WW nun VOL. XXX. RALEIGH, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8. 1893. M Xy CITT IJ BRIEF. Local Picked Up Mere and There and Boiled Down. New moon today. Th registration of fertilizers for 1883 4 has commenced. The sobool taxes as shown by the 0 Btate Auditor's returns are 1734,490. The next term of Wake Superior eoort will eommeoee Monday, Janu ary 8th. Judge Hoke will preside. Mr L T Brown, the proprietor of the Tarboro House, is oat again after a protracted spell of sickness. A ladies small cape has been found which the owner can get by cabling at this office. Mrs Bertha Deal, of Roanoke, Va., Is in the city visiting her parents Mr aud Mrs Frank Pierce. There is a wide diversity of opin ion in the papers of the president's message. - Evangelist Gales has eiosed his meetings at Salisbury on account of the death of h's sister, Mrs Ward. There are now 68 county convicts. All but eleven are at work on the roads 8end in your advertisements, Christmas" will soon be here. No time to lose. It is now rumored that the Norfolk and Western railroad is trying to get possession of the 0 F St Y V road. About 17,000 bales of cotton have been received in Halekh since Sep' tember 1st. This is about 1,01 0 in ex eess of last year. Secretary Atkinson; of the Y M O A, has decided to resign to take a position of like character at another point. See iu this ieue notice of sale of the Raleigh Land and Improvement Com pany of some valuable lots in Idle wild on January 9th 1894. Miss Love Crawford has returned to the city from Goldsboro. She is accompanied by her sister, Mrs F B Bdmunson. L R Hayes, who com? itted a mar der in South Carolina, has been ap prehended and placed in jail here. requisition has been issued for him by the Governor of South Carolina. . Mr A Dnghi has received a big or der to furnish delicacies for a grand reception at Troy, Montgomery county on the 13th. They know him far and wide. We have it f roui reliable authority that ap extensive bakery and cracker factory is soon to be started in this city. Several thousand dollars have already been pledged for the busi ness. As the festive season approaches, - remember, the poor. This weather is peculiarly hard on them. Tue women' mission are ready to make prompt distribution of cash, clothing &o. -Remember them. Our Advertisers. Toys are the great consideration for Christmas. Without them the noli- days would be drll indeed. Now there is no place where they can be obtained in greater variety or at more .satisfactory prices thn at Riggan's establishment in the Academy of Music building. Call at once and avoid the raBh. Don't forget in your rounds the 'Raleigh Stationery Company's store whe-eone of , the finest selections of goods in that line are to be seen. Beautiful Christmas gifts. Call and wee for yourself. , Snelliug St HicVs, at the corner of Fayettevilie and Morgan streets have, ; '"In addition to their regular line of drag goods; a variety of beautiful ar tides eoUable for Christmas presents. Oive them a call. Christmas would be dull indeed - without a goi d supply of bread, akes, be. ?bese can be supplied in the greatest variety' and on th best farm's bv Mr Cbas Breteoh at his flue 1 Handsome Donation. St John's Guild, of this cltv, has de cided to give the Thompson Eplseo pal Orphanage at Charlotte $2,600 raised for the "Bishop Atkiosou Me mortal Cot" in St John's Hospital, as that institution no longer exists. Decided. The j ury in the case of the Mt Holly Mining and Manufacturing Company vs the Caraleigh Phosphate and Fer tilizer Works found a verdict in favor of the plaintiff filing damages at about $5,200, but the judge deeming It inconsistent with other findings, set the verdict aside. A targe bunch of keys with chain attached has been lost for which a suitable reward will be paid if left at this office. The, State Geologist is in receipt of a large number of enquiries from i all over the comtry in regard to gold in North Carolina. Fine banan s ?5 a dozen at Doghi'a The New York Drr GohIs and Millinery Bazaar is selling bg sizes of bed comfort ables a! f 1, w ri 11.60, also a better quality at 11.5), worth 1 2. dec8 Nic Flo-ida oranges 25c a dozen, at Dugbi's Ten-qnarter white blankets at only $1, worth double it, at the New York Drv Go'ids and Millinery Bazaar. dec8 Monitor oil stoves, at Hughes'. dec8 8t, Lad es' felt hats at 25c, worth fiom 50 to 75c, at the New