AuctionSaleof Land Br vlrae of twi several morti execu ted t4 ma y Oecar Ooble q( wife, which Mid rherttfvea ire duly reoovere t in Kegia try oi Walt oomiy, iu Umii aiil paealii, 814 and 121. 31, respectively. I will offer for sale at pablio aue ion, for o uh, at the court houaa d r in the city of Kaleig1!, on Mon day, Dao 11. 1853, at la o'clock m, the prop erty io aaid mortg get deicrioe I. the same being the iometead of Oao ir Coble an 1 wife sitjatad near .Oary, N 0, containing ona acre. Kor a mora aocurata dee iription aea mortgagea above mentiona 1. B If M0NTAQ7E, Attorney and mortgagee. Raleigh, & 0, No 7 10, itm. NOttrHCAROLIVA, , wmOoom. Ba parlor Court, November lerm 1)'. W W aae, Plaintiff, va M a ft t i and others Consent judgovn- of foreclosure. By Tirtue or auihjrity oo afar red upon ma by da wee of court in the above entit ad civ'l action, 1 will on Monday, the lirst day oi January, 1891, expose tor tale and seil at puolic at the court Uouie uoor in Kaleijh, N to the uighe bidder for cam, all that lot or parcel of land in Wane coun ty, JSorlh Carolma n the city of Kaleigh, adjoining lot tii 95, in the plau of the ci Yis.ou ot 'he eat city, the lot ot I'lioraa Harris, tha Jot of the K'amsr oeir r.ud oth era, aituat d on the -aat side of ill mu street, and mora full detcnoed in the ciiupivnt iu aaid action.: ; W J FHn.L.b - " 6 iinniipsioatr. Pkcli & Matmaco Attorneys. del Lirnl iq Mod CM fovasliip Slit By virtue of autuoriiy givu aid by mort gage, axeuutad by a' f O iiea', aai uuly ie coruod in ooo oi, on p ige I'M, iu iiegi ter oi DdU oilioe tor vVaae c j luiy, 1 wuj sail for oaaa, to tue uiguest budar, ou Jloavly, tu 16th da of liejein oer, 1M, at 1J m, at thj ouruioase ujor la tUiewu. a traot ot laud cont uning V0 acre', situate m Btruu'i Ureet tjwuanip, WdKe count,, adJiiiiig ttto laudd OI A ' Jvl..g, urd il iv Jd..ore,uu idinetiua uaruou tract a i 1 otner j, mora particularly uawiio id in sai I mjrgd. L t dOt ctiliLL.. itl rig ee J tf. JTiKMifio, Attoruey. no!7 Auction dale ui Land ily vt joyVJi' c.iiil.rrod on mts oy a cei'naiu mji'tg'igd una exooawa oy jouu A. Norwood, wuiuii su iiiOitge is amy re- vjrau ai lWiUi;; o. axj oaJt , iu OjoK xMoiit, atptd t, i wia oj: r ior ua'e to tue nigUiMi. o a Jjr ur casa at tue court. njuid uoor in tao oity ol xtaidit; i on Moa day xeceuioor id, L6M, ai 1 o oi ck ui, t iu laud in said mortg4gj dddcnoed, Dein lot Sit lot tad landi u julia d orvo'jd,ddc'd, cjutaiuiug uufes (.oca oooi, utru.oa ot lauaj at cage oio) said laauj 1 1 jNeuaa tjwu snip, near tne uutus ivy piaoe. a s jtu J 1' A j 0 jij, Jfortgagde, Kaleigh, iN 0, iNov i7, 'U3 toa Sale of Land. Uy virtue ot a decxee ot thd Superior Court oi tiaae uuuui,y, u. enterea at. tUd 'Jet joer term, i6JS, oi aaid oui, in 'hi case of U l xtiuo, iii ii iiarode and o ii iiaroed, under the hria ot Kaud lc iiaroee Broj, agamst uaoitu uuwtir aui wild, oiUaU UOWdr, 1 Wl' oil jr lor said at uubiio aucciou. to tbd 3. bidddr, lor Cjaa, ut tae court house door iu end city