T0I1H1IL0X lITiL Her Well Selected Company Make a FaTorahle Impreiiloa at Roaioke. Tha Roanoke News aaya of Mln Hanlon who will appear her ca Monday eight: Hlaa Tom a Hanlon delighted the at tendante at the Academy of Untie laat night la the premutation of th charir log play, "Her Fidelity.1 Ti e cot pany la a atrong one and earrii a lta own eeenery entirely. Th play, written by J 8 Bergrr, la good, and the apeolalty work of Mlaa Hanlon and Mr Clonttl rank among the beet ever aeen In Rianok Mlaa Hanlon hat a eharmlog at presence, a magnificent volee, a cor tagioaa laogh and a thorough scbool ingioeomedy. From her first av pearanee the audience waa here an 1 her entry waa at all timet the tign.il of applause. Young and beautiful with pureaympathetlo and thorough, ly trained voice, her love for n r profession demonstrates that tlie perfect rendition of her part spiings from the heart. Daisy Bell,' a brand new London eong, waa delicately rendered and warmly applauded, and in the clo-i-log act. the Laat Rose of Summer," as rendered by her rioh mezzo-so' pranno, waa a revelation and err neatly encored. In fact the entire company waa ex cellently cast, the comedy work being especially good, and, although they were rather pooily billed here, we predict for them great success ou their southern tour. Hazing. We are glad that most of the col leges and schools of the couutry have taken a bold and decided stand against the foclisb practice of "haz ing." It la a custom iu f ;ct that should never have been tolerated and, no doubt, it baa had a sad effect on many a youth just entering college. Some boya are of coarse more sensitive than others, and a rough reception may throw a damper over them during their entire college life. The life at college should b 1 the brightest period of a young man's life and he ought to be able to look back upon it In after years with pride and pleasure. Let the practice be stopped in all our schools. It is not only hurtful but a relic of barbarism. The committee of examination have reported that the inhibits of North Carolina at Chicago will be worth thousands of dollars to the state in the way of advertising lta resources to the world. Borne important improvements are going on at the Soldiers Home. This ia being done under the act of the last Legislature which appropriated $2,000 for the purpose. Thejnumber of students at the Uni versity is now 834 ; at Trinity 145 and at Wake Forest 165. Considering the money stringency this ia a splen did showing. In the advertisement of Messrs Q N Ives & Co, in our issue of yesterday the word ''twice a week," should have read, " twice a day." Read the ad Yertiseruent. The estimate this afternoon waa that the receipts of cotton during to day would run up to about 700 bales. Eaat Martin street was a perfect blockade. At a recent meeting the Executive committee of the Farmer's Alliance the State waa divided into eight dla tricts, and a lecturer appointed for aoh. The Agricultural department re ports the sales of commercial fertllU zers about as large so far this autumn aa they were laat year. It ia a singular fact, that not with' standing the hard times, the mort gages of real estate are fewer this ytar than usual. r; 2fo fanlt In this weather. All Free. Those who have used Dr Kind's New Dis covery know its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try it free. Call on the advert sed druggist and get a tri al bottle, free. Send your name and address to H Bucklen & Co, Chicago, and get a sample bottle of Dr King's New Life Pills fre, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and Household Instructor, free All of which U guaranteed to do you good and costs you nothing at John Y MscBae's drug store. reneaal Xeatlea. Hon F U Slmuioat waa in the city Vfnierd'y Col W J (launders ia out again after a ipeM of slekoees. Mlae Laura Young Is a iek at her res idence on Weat Lane atreet. Mlaa Gertie Thlem la sick at her ree ldence on Weat Jonea atreet. The marriage of ex Attorney Gen erall'beo F Davidson and Miaa Bai lie Carter will take plaee in thla city October 12tb. The announcement la made that Mr Geo 8 Terrell, of the agricultural de . partmtnt, and Miaa Lvle Park, daughter of Capt B F Park, will be married In thla city October 11th. Wake Superior Court. The followlog caaea were disposed of this morning: State vs George Adams; 1 and r; guilty; 3 years on the roads and costs RtatevsDr J H Dante1; false pre