th day ui September, 1894. or this notice will be plea I -e i in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to tbe estate will please settle without fu -ther demand. J T BROUGHTOS, Admr of Thos W Be inett, dec'u. Sept 12th, 1893. Mortgage Sale. By virtue of authority conferred in a cer tain morteaee.executed by Sandy f Freeman a --d wife, March 29rti, 1890,. and duly re corded in book No l'?, at pge 2V, in Regis ter of Meeds office of Wake county, M C, we win, on Mowiay, tne outn aay ot October, A D 1893, at 12 o'clock m at the court house door in the city of Raleigh, sell to the high est bidder for cash, that trict of land lying and situate in Buckhorn township, in W-ke county, N.!, on the R & A A L railroad, near tne village ot New Hill, adjouun r the lands of Merrill Olive. Abner Lasblev and Others, coi.tainin 41 45-1 '4 acres, more o" less, more particularly described in th" aforesaid tmrtgase. Tnis 25rh day of Sep tember, A D, 183. . JrJSlvLilS (B MAiNAKI), Atto neys for mortgagee LAMO SALE, By authority of a mortgage from H. Wat kins and wife, as rendered m book 78, page 480, offi'ie Register of Deda of Wake county, I will, on Wednesday, the 4th day of October, 18?3, at o'clock, m , at the oourt house door of Wake county, sell to the high est bidder, for cash, two tracts of land in Wake Forest township, Wake ounty, de scribed as follows- (first tract adjoins the lands of Wesley Stell, Mrs. L. 0. Harris, Jo. A. Haywood and others, and known as the Hut Watkms home place, containing 102 acres. The second tract adjoins the la mis above described, th se of n.lvis Watkina and others, and Known as the Kenner Watk'.ns land, containing 17 1-2 acres. Both of said tracts are particularly de i'lSxcellsfiop " pnSniig Sai'i&itoga -Water SOLD ON DRAUGHT BY J II H J H H J H H J HHHR J H H J J H H JJJJ.. Q H BBBB OOOO BBBB BBBB B BO OB BB B B BO OH BB B BBBB O O BBBB BBBB B BO OB B B BO OB B BBBB OOOO BBBB PHARMACIST, Fayette-vllle &o S. iMIaiClszet; S"bs, The water is brought direct from Saratoga and is dlspeused in precisely tne same condition in wmcn it nows at 0 eents per glass. Docitops THAT EVERY ONE SHOULD DRINK ILStflafia Watfea DUETNO THIS WEATHER, TO PR EVENT FEITER, by keeping the etom inh in a good condition. It will cure Gravel Kidney and Bladder troubles; and is also a PANACEA FOR DYSPEPSIA. Sold by J H BOBBITT at 20c per I elf gallon brittle. flee. Ice'.'The We are prepared t i pply ICE, ICE, ICE in any quantity of too b-jst quality and at lowest prices for oash We will not be uuderi-l by any one, north or south, from car loads down. Send orders to Jones & Powell, Phone 41 and 71. A large stock of Ant'ira"1i ill cite Coal, all sizes. JK'J.L, Bituminous Coal for fuel and steam i If XT t8. Bran, Hay VWrill Shingles, &o, at wholesale and retail by JONES & POWELL OBBOLKAJSD CAROLINA B.1 JJORDBNSKD 8CHBDUI1K. , , Dated August 9th, 1891. South No:th Bound Bound Train. stations. Train o. 101. No. 10C i. M. 9 60 10 15 10 27 1102 H20 1137 !152 12 31 P. M 625 , 2 01 447 414 3 64 3 36 8 21 2 C9 217 10 Ive Pinuer's I'ointj.Arrive L've Drivers, Arrive L've IAe L've L've L've L've Ar Suffolk, ,Gates, Tunis, Aboskey, Aulander, Hobgood, Tarboro, Kocky Mount, Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive L've 12 63 1 20 P. M. A. M No 101 makes connecuon at Rocv Mount with W W Train No 23 for all poiDta South, and No 78 train for all points North" i 0& OKU HKL, J K rLRNLT, QenH Manage.'. Supt Trains T.M KSMRir.v. Pisanr Afft Sale of Land. By virtue of a mortgage execute 1 by Jnf- feraon Pool, Wash Mangum and Heuden n Sturdevant, trastees to Wm Watts, on thi 10th day of December; 1887, recorded in the omce ot la register ot Deeds county, a u, tn book 101, ptge 619, 1 will sell, at public auction for cash, at the court house door in the city of Raleigh. N 0 on , Monday, tbe 23d dsv of October. 1893 ar 12 o'olocs m. a certain lo- of land situated in the village of An burn, St Marys township, said county, and state, and bounded as fol lows: Beginning in the middle of tne Smithfield road running N 16 i 1-22 chains to a stake 100 feet from the center of t,h n 0 R track; thenoe 8 43i Hi 2-27 chains to a ' stake in the middle of said railroad; thence J i3-na cnauiB to me Degmnmg, contal .ing 19 pemhes, less a ceiialn portion of said lot sold to Peter PooL ARMISTKAD JONKS. eUtds Attorney, Ao. II II II II TTTTT T T ' T T T T T T T T T T . B B II B B II BBBB II irom tne spring at Saratoga ana Is sold Agree yeJnfj Visiter i- EVFRY EVENING EXJ'cP 8PNDAV. W PER . ANNUM OR- Twenty-five Gents Per Elonttt BX W. M. Brown, Sr., scribed In the aforesaid mortgage. . V W. N. JONES, Attorney. BepUda. ' A Ood one. result of fright. RALEIGH, N.O.

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