ot italtun, i.N 0, ou tue inn day of DdCjmber, 18 Ji, at 12 o'clock m, tae fol lowing traci of land, situate l ia Panther a aaun toffusnip, said cou jty and statd. ad joining the lauds of J M Bauiing, lsaai iujravw iiuu vuicio, UvuukUllug Ul&y aCTdS mjreoriess or xurtudr aejorvnou see and decree. ; AUjiibliiil) JJNUi, Hol7 ; Oomoiusiouer, Sale of Land. By virtue of a decree ol the ddeiior Court oi nraaeoouity, -a v, euterdd at tue Uow Der term, loj , ot said court, ia tue case ci luomas Jouus vs J A Pool aud aluaDa l Poul, x will oiler lor saie, at piblic auction to tue Highest Didder lor casa, at the c ur. txouze door In tue city of iialeigo,.. v, ou tae lotu nay ox ueceaoer, mm, tue toilovr ing ueacnueu tracts oi iana: 1st tract situated in tit Mars townshiD said county a ad state, adjoiniug the Uudsot J A btiilins, aauiuel Watts, Xuouias Johns . ana otuera, oegiuuiug at a suite oa Samuel . Watts una, luomas Johns comer, thence a 1" w do poies U Huts to the tiuuthdild road; tuence witn said road about 90 poles to a state cae corner oi sai i J M. . jfjol 15 acre tiact, tuence wita the liae of said tract 1 e to a stake in Thomas Johns hue; thence witn aaiu jouas uue n oai" vr io pjies to the beginnug, co tainiug 2t acre . zd tract, situated iu s ui township, coaaty and stave, aaoiniag the lands oi Thomas Johus, oamuel vVattsaad ot iers begin aing at a stake on tfamuel vVatts' line, tuomas jouns orner; tueuce h 37 poles 6 links to North Carolina K a; thence down tae said railroad to ihomw Joaus' has; thence with au jonus ,; line n sai" w to the begian lug, containing eight (8) acres, more or less, . . .t lajusnfiAB jonus,. D9l6 tds v A ' Commissioner. DON'T BE A CLAM. DON'T HTDB YOURSELF. Advertise, ADVERTrSE. ADVERTISE IN THE VISITOR. HIOAOO AND THK WORLDS Send tan eanta (silver) or twelve ataoipa lor llaixly foekt Moldatotbe Rraat tipoaiHooj g1v laformatloa of vtloe to every visitor. Street Galde. Hotel Prioea. Cab Fare. RtstaoTtat Rates, ete. Daribee iti hidden pitf alia for the no weary, and hints how to keep oat of theta. Thle lodUpenatble eompaoion to every via iter to the windy city will be tent be mill, post paid, oa receipt of tea all ver.or twel ve eeata Io stamps. Address H STAFFORD, Pdblishkr. P O. Bex 8i6. New York, N I. Pleaae mentioo this Paper. " JOHNSCN'S MAGNETIC OIL! lnUnt Killt-rot Pain. Internal and External. Pn. BIlL'ITUITiau ' i" t' ii . V OIA, tme Back, Sprain, Brulm. bwelllti(f, BUff iointa. COI JC and f . - bnii,Cronp,DiptLerU, Bore Throat. tuJlQKADACllE. uUbi masio. THE HORSE RRlNn. S-ffipw P"p" tor the most Powerful and PenetrntlUR I inimentforMan orBeaatineziateuoe. I-arge tl Klxe 76x, Sue. aite uc JOHNSON S ORIENTAL SOAP Medicated and Toilet The Great Skin Cure and Faoa Baautifler. Ladiea wiu find it the most delioata and hishty perfumed Toilet Soap on the market. It la absolutely pure. Hakee the rm on mm veivetjr ana restores the loxt com ptoxlom to a luxury for the Bath for Infanta. It alaya ltohtntr, cleanaea the acalp and promote