tsitor. VOL. XXIX. RALEIGH, MONDAY, OCTOBEil 1G. 1803. NO. 147 Scoring 0 CUT IJ BRIEF. Locals Picked Up Here and There and Boiled Down. The tax list is now ready Tbf great st (air of the season Is at hand. The rain has Riven the town a com- plete washout Judge Whitaker has left to attend Yadkin court Aoade-r v of MqsIo In Chick next Thursday night. The great trotting race will take place at tin fairground on Thursday. Don't forgot to call on Messrs Thomas St Maxwell for everything in the furniture line. See advertisement of Mr J OS LutDBden who has a very interesting announcement ia'this issue. The rod from the city to the fair grounds through the old Deverux plantation is now complete. Senator Vano is expected on the fast mall this afternoon He will speak at the f-lr grounds tomorrow Read the advertisement of Messrs Snelling St Hicks in this issue. There is no better establishment of the kind in North Carolina. "Cyclone rnn" w nts any peson who has a wild ud trained horse, or mule or steer to bring him to town He agrees to tame them in the short est kind of order. . The entertainment that was to be held at Brooklyn by the Steadfast Circle of King's Daughters last Fri -day night was postponed until next Tuesday night, Oct 17th Everybody come and help in this noble work. Admission 10, 15 ar d 20o. Strangers visiting the city should not forget to call on the Rosenthal Clothing Oompany opposite the post office. Here everything in their line can be found in abundance at the most reasonable rates Mr "Pave" Rosenthal will preside. He vill take pleasure in showing all around who Prof. Davie postpones the big dog show until 12:30 instead of 10:30 as ad vertised. Let every boy who has a dog present himself at the west gate of the fair grounds promptly at 12:30, Join the proce ssl n and then see the Wild West show. All boys with dogs pass in free. The big road roller in rear of the court house attracts much attention The owners must have conceived the Idea that placed where it has been for a day or two past, onr connty com missioners would be bound to see it and be aware of the necessity of pur chasing just such a machine for Mr MoMackin to make good roads in Wake county. Our people are somewhat slow in coming up and paying their taxes. There are several of the heaviest tax payers who reside n Raleigh to whom it makes no particnlar difference just when they pay, and if such would come up right now and make pay ment it would, in a great manner help the county authorities in meet ing incidental expenses without the necessity of borrowing money. It would at least save to the county the outlay of interest which must always . be paid. ; We cheerfully give space to a com. munication in th'.. issue, commenting upon our course in relation to the aldermen's conduct of our city affairs. This of coarse, any citizen has a right to do. We cannot all see through the same spectacles. We think, however, that our correspondent missed his aim when he estimates that Thb Vis ITORhas attempted t abuse or drive any member of the Luard of alder men We have only ludolged in a f.iir criticism of their course in cer tain matters, which as journalists, we are expected to do, and whlo we are glad to believe meets with the en dorsement of most of our people Do Yon Write ?,?r G00D TISS MAGGIE BIB. TRY OUR NEW INKS AND ELEGANT STATIONERY, Do You Read? TRY LEW WALLACE'S NEW BOOK, "PRINCE OP .INDIA" DOYDUGDTilSCHOOL? We have all the School Books. Book B.4gs, Tabets, Slates, Pencils &c, &e. ALFRED WILLIAnS & CO. ?e5 Booksellers. Haywood's bind and orchestra will furnish muitio at the new Academy of Music each n'gbt this week. An open air concert will be given commencing at 7:4? sharp Buy your Apples, Bananas, Lem ons, Cabbage, Irish potatoes, New Ri.er Mullets at D. T. Johnson's. Wauted. Two large, nicely furnished rooms, with or without board. Jf without must be near Yarboro. Address 2t H, Box 33 city. Hicks Beef Wine and Iron, the best tonic, 50o, pint bottles Snbllincj & Hicks Drug store. Cigars -Quaker City, Teller, Live Indian and Saborasa. Skkllihg St Hicks Drug Store. Fire and the Big Three. Three piece suits coat, pants and vests for $1 39 a suit. This is an in ducement for you to look at our men's suits which we are trying to close out. Price no objecc Nice clothing and no price. We have $5,000 worth of nice clothing and want the room badly for crockery, glassware and lamps. D. T. Swindell , Lost. On Thursday night at the wedding at Christ church, a child's tan colored felt hat, trimmed with beaver and red satin ribbon A suitable reward will be paid for its return to 504 East Jones street. 