1'iio tfaily fineolort fi8iior. TOBUSMD BTSBT AFTBiJOOB, IKxeept bandar, XHE VISITOR Is erved tv carrier ta the city at 25 cents per month, ayaoie to tne carriers in advance. Prices for mailing IS per year, 01 to cents per month. CommunieMioas appearing in tbest columns axe ba. the expression! ol tne opinion oi the correspondent! writing the same, and they a) one arr responsible. eroti mark (1 after yoar nam nforms yoa that yoar time oat. Address all orders and eommunie Hons to W. K. BROWN, 8r., Raleigh, N C Loeal notices in this paper will b Fire Ceots per line each Insertion. Office Upstairs over Wr.J. Hal Bobbitt'8 Drug Store, 2d floor. B. - . L1R9B9T O-iTf OlROrjuaTIor avLKcati. our. 25, 1593. DEATH OF JUDGE BOND. The wires bring the sad news of the death of Jndge Hugh L Bond, which took place at his residence In Balti more yesterday morning. The 1 mire diate cause of death was heart disease, which was brought about by an at tack of grip a year or so since. Judge Bond was well known in our eity, where be figured considerably in the early seventies in the Ku.Elux trials. He is conceded to have been an eminent jurist, although a man of well known political bias. He was ap pointed by President Grant to the cir cuit bench in 1870. THE GULF STORM. The Wilmington Sta says the Gulf storm, with which this section was threatened las!; week, has "gone glimmering" far to the eat t ward of the Booth Atlaalio coast. Signals were taken down at the Wilmington station. There were heavy rains Sunday at Goldsooro, 2:30 inches ; at Weldon, 2:80 ; over an inch at New Berne at d Greensboro, and over five inches at Charlotte since last Friday night. A Noted Man in Trouble. Charles F Peck, ex Comm'esioner of the State Bureau of Labor Statis tics, is under arrest in Albany. De tective Sweeney, who was sent to make the arrest, found Peek in bed Pdok asked the detective to let him commit suicide. The detective re plied that he would if he had en other witness prese it. At Jthe station house Peck appeared to be very nervous and kept repeating his denial of the boys' story and declaring that it was the contin nance of the prosecution which be gun with his arrest for destroying the papers relating to his last tariff and wages report. Peak returned from Europe this week and was arraigned on Wed Dee day under the old indictments for destroying public papers. He admits having been drinking heavily since his retnrn to Albany and says that he was driven to it by the strong hand of the prosecution'tbat is rest ing on him, and which has driven all his friends from him. TO PIERCE THE MOUNTAINS. Charleston News and Courier. A well defined rumor has reached here that the management of the newly reorganized Ohio River and Charleston Railroad are already at work securing rights of way through the mountains of North Carolina with a view of building the connect ing link between the sections of the late Cineinnatti, Chicago and Char leston Road. Mr Samuel Hunt, of Cineinnatti, wbo was in the city last summer, and whole now the general manager of both branches of the road as the rep resentatlve of the Finance Company, of Philadelphia, and said to be exer cisiug bimself in the matter and to have expressed it as the purpoie of the people whom he represent to complete the construction of the road at the earliest date possible This statement is fully in accord with those which were recently made' by Mr Charles E Hitler, of Boston while in Charleston. The building of such a connection as that proposed will be an expensive, undertaking on account of the heavy rock gradinjr which will ' I. k. - il i tw requirou iu due uiuuuimuuub t)C i tlons through which the line is to j NEIGHBORS AT GRAY GABLES. It has been publicly announeed at Buzzard's Bay that the Tudor Haven tract of land on Monument River, the property of President Cleveland, is offered for sale. This does not in- clad e the villa of Gray Gables, which the President