Xirrlei. In this city thU evening at S o'clock, by Rer.J B Barter, Mr R M.Brown, of Haywood, Pbatham county, to Mice Loot Green of this city. The happr couple left oath 8. A. L railroa-i for their horn, carry lag the wtll wUhea of their host of friends. Xtbel raise. liable Paige, the child aetreM. is lodeed a raragon to her professio i. Bhe sustains her difficult role Id a moat charming and exceedingly fa- elnatlng maaoer and la well support d, and from the time the curta'a roe till te coaclaglon of the per formance the appreciation of the an dienoe wat ma ifest by freqaent. an I Erolonged applause. Palatka (Ft ) ally Adrertiser. Wilfred Clarke. ThU distinguished actor was greet, ed last night at the Academy ol tin lo by large and discriminating au. dlence and never has there t een a performance in this city that gaim d more genuine applause 'Little Bur terfly," a bright -ni most amusii t comedy, was pres- nted and nil tl e entire east was well sustained Mr Clarke as Adonis was si ply elegant while bis support throughout w.s admirable. Upon the whole it was a rich dramatic treat. Western R Gales In Washington JT C. He probably closes his meeting to night and will be in Rnleigh in a few days. We are requested through the Vis itor to Invite all christian workers t o a most earnest co operation with Mr Gales and the pastor of the Christian church in this city in the meetirg which will begin next Sunday at the Christian church All who are in terested in singing are kindly Invited to attend the prayer and song service Thursday and Friday night this week at Christian church at 7:?0 The Fair. The second day of the Fair has been but a continued success. The weather continues beautiful and there has b. en considerable augment tation of the crowd. The procession formed at lOo clock as usual in front of the Yarboro Bouse and headed by the fine ?d regiment band proceeded to the grounds At 11.30 Oyclome John's Wild West Show gave a per formance. After which the racing took place. The contests were lively and elicited much excitement Floral hal presents the usual look of beauty and taste. Personal Mention. Ex-Gov Holt Is In the city. Mr Charles L Stevens, editor of the Houthport Leader is here, the guest of Col FA Olds. Mr John 0 George, of Baltimore, president of the Raleigh street Rail way Company, is in the city. Bishop and Mrs Lymau left tv is morning for Chicago to attend the mission ry council of the Protestant Episcopal church which meets next Sunday. Mr. N. B. Broaghton, wife, daugh ter. Miss Rosa, on Edgar, Miss Olivia Barkley and J M. Broutrhton, Esq . have all returned from the world s fair greatly delighted with their trip. Mr. B rough ton intends giving an evening talk at the Tabernacle etiureb daring next week on some of the things he saw and heard, while taking in the greatest of all expositions. The Weather. For North Carolina: Fair, follow ed Thursday by increasing cloudi ness. Local forecast for Raleigh and vi oinity: On Thursday: Fair weather. Local data for 24 hours end ing at 8 a m. today: Maximum temperature, 63; min mum temperature 40; rainfall 0.00 The following Is the synopsis of the weather for today. The weather continues fair and cool throughout the central part of the country, under the influence of high oressnre. In the lower Southern States the weather is cloudy and the prevailing winds are from the nortb west. The iressure decreases to the south, and here seems to be a storm center oath of Florida. At Metropolitan Hall. The John Reddin Company gave a splendid rendition or me-Two Or phans last night at Metropolitan hall to an appreciative and well satisfied audience. Tonight this popular com pany will present Mr Reddin's own version of The Convict's Daughter a play full of interest from beginning to end. The ease and grace with whioh the Purcell Sisters bring out the characters assigned to them has won for them an universal popularity all over the country. Mr Jess Pickens who will tonight take the character of the original tramp 1b an artist of highest standard and herever he has appeared has been kthe recipient of well merited applause and frequent call before the curtain The box sheet for tonight is open at MacRae's drugstore where reserved seats may be secured at 75 cents The American express company has lost i"t0.000 in monev in transit from Hew York to New Orleans. Detect- j . Ires are investigating the matter. ' SPARKS FROM THE WIRES. The Happening of a Day Throughout the World. Marshal MacMahoo died la Paris yesterday. The Insurgents have again bom barded Rio. Frost has ruined the cotton In por tions of Alabama. CaDt Adams, commander la chief ( A R, is dangerously 111 In Chicago Three men were killed la rallroai accident at Wellsville, Ohio, yester day. Thirty one new ones of yellow fever at Brunswick yesterday. One death. A prolonged debate took place yes terday in the senate on rules govern ing that body. Senator Vorhees says tht repeal bill ill be passed if it takes until next winter to do it. The skeleton of a women was found under t floor of a kitchen in Phlla delpbia yesterday. The Marietta and North Georgia Railroad. 