. iV ' ' f t t voii xxx. RALEIGH, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23. 1893. NO. 28 e i i CITT II BBtir. Locals Picked Up Here and There and Boiled Down. The road engine It now la opera tlon. Bather a loll in the amusement line. Mra J Reno, of Darham, ii In the eity. s An old fashioned London fog this morning We are promised fair, cold weather for the next few days. The market is well stocked with tarkeya and other fowls today. Col J W Hicks, of Raleigh, is on a toar of inspect ion for the penlten tiary. The exhibits from this state at the world's fair received 134 medals ana j XJifA. J . Vinm a In flh rTrtf a with nAnnna nrni. tratton. i vuucviwr oiuiiuum u m viuj tn i - est i t u i and will take charge of his office on Saturday next It is now understood that the ice plant which was burned some time since, is-to be rebuilt. Several business changes will prob ably take place at the commence ment of the new year The meeting of the stockholders of the Wlimicgton and Weldon Rail road is in session at Wilmington. Let there be a combined meetiDg of the chamber of commerce and board of aldermen next Friday night. The Knights of Pythias, of Fay ettevlile.wlll occupy their ne w b uild lag next month. It .cost about $13, 000. State Treasurer Tate has been in Wilmington this week on business connected with the New Hanover bank. The North Carolina and Virginia conference of the Christian church is in session at Jonesboro. Rev J L Foster, of Raleigh, is secretary. j Sixty six convicts have been sent from the penitentiary to the Roanoke farms in the last ten days. The health of the prisoners continues good. ' The commissioner of agriculture, President Holladay, and Prof Massey will conduct farmer's institutes at Whitesville, Columbus county, the atter part of this week. There will be a meeting of tbe Thompson orpanage guild at the res idence of Mr R H Battle, tomorrow afternoon at o'clock. Every mem ber is requested to be present. At the next meeting of the board of aldermen we may expeot some stirring times on the sidewalk ques tlon The why and wher fore of the extension of Morgan street will also be discussed On and after next Saturday, the 25th lost, the traffic department of the Seaboard Air Line will be re moved to the ooit pany'u general of flee building in Portsmouth Va. Mr O V Smith is the general manager. We are glad to learn that the mat ter of the establishment of fie Bap tist female college in this city will be made a special subject at the ooming convention In Elizabeth City. This is good news, and we hope that a fa vorable conclusion may be arrived at Mrs Jefferson Davis has presented James H Jones, colored, of this "city, now in Washington City, a handsome cane in commemoration of his servi oes to her late husband. I be cane hiui the following inscription: "To James H Joner, Ungrateful memory from Mrs Jefferson Davis." A gentleman of this city well versed as an epicure called today on our Southern Delmonico and deolared that he had tried oysters from other nln'iiti in the city but none equal to Dughi's. "Now," said he, " I know where to find the select article," an1 he g&w nli rue accordingly, See I i. o. o.r. Beaton Gales Lodge.No 81. 1 O O F, will hold its regular meeting tonight at 7 o'clock. Work in the degrees. Members of the lodge will not fail to attend A cordial invitation to all Odd Fellows. A OCW. A meeting of members of Murphy Lodge, No 3. A O U W., Is called for tomorrow (Friday) evening at 8 o'clock, at Jolly's store. A foil at tendance is desired, as important bus iness will come up for consideration. FMLampkln, Master Workman. Memorial Services. Last Tuesday the University of North Carolina held memorial ser vices in honor of the late Dr. Charles " - of rhetoric in the institution. A fine oration was delivered by Hon. K. P. of history. It will e remembered that some years ago I Dr Deems established a fund of $15, ..... nnn ft i, 1nt to noor fctndenta. More i - than three hundred young men have taken advantage of it. Opening. Mr A F age, th- proprietor of the new hotel has kindly placed the es tablishmenc at the disposal of the Rescue Circle of the King's Daugh ters for one evening next week. The exact time has not been fixed but in all probability Wednesday night will be selected. The house will be bril liantly illuminated and an interest ing and instructive programme ar ranged It is expected that there will be