visitor. B m awn VOL. XXIX. RALEIGH, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18. 1893. NO. 148 GITT IX BRIEf. Local Picked Up Here and There and Boiled Down. They are here by thousands. Very little cotton received today. Durham waa here la force yester day. All the banks will be cloaed tomor row - The weather cannot be Improved upon New eperlaltles at the Academy tomorrow night. Mabel Paige in Chick at the Acad emy tomorrow night. Oo see the Convict's Daughter at Metropolitan hall tonight. The whoop of the college boys yes terday rivaled the Indians. Bewitching Mabel Paige at the Academy tomorrow night. The Bpet-ch of Gov Vance yesterday met the highest expectations. Little Mabel Pag in "Ohick" at the Academy tomorrow night. New singing and danoing special ties ac the Acaden y tomorrow night. Wake Superior Court for the trial of civil cases commences next Mon day. The road convention will meet to night at 8 o'clock in the benate chamber. A beautiful uqw carpet and mat ting have been put down -in the mayor's office A concert will be given in capitol square tomorrow evening, by the Second Regiment Band, commencing at7:80. The compress is at work and the cotton platform at the Raleie-h and Gaston depot begins to look like solid business. Notwithstanding the large crowd the most perfect order prevails in the city This speaks well for our peo ple and officials. Don't miss a visit to Metropolitan hall tonight to see Jess Pickens and the Purcell Sisters in the Convict's Daughter. Regular monthly meeting of the brotherhood of St Amlrew will be held tonight at 8 o'clock in the chapel of Christ charch. The young ladies of St Mary's school and Peace institute will see "She Stoop to Conquer" at the new Academy of Music tonight. A considerable number of delegates to the road eonvention have arrived, and the outlook is that there will be a large attendance tonight. The change from Hargett street station to the union depot for the starting point of the fair ground train is a very convenient one. The annual meeting of the North Carolina Oonfedeeate veterans' aeo elation will be held tomorrow at noon In the grand stand at the fair grounds. The annual meeting rf the North Carolina agricultural society will be held in the hail of the house of rep resentatives tomorrow night at eight o'clock. Prepare for an evening of unbound ed pleasure by securing your seats at Metropolitan hall tonight fo witness that great melo-drama The Convict's Daughter. She Stoops to Conquer," the most refined comedy. In this play Miss Ford, Miss Albert and Miss Knowles are charming, graceful and beautiful. Seats $1 at MacRae's. The different towns in the state are weU represented by policemen. They all appear to bear themselves with marked dignity and are nrost gentle manly in their bearing. '. Prayer a"d song service Thursday and Friday night at the Christian ohurch. Alt who sing are kindly in vited to attend and also requested to bring Gospel Hymns Nos 1, 2, 8 and 4, at 7:30. , ' The proprietor and employees of the Visitor, in common with their fellow citizens generally, desire to at tend the fair, tomorrow. In couse quenoe of this there will be no issue of the paper. There is but one John Reddin's Company and it appears tonight at Metropolitan hall in "The Convict's Daughter. Between the acts of this 'great play there will appear some great specialties. ' For Hale. Friday, at 12 o'clock noon, at Stron ach's auction house, will sell one ex tension top phaeton,- nearly as good as ne. The carriage can be seen at J W Evans' factory any time before the sale It J W EvaHS. Do You Write?i?r G00D TRY OUR NBW INKS AND ELEGANT STATIONERY. Do You Read? TRY LEW WALLACE'S NEW BOOK, "PRINCE OF .INDIA" We have all the School Books. Book Bags, Tablets, Slatos, Pencils Sta &c. ALFRED W1LLIA.TIS & CO. ?e5 Booksellers. Fresh Norfolk oysters at Jordan's dining hall. Fine grapes, 5tb baskets 25 cents, at Doghi's CUms and olana chowder at Jor dan's dining hall tc day and tomorrow Try a bowl of clain chowder at Jor dan's. Are You Blind ? No, T am not blind You say, well, then, why don't you see our floor oil cloth, 1 yard wide 85c; H yards wide 85c; 2 yards wid 50c a yard, and no one in Raleigh can sell you at this price but D T Swindell. If you want large, fresh Norfolk oysters g) to Jordan's dining ball. Get your meals at Jordan's dining hall. W B Mann has the most select stock of groceries in the city. Remember the place, corner Fayetteville and Hargett streets. 