us innriu tu uair. irua sc jror sale of Joha 7. MacRae, Drnglst, Raleigh, a. u. . . Superior Cdw Feed Oomxranded and prep .red with fresh Pea Meal, Conditi u Powlers, Pure Bran and other milk proiaohg fool that gives both quality and richness. A trial will convince rou that it is cheaper and better than any thing else to be had. ALSO A fill BIS HPS that will soon give flesh and life to the poor st an i dullest horse in less time than any- you can procure. On hao j all the time best Oats, Corn, . Bran and Hay as well as the above specialties at market prions. Xi, IR. "W" TATT, I No 2' 6 Fayett9ville street, '-, ' nol7 Raleioh, NO. PR03UC E HOUSE LenH.Adams&Co 310,312 S. VUminjtonSt We are headquarters for allkiads of coan try produce, such as ?' r .... ' .;. CUUJKESS, EGGS, ' " " " N.C.1UMS, BUTTER &a. We buy in lage quantities aad are able to sell cheaper than any other house in the' city. ; -;"' '''' We are manufactuiers of the best Heart ISHinglesV which we ceep on hand , all the time.; Con signments solioit?d from ail parts of tha state. Give us a call and we will certainly save you money. - !" v . nol5 i I.SN U A0AM3 & 00. Notice. Havinir analtiied as eiijutors of tha last will of Miles doxlwin. d ceased, all dvsous having cliima against said estate are hereby notified to present them to as, or oar attor ney, T. tt. tr urneu, properly ventieu oaor before the 26th da 1 of Oo'o9er. 18 M. or this notice will be plea t in bar of their reiovery. All peraoQS indebted to Miles Goodwia, de ceased are reqoesiel to. make immediate payment. , , MI LBS GOODWIK. oc26 lw6w C JA8. A. 8AUNDatM., i Adoiinistratoi s Noflcfl Havine haaliflad as administrator of the ebtate of Thomas W Bennett, deceased, this is . to. notify all persons havintr olaims Kiinst the estate to present the sime to. me for payment oh or before thr 14th day ol September, 1894, or this notice will be plead e in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the estate will please settle without fur ther demand, J T BRiilTGarOsf, Admrof Ihoa W tfemett, aeo o. 8eptl2tb. 1W , . THREE DEINKS of liquor coeU ; 25o. Take l: that quarter yoanir man and seu 1 the VI4I i'Oa to your sweetheart,' or your Bister? toother or' friend' for one moatn LITTLE ONE SLEEP, M. K. VOL80M . IJtlla no ilMnl i . f v- uor "-ttherad frleod. re will not 'irp, Vor Ood ia his wis Providence Knew best, and took thy ipi'it beDc. And where His angela vigils keep, Little on? sleepl little one sleep! In ree'ful slamV-ers soft and deep. Beneath the browo September leu1 ea Where vind of aatanio moans an 1 grievea. Though wintry tears thy Krave shall eteep. Little one sleep! ' LlttU one sleei 1 Bonoe'iiua the April euoa will p ep Above Mm hills green leaves will S; rititf t Aroon 1 thy bd, w Id birds will slut? And springtime's earllt et rones creep Little one sleepl Little ore sleepl never dreaming of the storms that sweep The ha man soul in mortal sin. With fears withoot and foes with. in- New grif on bitterest angaish heap i-.utie one sleepl Little one sleep! Thy happier lot shall be to reap Joys with no sorrowing seed to sow Smiles where no binding tears shall now From life to life one pain'ess leap Little one sleep! Little one Bleed Thy memory in oar hearts we'll kep 9Atl A.