a large attendance of ladies and gentlemen. Married. At 8:30 o'clock yesterooon, at the residence of thu bride's mother, 818 South West street, Mr Wm C Olive and Miss Lovie F Kuester were uni ted in marriage. The ceremony was performed by Rev A M SimmB, of the Baptist Tabernacle. There was considerable crowd of friends present and the gifts were beautiful and nu merons- After the cermony the happy couple left for Apex, the home of tbe groom's mother, where they will spend a few days. The contracting parties have our best wishes for their future welfare Old bonds to the amount of 191.700 have recently been burned at the state treasury. New consols had been issued for them. Valuable mill proper for sale situ ated in three miles of Raltigh. Terms easy. Apply to Peele a Maynard. Did you ever Bee a musical chairf When you wish to do so call at the establishment of f homas & Maxwell south side of East Martin street. For all kinds of novelties in the far- niture line call at Thoroas & Max- wel 's. No house In the city is better supplied nor is there any at which vou can tret waited upon in a more prompt or public manner. Bananas 15, 20 and 25e a doz at A Dughi's. Ovsters delivered at any hour cooked or otherwise, by Dughl. Tele phone 138. Memnant Hags. About the best value we ever saw are those 500 carpt remnants, all wnol. one and one Quarter yards lone 84c and 89o each. Fine for bed rooms at washstands. None are too poor to have a wool rug to stand on while washing. 84o gets one at . 1)1 Swindell. A Few Values In Dry Goods. We are offering all linen buck tow els, 18x31 inches, at Po each or $1.18 per dozen, an J8x40 inch at 16o each or $V60 per dozen, a 22x43 inch at 20c each or $2 per dozen. A splendid canton flannel at 8o worth 10c. pood arrav fUnnel at 17c worth 25c Solid and fancy eiderdown cloth) at 60o worth 7 and 8"o A 54 pillow cotton at '2To worth 17io A good bed ticking at 8o worth 10c. A line of children's cloaks at prices from I) 50 and up worth double the money. W fl E S TOOKIR & Co. The Show Is the Dolls). In one of the big show windows at Swindell's the children's hearts are made glad and the little eves danee on beholding the grand display of dolls in Swindell's uig window. Another Batch. This day we have 60 rolls of beautl- fnl table cloth at 10c a yard: 10c for table oil elothl Did you ever. D T Swindell. Burt & Packard's "Korrect Shape" fine shoes for gentlemen are famous. C A Sherwood s Co. K Jen Underwear. Knit hosiery underwear for all aires and sizes Attractive prices Largest stock e have carried Oao Dleaee vou. sore Slook No 120 Vest, draw ers and pants are especially good u a. oner wood & uo. . Dregs Goods. Elegantly made, perfect fitting. stylish, warranted in every respect. Ladles, try tbe best u A Sherwood Co Ladies' Wraps. Received today a beautiful line of ladies' wraps The very latest in coats and capes This new lot, with an already complete stock, will en able us to show the nicest line or wraps In the eity. V T Swindell. Children's Shoes. The "Little TroHn" and "Rock v Mountain" shoes for boys and girls are about the best. I bat's straight O A Sherwood & Co. Just received by express a new lot of ladies cloaks. 0 A Sherwood & Co. Woolloott & Sons have their Christ mast stock on exhibition and it's use less to s iy that it is very large. Dolls in large variety. Celluloid novelties. Brio a-brae. Books and games Frances stands, trays, etc. Plush novelties and all kind of cb.il dren's toys at Wowllcott & Sons. One hundred children's felt sailors. trimmed, only 270 at D T Swindell's. Special Values in Table Liaeon. All linen, half bleach table damask, 54 to 61 inches wide, at 25c, 39c, 43 and 48c per yard AH linen, bleached table damask, 63 and 64 inches wide, at 47 and 68c per yard. Turkey red (oil) table damask, 50 a.a 60 inches wide, at 83 and 48e per yard. An extra large (24 inch square) turkey red doyle at 98c per dozen, worth $1.25. A splendid white doyle at 90o per dozen, worth $1 25, A splendid colored bor der doyle at $1 15 per dozen, worth 1 75 ' WttSKD Tucfter ar uo. German and English crockery of all kind. Japanese and Toklo novelties. Separate fancy dishes and tea sets of various kinds. Glass and china wares. Lamps and vases. Woollcott & Sons. Cut Flowers. Bouquets, Baskets, Floral Designs, Palms, Rubber and other foliage plants for house culture in the winter. Hyacinths, Tulips, Lilis, Narolssps and other