2t Call at Jno S Pescud's, first square thin side of capitol, west side of Fay etteville street, for drugs of every de scription. The very best oysters the finest kind in the city at W T Mabry's meals at all hours, call at the Gren Front, East: Hargett street north sidebetween Fayetteville and WiU mington streets. If you want to see a big fair go to see Riggan's toy store The most beautitul place in Raleigh. It is a sight worth seeing at the Academy of Music. Cigars, tobacco, fruits, candy and toys of all kinds . . . One Place. There is one place in the city where people can get new end fashionable dress goods and trimmings at a prine within the bounds or reason as to price. That place is Swindell's You can also get Butterick Patterns and Delineator there. The stock of dress goods at Swindell's s just what you want, so do not waste time and money but go to Swindell's now. Ladies' Wraps. The wraps this season at Swindell's is attracting wide reputation as to style, quality and price. All seem to think they are unusually low in price and unusually high in artistic design and quality. Swindell's is right to the front in pooular favor this fall. Store crowded all day each day. Ladies' Wraps. If you come tc the fair next week come in and see the big layout of lax dies, misses and children's wraps at Swindell's. In all of our 14 years in business we never had so an exten sive line of wraps, and we doubt if any store in tie south has a more beautiful assortment. D T Swindell. Gents Furnishings. New lines of fall and winter under wear, in cotton, wool and cotton and all wool. Intermediate weight for early fall wear. Dr Jaegers sanitary all wool underwear in light, medium and heavy weights. Special values in unlaundrld shirts at 60c and 75o. DresB shirts, plain and pleated fronts, new shapes In neckwear, new styles in collars, walking and driving gloves, the new ideas in patent leather shoes, silk umbrellas, &o. Reliable goods only and all at reasonable prices. W H St R S Tucker St Co. For Rent. 8 room house. olS I D Womble. Madame Besson has a complete line of ladles and children's millinery. olC For Rent. ; Four room cottage on North Blood -worth street. 10 A B Stroaaoh. DOYOuGDTOSCHODL? C I AT- ivrcTrrMMov&r('8. Gr J lUClVlMMON & XjO'B, J 133 Fayetteville Street. MINERAL WATERS. Xf, it is So! 25 and 51 cents can often be saved on a pair by having Indies' and children's shoes of C A Sherwood fc Co. The Best Made. The very best shoe for gentlemen are Burt & Packard's "Korrect Shape " Once tried you will want no other -sold only by 0 A Sherwood & Co's Gems of High Art. Now in make the very latest things 'n wraps, cpes and reefers, in all the new greens, blues, browns and dark tans. Jack ets and retchens for misses and children These perfect fitting garments make cloak selling a pleasure, which was a big feature of our business last seas n 0 A Sherwood & po. Fries and stews 25c each at A Dug hi's. Telephone 123. You can fini all the new scvles of d-ess goods, consist'n in high class dress pat terns, broadcloths, hop sackings, silk w rp henriettas, suitings, flannels, mixtures, plaids. A lao fur and dress furnishings in great variety. N. Y. Millinery Bazaar. Winter weather is coming and you will need blankets, comforts, shoes, &o Buy them from us. Woollcott St Sons. , ' We have a ... very fine and select stock of millinery goods this fall. Be fore you buy your new hat come and, see what we have. Woollcott & Sons. Ladies' new style kid gloves with large buttons, also R & G. and other make of cor sets sold very reasonable at the New York M'llinery and Dress Ooods Bazaar. Blankets, comfortables, 10-1 sheeting outings, flannels, linings, prints, percales, &c , are offered at the lowest mirket prices, at New Yors Millinery and Dress Goods Bazaar. When you are in want of anything in the line of millinery or dress goods or fancy goods, please remember that the New York Millinery and Dress Goods Baziar is the place to get everything at a bargain. otc51m Fail Opening, 1893. I have now on my tables one of the handsomest line' of high grade wool' en goods that I have ever had the pleasure of showing to my patrons and public. They await your exam inatioo. Don't fail to see novelties. Try Walters' paramount method of garment cutting. UN Walters. selQtf jTor Rent.. The store on Fayetteville street next to the Andrews 'juilding is for rent. Apply to ocilm L. ROSENTHAL. The ladies are cordially invited1 to the New York Millinerv Bazaar where the hnd- somest line of hats of the latest creation awaits their inspection. The New York Millinery Bazair are dis playing for the fall and winter the latest