210 miles long. Is to be sold at public auction November 20th. The Wellman steel and iron eom pany of Chester. .Pa, ias failed; 1,200 men are thrown oat of employment. The executive committee of the ne gro national league has issued an ad dr.'ss urging the negroes to support the democratic tickets In New lorK, Massachusetts, Virginia, Iowa and Ohio. Judge Copenhagen, of Baltimore, as killed in a singular way vester day at (fraud Lake on the Penob scot re was using his rln as a cane when it was discharged, the bullet passing through his head. A Quarter Century Test, For a quarter of a century Dr King's New Discovery has been tested, and the millions wbo have received benefit from its use testify to its wonderful curative powers id a'.l dis eases of threat, chest and lungs, a. remedy tnat has stood the test so long and that dps given so universal S'tisfaotion is no experi ment, racu bottle is positively guaranteed to give relief, or the money will be refunded. It is admitted to be most reliable for coughs and colds. Trial bottles free at John Y MacRae's drug store. Large size 50c and $1 A GOLDEN DOME. Washington Post. Hitherto the great white dome of the United States capitol, rising into the blue sky l'ke a snowy mountain hc s been one of the most conspicu ous and beautiful sights of the city of Washington. It is to have a gol den rival The roof of the new Na tional Library is to be caoped with a dome of generous proportions, cover ed with pure gold. Part of the work is already completed, and a gorgeous picture it te. The new library build ing is but a stone's throw from the capitol, and its golden don e glitters and shines like a young and brilliant sister by the side of the white hemis phere that crowns the capitol. A dazzling picture these twin domes present, and one that lingers long In the memory of the visitor or the dweller within the gates who is for tunate enough to witness it. t--1 Trains to the Fair Grounds. Commencing tomorrow trains will be run from the Union Depot to the fair ground. The following is the schedule. Lv Union Depot, Lv 10:00 a m 10:30 am 11:00 a m 11:30 am 12:00 m 12:30 pm 1:30 pm 2:0 p m 2:30 pm 3:03 pm 8:30 p m 4 00pm 4:W p m 5:C0 p m Fair Grounds, 10:15 am 10:45 am 11:15 am 11:45 a m 12:15 pa 12:45 p m 1:45 p m 2:15 p m 2:45 p m 8:1 p m 8:45 p m 4:15 p m 4:45 p m 5:15 pm Bucklen'g Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe ver sores, tetter, chapped hands, chil blains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pav required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refund ed. Price 25 cents per pox. For sale by John Y MacRae. NE1ST ACADEMY of MUSIC Enjoyment of the "WILFRED CXi-AEE and his excellent Company of Comedians. OCTOBER 17, - October I?, - - she K1i8 CONQUER Prices: tl, 75 and 50c. Reserved seats now on sale at MacRae's Drug Store. "As 'Tony Lumpkin,' in 'She Stoops to Oonqner,' Mi Clarke' Approach "8 Goldsmith's idea of the character nearer than any comedian on the American stage Baltimore son Beptembe 11, 1892. 'As he mischievous 'Tony' young Clarke excels himself. HU humor, his byplay, his aD3arance are all that caul I b wiahei for." "Althowrh Mr larke is a son of the famons toh-x 6 OLarka, and 9 n 'ptieir of the lati Ldffin Komh, he is not dependent on his ancestry for famj. Bis acting belongs to a new school, one whicb he ha introduced himself." -'.'ew York orldKoy 4, 1892, $NELLING&fllCKS IDx-ixgglstjs. g Call your t entioo to our fine Fla . vor Extracts of Vanilla and Lemon, yy claim for tbera su- erior strergth a d 11 vor an1 yJf jT'ar.i e tuti.-p.nt-. o eof the ext o i the mxrket are made o' 'nju io . ' lie'ica s, but our are tTUtJLUuCa. WE? it aVe a p-cialtv of accurate prescrip'ion work at all Lo-ir, day or night. W. N. SNELL1NG. HENRY T. H ICKS. DRUGGIST8. Cor Fayetteville and Morgan Sta. THECOIlVir.T S DAUGllTfR . Metropolian Hall. Wednesday Evening, October 18th REDDIN'S Hidden Hand Co'v aeain on tbe boards with something more attractive than ever. New Features Ad'ed A specially of spechltiesT-with the latest " r songs ana aances. EVERYTHING OP TO DATE. Aa'roneromDanv of foibrettes. comedi ans tragedians, and a compilation of all. Seats at John Y MacRae's. 75, 50 and 25c. imiQDlUI OF MUSIC. 