BJctmond $ Dansille R, R. ft. hniuuel Spencer, l W. Uulde koper and Iteubeu Fosler.lte celvera. RICH. & DaN. AND N, CL DlYISiONS, CoudeuneU bcaodule. laedof August ki, daily. No P M. U to 4i 4 44 i0 U30 7 .M 40 627 7a; tfo !7 boUfUBiOau. Lv itioaiuoud, Lv Uuraoviue, Lt K.e,ville, At ASuviue, Lv, Ar dreeueouro, Lv iiaKibbjfo, Ar flateiga, AjV l&aleigu, iiV Duruui, 11 A. M 14 00 1 4J 317 oaj 6 00 7-40 A M 640 864 100 JtoO 5 40 44o a jo U4) n ua P M 4cU Ootf A U 00 P M Oj 4 05 10 li Lt Wluaou'dioui, to lo xj urooaoU jro, 7 oo Ar cxtiiouur, V oo Ar oiitfcebvuio, 6o4 aia Ar Asuevilie, Ar Hoi springs, j Lv Salisbury, Ar OuarloUe, Ar sparcanourg, Ar (ireenvllle, Ar Atlanta, Lv Cnarlotte, Ar Columbia, Ar Aaguaia, Lv Augusta, iiV Ooiuuioia, Ar Uhariotte, Lv Atlanta,, Ar Charlotte, Lv Otiarloito, Ar SalldOurj, Lv Hoc opriugd, JiV AriUOVU.'O, Lv otateaviuo, Ar Baiisuury, Lv SaiioOury, Ar tireeueooro, A M .a id )A) 1137 PM 14 o 4 5o M P M 1J4j 44 tf 43 11 lo AM lad iislS 710 P M 11 iJ A M O 10 .06 DAILY. iSos JMj iNo 80011 J 14 33 fli AM P M 6 00 .100 a ij 4 do a a o mo P M 04o 9 5) lOu A Al P Jtt )3J 7 4i 814 aw oao a at 4 10 K Od V 37 L4 41 4 30 711 6.0 415 lull 9 37 o oo li 40 .lo 4a A AI ,S35 t!4u0 7 30 14 01 'J 46 odo 10 aj odo ioa PM, 11 10 AM P M P M .0 Oj ' 11 oO 10 4a A M AM 7 40 13J 10 07 10 40 4 0o 4 00 11 00 4 51 4 0l FM 103 700 70C Ar Wiustoa-SaleinSdo Lv tfreeusooro, Ar Duruaui, Ar Kateign, Lv KaieigU, Ar lioiddboro, Lv tireanaljoro, Ar Danville, Ar Kays vine, Ar mar lie viae, Ar Richmond, TDaily except Sunday. E rfer&iey, J S3 I'nouipson, ctupo, Supt, , treeuaooro, IN' 0. Uiehuiond, Va. W A Tarn, Wen Pass Age, vVasmng. buu, D O. d it Hard wick, Asst (ieal Paas Agt, ACiaaca, Via. VV 11 urreeu. tioi Haaa, ufou Maa'g r, i'raulo Jiau'g'r, Washington, D O. Waauuigooii.D U. Braa jaos Jand-tasou dcaaul T 4 Alfltf aii d SU U I'M. Da Jau ltitfi. 4. Ho ii DaUy. jSoi7 4i Daily. o43pin 6 Jfjpil) ciaad'y L j W oldon, 1 i 30pm Arxfcoc&y iiit, 1 40pai Ar A'aruoro, 4 loom a 40ani 1 4aiu La 1'ar uoro, 13 53pm '6 00pju Ar Wilson, diapm 70opoi La rVudoa, N 3dpiu Ar .seliaa, 3 30pm a 17asii Ar if'ay'tvilie oaupm La ct'vuuuru, & lopin La Warsaw, 4i4pia La Magnolia, 4 47pm Ar tfu'gwn, 0 Wpin 7 40pai v uutuu lDOUaui 8 40pm 10 14am a aopsn 11 4oain TAA.LSHH HOLM JSOKTii. JSo 14 JMo b, jtfo 40, dally d'y, ex dandy. 4 00pai o 40pna 55 opia rtottpui r dttilv Ly ATU'gKon, i tOam 9 15am L V Magnolia, 3 3 10 o7am La vVardaw, llllain Ar d'doaoro, 4 3Jani laiOoaiu La Jf'a'tviUa, ; 9 10am Lvrfaima, 110?pm Ar vVliaoa, 1 10pm Lv .Viuon, 5 Uiu ia6tipm Ar iiosyMi, 6 37 1 aopiu A l'arooro, 6 30aui2 ldpm L Tarooro, 14 6Pfl A AT aid in, 035am 45lpiU 7 48pm Salpm 9 35pm lally Mxoaut Monday. JoiifliCJDiTixm, Idfaaoraidiporin'oadant. Cp J ft ivJdiii, dap's rrana. 'f i ii4 iHSuot. vjrau7i a4 Agt. klkl'Llftt) Jfc . O. it it, , Time Table So 15. Ia e3eofc Poasuiber lath, 1838 Scaadale. Pasa traiad dtatioiu Soldsboro L (iranga No 50 A Lva I a 3 30 4 1, 40 444 454 Ar Lva 11 S3 a j 10 43 10 48 10 i 10 14 Hit 8 44 CHICAGO AND THE WORLDS FAIR. Send ten oenta (ailvsr) or twelve Muti In stamp (or a U&ndy Pocket tfalde to the great exponlMoD; glve4 Information of value to every visitor Btreet Onide. Hotel Prices. Gab Fares, Kest&annt Rates, ete. Describes the hidden pitfalls for the unweary, sd1 hints how to keep oat of them. This Indtepensible companion to every vis itor to the windy city will be sent be mll, post pild, on reoeipt of ten sll ver,or twelve cents in stamps. Address d STAFFORD, Publisher, POBonM New York, 2i f. I'leaee men ion tbU Paper. Quotations ui Uie Inter State Trust ttud -iSrokeraicA o. Hi d Asked 126 981 991 80 100 17 18 118 70 72 99 102 106 1081 50 ' 40 J21 , "I 120 145 1021 101 71 90 105 6? 