Dailn IKsttot VOL. XXIX. RALEIGH, TUESDAY, OCTOMBEit 10. 1893. NO. 143 OITT H BSIir. Local Picked Up Here and There and Boiled Down. Fair oue week off from today. "Oar Zeb," "Oor Mat" which is ItT Indian summer in all its grandeur. Oar couuty jail is now about clear, ed oat Saw dust is smelt in the distance. The circus is coming. Over 350 students have been enroll ed at the Qreensooro Industrial school. Thus far $1,500 in cash has been collected for the State Confederate monument. The news from all directions is that the people are coming to the fair in large numbers. The large clothing firm of Messrs W A Slater St Co, of Durham, has made an assignment. Volume 112, of the If O Supreme eourt reports is now ready for deliv ery at A Williams St Oo. Tomorrow the great fight com mences in the senate We must hold our breath in expectation. Let every member of the chamber of commerce be on hand tonight. It will be a most important meeting. Persons having claims against the Paul of .New lianover must prove them within 3 months from October. A light rain between now and the opening of the fair would be quite beneficial. The dcst is getting disa greeable. When will the necessary work be done on Hillsboro street and road to the fair grounds? It should be done this week. Work is progressing well at the power house of the electric street railway. Everything will be in good trim for next week. j State Geologist Folates proposes to devote the winter to the investiga j tioa of the pine forests in the eastern ! section of the state. We insist that the next show folks who come here shall sing "After the ball." The tune does not seem to have reached here, so far. The great horse and dog show will . open on the vacant lot in rear ot the l agricultural department nex Monday. f Let the boys look out for fun. j The street car company are in want ' of reliable men for next week. Per. sons wishing employment would do well to apply at th power house. J udge tteorge A BUUIorU Will Open : nor uo " J t and return to uaieign 10 noia our civil term of Wake Superior Court on 0 t oqj .... ii i , . A meeting 01 ine par win db neiu on the whlp When at last the by tomorrow afternoon at the office of standers interfered and made the i.ir r fh. mturin, nnnrt tnr the, " T . . purpose 01 setting a caienaar ior tne October term of the court. m, , m j j The many improvements made in the Yarboro house ar evidences of the fitness of Mr Louis T Brown as its proprietor. Nothing has been left undone to make it a first class hotel. The schedule of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad has been changed so that passengers leaving Raleigh at 4:30 p m., arrive in Fay etteville at ?:20 and Wilmington at 11pm. Prof Gentry and his wonderful dogs will be here next Monday and .give several performances. The ex hlbition will be given in a tent on Halifax street in re ir of agricultural building. The admission will be 0 cents for adults, 10 cents for chil dren. Attention is directed to the adver tisement of the Lyon Racket Store. This establishment is offering some of the best bargains of the seasdn. The fall and winter stock is now well In hand consisting of everything in their line. A glance at the goods in store will be sufficient to induce purchasers Call at onoe. - Do Tod Write? TRY OUR NEW INKS AND ELEGANT j STATIONERY Do Ton Read? TRY LEW NEW "PRINCE WALLACE'S BOOK, OF .INDIA We have all the School Books. Book Bags, Tablets, Slates, Pencils &s., Sta. ALFBED WILLI AH & CO. ee5 Booksellers "Dr. Bill." A large crowd greeted Dr Bill last night at Metropolitan Hall, and it was really an evening of gniuine fun. Roars of laughter greeted the per fcrmauce fror the rise to the fall of the curtain. In a word, the company made a decided hit. Hurd & Berrys big show and free museum will be a special attraction of the fair next week. Young Men s meeting at the Bap tist Tabernacle Sunday school rooms at 8 o'clock tonight Subject for the occasion" Christ as a young man." Come. Madame Besson has a complete line of ladies and ouildren's millinery. olC Nice, fresh grapes at A Dughi's 25c a basket, 5 lbs each. Wanted. Colored man porter. oclO W i? & A B Stronach. Bananas 27c a doz at Dughi's. Riggan's toy store is now open. Everybody invited to see it at the A cade" y of Music, back of post office Dugbi keeps open from 7am until 1 o'clock at night, during which time splendid fries and stews can be had at 25 cents each. The fiDe Norfolk oysters A Dughi sold last season at 50c a quart, he now sells at doc His sales avei age i gallons a wees Telephone 123. For Rent. Four room cottage on North Blood- worth street. 