The Baily K' onimj Visitor. rOIUlHIO BTBBT 1RIUOOI, (Except Danday, ISM VISITOR Is served by carriers in the.elty at 25 cents per month, T(bM to the carriers In advance. ftices for milling fa per year, or J5 cents per month. y Communications appearing In these S columns are bui the expressions of the opinion of the correspondents writing the same, and they alone are responsible. erots mark X after your name . informs you that yoar time oat. ' Address all orders and commanlea Hons to W. ft. BltOff.V, Sr., Raleigh, N 0 j Local notiees in this paper will be ' Fire Cents per line each Insertion. Office Upstairs over Hr. J. Elal ( Bobbin's Drug Store, 2d floor, j L- -J LIB4KST OlTT ClHOatiiTIOS. RA.LBIGEI, OUT. 12, 1893. SHORT, SHARP AND SNAPPY. There is a manifest weakness In the U 8 Senate's physical endarance de partment. Keep your bead skinned for the job in that scheme to annex the Territory of Lower Oalifornia to the United States. If we are not mistaken that alleged English-American syndicate, which claims to have bought the property, is merely a blind. rie Oboctaw Indians should now be considered thoroughly civilized, their treasurer having "skipped" leaving a shortage of something like $100,000 Considering the amount he had to handle no Chicago or New York roan could have made a heavier haul. Kaiser Billy is now making faces at the Berlin town council. It had the nerve to refuse to provide at public expense a playground for his royal "kinds." Insurance risks on cotton gins are not considered guilt edged business Just now. The principal reason why hazing Is till practiced In college authorities were once boys themselves and know how it works. If compromise is such a very undep sirable thing as some people are now trying to make it appear to be in connection with silver legislation,how about the U 8 Constitution? That and every amendment added thereto represents a compromise between conflicting Interests. October is the month of hunters, and in the neighborhood of our cities many things are strolling around in hunter's outfits that it would be dif flealt to properly classify. He who has never been tempted has little right to boast of his honor or his honesty '1 he man who didn't know exactly how the yacht race would turn out has yet to be found Those who lost money did it by betting against their judgment. What a curious animal man is, anyway. Secretary Morton seems to have a good idea of what is the first duty of a member of the cabinet, to judge by recent events in Nebraska politics Boss Crocker evidently wants Bourke Cochran to realize that it is better to be born humble than elo quent. The Ohio campaign is being made just as exciting as though the result was in doabt. The politicians view of the Van Alen nomination was eminently prac tical. They said In effect to the sen ate: "You turn this man down and no more big campaign contributions we'll get. See?" The senators saw, Ambassador Van Alen makes his en tre upon the stage of diplomacy. If Senator Blackburn has the proof that the European banking house of Bothchild carried gold from the United States at a loss, for the pur pose of forcing a oanio and influence ing legislation he should lose no time lo producing It. The son in law of the late Ton Pedro by going to Brazil shows that his ambition largely overbalances his good sense. If that Jersey idea of "organizing Christian vote" should become pop- alar some politicians might find them-' elves banting for A job. What percentage of the p -oplc Is after all represented by bankers and board of trade men! After his palling Van Alen through the senate no one ean doabt the strength of ex-Secretary Whitney's "pall." Ei'Senator Piatt, of 5ew York, seems to have been oat of politics" only In the newspapers. It Is a eas of the "kettle calling the pot black" for either political party in New York to refer to the late state convention at boss ridden affairs. Of all the fool disputes those that occur on religion are the most useless; they eonvince nobody and prove nothing, except that man should con trol his propensity to dispute. There is a disposition in some quarters to mistake .ball headedness for etatemanship. WHAT THEY WANTED. I was doing some business In a bank in a new town out west when about thirty nim came crowding into the room. One of them had been ap pointed spokesman, and when the proprietor of the bank asked what the trouble was this man replied: "It's jist this, Jim -we can't make out that monthly statement you got oat yesterday." 