3 -NIGHTS AND MATINEE Q commencing O TUUHS DAY, OCTOBER 19th, The Little Queen of Soubrettea, MABEL : PAIGE, and Her Own Exoe'lent Company. Thursday NiehHhe Bau tiful Five Act Sensa-fTT I PIT ti-n'l Comedy Drama wXllVJXV. Excellent Singing end Dancing Specialties at eacn pertormance. Prices for this, engapremeit: 25, 50 and 75c. Reserved seats at MacRae drug 'tore. We are Going to Now crop loraons at Barbee & Pope's. We make a specialty of flnecaudy. fresh and pure. Barbee & Pope. We are going to handle banana? n large quantities - Barbee & Pope. Onr "Chips,' put up in a neat boxj cannot be excelled Barbee & Pope. Stop and get some nice fruit at our stand under Raleigh National Hank Barbee &r Po e. The purest and best candy to be found at Barbee & Pope's. set 9 tf popular Comedian, Mr ' m Bulls LITTLE BUTERFLY fhiladelDhia Inauirer. seal lo. lo W :FAIR AN old speech in a new drew. Ton we good Heall of money when yoa don't bay r thing from us. An other. A store thU wants popularity nor' pay for H by Selling Very Low. A ND th sure businew ermita us to do MALL 8URE tbe r-us new rn a profit. You' let a substantial Man's Suit fro-n t 60 vp. Other houe charge $12 50 to $15.00 Rosenthal Clothing Co., 305 " J. W. EVANS. RALEIGH, N. C Suooeasor to Evans A Martin. MANUFACTURER OF Carriages, Buggies, Specia' attention given to repairing of all kinds Estimates given on all kind of ork on application. Wheels, Axles and Springs in stock for immediate demand The bent work is always the cheapest. And this can oe found at the northwest corner of Morgan and Blount streets. GRAUSM ROSENTHAL, ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS. Becker's Self-Rising Backwbeat. iVEn NAVY BEA.V'S CltlNBEKUIES HON' ELKS CO INED BEEF, SAlfATOGA CHIPS. Oanned Fruits and Vegetables of every de cription Nt-w Mince Meat to arrive in a few days. BEST BRANDS OF FL0U1 And everything else to be 'ouod in a first class grocery only at GUUSMN & ROSENTHAL'S. oc3 lm : t I : : : i : : : t i : :::?:::::::;:: t : ! : t t : : : : : i t : : t i i e i t : : . : f 1 1 : 1 1 : : : a : : t i i I ::::::::?::: ; : t t i : : : : t : i : e C. WiM : t : : : : : : : : :::::::::::::::: t i t has r. tnrned from the norfhern cities with a nice line of goods for gentlemen's wear and is now ready for work. Will make them up in the very best and latest styles and at short notice. Also does t : : t i t i i I i i i i i i ! t : e e - e : CUTTING AND t : REPAIRING it t j fl i i t i t i i t t i i i i Satisfaction guaranteed. Give him a call. 124 Fayettevllle street, upstairs. - idDtf TMOiUI WEEK- OUR rrice fit bot . We have the R t'n Mii'snt tie'l at $12?, $2, $2 50 Ld $3 on ill- bU o' sell of hu i''rUs. Ve Do Sell thaiulany For it. Full Silk Lined Overcoats, worth f 15 at $12 50 Our store is the store for the people. Everything is complete in Clothing, Furnishing Goods and Hats. Favettevillfi St. Opp Post Olce. MRS WEIL, French Millinery , DRESS MAKING '. AND Ladies' OatGtting E tablishm nt Elegan; and Artiatic Trimmed Bonnets, Turbans. Toques and Round Hats Impo.'ted and from our own. work rooms. French Felt t-ntrimmed Bnnnets, Round Hats, Turaimsand Flam In all the new sha ' s and shapes ' " Flowers, Tips, Feathery Plumes, Vings, Quills, Black and Wnite Birds, Fine Fancy Feathers, Velvet Roses and Elegant Fine Flowers for evening wear, NOVELTIES In Felt Plaques, Shaded and Two-toned. Also Plain Colors, dpangled Edgings, Orowns, Bands Wings and Aigrette-, Bonnets, Toques, &c. A line n; Huts from 25c up tj fl. RIHBOlSrSa A most attractive assortment rf Imported Miliii er v Riub us, in all the Latest Parisian styles, will be displayed. White and Black and Ombre Effects ia$ Entirely new weaves and designs. e2i ml FAYETTEV I LLE ST, RALEIUH, NO. 1131 WAATIMfiT? That Is tbe QaesUos. Do you want a Cook Stove? " " Heating Stove? " " Oa- Stov? " " Gasolene Stove? " ', Kerosene "tove? " " Tin Toilet Set? " " China Chamber 8e? " " Crotkery or China Ula-sova e " " A Beautiful Fncy Lamp? " " A Tockot Knife? " " A Gun? " ' A Bird Cage? " " Loaded Shells or emptj ? " " CartrHge, Pistol or Gun? ' " Almost anytning in the Housefurnishing goods line?" IF YOU DO, GO TO ILunutmnS ena's Fayetteville street, opposite Market Hou'e door. No 226. ocl& CKNTUAL HOTEL " Re-Openini!, ' i G CONN, Proprietor.. On Monday, Oct 2d, will be re-opened the Central Hotel under new management. Board II 50 per day. To regular boarders terms reasonable. Patronage solicited. s30

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