teuoe; guilty; judgment not pro nounced. State vs Thoa E Jones; a d w; on trial. Bead the Advertisements. Duiflii Oysters. Woolcott & 8ons Cloaks, &c Metropolitan Hall Her Infidelity AtteuMon is directed to the adver-. ti'ment cf th- Lvon racket store Tliev announce FOine special novel tin of the rarest kind. Nee the World's Fair for 15c Upon receipt of yuur address and fi'teen cent in postage stamps we will mail yo l j prepaid our 8ouvenir Portfolio of theWorla's ; Columbian Exposition, the regular price is ' fifty cents, but as we want you t have one, . we make the price nominal. You will fin I j it a woi k of art and a thins: to be prized. It ' contaiLS full page views of the great build-. ings, with descrijti ns of B'.ine, and is ex -! cuted in highest f tyle of art. If Lot satisfied ; with it, after you get it, we will refund the stamps and let you keep the book. Address H E Bccklin & Co, Chicago, 111. On patriotic friend, Mr J O S Luuiodeu, acting upon our "gges tlon, has cut off a piece of the histo rio tree which was cut down in front ofthemirket yesterday. Mr Lume den aays he is going to preserve it in the "archives of gravity" so that fu ture generations may know something of what was going on In the days that tried men'a souls. If you have purchased a nice stock of gooda and desire to sell tbem, don't hide them under a bushel measure bat let the world know through the medium of advertising what you have to dispose of. This will be a mutu al benefit to yourself and the public. ,'What are so many old men doing up in the front," asked a young man of another at Helen Russell's perform ance last night. "Don't you know? They are oar forefathers tonight. See?" And then they counted the bald heads. The Richmond State boasta that a great deal of tobacco ia being receiv ed in that city from Edgecombe and Nash. Juat think of it. If the Al bemarle & Raleigh Railroad waa bcilt, much of this would come to Raleigh. Gov Carr Issued a requisition yes terday afternoon on the governor of Georgia for the rendition of Frank, Jim and Will Williams, who are want ed in Mecklenburg county for assault and battery. Bucklen'g Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cats, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe ver sores, tetter, chapped hands chil blains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cares piles, or no pav required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refund ed. Price 25 cents per pox. For sale by John Y MacRae. Dissolution of Copartnership OF THE FIRM OF ELLINGTON, ROYSTE & CO. By mutual consent the firm of Ellington, Ro s.er & Co has been dissolved and for the pur.)Ose of winding up the affairs connected with the partnership! a consent judgment has been entered in Wake Superior Court by which Mr Virtruvins Royster has been ap- poinCed Commissioner ana Receiver to con i vert all the firm assets into money and after ; discharging the indebtedness of the firm to divide the residue among the several part ners according to their respective interests. ! The firm is perfectly solvent and all it liabilities will be discharged in a short while. Persons indebted to the firm are re quested to make prompt payment to Mr , virtruvius Royster. i aeftftf ELLINGTON, ROYSTER & CO. SNELUHG HPKS, DRUQOISIB. f J f A1 ia the ti ae to prepare for early g? have the requisites, including EARLY CABBAQI, KALE AND 8PIKACH SEEDS. .. EARLY fePRINQ ONION BETS, 10c QUA RT. Also all other seeds needed. PRE8GBIPTIOVH receive our prompt attention and an conpaunded in the most aden ine manner. W. N. Shliikj, Hkkbt T. Hicks DRUGGIST8. Cor Favetteville and Morgar Sis. Monday, Cct. 2d. Hiss Toim Hanlon the veratilA Comedienne, supported by Ed ward Warren, M'S Ella Fontaine bleau a-d a carefully selected company in the Greatest '8ocitv Come'ty Drama, "HERFIDELITY" which is acknowledged to be the finest blend o' comedy and drama over witnessed. Pr ces 25c, 50j and 75c. Seats now on sale at MscRae's drug store. We are Going to New crop lemons at Barbee & Pope's. We make a specialty of fine candy, fresh and pure. Barbee a rope. We are going to handle bananas In large quantities. ; Barbee St rope. O'tr "Chips," pat up in a neat box, cannot be excelled. Barbee & Pope. Stop and get som nice fruit at oar stand under Raleigh National Hank Barbee Pope. fill . .1 I candy to be found at K i St Pope's ' tf ' "VTOW ia th time to secure you an'ce i y house if you expect to get a move on nti before win tT sate In. talk over thin 1 .t and vou will be sure to fin I smeth'nr fo suit you v "VTICK cottage on "aunders tTeit. fell l' iy cate-l a'id convenient; wH r.t ri u in tne yarrt; healthiest section of thj city. . QOTTAQE on West Morgan street g ROOM house on North Wilmington st. TRO'lMhouse on Blood wortd street, be tween Edenton and Jones. 