8tp Crockery, Lamps, Chimneys. A 'ong felt need in Raleigh is now supplied. Crockery for the table in china, granite, iroD stone, and the prices, oh, how low. Lamps, table lamps, hand lamps, piano lamps, hall lau'ps, parlor lamps, kitchen lamps, lan'.erns, chimneys, wicks Toilet sets, water sets, child's sets, aud in fact, any and all things to be found in a china store at prices, oh, how low. D T Swindell. Ladies' Wraps. If you come to the fair next week come in and see the big layout of la dies, misses and children's wraps at Swindell's. In all of our 14 years in business we never had so an exten sive line of wraps, and we doubt if any store in tne south has a more beautiful assortment. DT Swindell. Toys and Toys. We shall have the largest assort ment of toys and fancy goods for Christmas goods that has ever been brought into the state of North Oar olina. We have a factory in Patter son, New Jersey.now running day and night making our O irhtmas stock. D T Swindell. Gents Furnishings. . New lines of fall and winter under wear, in cotton, wool and cotton and all ' wool. Intermediate weight for early fall wear. Dr Jaegers sanitary all wool underwear in ngnc, medium and heavy weights. Special values ia unlaundrld snlrts at o'Jc and 75o. Dress snirts, plain and pleated fronts, new shapes in neckwear, new styles in collars, walking and driving gloves, the new ideas in patent leather shoes, silk umbrellas, &o. Reliable goods only and all at reasonable prices. W H & R .8 Tucker Ss Co. i . For Rent. 8 room house. ol2 L D Womble. Madame Besson has a complete line of ladles and children's millinery. olC Riggan's toy store is now open. Everybody invited to see it at tbe Academy of Music, back of post office. For Rent. ( Four room cottage on North Blood -worth street.. 10 ABStronach. I AT O K E G A It MCTrTMMOV&ptr)'8. Cl.IMMON & KjO'8, 133 Fayetteville St-eet MINERAL WATERS. Yes, It ia So ! 25 and 51 cents can often be saved on a pair by buving Indies' and children's shoes of C A Sherwood & Co. Thft Best Made. The very best shoe for gentlemen are Burt & Packard's "Korrect Shape " Once tried you will want no other sold only by. O A 8her wood & Co' s Gems of High Art. Now in make the very latest things 'n wraps, capes and reefers, in all the new greens, blues, browns and dark tans. Jack ets and retchens for misses and children These perfect fitting garments make cloak selling a pleasure, which was a big feature of our business last ssasin 0 A Sherwood & Co. Fries and stews 25c each at A Dag hi's. Telephone 123. You can find all the new stvles of d-ess goods, consisting in high class dress pat tern , broadcloths, hop sackings, silk wrp henriettas. suitings, flannels, mixtures, plaids. A lso fur and dress furnishings in great variety. N. Y. Millinery Bazaar. Winter weather is coming and you will need blankets, comforts, shoes, &o Buy them from us. Woollcott St Sons. We have a very fine and select stock of millinery goo-is this fall. Be fore you buy your new hat come and see what we have. Woollcott St Sons. Ladies' new style kid gloves with large buttons, also R & Q. and other make of cor sets sold very reasonable at the New York M'llinery and Dress Goods Bazaar. Blankets, comfortables, 10- i sheeting outings, flannels, linings, prints, percales, &c , are offered at the lowest mirket prices, at New Yort Millinery and Dress Goods Bazaar. When you are in want of anything in the line of millinery or dress goods or fancy goods, please remember that the New York Millinery and Dress Goods Bazaar is the place to get everything at a bargaij. otc51m Fall Opening, 1893. I have now on my tables one of the handsomest line of high grade wool' en goods that I have ever had tbe pleasure of showing to my patrons and public. They await your exam ination. Don't fall to see novelties. Try Walters' paramount method of garment cutting. UN Walters. sel9 tf For Rent. The store on Fayetteville street next to the Andrews building is for rent. Apply to oc4 lm L. ROSENTHAL. The ladies are cordially invited to the New York Millinery Bazaar where the hand somest line of hats of the latest creation awaits their inspection. The New York Millinery Bazaar are dis playing for the fall and winter the latest production of ladies' and children's hats in great variety and at unusually low prices. Are you