77 84 28 North Carolina 6's 48 W N 0 R R 6'a N (- Railroad. A4SC11R, K & ii A K, 8'8 R&GRK, 8 & R R R, City of Raleigh 6's, 1897, City of Raliga6'8, 1907, Raleigh Street Railway 6'sa N C Agricultural Society 6's, Citizeua' National Bank, Co'Oinercial and Farmera' Bank, national uaaK, Kaieiga, Raleigh Saviugs Bank, Raleigh Cotton Hills 6's, Caraleigh Phosphate Works, Caialeigh 0tton Mills, N 0 Car Company, Peace institute, Raleigh Gas Light Co, Raleigh Land and Imp Co, LOCATION OF ALARM BOA. No. 12. Folk and East Btreets. 13. Johnson and Halifax Streecs. 14. North and Person Streets. 15. iHoii and Bast Streets. 16. North west cor Bloanf and Polk. 21. Morgan and Blount Streets, j 23. Wilmington and Martin Streets. 24. Davie aut Bloodworth StreetB. 25. Wilmlugtou and South Streets. 26. Hargett and Swain Streets j 27. Bloaut and Cabarrus Streets. 312. Fayetteville and Hargett Ste. 214. Hargett and Bloodworth Sta. 31. Davie and Dawson Streets. 82. Hillsboro and West Streets. 34. Lenoir and McDowell Streets. 85. Hargett and Dawson Streets. 86 South aud Harrington Streets. 37. Hargett end West Streets. 4. Water Tower. 41. Dawson Street, between Jones and Lane Streets. 42. Halifax and Edenton Streets. 43. Jones and Saunders Streets. 45. Fir wood Avenue opposite. Cot ton Mill. 47. North Street, West of Salisbury MAGNETIC NERVINE. Is sold with written guarantee to cure N ervou s Prostra tion, Fits, Diizi- ness, Headache and N euralgia andWake fulness.caueed by ex cessive useof Opium, Tobacoo and Alco hol; Mental Depres sion. Softaninsof the Brain, causing Misery, Insanity and Death; Barreness, Impotency, Lost Power in either sex. Premature Old Age, Involuntary Losses, caused by over-indulgence, over-exertion or the Brain and Errors of Youth. It gives to Weak Organs their Natural Vigor and doubles the joys of life: cures Lucorrhcea and Female Weakness, a month's treat ment, in plain package, by mail, to any address, $1 per box, 6 boxes $6. with every $5 order we give a Written Guarantee to cure or refund the money. Circulars free. Guarantee Issued only by our ex clusive agent. John Y. MaoRae, Druggist, Raleigh, N. O. Notice, Notice Is hereby given to all credi tors of John Gatling, deceased, that Robert R Gatling and George H Gat ling, by their guardian, VanB Moore, have hied a petition before me pray ing that a hotaestead shall be set apart to them in the McMaaara tract of land ia Wake county, which has descended to them as heirs of their father, John Gatling. Notice is far tber given said petition will be heard before me at the office of John W Hinsdale, Raleigh, N 0, April 19, 1894, at 10 o'clock a m. W D HAYWOOD, jy2fi-eow6w Justice of the Peace. THE WASHINGTON EKLY POST A Paper from the Nationa. Capital shonlr" 9o into every Family in lb Country 1 rPHERE is no other paper in theUnitet' X. States that is growing so rapidly in circa lation as the Washington Weekly Post. This is because neither abor nore tpenw is spued to make it lhe best, as well as the. cneapwt, paper published. It is A Mationai Papor I Being printed at the seat of government, The Weekly Post contains special features not found in any other publication. Every mac should first subscribe for his home paper To it you owe your first allegiance. After that is done, if able to take another paper, the best one printed av the Capital of the conn try is the one that will prove most profitab and entertaining. The Weekly Post will contain: ..