'What's wrong with it? ' "She says deposits amount to $7, 090 and cash on hand $9,000." "Well, that's correct, and I can't see where you have any fault to find," said she preisident. ' Yes, bat the boys don't go much on Aggers. Figgers kin be twisted all around, you know. Hev you got them ere $9,000 handy by?" "I have." "Waal, won't you jest stand upon a chair and wave th t money In the air a few times and let the boys see the color of it? Don't want to put you to any special trouble, you know, but the crowd kinder wants to feel sure about It." The banker got the money from tke safe and followed the suggestion and asked if they were satisfied. "That's all right," replied the spokesman. "Ain't much on figgers, but we know money when we see it. Them deposits is $7,000, and you've got $9,000 to pay 'em. That's chunk up and no discount." "Anything else." "Just one little trifle. It's kinder got around town that you are goin over to Yanktown tomorrow. Before you start just count them $9,000 into the safe, lock 'er up as tight as a drum and then call in two or three of the boys to watch 'er while you're gone. We ain't showin' any lack of confidence, but we is glvln' you a pinter on how to run a bank In this town without gettin' yer neck into a slip knotl" M Quad. THE BiLLVILLE BANNER. The recent cyclone caught us on the road, half -way between Chicago an BillviUe, and we had free trans portation the rest of the way. We learn that the president makes a daily prayer. This bears out our statement, made three weeks before the election, that a politician can get religion. We regret that we cin't name any more o ildren after Mr Cleveland. All the young ones born in this sec tion ar9 boyB and he ain't on that line ' We ain't heard anything about the tariff since they took down the de mocratic platform. All lynching is wrong, and ought to be stopped. Rope comes high, while wood is powerful cheap. At lanta Constitution. Great Triumph. Instant relief experienced and a permanent cure by the most speedy and greatest remedy in the world Otto's cure for Threat and Lung dls ease. Why will you continue to Irritate your throat and lungs with that terrible hacking cough when W. H King & Co., sole agents will furnish you a free sample bottle of this great guaranteed remedy ? Its success is simply wonderful, as your druggist will tell you. Otto's cure is now sold in every town and vintage on . this continent. Samples free. Large bottles 50o. , For sale by W. H. King & Co., corner Fayettevllle and Hargett streets. Guaranteed Care. We authorise oar advertised drag gist to sell Dr King's New Discovery i tor oou-ampuon, eougue ana eoias, upon this condition If yoa are af J flieted with a eough.eold or pay lang, mroi rr cnet trouble, and will use this remedy as directed, giving It a fIr trial, sod experience no benefit, yoa mty retarn the bottle and have yoar money ref auded. We could not make tnls off r did we not know that Dr Kiug's Mew DIscorery could be re lied on It never disappoint. Trial bottle free at John Y MuRae's drug store. Large size 60o and $1. A man at Oolumbu, Ohio, whose trial oo a charge of ma'der has been pendiug for twenty one years, has just been acquitted. He succeeded in getting the trial postponed from court to court until the witnesses were dead. HOW IS THIS? Something unique even in tbese days of mammoth premium offers, is the latest