- A. . jl oinviuij io tarn i ne joy we miss Into a hope of holier b'iss, wnen inese aimmea eyes no more shall weep Little one sleep! Atlanta Journal -euojfTBO tnaqiBAuS oqg 'narprrqo poo eqs treqji SHOX) J91 8a3 9jh 'ois sum. qog netj lhere isa movement arrongben evolent ladies in Louisville to pro vide trained nurses for the poor who cannot sfford to employ them. That oily and rough skin oared and the face and hands beautified by Johnson s Oriental Soap ; medioa ted and highly perfumed. Sold by j ona x mactiae The members of the late Mayor Garter H Harrison's famii) have re tained Alfred S Trude to assist in the prosecution of Patrick E J Prender gast, his murderer, 'n Chicago This is the forty fifth murder case in which M r Trude has appeared as an attor ney. He has defended t irty-elght persons accused of murder and ob tained a verdict of acquittal iu every case. Why undergo terrible sufferings and endanger your life when you can be cured oy Japanese Pile cure : euar anteed. Sold by John f. MacRae. Boston claims the veteran street oar driver of this country, John Byrne who has been driving for forty years and hW traveled enough if continue ing right along to have circumnavi gated the earth twenty-five times, He still holds to hid platform. E. Nulty of St. Paul, Minn., writes. " Was confined to bed for 3 weeks. doctors could do ne no good ; Japa nese Pile Uare entirely cured me' Bold by John Y. MacRae. , j M Marey has found, from his eon tinned studies of animal locomotion by means of instantaneous photo graphy, that the modes of progress" ion of the viper an l the eel are much alike; that the postures of batra ohians in water (after they have ac quired their' limbs) are . much like those of men' swimming, and that llaardstrot like horses. l':-ttih tiihmfmt 't - ' ' " - - .N--'.j..n - - . . ; . 1 for Infants and Children. Japanese Pile Cure is au unfailing cure for every kind and stage ol the disease. 4 Guaranteed by . John Y. The following announcement of a very interesting event Is found in the Chicago Dispaoth : Times are pretty hard and shrlaltag la value is no ticeable almb-t every where. Mr and Mrs Bannerol to, of, north, Washte naw avenue t he proud parents of a baby live days old that weighs one. pound only. ,. ; . Japanese Liver Pt llets are small hut rreat ia their effects : no erioin. I b) das as Hi eeats," .8oJ4 at John If. M Castorla ta o well adapted to children that I recommend tt u superior to any preacripttoa Lnowntoma." H. A Abcbkb, M. P., Ill 8a Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. "The a of 'CastorU in to unlrarsal and i:s merits ao well known that it aeema a work of Bupererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Caatorta within easy reach." Cablob ALutrat, D. D., New