6 ROOM house on Wilmington! between Morgan and Hargett. ROOM house, corner Davie ant Blount. 4 ROOM cottage on Firweod avertu, opp v" site Raleigh cotton mill. If vou haven't the ti-ne to co"netooir office, and desire further information, drop usao'd and we wll call for yon. Wtfl HAVK hEVBRAL aa DE-URA.BL3 truzuw ron SATits at panic prices Yours Iru' se24 Bulla MRS. WEIL, French MiUiaery DRESS MAKING -ANT Ladies1 Outfitting Establishment Elennt and Artiatio Trimmed Bonnets. Turbans. Toques and Kound Hats. Imported and from our own work rooms. French Kelt Lntriiomel Boo nets, Round Hats, Turoan Mid Flaia. In ail the new aha l a and hapea. ITUhm Tina C.tWd. . Plnmu Wlnna QuUla, Black and Wiiite Birds. Fine rancy feathers, Velvet Rosea and I I ' . f?." f . ; NOVELTIES In Felt Plaques, 8haded and fwo-toned. iao rutin ixiors. Hpangiea jcaginga, Yowna. Bands Winin and aimette. Rnnets. foaoes. &c. A line of Hats f mm 25o up to f 1. a most attractive assortment of Imported Millu err Ribbons, in all the bat st J anman atyles, will be displayed. vVhite and Kiack and Ombre Effects in Entirely new weaves and designs. a21 IQ-il FAYETTEVILLE 8T, MQ1 lOl raleiqh.no. lol Lorn TO Real Estate Security -OS- 8 Tears' Time: Che b urower's life will be insured lor the full amount, and it cas of his death tne loan will be pud from the INSURANCE rOLlUr The Mechanics and Investors' Jnion also is 'Qe VEUriFIUATES OP 8TOCK with combined INSPIUJVUI FOLI IES payable in about eight years, based upon small dxi monthly pay oi its. i'or fur ther particular apply to the Hecli&nics dadiiTestors' Uao , Raleigh, N O, Geo Allen, Secretary. jy31 -AO UN I'M VANTKD For Sale. I offer my rei leice in 11 y ood, N C, for sale The house contains . ine vat:is and about 15 O' ') acres ot land. It is o ie of the finest summer rei leasts in On I ham coun ty. It has a sp'eiviM well of water a-id ia situated near a fine r ve, and everything is convenient Puuzis all around the house, any prson wiqing to bay such a pl-tce will communinate with R M BBOWV, yltf Hay woo I, ('imtuaiQ co , N O. RAI.EIGH, N. C. Successor to Evans & Martin. MAN UFAOTFRER OF Carriages, Bogies, Special attention given to rep tirinpr of all kindp' Estimates ajtven on all kinds of work on application. Wheels, Axles and Springs in stock for immediate demand. The best work is always the cheapest. And this can be found! at tne northwest corner of Morgan and Blount streets. Facts Speak Louder Than Words. Oar new fall stock is now in and ready for inspection. Weh yebeea abreast with the times, and we can safely assure you' th t we are in a roeie tlon to off er you Extraordinary Inducements, nmLIIREN'4 ) auBYS' SUITS f THIS IS YODR OPPOBTUNITf. i are 4 to 15, WOtTH TWM1E Priaes be These goods TUB MONEY, THE SALE BEGAH HOHDAY MORHIHG, and is for cash onl". All our M'h Suits are very nobby, and prices lower than the lows Do not forget our new line of ' Heckwiar and Oar Ualaa idrlel LUea Bi3) i biirts at 3jc, worth 75o. I ! ! 1 1 1 f ! i 1 1 ! ! 1 1 hp III 171 1 ii in j I ! ij ! ! i I ! ! I t : t t t : : i : : i : t t t t ! t I t i! t t : t : t t t : : t I t C. WBIKEL t t 1 1 : : : t t : has rtnrne1 from the nor'herr. cities with a nice line of anods for enUerae'a wer and a now reay for work. Will make them up in the very best and latest styles and at short notice. Also does !!!!!?! i f : : : i i I i I t t : t t t CUTTING AND t : t t i REPAIRING 5 i : : i : i t : t tltiitiiitttttt Satisfaction guaranteed. Give him a call. 124 Favetteville street, upstairs. te9tf HATS, FALL STYLES, SOFT STIFF AND CRU4HE!K NOW IN STOCK. OUR LATEST RTYLE IN $1.49 STIFF HATS 118 A HUSTLER, ... The first case we ot sold lik s hot enkes and we have another case oo the way. CLOTHIERS SHATTERS mi: iTinnn niiiUOJiiu Wad nnc atfi We receive I about 1 (KM) OtiildrenV and Bovs' Suits, which ca ne from a manufacturer who had to suspend. 1 'arents wlM do well to avail themselves of thl I chnn of a lifetime. Sizes of suits in short pants and three piece aults.long pants, 13 to 49. $1 80, $1 $3 10, 1. f 3 50, $t and up. are positively worth twice the money.