-V:'.-':' A fail resume of the proceedings of Congres. An epitome of all the uers from the Nation ui (lanital. Political news and gossip impartially told, Serials and short stories by the best writers, (Jems of literature, art and selected raisoellany lhe latest telegrapio news from every section of the Klobe. Interesting Capital chat Interviews with leading men from aL parts of the country. . Other features not oontvined in aoyofiei The Post is an absolutely ladependnt paper 8 pages, 56 columns. ' lhe price of lhe Weekly Post is 75 oentt per annum In advanoe. Bampla oopies wl ires ' Addrwt, ; 1 ,Tafi, WEEKLY fOiC, MY KINO. Ton are all that 1 have to livs for AU that I want to love. All that the whole work holds for me Of faith in the world above' You come and It seemtd too mighty For my humble heart to hold; It seemed, in its sacred glory, . Like a glimpse through the Gstecf Gold, Like life in the perennial Eden. ' Created, formed anew This dream of perfect manhood That I realize in you. God created me a w unan, With a nature Just as true As the blue, eternal ocean As the sky that is over you An4 you are mine an til your Maker calls you Youi soul and your body, sweet ! . Your breath, and the whole of your being, From your kingly head to your feet Your eyes, and the light tbat is in them, Your lips, with their maddening wine, Your arms, with thir passionate cl-wp, my king Your body and soul are mine. No power, whatsoever, No will but God's alone, Can take you from my keeping; You aie His and mine alonel I know not where, if ever T know rot when or how Death's hands may try the fetters That bin1 us here and now; But some day, when God beckons, Where rise His f ronded palms, My soul shaU cross the River And lay you in His arms; Forever and forever, beyond the Sileut Sea, You will rest in the Arms Eternal, And ftill belong to me. Boston Times. When Baby ivas sick, we gave her Castorla, When she war- a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, When she oad Children, she gave them Castoria. John Craig, who lives in the town of Danville, Ind, and his wife, are people of weight. They pall down the scale at 1,030 pounds John weighs 900 of them Pimnles. blackheads, moles, free kles, tan and sunburn removed by Johnson's Oriental Soap. Medical Sold by John Y. MacRae Since the passage of the McKinley tariff the sugar growers have received 115,849,5X1 in bounties. Louisiana got the largest slice, Texas coming in next. ' Johnson's Oriental Soap imparts a delicate odor and leaves the skin soft and velvety. Sold by John Y. Mac Rae." The largest family in the world is said to be that of the King of Siam He has 200 cooks in the royal kitchen who devote themselves exclusively to preparing eatables to the king, his ninety wives, his seventy two chil dren, afd his fifty brothers and sis sters, and 226 uncles and nephews, aU of whom board with him. Constipation and sick he ad aohb positively cured by Japanese Liver Pellets; 51 pills 25 cents. Sold at J Y. MacRae's Drug Store. A recent competition was held in Paris in the presence of a large nam ber of speot tors, between three men who entered Into a contest to see which could drink the "most water. The winner swallowed