10 A B Stronach. she Wears the Pants AB the people of Oberlin and Brook lyn were returning home last night they witnessed a most unusual scene tlx. Bl lUttU, UICBU1UK irum uiauv cuis ) about the shoulder, lay on the side of : the road and bis wife stood over him i applying the lash. The groans and I pleadings of the poor fellow, who was uruu wuw inu MlUg uuu uruugUD pie; but the woman seemed to be to- tany oblivious oft any one's presence ! saye her and "Simon " All she would say was "8ime! Sime! take that, and that, you trlnin' wretch," as she laid lady explain her conduct "Well," said she, "he ought to be ( kiUed j. g ve him seven dollars this morning my week's wages and told him to go to D T Swindell's store and t . m , , i i mi v inn Bunin ui luciii um unii rniii nanis, one and a quarter yards long, all wool, at 89 cents each, and some of those one yard long, all wool, at 84 cents each, and he did not go but spent my money and go- drunk." And the Old lady flew on to Simon again and the crowd cheered her and left Simon to get sober under the lash. Next tine Simon will go to Dwinaeirs wnen tola to. "Morrel" Keep in the middle of the road, go to Swindell's, and you win always stay on top. Bicyle for Sale. New pneumatic Columbia, 30 lbs on easy terms to right party. Ad dress "Bicycle," this office. oc9 Lost. A lady's gold watch, either on Sal isbury or Johnson sts. Finder will be rewarded by leaving at this office oc Ot Servlcable Dress materials. Lines of servioable woolen dress fabrics, particularly suited for ohil dren's every day and school wear, at 95c to 50c per yard. New washable dress goods for fall wear, ginghams, outings, cheviots, satteens &c. WH4R8 Tucker & Oo. DO YOU &0 TO SCHOOL? FULL LINE -OF- UT& PRESSED GLASS B0TTL5S. Stock complete in the way of PERFUMERIES, SOAPS, HAIR AND TOOTH BRUSHES, Manicure Pieces. McKirumon M Co Yes, It is So ! 25 and 51 cents can often be saved on a pair by buying lsdies' and children's shoes of C A Sherwood & Co. The Bast Made. The very best shoe for gentlemen are Burt & Packard's "Korrect Bhape " Once tried you will want no other -sold only by O A Sherwood & (Jo's. Gems of High Art. in make the very latest things n cipes and reefers, in all the new blues, browns and dark tans. Jack Now wraps, greens, ets and retchens for misses anil children. These perfect fitting garments make cloak eiiine a pleasure, wnicn was a bis feature of our business last seas in . C A Sherwood & o. Fries and stews 25c each at A Dug- hi's. Telephone 12'i. You can find all the new styles of d-ess goods, consists in high class dress pat tern t, broadcloths, nop sackings, sukwirp henriettas, suitings, flannels, mixtures, plaids. A lso fur and dress f urnisnings in great variety. xn. x. Mxiunery uizair. Ladies' new style kid eloves with large buttons, also R & G, and other make of cor sets sold very reasonable at the New York U.'itmery and Dress Woods Bazaar. Blankets, comfortables, 10-4 Sheeting outings, flannels, linings, prints, psrcales, iBc , are ottered at tne lowest market prices, at New Yore Millinery and Dress Goods Bazaar. When you are in want of anything in the line of millinery or dress goods or fancy goods, please remember that the New York Millinery and Dress Goods Baz tar is the place to get everything at a bargain. otca lm Fall Opeuing, 1893. I have now on my tables one of the handsomest lines of high grade wool' en goods that I have ever had the pleasure of showing to my patrons and public. They await your exam ination. Don't fail to see novelties. fry Walters' paramount method of garment cutting. N Walters. sel9 tf IToil? Bent. The store on Fayetteville street next to the Andrews building is for rent. Apply to oc4 lm L. ROSENTHAL. The ladies are cordially invited to the New York Millinery Bazaar where the hand somest line of hats of the latest creation awaits their inspection. The New York Millinery Bazaar are dis playing for the fall and winter the latest production of ladies' and children's hats in great variety and at unusually low prices. Are you aware that you can save money these hard times by doing your shopping at the New York Millinery and Dry Goods Bazaar, for that establishment is buying all their goods for cash only, which means a saving to a customer from 15 to 25 per cent. Cloaks, Jackets and Wraps. We have opened the nicest lot of ladies' and misses cloaKs, jacketa and wraps that we have ever had and invite all to come and examine them. Our stock of