York Millinery Bazaar. ; dec8 Fine English dinner sets at Hughes' dec8 3t Grea reduction id millinery The New ' Ycrk Millinpry Bazaar ha reduced prices on all millinery; now ia your time for bargains. ! decS Lh dies' work baskets, at Hughes1. dec8 8t If in want of anything in the line of mil linery t ere is mo e saved by baying it from th New York Miliiuery Baziar, for the prices have been very much reduced. dec8 I W B Mann is having his store on Hargett street (of xt door to where he i is at) renovated in fi st clans style, a here he will remove bis ntir stock by the fiist of Jnnuary. To decrease ; bin s ock, be will sell groceries in lots very cheap for cash deost A great sacrifice sale is on hand in this city. It is sush a sale as is rarely seen here. About f 3,000 worth of splendid furniture is being offered to the public at 5 per. cent above cost. This gieat fvant is taking place at the splendid establishment of Messrs' Thomas & Maxwell. Don't fall to take advantage of the occasion. It will not happen again, perhaps in a life time. Duerhi has the best oysters in the citv all the time. This is f he verdict of all wbo try thun, and accouuts for the heavy demand. Bead This, It's for You, In selecting Christmas goods, make it a point to go through the crockery and glassware department at Swin- (dell's. There you will see many things oi interest Jbaraps "i an me inouern desi(rns,s'ung, sf atd, hind and piano lamps dinner sets, tea sets, toilet sets. (Largest and prettiest assort uient in town) and crockery and glass in nil considerable shapes. See this department at Swindell's, it will do no harm . Br Kin Monday Night. We wll keep our store open at night till 9 or 10 o'clock each n gbt next week. We have a tremendous stock of lolls and toys and other Christmas ' gMda, so we want all to have an op s' porton'ty of seeing and selecting, and i we think nights are better as light is abun 'ant an shows tors well under gaslight D T Swindell. A Wagon Load ot Wagons land manv more also doll carriages. ' c-irts wheelbarrows and everything '; in this Hoe to please the children and . at the same time give them a useful present. If Swindell, More Dolls than Ever Before. We have more do Is, nicer dolls, larger assortment of dolls, and at a lower price than ever offered by any onn. -i ' Swindell's is th only plw you will find a crrect assortment of dolls to elect from. DT Swiudell. Th New York Drv Goods and VilHnery Bazaar bai lust received an elegant line of goods, suitable for holiday present, consist ing of furs dress patterns, gloves 11 en and ilk handkerchiefs, mrt&ra, stamped linens, B. A Q. corsrU, underwear, tis, Ac. dc8 Fine carving sets and other table cutlery, at Hughes'. de7 2t Dog Lost. Black an ! hi setter. . . James Moore. Corner Martin and Dawson streets de5 lw pd 50 Barrels fancy and medium apples, $i 5J to $100 per barrel, at D T Johnson's. Ileal Eoglish Mackintoshes Half Price. We direct the attention of every man in Raleigh to our real English Mackintosbes.tbe most reliable water proof overgarment in the world We are now offering these Mackintoshes at exactly half price. They were $13 but are now $19.50 Thje entire line will be cheerfully shown upon request W tl St R 8 TUGKttR St CO. Fries and stews 25 cents each at A. Dugbi's Telephone 121. Wood. Coal. All kinds hard and soft coal. Also wood, out or long, constantly on hand at lowest prices. Sep ltf. T. L. Eberhardt. 25 Boxes sweet Florida or anges and more to arrive weekly at D T Johnson's. For the ttoliday Trade. A beautiful line of silk and linen handkerchiefs initial, plain, hem stitched and embroidered in surah, satin and Jhina Latest oriental de signs in tecks scarfs, puffs, four in hands and Windsor ties French novelty dress patterns suitable for presents. Kid gloves and dress shoes aud hosiery in packages is suggested as gifts of the substantial kind. OA Sherwood Sc Co. Fresh oysters at A D eight's etefli mening. Desirable Dwelling tor Bent. Six room honse, No til Blood worth street. Apply to John M Womble, with Tucker & Co del We have mide a large reduction in prices of oar ladies and misses hats. Woollcctt St Sons. We will keep our store open from the 4th to 23d December till 9 pm. Woollcott St Sons. YOU Will find the lowest prices on apples, oranges raisins. plain and mixed nuts, plain and fancy candy, -Arc. at D T Johnson's. , Cut Flowers. Bouquets, Baskets, Floral