York Oty. Caeterl cures Colic, OoastipaUon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, KOla Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion. Without injurious medication. "For aeveral years I have recommended your Castorla,' and shall always continue to do so as it has Invariably produced beneficial result." Edww F. PaaDU, H. 125th Btreet and 7th Ave, New York City. Thk CsnTatra Compact, 77 Mcriut Snuntr, VlTW You Crrr. II Hi in an i m m Jl.L.MS S. A. L. Seabvja'd Atr-Lina. TUR JUtilT SCHEDULE Between Atlanta, Athens, Charlotte. Fay etteville, Raligh and Portsmouth, Peters burg, Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. Schedule in effect July 2, 1893. "ATLANTA. SPECIAL." No. 127 No. 134. 7 30 p m Lv Bostoi Ar 7 00 a m 12 15 a m Lv New York Ar 05 p m 7 20 a m Lv Philadelpaia At 7 18 p m 9 42 a m Lv Baltimore Ar 4 57 p m 10 57 a m Lv Washington Ar 3 40 p m 11 13 a m Lv Alexandria Ar 3 25 p m 12 46 p m " PredericksDarg " 1 42 p m 209pm " Ashland " 12 35 p m 2 38 p m Ar Kioumond Lv 12 00 m 8 10 p m Lv Richmond Ar 11 45 a m 3 43 p m " Pfttersburgj Lv 11 03 a m (Union Station) 3 51 p m " Petersburg " 10 55 a m (Washington St. Station) 6 26 p n Ar VVfidon " 9 20 a in 3 00 pm 3 11 p m 3 43 pm 4 14 p m 4 40 p m 6 61 p m 535 pm 658 p m 8 3) p m 8 00 pm 815 p m 923 p in 10 08 p m 10 b5 p m Lv Norfolk " Por'smouth 4 Suffolk Franklin " Boykins Ar Weldon Lv Weldon " Henderson Ar Durham " Raleigh Lv Raleign " Sanford ' Southern Pines Ar Hamlet Ar 11 4 a m " 1135 am Lv 11 02 a m " 10 29 am " 10 01am 925am 9 00am 7 39 a m 600am 6 30am 6 15 am 510am 424am 335am Ar Lv Ar Lv 500 p m 10 00 pro Lv Wilmington " Charlotte Lv 6 00 p m " 10 00 p m 1105 pm 11 16 p m 11 49 pi 12 50 a m 2 00 am 3 14 a m 3 57 a m 421 a ra 6 19 a m 618 am 651 am 8 30 a m 7 30 a m Lv Hamlet Ar 3 25 a m " fi'jctdngham Lv 3 16 a m " Wadeodro " 2 41 a m " Monroe " 1 S7 a m " Chester "1218am " Clinton " H07pm ' Qreenwood " 10 25 p m "Abbeville " 10 00 pm ' Klberton " 9 00pm " Athens " 815pm " Jag Tavern " 7 28pm Ar Atlanta, Eastern " 5 45 p m " Atlanta, Central' 4 45pm No. 41. PA833N3 IS R AND MAIL. No 39. 9 20 pm n 03 a m 2 30 am 410 am 9 15 a m 12 10 p m Ar Lv New York " Philadelphia " Balitimore " Washington xuenmona Ar WeMop,A.O.L.Lv At 6 50a m 3 45am 12 18 a m 11 10 p m 630pm 325pm 8 00 p m Lv New York Ar 8 01 a m 11 16 a m " PhU. N Y.P&N " o 20 a m 7 30 a m " Old Point " 7 00pm 9 10 a m Ar Portsmouth Lv 6 00 a m 200 pm 430 pm 7 00pm 7 00 am 800 am 9 35 am 12 07 pm 1215 pm 23 pm 410 pm 4 80 pm 6 00 pm 760 pm Lv New York " Philadelphia L tBaltimore Bay Line) " Old Point Ar Port&moutnt Lv Portsmouth Ar Weldon Lv Weldon 'Henderson Ar Kaleigh Lv Kaleigh " Sanford Ar Hanuet Ar Lv Ar Lv Ar Lv Ar Lv 120 pin 10 47 am 7 00am 7 00m 6 00pm 5 45 p m 3 0a i Hi 3 00 p m lU9pm 11 '5 a m 10 ' 7 a in 9 31 a ut 7i20 a m 5 00 am ar Chlotte Lv in 00 p m The fast mail lea vine New York at 4 UJ a. m., conaeots wita No 187 at Washington. . No 134 has Pullman Buffet sleepers, At lanta to Washington; connects