children's, misses and ladies' merino underwear is complete, and any thing you want in that lino you can find by asking for it. Woollcott St Sons. Ice Coal. We can produce 12 tons per day of best Crystal Ice ever made here. We can deliver 60 tons per day of the best Domestic Coal ever brought here; keep up the equilibrium and be heal thy and happy at smallest cost. JOSKB St POWHIiL. , Fresh oysters at A Dughi's every evening. Coal and Wood. All kinds of Bituminous and Anthra cite Coals at lowest prices. Sep ltf . T. L. Eberhardt. Cut Flowers. Bouquets, Baskets, Floral Designs, Palms, Rubber aud other foliage plams for house culture in the winter. Hyacinths, Tulips, Lillys, Narcissi's and other varieties of bulbs for fall planting. Telephoae 113. sel2 H STBIBKBTZ, Florist. A IBS MU BBBSE. 93 FALL AND WIN TE '94 FASHIONABLE ASHIONA.B1.E MILLINERY ILLINERY. All the runt des:rabl shapes and shades in hafs and hon eis now in stock for ladies, misses and clrldren. Fancy nations hair goods, hair ornaments and hair pins of all kinds. Woe Is. Zphy-rsand Embroidery MATERIALS. Prioe' reasonable, s tisfaction guaranteed. Will be found in t e store nea the Expres otitic until o ir sto:-a is tiaished MIS? MAG3IE REESE, my2 1 14 FAYETTE VILLE ST. Next o Pre I A Watson's. -FOR- SCHOOL SUPPLIES CA.LL ON THE nnmioNiRi co., ?09 fayetteville Street. T 1 hive a large and complete line of Slates, Straps, Pens, Pencils, Sponges, ''"ablets &c, &c. School Bags of every es3-iption, at prices that can't be beaten. WE are known s headquarters for everything ii h) STA TIONERY i INE snd carry a comDlete assortment of Fuuy Goods at attracts urines In call ing yu will ricdiv.? prompt and courteous attention, and we guar antee our goods to be strictly first class and as represented. if RALEIGH STATIONERY 00, au21 309 Fayetteville Street. Equinox THE AUTUMN BEUINS WITH A BIG STORM OP THE FLEBUY STAPLE INSTEAD OP WIND AND RAIN. Trade Centers Crowded With Bales and Bales of Cotton. FALL AND WINTER SPE CIALTIES HOW INTEREST YOU Seasonable dress goods of every descrip tion. Serges. Homespuns Tailor-Twills, Whip Cords, S'lk Mixtures, Henriettas, &c. We show the up-to date novelties of the sea son, and invite an examination and com parison. FOOT WE R LEADERS. We have i proved our different styles of ladies', childre' 's, men's and boys' shoes until th y have reached a standard of per fection. Our fall and winter styles are now complete. JEW LINE AODWD. Ge' t's Fins neckwear the grandest array of brilliant colors in Tet ks, Scarfs, Four-ir-hands Windsor Ties. &c, embracing an end less variety of the extreme novelties of the season. Hold vour orders for the be3t line of Hosiery, Underwear ever brought to the city for the prices we ask. ill. A Glance! ttt lV E fANNOT ASK YOU " " to glance in our show windows as l we have none, but we ask you to walk in our store and see the many bargains awaiting your inspection, such as Simpson's Prints 6c, worth 7ic; worsted Wc, worn ioc an won iwm iwuuci sells everywhere at 50c; all wool hop sacking 38c, sells everywhere from 50 to 75c- ll wool serge from 49c to 52c, woith 75c: broad cl-th 89c, worth f I 25; silks and velvets in all colors; braids, gimps and cords to match. In Millinery, we can suit the most fastidi ous, both in qnaMty and price. We have shoes children. for all men, women and T LYQH RACKET STORE. H I Drintirrriirl 0 ( l A ii ffl ni l Af I Hardware, &c. Guns; PISTOLS, SHELLS AND G-CXJSJ- QOODS. X'MIXE THK NEW STYLB STAR OIL ST0V3 MM, ISPS END FJR OIR0ULAR..J3 RALEIGH, N.C. See Here. if you s.re a citizen or stranger it will be to your intera;. to h ive your rooms neatly furnisue 1. Xothing adds so much to the beauty of a residence as good, nice, substantial fur niture. For this k laiielt cannot be beaten in this or an ' other com munity. They have all the novelties in the business, such as Buieaus, French Beveled Looking Glass es, Willow and Wattan Chairs, Wardrobes. Mat tresses, Ac. They have the finest, pret tiest and nob biest BABY CARRIAGES ever seen here. The NEW HOME Sewin? Machine a specialty. Afcn MAuHINE Needles rnd Oil. Besides, the firm will keep you cool bv ni' gifts of Fans and daps. REMEMBER THE PLACE exchange Plane, Southside M rk't Dry Goods. KoKwnii &e. llli S. TUfKER i CO Fall and Winter Uideriear -FOR M EN EN WOMEN OMEN AND CHILDREN HILDREN IN Cotton, Wool am' Coiten Wool, and All Plain and Ribbed. The new lines all ready and the most complete showing we have ever made. W. H. & B. S. TUCK G Li & CO, 188 Mid Vi5 Fayetteville street. , mm i 4 T)D TXTT1