occupies in summer. nor the land immediately surround log it, but the large tract of from sixty to seventy-five acres of bluff land facing the river looking north toward Buzzard's Bay village. It was said at the time the President pur charted the Tudor estate and lands adjoining in all about lr0 acres, three years ago, that it was with an eye to speculation. The land is placed in the hands of Horace w Cro well, of Boston, to dispose of, and the restrictions placed upon it are it shall be offered only to persons In every way desirable as neighbors to the Presidential household, and tbat, un less residences to cost $3,500 or more are to te erected, there can be no sale made. EFFECTS OF OPIUM. Opium p odnces more varied and opposite effects upon the human system than any known drug. Even in small dopes it will act on the sarre Individual as a stimulant and as a sedative, as an astringent or a laxa tive, and, in large doses to those who are habituated to its use, it acts as a powerful .stimula- t, or even lntoxi cant, such intoxication being fol lowed by muscular relaxation and cental torpor. The action of most drngs, or at least of very many, varies according to the dose which is ad ministered, thus ipecacuanha will act as an emetic in large doses, but if given in small quantity will arrest sickness. Ammonia will cause or ar rest sickness, according to the quan. tity taken, while many drugs which in small doses will operate as febri fuges w'll in large doses indnce fever Ne Yortc Sun. CELERY FOR RHEUMATISM. If celery were eaten freely sufferers l.-om rheumatism would be compara tively few. It is a mistaken idea that cold and dump produce tne diseasr -they simply develop it. Acid blood is the primary and sustaining cause. If celery is eaten largdy, an alkaline blood is the result, and where this exists there can be neither rheuma. tism nor gout. It should be eaten cooked. Detroit Free Press. TILLMAN'S TICKLERS. The Palme .to Stale's Whiskey Tade- mr..k 13 Good. Washington. D 0., Oct 24. In tbe district of Polumbia Circuit room tb '.8 morning Justice Bradley deliv ered h's opinion in the case of the Stave of eouta Carolina against the Commisilon of Patents to require the latter to register the ''quo; of trade me k of te Pa'meito State. The judge decided in favor of the State and ordered a peremptory o-der re- qu'ring the Comm'eiioner of Patents to reg'ster the trademark. The Com missioner can appe J from the deois ion and carry the matte to tbe Uni ted States Supreme Court. The great scerclty of servant pirls in Boston has led to the 1 portat'on of a considerable number of girls from the back dWricts of Maine to serve in the fashionable city houses. The want of familiarity on the Dart of these girls with city ways and Ian- guage has led to some queer scenes. One afternoon a lady called at a fine residence in Boston street, where one of the girls was employed, and rang the bell. Samantha Wayback an" swered the cal'. "Can Mrs Croesus be seen?" the visitor asked. "Ken she be seen ?" snickered Samantha. 'Well. I rnther cnesH aha ktv ih. six feet high and fonr feet wide I My sakes 1 You can't see much of any thing besides when she's around 1" It May do ag Much for Ton. Mr VraA Milla nt Tvirtno Til he baa a severe kidney trouble for manv years, with severe pains in his back and also tbat his blaider ws affected. He tried mny so caned kidney cures bat without anv good result. About a year aeo he began use of Blectrio Bitters and found relief at once. Electric Bitters is especially adapted to cure of all kidney and liver troubles and of mn gives almost Instant relief. One trial win prove our suwmeri. rnoe oniy ouo lor large bottles, at John X tfiHEtfl drugstore, Great Triumph. Instant relief experienced and a permanent cure by tbe most speedy and greatest remedy in tbe world Otto's eure for Tbruat and Lang dls ease. Why will voo continue to Irritate your throat and lungs with that terrible hacking