varieties of bulbs for fall planting. Telephone 118. s12 H 8TIIBMSTI. Florist. Fries and stews 25c each at A Dug hi's. Telephone 123. At Front Door Entrance as you enter our store from Fayette vllle street you see the doll display. Select 'he dolls you want now before the select ones are gone. D T Swindell. ; For Bent. A seven room house, four blocks from market, on West Cabarrus st; kitchen connected with house; eity water, gas aud large garden 1 Address Ohas D Wildes, 118 8 Dawson street, city.; . p 1 no18 8tw Coal and Wood. All kinds of Bituminous and Anthra cite Goals at lowestprices. Sep ltf. T. L. Bberhardt. Turner's North Oarolina Almanac the old reliable for sale at Raleigh Stationery Oo'a store, opposite post office W G Sep irk, manager. nol3 For Bent. 5 room house near corner Hargett and West streets with wash basins, klt'then sink, bath room, bo., apply to J A Mills, earner Hargett and West, or at Wagon Factory, no 6 tf Fresh oysters at A Dughi's eveU Do Yon Write? TRT.PUR NEW INK AND ELEGANT , STATIONERY. Do You Road? TRY LEW WALLACE'S NEW BOOK, PRINCE OP INDIA" We have all the School Books. Book Bags, Tablets, Slates, Pan-.!! . in. ALFRED WILLI ATI & CO. ee5 Booksellers. DON'T PUT OFF today what can be done tomorrow. Send THE VISITOR to a friend or relative. Take it your self. It is only 25 cents ionth. '93 FALL AND WINTER '94 Fashionable: ashionable MILLINERY 1LLINERY. All tbe most des'rabln shapes and shades in ha's and bonnets now in stock for ladies, misses and children. Fancy notions hair goods, hair ornaments ana nair pins 01 an Kinds Woe Is, Zephyrsand Embroidery M4TKRIILS. Price reasonable, satisfaction guaranteed IS" Will be found in the store near the Jxpres omc until our store is finished. MIS; MAGGIE REESE, my2 114 FAYETTE VILLE 8T. Next o Fred A Watson's. OUR SPECIALTIES T3IS WEEK. Peanut Candy, Cocoanut Candy. ! - I New crop Spanish Peanuts used in candy, the best in the market; 20c lb. All other eoods fresh and very choice CHOCOLATE CREAM. CROOOLATE WALNUTS. All the various Bon Bona, Const rv s Butter Cups and everything nice at BARBEE & POPE'S Wraps! Wraps! Now is the time for WRAPS and we have them for you. tUTtST'tW Capes and Jackets in all the laAaf aif ttI aa and at- nviMta Vi gr- gr will astonish jrou. ' yr lg- Comforts. Bel Blanket and , I3F lr Horse Blankets, Buggy Robes, I t-g fSf the best in Raleigh for the lariSr money. , Heavy Underwear for dies and Men. La- IN MEItlNO AND WOOL, Hats and Caps, Root- and Shos, Overcoats, Mackintosh Coats Come to see us. THE LTQI1 BACKET STORE. DOYOO&OTnSGHOOL? Ilardware, &c. P I 8 T O.L S, SHELLS -AND G-CTNT GOODS. IX4MINK THI NEW STY LI STAR OIL ySTOYS HEATfiR. tSTSEND FOR CIRCULAR.23 te Efiris&SoDS, RALEIGH, N. O. Ladies' and Misses' CLOAKS and WRAPS. We have lust received the newest thinara in Columbian Co its, Reefers, Jackets, etc, and misses' ant Uniidren s overgarments If you want style, rght lors, quility and price, we have hem. Every garment was made during this month, hence they are only 'the latest , new and fresh. Foreign and DMHtlc Dress Goods Not the highest oricerl nor the lowest, but that me Hum class of goals ranging in price ironi idc 10 l. An exceptionally me show ing. Wah ble fabrics in great variety. On all staple good' our prices reach lowest. Woolen Underwear for gentlemen ladies' and misses of the best . known combinations, at prices to meet the . sharpest competition. Saving bought an entire lot of wool knit uiderwear, Number 120, we now offer them s a special bargain. We believe we have the grandest line of gents', ladies' and children's shoes in this or any otber city at prices not met by any one else. Trunks and traveling bags of all kinds. THREE DRINKS of liquor costs 25c. Take that quarter, young man, . and send the VISITOR to ' your sweetheart, or your sister, brother or friend for one month. Dry Ooodi, Notion, &o. UNDERVALUES IN Dry Gooolso A GREAT VARIETY") At 35c, 65c of ' aud 85c, Colored Dress Goo3s -per Yarrt, f6 to 54 1 w.rth 50c inches wide. J 85c&1 25 A Varied 1 4 toO y'rs, $2.50 Up Line of 1 8 to 10 3.00 Up Children's 1 12 to 14 " 3.50 Up Wraps. J 4 OO Up Ingrain Carpets, at.: 24c 30e and 50c WORTH 35c 50c and 75c SIMILAR VALUES IN TAPESTRY, BODY BRUSSELS, VELVETS AND MOQUETTE3, 7.llr,R.S. TUrKERsCQ 123 and 125 FayettevlHe street, C. A. mmi k Co. - 4 , . 1 , 1' r. i i .if , 1 . n i L

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