Designs, Plnis. Rubber and other foliage plants for house culture in the winter. HyacinthB, Tulips, Lilies, Nareissps and other varieties of bulbs for fall planting. Chinese Sacred Lily. Tele phone 113. selS H Stbinh btz. Florist. Turner's North Carolina Almanac the old reliable for sale at Raleigh Stationery Go's sfore, opposite post office W G Separk, manager. nol3 We have an immense stock of hand kerchiefs suitable for Christmas; we should like yon to look at them. Woollcott & bons. The Most 5 Lasting Gift and life long reminder of a friend is a handsoo e Picture. The PICTURE Apt S4E03 -AT- WATSON'S- is stocked with the best and most va ried line of pictures ever before dis played CHRISTMAS Sa'nrday, OPENING Decern!) r 21 ALFRED WIL'hMJ & CO'S SLKQA.HT LISS OF BEAUTIFUL BOOKS for the holidays will be opened for your inspection on SATURDAY MvRNING. Tou will fled just the thing you want for the best presents to give your kindred and friends. DON'T P UTOFF todav what can be done tomorrow. Send THE VISITOR to a friend or relative Take it your self It Is only SScents a month. Winter Millinery, Xmas Goods. We are offering special bargains in all trimmei Millinery for Ladies, Misses and Children. A full line of EEEEEEEEEEE V EEEEEEEEEE I INFANTA CAPSI E e EEEEEEEEEEE V EEEEEEEEEE in-hrown, nav blue ani bla'k. SJme novelties in X nai gcncU inexpensive. STAttPEI T 1 V COVERS. Boaffe and B ireau Scarfs, Ac. Prices on all goods to suit the times Call and see as. MIS? MAGGIE REESE, my2 209 F A. YETTE VILLE 8T. n WALTIBS W WEEK. Peanut Candy, Cocoanut Candy. New crop Ppanish Peanuts I wed in candy, the best in the nia-ket; 20c &. -4 - All other eoods fresh and very choice - 1 CHOCOLATE CREAM, CHOCOLATE WAi NUT8. All the various Bon Bons. Constrv-s Butter Cups and everything nice at BARBEE& POPE'S EywjM) Wants to Make Some body Happy on Christmas and I believe you can please any little boy or girl at the Racket LYON Store They have all sorts of dolls and do1! car riages and all kinds of toys an4 picture books, swap books and albums, doll trunks, banks, pistols and caps, guns, wagons, shoo fly and carts; just the things to make the little folks laueth Now for the grown-up people handkerchief nd glove bozes, comb cas s, manaure sets, pictures, albums, watches, clocks and jewelry, gloves, hand kerchief s, large easels, cloaks an1 capes, sleighs, bed blankets andorse blankets. iin REESE the iw:m STORE Hardware - ? . .... .; PISTOLS, SHELLS AND o-crisr o-ooiDs. IXMINK THI NEW 8TTLI STAR OIL STOYG HEATER. E&-SBND FOR CIRCULAR..! RALEIGH, N.O. ire you Interested h Low Prices? THE GRANDEST OPPORTUNITY AWAITS YOJ. rremonfiou MAHK DOWN on Uertaiu Lines. Our Prices Gladdens the Hearts oi Ecouomic Buyers. Our '"'all ni Winter sttflk was nover bet ter. 8ales larger or values of such intrinsic worth as now. Our a lvert'8emmt9 are as eooi as treasurv notes for our nromises. Purchases are pqual to a savi ng? bank deposit. Hnreliaole ooas never nna a place oa our counters. Money re'undei at anytime if si dired. Vith thes laots before vou what are vou going to do about it? DID YOU EVE it BUV 25 Seal Plush Capes for 19 78? 22 Co'umbia ( oats for $8 75? 20 Worth Jackets for 7.61? We answer, nobody does this. WHO EVJBtSOLT Burt & Packard's $5 shoes $2.93 ? Blacker, Qewtle fc Co. $3.50 Kid Boots for $1.81? Harris' 12 Wool Cassimeres for 73c? We answer, nobodv does this, vet msnv adopt this style of advertising. It is a statement. The f 'ct that an article is reducd in price is self-evidint that it is not worth any more. a siraignt tir, square deal ana Honest rextment satisfies all. Our prices, stock throush and thronsh. ire lower than others Think a moment. compare expens s, figure a iitle, tne ad vantage you readily ate is ours. Vehave the nerve to mark low. Nothing pleases the people so wen, gains tneir commence or holds their trad' ai the foundation princi ples noon which we rests our claim for Dub- lic patronage. Dry Geodu, Motions, SIGNS OF ' XMAS. Oar buyer is just back fro n the northern markets and all over our house may bs noticed "Signs cf Xmas." The many holiday attract ions secured by him will be ready during the week. We will show some trifles, liS i A. Snoi & Co but tin greater portion of our vastsWk will be those goods which possess beauty aarJ are for practical use besides. mm i.mmm 123 and 125 FayetteviHe atreet .

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