effort of Stafford's Mag azine, a New York monthly of h ine and general readiDg ine proposition is to send the t ag azlne ooe year for one dollar, the reg ular subscription price; and In addj tion to send -ach subscriber fifty-two complete novels during the twelve months: one each week. Think of it. Yoa receive a new and complete novel, by mall, post paid, every week for fortytwo weeks, and in addition you get the magazine once a month for twelve months, all for one dollar. It is an offer which the publishers can only afford to make in the oonfl lent expectation of getting a hundred thousand new sub Boribers. Among the authors in the coming series are, Wilkie Collins, Walter Besant, Mrs Ollph&nt, Mary Cecil Hay, Florence Marry at, Antho ny, Trollope, A Oonan Doyle, Miss Braddon, Captain Marryat, Miss Thackery and Julas Verne. If yon wish to take advantage of thin unus ual opportunity, send one dollar for Stafford's Magazine, one year. Your first copy of the magazine, and your first number of the fifty two novels (one each week) which you are to re ceive daring the year will be stnt yoa by retarn mail. Remit by P O Or der, registered letter or express. Ad dress H STAFFORD, Publishbr, Stafford Magazine, P O Box 2264, j New York, N Y. Please mention this Paper. Sept 15. Mortgage Sale. Bv virtue of power conferred on me by a certain mortgage executed by Ick Busbee and wife, Henrietta, which said mortgage is duly recorded in registry Wake county, in book No 121, at page 437, 1 will offr for sale at the court house door in the city of Ral eigb, N C, on Monday, Oct 30, 1893, at 12 o'clock m. the property in said mortgage de scribed, the same being a certain ho 'se and lot near the fair grounds and Hillsboro road adjoining the lands of WB Crawford and others and Ituowa as the homestead of said Ick Busbee. Terms of sale. cash. se3U tds BP MOSTMJUE. Atty. Dissolution of Cparuershlp OF Tflfi FIRM OF ELLINGTON, ROYSTEi S CO By mutual consent the firm of Ellington, Eosier & Co has been dissolved and for tin puroose of winding up the affairs connected with the partnersaiD. a consent judgment has been eatered in Wake Superior Court by which Mr Virtruvins Royster has been up pointed Commissioner and Receiver to con vert all the iirm assets into money and after discharging the itiiebtadaess oi the rirm divide the residue arum the several pa ners according tj thuir respsciive interest The tirm is perfectly solvent and nil i liabilities will be discharged in a short while. Persons indebted to the firm are re quested to make prompt payment to Mr virtruvius Royster. se 2Stf ELLINGTON. ROY3TS& & CO. If Yoi Want Money, A cook, A partner, A situation, A servant girl, To sell a (arm, To sell a house, To buy or sell stock, JQood boarding house, To sell plants or grain, b l groceries or drags, !Soll household furniture, To make any farm loans, Sell or trade for anything, Find customers for anythiuK, Bead and advertise in the Ralelgp EVENING VISITI. Advertising obtains new customers, Advertising keeps old customers, Advertising liberally , will pay. Advertising makes . succesr Advertising exhibits pluck, Advertising means "biz," Advertise immediatelT, Advertise constantly, Advertise regularly, . . t. Advertise alwaya ; Advertise well. ADVERTISE, AT ONCE, NOWIIj The Evening ..Visitor T I EDxceflsioir Saratoga Water SOLD ON DRAUGHT BY j j j j j .i j jjjj... H H U H H H HHHtl H H U H H H... BBBB OOOO BBBB BBBB II B BO OB BB BII B BO OB BB BII BRBB O O BBBB BBBB II B BO OB BB BII B BO OB BB BII BBBB OOOO BBBB BBBB II PHARMACIST, Fayetteville & S, IMCairQe-b Sts, EALEIQ-H, 3ST O . The water is brought direct from Saratoga and is dispensed in precisely the same condition in which it flows from the spring at Saratoga and Is sold: at 5 cents per glass. DociUwps Aigree THAT EVERY ONE SHOULD DRINK (MeirbiiiiirDii DURING THIS by keeping the stomach in a good condition. It will cure Gravei, Kidney and Bladder troubles; and is