cough when W. H King A Co., sole agents will furnish you a free simple bottle of this grat guaranteed remedy T Its success Is si m pi v wonderful, as your rirugg'st will tell yoa Otto's care is now sold in ery town and villlape on this continent. Samples free. Larifs bottles 60c t For sale by W. H King & Co., corner Fajecteville and Hargett streets. HOW IS THIS? Something unique even in cbese days of mammoth premium offers, is the latest effort of Stafford's Mag azine, a New York monthly of home and general reading The proposition is to send tbe M ag azlne one year for one dollar, tb reg ular subscription prioe; and in iidi tion to send acb subscriber flfr v-two complete novels during the t -velve months: one each week. Think of it. You receive a new and complete novel, by mail, post paid, every week tor rorty-two weeks, and in addition- yoa get the magazine once a moath for twelve months, all for one do'lar. It is so offer which the publishers can only afford to make in the confi lent expectation of getting a hundred thousand new sub scribers. Among the authors in the com'og series are, Wilkie Collins, Walter Besant, Mrs Oliphant, Mary Cecil Hav, Florence Marry at, Antho ny, Troll ope, A Oonan Doyle, Miss Braddon, Captain Marryat, Miss Thackery and Jules Verne. If you wish to take advantage of thi unus ual opportunity, sead one dollar for Stafford' Magazine, one year. Your first copy of the tu-igazloe, and your first number of tbe fifty-two novels (one each week) wMch yoa are to re ceive duringt.be year will be Sent you by return mail. Kemlt by P O Or der, registered letter or express. Ad dress H STAFFORD, Publisher, Stafford Manzine, P O Box 2264, New York, N Y. Please mention this Paper. Sept n. Mortgage Sale. Bv virtue of power conferred on me by a certain mortgage executed by lck Buabee and wife, Henrietta, which said mortgage is duly recorded in registry Wake county, in book No 121, at page 487, 1 will off "Mr for sale at tbe court house door in the city of Hal eigh, N C, on Mouday, Oct 30, 1893, at 12 o'clock m, the property in said mortgage de scribed, the same being a certain hoise and lot near the fair grounds and Hillsboro road adjoining the lands of W A Crawford and others and known as the homestead of said lck Bus bee. Terms of sale. cash. se30tds BFMONTA.GUE. Atty. Dissolution oi Copartnership OF TrlE FIRM OF ELLINGTON, ROYSTEii CO. By mutual consent the firm of Ellington, Bossier & Co has been dissolved and for the puroose of winding up the affairs connected with the partnership, a consent jadgmeni has been entered in Wake Superior Court by which Mr Virtruvinj Koyster has been ap pointed Commissioner and tte&iirer to con vert all the firm assets into money and after discharging the indebtedness oi the rm to divide the residue among the several part ners according to their respective interests. The firm is perfectly solvent and all t liabilities -will he discharge! in a anon whili. Persons indebted to the firm are ru- quested to mile prompt payment to Air Virtravius Royster. se 2Gtf ELLINGTON. R0Y3TB1& & C. IF YO T EXPETT TO MOVE befire win ter sets in, now is your time. We will loan you our elephant free of charge, "to vided j on move into any one of the follow ing bouses whio we have now for rent: i Nice 5 room aottige on Blood worth street, between Morgan and Fa-gfltt. Frioe $10 a month; 5 room bonee on Nort i Salisbury street, near S & Q shopi. Price $12 50-5 room cottage on Firwod avenue, opposite Raleigh Cotton Mill; pric $8 0; t wo to-y d wiling on Halifax s'lwt, opposite Judge Clark's; price $12 50; two stwy 6 roomdvr-l- i, i"ig on Morgan str et, m r -r oi Mr J (Pool's; rrioa $9j4roo-i coVage oti Hmtb West stree price $8 50, 6 room two try i house on W"8t Lwn se, opposite Kpl'co Sal mission; price $12 50; 10 room dwelling, fo 106 West Jones treet; price 114 I Call and a1 us or drop at a postal and we ,wi'i call and see you 'POW fJtBBOyGHXOJMCO, ttce. Ice. We