at Washing ton with the Congressional Limited for New xortc; tartar oars, wasaiagtontoMewxorit. Wo va has mil nan sit-epars Mew York to Washingtoi., and Pullman Buffet sleepers Washington to Atlanta. Parlor cars between Portsmouth and Wel don, Sleeper, No 134 Kaleigh to Charlotte No 41 Hamlet to Wilmington. Trains No 38 connects at .Weldon with through Pullman Baffe 81eeper for Rich mond, Washington. Baltimore, Philadel phia and New York. - Train, Noll connects at Weldon with Pallmaa Sleeper for points south, via At lantic Coast Line. Waily. tDaily ezoept 8 unday. B Break fast. 1) Dinner. 88upper For information relative to schedules. &o. apply to ticket agent, .or A., J. Cooke, pas senger ageat, Raleig i . u. v. aaii'tii, iTamo Manager, L,T,Mariaa.tiapt. Mimi f Daaiille R. R. &. Samuel Soencer, F. W. Hulde koper and Beaben Foster,Re eel vers. RICH. & D4N. AND N, C. DIVISIONS, Condensed Schedule. Ia effect beptember 84, 1898. ;DAILY. Nos D&35 P. M. 1240 841 821 540 6 05 73 2 85 4 81 430 6 26 7 20 L" Winson'Salem, t6 05 SOUTHBOUND. Lv Richmond, Lv Burkeville, Lv Keysville, Ar Danville, Lv Danville, Ar Greensboro, Lv Golds boro, Ar Haieigb, Lv Raleigh, Lv Durham, Ar Greensboro, Lv Greensboro, Ar feaiisbnry, Ar Statesville, Ar Asheville, Ar Hot Springs, Lv Balisbnry, Ar Charlotte, Ar 6partanburg, Ar Greenville, Ar Atlacta, Lv Charlotte, Ar Colombia, Ar Augusta, UORTHBOUND.r Lv Augusta, Lv Colombia, Ar Charlotte, Lv Atlanta, Ar Charlotte, Lv Charlotte, Ar Salisbury, Lv Hot Springs, Lv Asheville, . Lv Statesville, Ar Salisbury, Lv Salisbury, Ar Greensboro, 738 910 917 1050 A M 1 10 1 55 6 20 P M 1185 AM 010 18 45 No 11 A. M 12 50 8 40 817 635 5 50 720 100 8 80 580 445 8 00 9 45 1106 PM 4 00 586 A Mj 960 1125 P M 8 65 405 10 15 No 87 AM 6 40 664 664 818 Nos 86&10 PM 500 9 15 AM 220 PM 645 AM 2 80 240 410 415 600 DAILY. No 18 AM AM 818 925 1187 PM 18 88 456 AM 985 PM 180 48S No 88 P M 100 480 1810 Ar Wic8ton-Salem,885 Lv Greensboro. Ar Durham, Ar Raleigh, Lv Raleigh, ArJGoldsboro, Lv Greensboro, Ar Danville, Ar Keysville, Ar Burkeville, Ar Richmond, 780 988 1030 1085; P M 1210 AM 605 .40 10 ) 1105 PM 108 9 60 100 P M 745 814 835 884 1108 9 87 12 44 2 30 711 800 1010 9.87 1140 1049 AM 18 60 1201 8 85 780 PM 1160 (AM 180 405 461 PM 1049 AM 1207 405 4 61 700 Tiki Tuauy ezoept Sunday. E Berkley, J SB Thompson, Supt. grjpt, Greensboro, N O. Richmond, Va. W A Turk, Gen Pass Agt, Washing, ton, D O. " . " i H Rardwick, A est Gen'l Pass Agt. Atlanta, Ga. W H Green. ; Sol HaeJs V Gen Man'g'r, Traffic ManVr, Washington, D O. Washington,D 0. 4 Sclentiflo American - Agency fcra. , OAVKATB. TRADE mAmiemj DESIGN PATENTS COPYRIGHT. Tar hifuriuatloB and fraa itaawihnnk n. MUMN A CO, 8til BBOXDWAT, NKW YORC. Oldest bnreaa toe aaaaring aateota In America. Krery pntent Uken out by na U broueht bofor tbe publlo bj a nouoa (ivan free of abarga ta tha ffwutifif.mitifan l4tfaast amnilatioa oi woria. eplcodldlr II aaa Nuiil ba wita Mart $M4m witath foauaauaa.9B ,"7 j,tI? tfce PTC TTVTT