twelve quarts the second nine and the third seven An operation or injection of carbol ic acid is extremely dangerous. Try Japanese Pile Cure. Positively guar anteed by John Y. MacHae. The Manchester, England, ship ca nal which will be open for traffic some time next year, is about sixty miles long. It will cost about (50,000,000. The original estimate was for $35,000, 000 It was a bold scheme and will practically make Manchester a sea port city. All diseases of the skin oared, and lost complexion restored by Johnson's Oriental Soap. Sold at John Y. Mao- Rae's Drag Store v , ; The people of Roanoke were crazed for a time with excitement, remarks the Richmond State, bat now that reason ha" returned, they have, like sensible men, invited Mayor Trout to return to his home and to hie kin dred This is well. Mayor Trout has, we believe, done what he conceived to to &xX a IA 2&3l.fei to j"f I . t " " t for Infants " Caator I is so well adapted to children that I recommend lt as superior to any prescription known to me." B. A AacBxa, M. p.. Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. "Tho use of 'Castoria is so universal and its ineriU so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." CtBLoe Mabtsw, D. D., New York City. Tes Centaur S. A. L. Seabua'd Air-Line. THlt iUUII S'JHEDIJLE Between Atlanta, Athens, Charlotte. Fay etteyille, Rl"i?h and Portsmouth. Peters burg, Hichmond. Waslington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. Schedule in effect July 2, 1893. ATLANTA SPEOIAX." No. 127 No. 134. 7 30 12 15 720 9 42 10 57 1113 12 46 2 00 2 38 310 3 43 3 51 526 pm a m a m a m a m a m p m p m p m p m p m Lv Boston Lv New York Lv Philadelpaia Lv Baltimore Lv Washington Lv Alexandria At Ar At Ar Ar 7 00 am i 0i p m 7 18 pm 4 57 p m 3 40 pm 3 25 p m 1 42 p m 12 35 p m Ar " Fredericksburg " " Ashland " Ar Richmond Lv 12 00 m Lv Richt.ond Ar 11 45 a m Pntershurg Lv 11 03 a m (Uniin Station) p m t etersburg " 10 55 a ui (Was'ti!:g'on Si tutin) p to r 9 :o t m 3 00 p m Lv Norfolk Ar 311pm ' Por biuouth " 3 43 p m ' (Suffolk Lv 4 14 p m ' Franklin " 440 p m " Boykins " 114 am 11 35 a m 11 02 a m 10 29 a m 10 01 a m 9,25 a m 9 00 a in 7 39am 6 00 a m 6 30 am 6 15 am 5 10 a m 4 24 a m 3 35am 6 ol p m Ar weidon 5 35 p m Lv Weidon 6 58 p m " Henlersot 8 31 p m Ar Durham 8 00 pm " Raleifeh 8 15 p m Lv Raleigh 9 23 d m " Sanford Ar Lv Ar Lv 1008 p m ' Southern Pines " 10 05 p m Ar Hamlet " 5 00 p m 10 00 p no Lv Wilminstton " Charlotte Lv 5 00pm " 10 00 pm 1105 1116 1149 1250 200 314 3 57 4 21 519 618 6 51 8 30 7 30 p m p m p m a m am a m a m a m a m am a m a m a m Lv Hamlet Ar 3 25am " Rockingham Lv 3 16 a m Wadesbdro K 2 41 a m "Monroe " 1 57 am " Chester " 12 18 a m " Clinton " 1107 pm Greenwood " 10 25 p m "Abbeville " 10 00pm Blberton " 9 00pm " Athens " 8 C5 p m " Jag Tavern " 7 28pm Ar Atlanta, Eastern " P 45 p m " A tlanta, Central " 4 45 p m No. 41. PASSBN3 AND MAIL. No 3S. 9 20 pm 1 03 a m 2 30 am 410 am 9 15 a m 12 10 p m Lv New York " Philadelphia " Bautimire " Washington Ar 6 50a m 8 45 am 12 48 a m 11 10 pm 6 30 p m 3 25 p m Ar " Kicnmona Ar Weidon, A.O.L.LV '800 pm Lt New York Ar 8 0 a m 11 16 5 m " Phil. N Y.P&N " -ft ?0 a m 7 30 am " Old Point " 7 00pm 9 10 a m Ar Portamouth Lv 6 00 a ra ;2 00 p m 4 30 p m ,7 00 p m 7 00 a m 800 am 9 35 a ip 12 07 pm 12 15 p m 23) p ra 4 10 p m 4 30 pm 6 00 p m 7 60 pm Lv New York " Philadelphia L' tBaltimore (Bay Line) " Old Point Ar Portemoutht Lv