are prepared to supply CE, ICE, ICE in any quantity of tbe best quality and at lowest -itgfor cash. We will not e undersold by any one, no th or south, from oar loads down. Send orders to Jones & Powell, Raleigh, H Q. Phone 41 and 71. large stock of Anthra! A T cite Goal, all sizes. JJjt.Lj Bituminous Goal for fuel and steam Hi slXT Oats, Bran. Hay, SJ till , Shingles, 4c, at wholesale and retail by JONES & PO WELL ORXOLK ASD CAROLINA R.1 OOHDBN6BD BCHKDUIiB. Dated August 9th, 1891. South No?tb Bound Train. So. 101. Boun Trah No. 10 8TATIOVB. i. M. 950 10 15 10 27 1102 1120 1187 1162 12 81 12 53 p. v L've Pinner's fointArrive 5 2f L've L've LV L've L'vs L've L've I' Ar Drivers. Arrive 2 0 Arrive 4 4. Suffolk, iGatas, Tunis, Ahoekey, Aulander, Hobgood, Tarboro. Rocky Mount, Arrive 4 U Arrive 3 64 Arrive 3 3) Arrive 3 2 Arrive 2 8! Arrive 2 1: L've 1 fit 3120 P. Mm A. M Kb 101 makes oonneouon at Eocxy Mount with.W 4r W Train No 23 for allpoh.tt South, and No 78 train for all points Norh' 9 M Sbrpkl, J K Kbnlt. 6enH Manage. Supt Trains T If EMCRROff. fltn'l Pair Agt Sale of Land. "Rv virtnA nf m. tnAPtaaM AvsvmfA1 h TAf TfiTHOn Pfsfil. WeJth Muninm atlri (Tannana Sturdevant, trustees to VVm Watts, on th xuiu any oi jLFHoeaiDer. itxsi, recorded in tne oifioe of th Register of Deeds of Wake oonntv. N 0. In hnnlr.lftl. nanoRiQ r m sell, atpubiio auction for cash, at the court house door in the city of iUleigh, N 0 on jiouuay, toe toa wy oi KfcwmT, 8s)i. at 12 o'clock m, a certain lo; of land situated in the vlllftcn tt Anhnrn M. Mjfir'i nn.i.in said county, and Btafe, and bounded fol- .vnc. ukiuuiuv i-i UIO UUUUie Or tne Smithfiehf mul rnnnlno KT 1K h l .01 - O - w " VMWU. I w m owo 1W 11V1U hUQ IXUUSt or LUQ ft O P ft traok: thanna ft 4319 It 0.97 nhiin. f . 1 stake in the middle ot said railroad; thence . in, cuuns w ine Degmmng, containing ) iCTi pqriTurs, leaa a ueruun poruon oi sal a lot soiatomer fooL i An unlimited number of people are wanted to call at tDwHafi IBobbiiiirs DRUG STORE, Corner FayettevIUe and S. Market Sts.f .RalelgihL, JST O., to purchase at lowest price FOR GASH what ever MAY BE NEED ED in The Drag line. PSESCRIPTIOHS A SPECIALTY. SVaftJY LOA55 TO Real Estate Secu rity -ON- S Yoai s' Tme The btirrower's life will be injured for the full amount, ana in casn of bis death tbe loan will be paid from tbe -INSUKANCJfi POLICY. The Mechanics and Investors' Union also isoue f , CEUTIFUJATKS OF STOCK with combined INSUKAJXJfc POLHIES payable in about eight years, based ui on small tiid monthly payments. Jtor fur ther particulars apply to the Uanics aaainYestors Uaioo, Bal'eigh, N C, Geo Allen, Secretary. jy81 AUEX TS vVAMTED. H nse and uot lor Sale.2 OnMonday, the 6t,h day of Novemfier, 1893, e will tell at the cou t house door in Raleigb, at 12 m, to the bigbest bidder lor cash, a house and lot in berlin, about one mile north wet of Kaleigh.lomerly belonging to Lydia Williams, deceased, a 'joining tbe lands ot tbe 1 te Jesse tet ilord and others, containing about one-tourth ol an acre J H Fleming, commissi iner, selis under a decree of the huperior uouri ot V ake county, made in case of K nsom Porcner and others vs elimon Porcner, and V VV. rass sella by virtue of authority given him by mortg ge deed, exe cuted by Lydia Villiamsrnd duly recorded in the Kegister of Deeds omoe for V V ate. oounty. J H KLKMlNCf, Com V V V V VA88, Mortgagee. oo7 tds Cavcsls, and T'n-!eMarks obtained, and all PaU at buvness coi;'4uctwl,fpr Moocratc Feet. Oun orricc is Cppositc U. S. Patent orricc and w ran secure patent u less time Uiau those remote from V vshington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, il patentable or not, (res of charge. Our (ce not due till patent is secured, i A Pamphlet, "HowtoObtaln Patenfw" with coat ot tame In the U. & and iUvigacountne man uce. aouc3- ; , C.AeSfj6W& t 1 .r ppp. PATe.-r? ;ice, . 0. o.

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