also a PANACEA FOR DYSPEPSIA. , . Sold by J H BOBBITT at 20c per half gallon bottle. lice. Hce. We are prepared to supply ICE, ICE, ICE ia any quantity of the best quality and at lowest prices for cash We will not be undersold by any one, north or south, from car loads down. Send orders to " Jones & Powell, Raleigh, Phone 41 and 71. V large stock of Ant'ira1f A T - cite Goal, all sizes. JJJ.jLi bituminous Goal for fuel and steam. li NT at9 Bran, flay, JJ JtVll , Shingles, &c, at ' wholesale and retail by- JONES & POWELL OBSOLK ASD CAROLINA S.R OONDKKSBO BOHIDBUC. Dated August 9th, 1891. touth North found Bound Train. stations. Train o. 10t No. 101 K. M. 950 10 15 10 27 1102 1120 !1 37 1162 12 31 12 53 :l 20 P. M 6 25 2 01 4 47 414 3 54 3 36 3 21 2 89 217 10 L've Pinaer's rointArrive L've L've Drivers. Arrive Suffolk, iGates, Tunis, Ahoskey, Aulander, Hobgood, Tarboro. Kooky Mount, Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive L've LV L've L've L've L've Ar P. Iff. A.M No 101 makes connection at Rooty Mount with W 4 W Train No 23 for all points touth, and No 78 train for all points Nor h ? If Sbrpkl, ' , J R KBfftY. Gen'l Manage Supt Trains T Sf .Bwbrso'V. o'l PaMsnjrr Agt Sale of Land. i By virtue of a mortgage executed by Jef ferson Pool, Wash Mangum and Headers n gturdevant. trustees to ffm Watts, on the 10th day of Decern oer. 1887, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Wake county, N 0, in Taook 101, page 519, 1 will sell, at public auction for cash, at the court house door in the city of Raleigh, NO on Monday, tbe 23d day of October, 1893, at 12 o'clock m, a certain lot of Lund situated in the village of An burn, Rt Mary's townthip, . said county, and state, and bounded ns fol lows: Beginning . in the middle of the 8mithfield road running N 16 ii 1-22 chains to a stake 100 feet from the center of the N OPE track; thence 8 43J 8 2-27 chains to a Stake in the middle of said railroad; thence 75 W 2 chains to the beginning, oontaioing 19i perches, less a certain portion of said lot sold to Peter PooL ' IARMI8TEAU JONS, sell tds Attorney, fcc. YTTTT YTTTT T T T T T T T T T T T T . Waiter WEATHER, AlEY LOA! TO ' -ON Real Estate Security -ON- 8 Toara' Time: The borrower's life will be insured for the full amount, uni in casi of his death the loan will be paid from the INSURAMOIS POLICY The Mechanics and Investors' jnion also isue CERTIFICATES OP STOCK I : with mm hi nasi INSUfiANCJb POLI IES payable in about eight years, based uuont ima'l fixed monthly payments. For fur ther particulars apply to the Uanics and InTesiors' Union V Raleigh, N 0, Geo Allen, Secretary. jy81 AGKiTai WANTED. House and uot for Sale. On Monday, the 6th day of November, 1893, we will bell at the cou t house dojr in Raleigh, at 12 m, to the hgiiest bidder for cash, a bouse and lot in ' ibarlin, about one milenorthweitof Raleigu.fomrly belongini; toLydia Williams, deceased, a I joining the lands oi the 1 te Jesse Fet ilor i and others, containing about one-fourth oi an acre J K Fleming, commissioner, sells under a decree of the Superior court of Vake county, made in case of Rmsom Porcuer and others vs tiimon Porcher, and V VV. Vass sells by virtue of authority given him by mortg ge deed, exe cuted by Lydia Villiams ni duly recorded in tbe Register of Deeds ot&te for V Vake county. J H KLuiMLNG, Com VV VV VA88, Mortgagee. oc7 tds Caveit, and Tra le-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business couducted for Moderatc Fee. Oun Omct is Oppoiiti u. s. patent omcc and we can secure patent id leu time than those remote from V rshmgton. Send model, drawing or photo with descrip tion. We idvise, If patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not duo till patent is secured. ! A Pamphlct, ' How to Obtain PatenfR," with cost of same In the U. S. asU ineiga countries 'r . . ...... C.A.SfJQW&CO. Am Pronri ui..u.. . n r X i'-3

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