Portsmouth Ar Weidon Lv Weidon " Handerson Ar Raleigh Lv Raleigh " Sanford Ar Hamiet Ar 120 10 47 700 700 6 00 545 3 0J 3 00 109 11 '5 10 7 981 7 20 pm a m a m lm p m p m i El p m p m a m a m a m a m .: Lv Ar Lv Ar lv 4''- Ar Lv 5 00 a in ar Oh irlotte Lv 1 00pm The fast mail leaving New York at 4 0J a. m., connects witn No 187 at Washington. No 134 has Pullman Buffet Bleepers, At lanta to Washington; connects at Washing ton with the Congressional Limited for New York; Parlor cars, Washington to New York. No 127 has Pullnan sleepers New York to Washington, an! Pullmtn Buffet sleepers Washington to Atlanta. Parlor cars between Portsmouth and Wei don, Sleeper, No 131 Raleigh to Charlotte No 41 Hamlet to Wilmington. Trains No 38 oonneots at Weidon with through Pullm in riaffa Sleeoer for Rich mond, Washington, Baltimore, Philidel ohia and New York. Train No 41 coormts at Weidon with Pullman Slee-mr for points south, via At lantic "Joas- Una Daily, tl) lily except S in Jay. B Break fast. D Dinner, si Supper For lafortnattiii reutwe to schedules, &x aDDlv to ticket agaat, or V. J. Cooke, pas senger agent, ttaleui. t v. v. DdaivoL, axaittu uaanageri 1 a V? and Children. Castorla cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes geetlon. Without Injurious medication. "For several years I have recommended your ' Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so as it has Invariably produced KblCcuiI results," . Edwtm F. Pabdu, M. D., 125th Street and 7th Ave., New Yoi City. Cokpaxt, 77 Mubrat Stbkit, New York Crrr. CaVe9tS.lndTm '!.Marlrhain1 snall P.. jent business coi.iiucted ior Moderate fees. (Our Office it. opposite U. S. Patent Off'ice I and v. e can steurs patent i less time than those v remote from nvhinirir,n ! Send model. dliwinf nr nhotn urith der..;n. Jtlon. We advise, if patentable or not, free of i charge. Our fee jot due till patent is secured. r a b.ubuip 1 ilmiT r'wt; IJ.. , . L. Scost of same in tue U. S. and fuieign countries !C.A.S!MOWO.i X-, w.i-i Scientific American Agency for CAVEAT8. TRADE MARKS. DESIGN PATENT8. COPYRIGHTS. etoJ For Information and free Handbook write to MUNN & CO., 361 Broadway, new York. Oldest bureau for securing patents In America. Every Patent taken out by us is brought before the puolio by a notice given free of charge in the Largest circulation of any sclentlflo paper In the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man should be without it. Weekly, 83.00 a yeart $1.60 six months. Address MUNN & CO. Publishers, 361 Broadway, New York City. If You ant Mon ' A cock,'-,.' A partner, A situation, A servant girl, To sell a farm, To sell a house, jjTo buy or sell stock, Good boarding house, To sell plants or grain, fejll groceries or drugs, Sell household furniture , To make any farm loans. 9ell or trade for anythlug, Find customers for anything , " Read and advertise in the Raleigh EVENING VISITOR. Advertising obtains new customers, Advertising keeps oid customers, Advertising liberally will pay, Advertising makes succes? Advertising exhibits pluck, Advertising means "biz." Advertise immediately Advertise constantly , Advertise regularly, Advertise always Advertise well, ADVEKTISS, AT OiSOS,; nowii, The LYenina Visitor The beat thing in the TTnUe.1 states f o ONE CENT is the Philadelphia RECORD l per year, dU $'J pr yaar, omittfng Randa For th Farmers and business niait the Record ha no equal Address " Th RaojH PWla4U phla, Pa. Pv . . . 2 WW iswa', .w.