aware that you can save money these hard times by doing your shopping at the New York Millinery and Dry Good Bazaar, for that establishment is buying all their goods for cash only, which means a saving to a customer from 15 to 25 per cent. Ice Coal. We can produce 12 tons per day of best Crystal Ice ever made here. We can deliver 50 tons per day of the best Domestic Coal ever brought here; keep Dp the equilibrium and be heal thy and happy at smallest cost. Jcmas St Powhll. Fresh oysters at A Dughi's every evening . ' - Coal and Wood. All kinds of Bituminous and Anthrax cite Coals at lowestprices. Sep ltf. T. L. Eberhardt. Cut Flowers. . Bouquets, Baskets, Floral Designs, Palms, Rubber aud other foliage plants for house culture in the winter. Hyacinths, Tulips, Lillys, Narcissi's and other varieties of bulbs for fall planting. TelepUone 118. aeia B SfjuuMXTZ, Florist, M '93 FALL AND WINTER '94 FASHIONABLE Tl fILLIXERY lVLlLLINERY. 1 All the most des'rabl" shap and shades in ha's and bonne's now in stjck for ladies, misses and children. Fancv n-tions tair goods, hair orniments and hair pins of all kinds Wools, Zephyrs and Embroidery MA.TKRIALS. PrWi reasonable s tisfaction guaranteed, will be found in t ie store nea the Expre8 offlc u-itil our store is finished. MIS" MAGGIE REESE, my2 U4 FAYETTEVILLE ST. Next to Fre1 A Watson's. RALRrGH " ,, ' W T A Tipy e R Y P09 fayetteville St, opp Post Office, Hf aaEfictnrsrg' -:- Stf toners Office and School Supplies. We can supp'v you w'th anything in the Stationery line. We ae dai'y receiving new novel'ies in YEITIN0 p VPER, JgNVELOPES, P NOY GOODS, &p. Our prises attract th attention of all buv pre. WEDTTNtt TVVTA.r-'OV AD VIS ITING CARDI ongraved aud pnnUd. Coats of Ams 'es, Monograms and Ad d ess Diesstflmr)"d on note paper in color or bronze. W. C. SEP ARK, au24 Manager. lEcpiSiniox. THE AUTUMN BEGINS WITH A. BIG STORM OF THE FLEECY STAPLE INSTE1D OF VIWD AND BAIN. Trade Centers Crowded With Ii.vlos and Bales of Cotton. FALL AN D WINTER SPE, C1ALTIE NOW INTEKEST YOU Reasonable dres3 goods of every descrip tion. Snrees Homespuns Ta'lor-Twills, Whip Oor Vs, 8" lk Mixtures, Henriettas, &c. We show the up-to date novelties of the sea son, and invite an examination and com parison. FO0TWE4R LEADERS. We have i nproved our different styles of ladies', children's, men's anl boys' shoes until th'y have reiched a standard of per fection. Our fall and winter styles are now complete. JNEW LINE ADDED. Gent's Fine neckwear the grandest array of brilliant colors in Tec ks, Scarfs, Four-in-hands Windsor Ties, &c, embracing an end lst varietv of the extreme novelties of the season. Hold your orders for the best line of Hosiery, Underweir ever brought to the city tor tne prices we ass. 0. A. lOTMlll. WE CAN NO T ASK YOU- to glance in onr show windows as we have none, but we ask you to wait in our store and see the :nany bargains awaiting your inspection, such as Simpson's Prints 6c, worth 7ic; worsted 10c, wor!h 15c all wool twill flannel 39c, sells everywhere at 50c; all wool hop stcking38c, sells everywhere from SO to 75c- nil wool serge from 49o to 52c, wo th 75c: broad cbth 89o, worth $ I 25; silks and velvets in all colors; braids, gimps aud cords to match. lu Millinery, we can suit the most fastidi ous, b jth in quaHty and price. We have shoes for all men, women and children. THE LYOfl BACKT STORE. Hardwae. &c. PISTOLS, SHELLS AND G-CJJST GOODS, IXtMIKE THC MEW STYH- STAR OIL STOVE HEM "3 END FOR CIRCULAR.. R LEIGH, N.C. See Mere If you we a citizen or stranger it will be to your interest to h ve your rooms neatly furnished. Nothing adds so much to the beauty of a residence as good, nice, substanti-l fur niture. For this 1 cannot be beaten in this or an r other cotn- iuumiy. j.oy nave au the novelties in; the busififcs, such as Bmeaus, French Beveled Looking Glass es, Willow and "Rattan Chairs, Wardrobes, Mat- AT tresses, &c. They have ' " the finest, pret tiest and nob biest BABY CARRIAGES ever seen here. The NEW HOME Sewine Needles rnd Oil. Besides, the firm will keep you cool by nioe gifts of Fans and Caps. REMEMBER THE PLACE Exchange Place Sonthside M'rk't Dry ttoods. Wmtttoiiii, Sbo. W H.B S. TUCKER s CO wm a IPs. Our new lines of WRPS for Ladies, Misses and Children for season of 'S3 are I now ready for in? pect- lion. W. H. & R. 8. TUOKER & CO, 128 and 185 Fayetteville street, ' m jviuuu flOMS IN .1-: (jfcWiirjfct-.

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