production of ladies' and children's hats in great variety and at unusually low prices. " t ... Are you aware that you can save money these hard times by doing your shopping at the New York Millinery and Dry Goods Bazaar, for that establishment is buying all their goods for cash only, which means a saving to a customer from 15 to 25 per cent. Ice Coal; We can produce 12 tons per day of best Crystal Ice ever made here. We can deliver 60 tons per day of the best Domestic Coal ever brought here; keep up the equilibrium and be heaU thy and happy at smallest oost.' JONga St POWBLTi. Fresh oysters at A Dughi's every evening. ' Coal and Wood. All kinds of Bituminous and Anthra cite Coals at lowestprlces. Sep ltf. T. L. Eberhardt. .Cut Flowers. Bouquets, Baskets, Floral Designs, Palms, Rubber and other foliage plants for house culture in the winter. Hyacinths, Tulips, Lillys, Narcissi's and other varieties of bulbs for fall ulantlntr. Telephone 118 iseia , B Stsuucbtz, Florist, HIE HfilE '93 FALL AND WINTER '94 FASHIONABLE A8UI0NABLE MILLINERY ILLINERY. All the mtt des'ahl0 shapts and shades in ha's and boo ;eis no in stxk for ladies, misses and children. Fancy nations air goods, hair ormments and hair pins of all kinds Woe Is, Zephyrs and Embroidery MATKRI4LS. Pne reasonable satisfaction guaranteed. Will be foind in t ie store nea the Express ottic uatil o'ir store is finished. MIS? MAGGIE REESE, my2 1 14 F AYETTE VILLE 8T. Next o Frel A Watson'. 0 S09 vayetteville St, opp Post Office, tf aasf ictnrers' -; fltalonerc Office aad School Supplies. We can supp'v you w;th anything in the Stationery hue. We are dai'y receiving new novel' ies in "yy KITING P PER, JyVNVELOJ. 3, JjMN" JOODS, &c Our prices attraot attention of all buy. i rs. WEDniN'? TVVTTA "rOV AVD VIS ITING CARD' eugraved and printd. Coats of Ams '"Ve'ts, Monograms and Ad d ess Die8stamod on note paier in color or bronze. W- C. SEPARK, au24 Manager. THE AUTUMN BEGINS WITH A BIG STORS OP THE FLEECY STAPLE INSTEAD OF WIST) AND RAIN. Trade Centers Crowded With Bales and Bales of Cott on. FALL AND WINTER SPE CIALTIES NOW INTEREST YOU Seasonable dress goods of every descrip tion. Serges Homespuns TaUor-Twilla, Whip 'Tor is, SHk Mixtures, Henriettas, &c. We show the up-to-date novelties of the sea son, and invite an examination and com parison. FOOT WE IK LEA DE S. We have i npr.ived our different styles of ladies', children's, men's anl boys' shoes until thy have reached a standard ot per fection. Our fall and winter styles are now complete. NEW LINE ADDPD. Ge"t's Pins neckwear the grandest array of brilliant colors in Tecks, Scarfs, Four-in-hands, Windsor Ties, &c, embracing an end less variety of the extreme novelties of the season. Hold your orders for the best line of Hjsiery, Underweir ever brought ta the city for the prices we ask. G. A. SHerwoad & Rn. WE CANNOT ASK YOU- to glance in onr show windows as we have none, but we ass you to walk in our store and see the ':nany bargains awaiting i your inspection, such as Bim json's Prints 6c, worth 71c; worsted 10c, worlh 15o" all wool twill flannel 39c, sells everywhere at 50c; all wool hop sicking 38c, sells everywhere from 50 to 75c- ll wool serge from 49c to 52c, wot th 75c: broad obth 89o, worth $ 1 25; silks and velvets in all colors; braids, gimps and cords to match. In Millinery, we can suit the most fastidi ous, bjtn in quaHty and price. We have shoes 'for children. 1 all men, women and TU LYOH RACKET STORE. Hardware. &c. PISTOLS, SH EL US AND Gh CJJST GOODS. IXIMINK THI HHW STYLI STAR Oil. SMS HEAT3R, t5F"3END FOR CIRCULAR.! teH.Bip&Sons, RALEIGH, N.C. See fffiere. If you we a citizen or stranger it will be to your mteresc to h ive your rooms neatly furnished. Nothing adds so much to the beauty of a residence as good, nice, substantial fur niture. For this & cannot be beaten in this or an" other com- iu iIley nave au tne novelties in jl the business, such as Buieaus, French Beveled Looking Glass es, Willow and Battan " Chairs, Wardrobes, Mat- Ar. tresses, fcc. They have the finest, pret tiest and nob biest BABY CARRIAGES ever seen here. The NEW HOME 8ewina Needles r.nd Oil, Besides, the firm will keep you cool bv nine gifts of Fans and daps. REMEMBER THE PLACE Exchange Place, Soutjiside M'rk't Dry tioortsu Notion, &c. W.H.sR S.TUfKEBtCQ Our nGkY lines of WR&PS for Ladies, Misses and 'Children for season of '93 are now ready for inr pecir ion. W. ft. V&v.:' S. TUCKER & WO, 188 and 125 Fayetteville street. ' rnojnas nil 7 'j- Ttin "tttv inn

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